/// <summary> /// 从清单索引插入到清单 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CurrQD == null) { return; } if (iform.comboxTreelist1.CheckNodes.Count < 1) { this.Alert("请选择定额号"); return; } IEnumerable <DataRowView> views = iform.comboxTreelist1.CheckNodes.Cast <DataRowView>().OrderBy(p => p["DINGEH"].ToString()); ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); a.AddRange(views.ToList()); int intStart = 0; foreach (DataRowView item in a) { _Entity_SubInfo info = new _Entity_SubInfo(); ///【2013.2.27 李波更改,作用处理各种备注来源】 GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfo(info, item.Row, this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName, "CXCK", ++intStart, this.CurrQD.OLDXMBM); _Methods_Fixed fix = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, this.CurrQD); fix.Create(-1, info); } this.ExpandNode(); //BindData(); //this.bindingSource5.ResetBindings(false); iform.TreeListResate(); }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QueryForm pform = this.ParentForm as QueryForm; if (pform == null) { return; } if (pform.CurrQD == null) { return; } _Entity_SubInfo info1 = new _Entity_SubInfo(); DataRow row = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.GetRowByOther(pform.CurrQD.ID.ToString()); if (row == null) { return; } _ObjectSource.GetObject(info1, row); pform.CurrQD = info1; foreach (TreeListNode node in this.treeListEx1.Nodes) { treeListEx1_AfterCheckNode(this.treeListEx1, new DevExpress.XtraTreeList.NodeEventArgs(node)); } foreach (DataRowView item in this.treeListEx1.CheckNodes) { _Entity_SubInfo info = new _Entity_SubInfo(); GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfoByTJ(info, item.Row, this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName); DataRow[] rows = this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.LibraryDataSet.Tables["定额表"].Select("DINGEH='" + info.OLDXMBM + "'"); if (rows.Length > 0) { info.JX = rows[0]["JIANGX"].Equals("是") ? true : false; info.TX = rows[0]["TX1"].ToString(); } // info.IsHs = false; _Methods_Fixed fix = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, pform.CurrQD); fix.Create(-1, info); } pform.BindData(); }
/// <summary> /// 插入定额 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void sButtonOK_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CurrQD == null) { return; } DataRowView view = qf.bindingSource1.Current as DataRowView; if (view != null) { _Entity_SubInfo info = new _Entity_SubInfo(); ///【2013.2.27 李波更改,作用处理各种备注来源】 GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfo(info, view.Row, this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName, "CXCK", 1, this.CurrQD.OLDXMBM); // Sform.subSegmentListData1.Z_Inset(info); _Methods_Fixed fix = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, this.CurrQD); fix.Create(-1, info); this.ExpandNode(); //Sform.subSegmentListData1.FocusedNode(info.ID); this.BindData(); } }
/// <summary> /// 刷新定额 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CurrQD == null) { return; } SubSegmentForm pform = this.ParentForm as SubSegmentForm; if (pform != null) { pform.ChangePositionChanged(false); } DialogResult dr = MsgBox.Show("是:删除重套定额!否:追加选中定额!取消:取消本次操作!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { //this.CurrQD.RemoveAll(); //删除所有子目 DataRow[] rows = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.Select(string.Format("PID={0}", this.CurrQD.ID)); for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { rows[i].Delete(); } } if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } DataRow r = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.GetRowByOther(this.CurrQD.ID.ToString()); _ObjectSource.GetObject(this.CurrQD, r); string DEH = string.Empty; int intSD = 0; foreach (TreeListNode item1 in this.treeListEx1.Nodes) { if (!item1.Checked) { continue; } DataRowView item = this.treeListEx1.GetDataRecordByNode(item1) as DataRowView; _Entity_SubInfo info = new _Entity_SubInfo(); DataTable dt = this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.LibraryDataSet.Tables["定额表"]; if (dt == null) { return; } string xmbm = item["TZDEH"].ToString(); string temp = xmbm.Split(' ')[0]; temp = temp.Replace("换", ""); DataRow[] rows = dt.Select(string.Format(" DINGEH='{0}'", temp)); if (rows == null) { return; } if (rows.Length < 1) { return; } GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfo(info, rows[0], this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName, "XMTZ", ++intSD, this.CurrQD.OLDXMBM); //GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfo(info, rows[0], this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName); info.XMBM = xmbm; _Methods_Fixed fix = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, this.CurrQD); fix.Create(-1, info); DEH += item["TZDEH"].ToString() + ","; } if (pform != null) { pform.ChangePositionChanged(true); } //if (DEH.Length > 0) DEH = DEH.Substring(0, DEH.Length - 1); //string XMNR = string.Empty; //foreach (DataRowView item in this.bindingSource1) //{ // if (item["xmtz"] is ComboBoxSoucer) // { // XMNR += (item["xmtz"] as ComboBoxSoucer).TZname + ","; // } // else // { // XMNR += ""+ ","; // } //} //if (XMNR.Length > 0) XMNR = XMNR.Substring(0, XMNR.Length - 1); //this.CurrQD.XMTZZ = XMNR + "|" + DEH; // RefreshSubSegment(); }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SubSegmentForm pform = this.ParentForm as SubSegmentForm; if (pform != null) { pform.ChangePositionChanged(false); } if (this.CurrQD == null) { return; } // DialogResult dl = MessageBox.Show("是否删除原有子目并继续?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); DialogResult dl = MsgBox.Show("是:删除重套定额!否:追加选中定额!取消:取消本次操作!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (dl == DialogResult.Yes) { DataRow[] rows = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.Select(string.Format("PID={0}", this.CurrQD.ID)); for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { rows[i].Delete(); } } if (dl == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } DataRow r = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.GetRowByOther(this.CurrQD.ID.ToString()); _ObjectSource.GetObject(this.CurrQD, r); GetCheckNodes(); string DEH = string.Empty; int intSD = 0; foreach (DataRowView item in this.treeListEx1.CheckNodes) { _Entity_SubInfo info = new _Entity_SubInfo(); GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfo(info, item.Row, this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName, "GCNR", ++intSD, this.CurrQD.OLDXMBM); //GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.SetSubheadingsInfo(info, item.Row, this.Activitie.Property.Libraries.FixedLibrary.FullName); _Methods_Fixed fix = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, this.CurrQD); fix.Create(-1, info); DEH += item["DINGEH"].ToString() + ","; } if (pform != null) { pform.ChangePositionChanged(true); } //if (DEH.Length > 0) DEH = DEH.Substring(0, DEH.Length - 1); //getDE(); //string XMNR = string.Empty; //foreach (DataRowView item in this.m_DEBH) //{ // XMNR += item["NEIRBH"] + "=" + item["check"] + ","; //} //if (XMNR.Length > 0) XMNR = XMNR.Substring(0, XMNR.Length-1); //this.CurrQD.XMNR = XMNR + "|" + DEH; // RefreshSubSegment(); }
/// <summary> /// 第一个石灰转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSubmit1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radioGroup1.SelectedIndex == 1) { ArrayList m_ArrayList = this.GetAllSub(string.Format("ZCLB='W' AND YSBH IN({0})", _Constant.石灰转换定额范围)); DataRow new_info = GetSSH(); foreach (DataRow item in m_ArrayList) { decimal yxhl = 0m; decimal xhl = 0m; DataRow sshkg = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W'AND YSBH='10900'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"])).FirstOrDefault(); DataRow ssht = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W'AND YSBH='10901'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"])).FirstOrDefault(); if (sshkg != null) { yxhl += _ConvertUnit.Convert(sshkg["DW"].ToString(), "千克") * ToolKit.ParseDecimal(sshkg["XHL"]); xhl += _ConvertUnit.Convert(sshkg["DW"].ToString(), "千克") * ToolKit.ParseDecimal(sshkg["XHL"]) * 1.3m; sshkg.Delete(); } if (ssht != null) { yxhl += _ConvertUnit.Convert(ssht["DW"].ToString(), "千克") * ToolKit.ParseDecimal(ssht["XHL"]); xhl += _ConvertUnit.Convert(ssht["DW"].ToString(), "千克") * ToolKit.ParseDecimal(ssht["XHL"]) * 1.3m; ssht.Delete(); } new_info["YSXHL"] = xhl; new_info["XHL"] = xhl; new_info["CTIME"] = DateTime.Now; new_info["SSLB"] = item["SSLB"]; new_info["EnID"] = item["EnID"]; new_info["UnID"] = item["UnID"]; new_info["ZMID"] = item["ID"]; new_info["QDID"] = item["PID"]; new_info["PID"] = DBNull.Value; this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Add(new_info); DataRow rg = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB='{0}' AND ZMID={1} AND LB='{2}'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"], "人工"), "YSBH").FirstOrDefault(); if (rg != null) { rg["XHL"] = ToolKit.ParseDecimal(rg["XHL"]) - (yxhl * 0.001m) * 0.478m; } DataRow sui = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB='{0}' AND ZMID={1} AND YSBH='{2}'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"], "11610"), "YSBH").FirstOrDefault(); if (sui != null) { sui["XHL"] = ToolKit.ParseDecimal(sui["XHL"]) - (yxhl * 0.001m) * 0.043m; } _Entity_SubInfo m_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_Entity_SubInfo, item); _Methods_Subheadings m_Methods_Subheadings = new _Methods_Subheadings(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, m_Entity_SubInfo); m_Methods_Subheadings.Begin(null); } MsgBox.Alert("【" + m_ArrayList.Count + "】条子目 生石灰-转换-熟石灰"); } else { int m_index = 0; ArrayList m_ArrayList = this.GetAllSub("ZCLB='W' AND YSBH='10905'"); foreach (DataRow item in m_ArrayList) { _Entity_SubInfo m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = null; _Entity_SubInfo m_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_Entity_SubInfo, item); if (m_Entity_SubInfo.SSLB == 0) { m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); DataRow dr_qd = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.GetRowByOther(m_Entity_SubInfo.PID.ToString()); if (dr_qd != null) { _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_QD_Entity_SubInfo, dr_qd); _Methods_Fixed m_Methods_Fixed = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, m_QD_Entity_SubInfo); _Entity_SubInfo f_Entity_SubInfo = GetZMByID(m_Entity_SubInfo.OLDXMBM); if (f_Entity_SubInfo != null) { item.Delete(); f_Entity_SubInfo.BEIZHU = GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.GetDEbeizhu("GCSZ", ++m_index, m_Methods_Fixed.Current.OLDXMBM); m_Methods_Fixed.Create(m_Entity_SubInfo.Sort - 1, f_Entity_SubInfo); } } } else { m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); DataRow dr_qd = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelMeasures.GetRowByOther(m_Entity_SubInfo.PID.ToString()); if (dr_qd != null) { _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_QD_Entity_SubInfo, dr_qd); _Mothods_MFixed m_Mothods_MFixed = new _Mothods_MFixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, m_QD_Entity_SubInfo); _Entity_SubInfo c_Entity_SubInfo = GetZMByID(m_Entity_SubInfo.OLDXMBM); if (c_Entity_SubInfo != null) { item.Delete(); c_Entity_SubInfo.BEIZHU = GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.GetDEbeizhu("GCSZ", ++m_index, m_Mothods_MFixed.Current.OLDXMBM); m_Mothods_MFixed.Create(m_Entity_SubInfo.Sort - 1, c_Entity_SubInfo); } } } } MsgBox.Alert("【" + m_ArrayList.Count + "】条子目 熟石灰-转换-生石灰"); } }
/// <summary> /// 第三个模板应用 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSubmit3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radioGroup3.SelectedIndex == 1) { DataRow qd_dr = this.btnEdit1.Tag as DataRow; if (qd_dr != null) { ArrayList m_ArrayList = this.GetAllMBSub(); if (m_ArrayList.Count > 0) { _Entity_SubInfo m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_QD_Entity_SubInfo, qd_dr); _Mothods_MFixed m_Mothods_MFixed = new _Mothods_MFixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, m_QD_Entity_SubInfo); _Entity_SubInfo m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); foreach (DataRow item in m_ArrayList) { item["SC"] = false; _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo, item); m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo.SC = true; m_Mothods_MFixed.Create(-1, m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo); DataRow[] csxm_drs = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1}", m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo.SSLB, m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo.ID)); foreach (DataRow csxm_glj_item in csxm_drs) { csxm_glj_item.Delete(); } DataRow[] fbfx_drs = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1}", item["SSLB"], item["ID"])); foreach (DataRow fbfx_glj_item in fbfx_drs) { fbfx_glj_item["QDID"] = m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo.PID; fbfx_glj_item["ZMID"] = m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo.ID; fbfx_glj_item["SSLB"] = m_ZM_Entity_SubInfo.SSLB; } } } MsgBox.Alert("【" + m_ArrayList.Count + "】条子目 模板到措施成功"); } } else { DialogResult dl = MessageBox.Show("您确认将模板还原到分部分项?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dl == DialogResult.No) { return; } DataRow[] drs = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelMeasures.Select("TX='模板'"); if (drs.Length > 0) { _Methods_Fixed m_Methods_Fixed = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, null); _Entity_SubInfo m_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); foreach (DataRow item in drs) { _Entity_SubInfo info = null; DataRow qd_dr = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.GetRowByOther(item["QDBH"].ToString()); DataRow zm_dr = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.Select(string.Format("QDBH='{0}' and XMBM='{1}'", item["QDBH"], item["XMBM"])).FirstOrDefault(); if (qd_dr != null) { info = new _Entity_SubInfo(); _ObjectSource.GetObject(info, qd_dr); m_Methods_Fixed.Current = info; } if (info != null) { if (zm_dr == null) { m_Entity_SubInfo.SC = true; _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_Entity_SubInfo, item); m_Methods_Fixed.Create(-1, m_Entity_SubInfo); DataRow[] fbfx_drs = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("ZMID={0} and SSLB={1}", m_Entity_SubInfo.ID, m_Entity_SubInfo.SSLB)); foreach (DataRow fbfx_glj_item in fbfx_drs) { fbfx_glj_item.Delete(); } } else { zm_dr["SC"] = true; _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_Entity_SubInfo, zm_dr); } DataRow[] csxm_drs = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("ZMID={0} and SSLB={1}", item["ID"], item["SSLB"])); foreach (DataRow csxm_drs_item in csxm_drs) { csxm_drs_item["QDID"] = m_Entity_SubInfo.PID; csxm_drs_item["ZMID"] = m_Entity_SubInfo.ID; csxm_drs_item["SSLB"] = m_Entity_SubInfo.SSLB; } } item.Delete(); } MsgBox.Alert("【" + drs.Length + "】条子目 模板到分部成功"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 第二个砂浆转换 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSubmit2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { APP.UserPriceLibrary.AllQuantityUnit = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity; APP.UserPriceLibrary.UnName = this.Activitie.Name; APP.UserPriceLibrary.Range = 1; if (this.radioGroup2.SelectedIndex == 1) { ArrayList m_ArrayList = this.GetAllSub("ZCLB='W' AND YSBH='J06016' AND XHL <> 0"); int count = m_ArrayList.Count; //抹灰工程 foreach (DataRow item in m_ArrayList) { DataRow[] mh = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W' AND YSBH IN({2})", item["SSLB"], item["ID"], _Constant.抹灰工程定额范围)); if (mh.Length > 0) { DataRow rg = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W' AND LB='人工'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"]), "YSBH").FirstOrDefault(); DataRow jx = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W' AND BH='J06016'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"]), "YSBH").FirstOrDefault(); decimal rgxhl = 0m; foreach (DataRow dr in mh) { if (!dr["MC"].ToString().Contains("(预拌砂浆)")) { dr.BeginEdit(); dr["MC"] = dr["MC"].ToString() + "(预拌砂浆)"; APP.UserPriceLibrary.Update("MC", dr["MC", DataRowVersion.Current], dr); dr.EndEdit(); } } //修改消耗量 foreach (DataRow mhs in mh) { rgxhl += ToolKit.ParseDecimal(mhs["XHL"]) * 1.1m * _ConvertUnit.Convert(mhs["DW"].ToString(), "立方米"); } if (rg != null) { rg["XHL"] = ToolKit.ParseDecimal(rg["XHL"]) - rgxhl; } if (jx != null) { jx["XHL"] = 0m; } } //砌筑工程 DataRow[] qz = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W' AND YSBH IN ({2}) ", item["SSLB"], item["ID"], _Constant.筑工程定额范围)); if (qz.Count() > 0) { DataRow rg = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W' AND LB='人工'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"]), "YSBH").FirstOrDefault(); DataRow jx = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelQuantity.Select(string.Format("SSLB={0} AND ZMID={1} AND ZCLB='W' AND BH='J06016'", item["SSLB"], item["ID"]), "YSBH").FirstOrDefault(); decimal rgxhl = 0m; //修改名称 DataRow dr = qz.FirstOrDefault(); if (dr != null) { if (!dr["MC"].ToString().Contains("(预拌砂浆)")) { dr.BeginEdit(); dr["MC"] = dr["MC"].ToString() + "(预拌砂浆)"; APP.UserPriceLibrary.Update("MC", dr["MC", DataRowVersion.Current], dr); dr.EndEdit(); } } foreach (DataRow qzs in qz) { rgxhl += ToolKit.ParseDecimal(qzs["XHL"]) * 0.69m * _ConvertUnit.Convert(qzs["DW"].ToString(), "立方米"); } if (rg != null) { rg["XHL"] = ToolKit.ParseDecimal(rg["XHL"]) - rgxhl; } if (jx != null) { jx["XHL"] = 0m; } } string m_NewSubheadings = item["EnID"] + "," + item["UnID"] + "," + item["SSLB"] + "," + item["ID"] + "|"; if (!APP.UserPriceLibrary.SubheadingsInfo.Contains(m_NewSubheadings)) { APP.UserPriceLibrary.SubheadingsInfo += m_NewSubheadings; } } _Methods_Subheadings m_Methods_Subheadings = new _Methods_Subheadings(this.Activitie); m_Methods_Subheadings.BatchCalculate(); MsgBox.Alert("【" + count + "】条子目 现场制拌砂浆-转换-预拌砂浆"); } else { int m_index = 0; ArrayList m_ArrayList = this.GetAllSub("ZCLB='W' AND YSBH='J06016' AND XHL=0"); foreach (DataRow item in m_ArrayList) { _Entity_SubInfo m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = null; _Entity_SubInfo m_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_Entity_SubInfo, item); if (m_Entity_SubInfo.SSLB == 0) { m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); DataRow dr_qd = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelSubSegments.GetRowByOther(m_Entity_SubInfo.PID.ToString()); if (dr_qd != null) { _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_QD_Entity_SubInfo, dr_qd); _Methods_Fixed m_Methods_Fixed = new _Methods_Fixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, m_QD_Entity_SubInfo); _Entity_SubInfo f_Entity_SubInfo = GetZMByID(m_Entity_SubInfo.OLDXMBM); if (f_Entity_SubInfo != null) { item.Delete(); f_Entity_SubInfo.BEIZHU = GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.GetDEbeizhu("GCSZ", ++m_index, m_Methods_Fixed.Current.OLDXMBM); m_Methods_Fixed.Create(m_Entity_SubInfo.Sort - 1, f_Entity_SubInfo); } } } else { m_QD_Entity_SubInfo = new _Entity_SubInfo(); DataRow dr_qd = this.Activitie.StructSource.ModelMeasures.GetRowByOther(m_Entity_SubInfo.PID.ToString()); if (dr_qd != null) { _ObjectSource.GetObject(m_QD_Entity_SubInfo, dr_qd); _Mothods_MFixed m_Mothods_MFixed = new _Mothods_MFixed(this.CurrentBusiness, this.Activitie, m_QD_Entity_SubInfo); _Entity_SubInfo c_Entity_SubInfo = GetZMByID(m_Entity_SubInfo.OLDXMBM); if (c_Entity_SubInfo != null) { item.Delete(); c_Entity_SubInfo.BEIZHU = GLODSOFT.QDJJ.BUSINESS._Methods.GetDEbeizhu("GCSZ", ++m_index, m_Mothods_MFixed.Current.OLDXMBM); m_Mothods_MFixed.Create(m_Entity_SubInfo.Sort - 1, c_Entity_SubInfo); } } } } MsgBox.Alert("【" + m_ArrayList.Count + "】条子目 预拌砂浆-转换-现场制拌砂浆"); } }