public static sourceTechnique_common MakeAccessor(string type, string[] components, int stride, int elements, string arrayId) { var sourceTechnique = new sourceTechnique_common(); var accessor = new accessor(); var accessorParams = new List <param>(); foreach (var component in components) { var param = new param(); if (component.Length > 0) { = component; } param.type = type; accessorParams.Add(param); } accessor.param = accessorParams.ToArray(); accessor.source = "#" + arrayId; accessor.stride = (ulong)(components.Length * stride); accessor.offset = 0; accessor.count = (ulong)(elements / stride); sourceTechnique.accessor = accessor; return(sourceTechnique); }
public int SortAndGetTop(IComparer <HandSetFeatures> comparer, accessor getter) { System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Contents"); int counter = 0; try { foreach (var mobile in bag) { stringBuilder.Append(" --> " + mobile.ToString() + "\r\n"); } bag.Sort(comparer); } catch (Exception xception) { throw new Exception("Error = " + xception.ToString() + stringBuilder.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < bag.Count; ++i) { double temp = getter(bag[i]); ++counter; if (counter >= BotConstants.MAX_CAROUSEL_CARDS) // MAX+CAROUSEL_CARDS = minimum possible to show in caroussel but you've got to have at least 2 different { if (((i + 1) >= bag.Count) || (getter(bag[i + 1]) != temp)) { break; } } } return(counter); }
public static accessor MakeTexCoordAccessor(ulong count, string source) { accessor acc = new accessor(); acc.stride = 2; acc.count = count; acc.source = "#" + source; acc.param = new param[] { MakeParam("S", "float"), MakeParam("T", "float") }; return(acc); }
public static accessor MakeColorAccessor(ulong count, string source) { accessor acc = new accessor(); acc.stride = 3; acc.count = count; acc.source = "#" + source; acc.param = new param[] { MakeParam("R", "float"), MakeParam("G", "float"), MakeParam("B", "float") }; return(acc); }
public double GetHighStandardThreshold(IComparer <HandSetFeatures> comparer, accessor getter) { double min, max, temp; bag.Sort(comparer); min = getter(bag[0]); max = getter(bag[bag.Count - 1]); if (min > max) { temp = min; min = max; max = temp; return(min + (max - min) / 100 * 70); } return(min + (max - min) / 100 * 30); }
public void Export(RootEntity[] entities, string selectedPath) { for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++) { var entity = entities[i]; var modelCount = entity.ChildEntities.Length; var geometries = new library_geometries { geometry = new geometry[modelCount] }; var visualSceneNodes = new node[modelCount]; const string visualSceneName = "visual-scene"; var visualScenes = new library_visual_scenes { visual_scene = new[] { new visual_scene { id = visualSceneName, name = visualSceneName, node = visualSceneNodes } } }; for (int j = 0; j < modelCount; j++) { var model = (ModelEntity)entity.ChildEntities[j]; var modelName = string.Format("model-{0}-lib", j); var materialName = string.Format("{0}-material", modelName); var triangleCount = model.Triangles.Count(); var elementGroupCount = triangleCount * 3; var elementCount = elementGroupCount * 3; var acessorParams = new[] { new param { name = "X", type = "float" }, new param { name = "Y", type = "float" }, new param { name = "Z", type = "float" } }; #region Position var positionArrayName = string.Format("{0}-positions-array", modelName); var positionAccessor = new accessor { count = (ulong)elementGroupCount, offset = 0, source = string.Format("#{0}", positionArrayName), stride = 3, param = acessorParams }; var positionTechnique = new sourceTechnique_common { accessor = positionAccessor }; var positionArrayValues = new double[elementCount]; var positionArray = new float_array { id = positionArrayName, count = (ulong)elementCount, Values = positionArrayValues }; var positionName = string.Format("{0}-positions", modelName); var positionSource = new source { id = positionName, name = "position", Item = positionArray, technique_common = positionTechnique }; #endregion #region Normal var normalArrayName = string.Format("{0}-normals-array", modelName); var normalAccessor = new accessor { count = (ulong)elementGroupCount, offset = 0, source = string.Format("#{0}", normalArrayName), stride = 3, param = acessorParams }; var normalTechinique = new sourceTechnique_common { accessor = normalAccessor }; var normalArrayValues = new double[elementCount]; var normalArray = new float_array { id = normalArrayName, count = (ulong)elementCount, Values = normalArrayValues }; var normalName = string.Format("{0}-normals", modelName); var normalSource = new source { id = normalName, name = "normal", Item = normalArray, technique_common = normalTechinique }; #endregion #region Processing var triangleIndices = new StringBuilder(); for (int l = 0; l < model.Triangles.Length; l++) { var triangle = model.Triangles[l]; for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++) { var elementIndex = l * 3 + k; var vertex = triangle.Vertices[k]; var normal = triangle.Normals[k]; var color = triangle.Colors[k]; var uv = triangle.Uv[k]; positionArrayValues[elementIndex] = vertex.X; positionArrayValues[elementIndex + 1] = vertex.Y; positionArrayValues[elementIndex + 2] = vertex.Z; normalArrayValues[elementIndex] = normal.X; normalArrayValues[elementIndex + 1] = normal.Y; normalArrayValues[elementIndex + 2] = normal.Z; triangleIndices.Append(elementIndex); triangleIndices.Append(" "); } } #endregion #region Vertices var verticesName = string.Format("{0}-vertices", modelName); var triangles = new triangles { count = (ulong)triangleCount, material = materialName, input = new[] { new InputLocalOffset { offset = 0, semantic = "VERTEX", source = string.Format("#{0}", verticesName) }//, //new InputLocalOffset //{ // offset = 1, // semantic = "NORMAL", // source = string.Format("#{0}", normalName) //} }, p = triangleIndices.ToString() }; #endregion #region Mesh var mesh = new mesh { source = new[] { positionSource, normalSource }, vertices = new vertices { id = verticesName, input = new[] { new InputLocal { semantic = "POSITION", source = string.Format("#{0}", positionName) } } }, Items = new object[] { triangles } }; #endregion #region Geometry var geometryName = string.Format("{0}-geometry", modelName); var geometry = new geometry { id = geometryName, name = geometryName, Item = mesh }; geometries.geometry[j] = geometry; #endregion #region Visual Node var visualSceneNodeName = string.Format("{0}-node", modelName); visualSceneNodes[j] = new node { name = visualSceneNodeName, id = visualSceneNodeName, instance_geometry = new[] { new instance_geometry { url = string.Format("#{0}", geometryName) } } }; #endregion } var collada = new COLLADA { Items = new Object[] { geometries, visualScenes }, scene = new COLLADAScene { instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra { url = string.Format("#{0}", visualSceneName) } } }; var fileName = string.Format("{0}/dae{1}.dae", selectedPath, i); collada.Save(fileName); } }
public double ComputeMiddle(accessor getter) { return((bag.Max(x => getter(x)) + bag.Min(x => getter(x))) / 2); }
public void GetMaxAndMinLimits(accessor getter, out double min, out double max) { min = bag.Min(x => getter(x)); max = bag.Max(x => getter(x)); }