/// <summary>
            /// must be performed after distance is ready
            /// </summary>
            private void _CalcPercentage()

                for (int i = 0; i < m_Cont.Length; ++i)
                    _Data data = m_Cont[i];
                    float dist = data.dist;

                    if (dist > m_Range)
                        data.percentage = 0;
                        float t          = dist / m_Range;
                        float percentage = m_Atten.Evaluate(t); // the curve would be better a [1, 0] curve, decreasing
                        data.percentage = percentage;
                        //Dbg.Log("_CalcPercentage: i:{0}, p:{1}", i, percentage);

            private Vector3[] m_CachedVertPos; //used in dragging handle, cache the starting position of verts

            #endregion "data"

            #region "public method"
            // public method

            public void Init(EditableMesh m, MeshSelection sel, Pivotor p)
                m_Mesh      = m;
                m_Selection = sel;
                m_Pivot     = p;
                Dbg.Assert(m_Pivot != null, "SoftSelection.Init: pivotor is null");

                m_Range = 1f;

                m_Cont = new _Data[m.mesh.vertexCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < m_Cont.Length; ++i)
                    m_Cont[i] = new _Data();

                m_EffectVertIdxLst = new VLst();

                m_Mode        = Mode.Off;
                m_PrepareMode = PrepareMode.Always;

                // atten curve
                var res = (SoftSelectionRes)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(SOFTSEL_ATTEN_CURVE_PATH, typeof(SoftSelectionRes));

                if (res == null)
                    res = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SoftSelectionRes>();
                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(res, SOFTSEL_ATTEN_CURVE_PATH);
                    res = (SoftSelectionRes)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(SOFTSEL_ATTEN_CURVE_PATH, typeof(SoftSelectionRes));
                    Dbg.Assert(res != null, "SoftSelection.Init: failed to create curve asset for SoftSelection");
                m_Atten = res.attenCurve;

                MeshManipulator.evtHandleDraggingStateChanged += this._OnHandleDraggingStateChanged;
 //Duomenys šalinami iš masyvo ir pastumiami, jei nebėra duomenų
 public void Salinti(_Data reiksme)
     lock (Ivarciai)
         for (int i = 0; i < Ivarciai.Count(); i++)
             if (Ivarciai[i] != null)
                 if (Ivarciai[i].getRikiavimoLaukas() == reiksme.getRikiavimoLaukas())
                     if (Ivarciai[i].getKiekis() == 1)
                         for (int j = i; j < Ivarciai.Count(); j++)
                             if (j + 1 != Ivarciai.Count())
                                 Ivarciai[j] = Ivarciai[j + 1];
                                 Ivarciai[j] = null;
                         //arYra = true;
        //Šalinančiųjų gijų metodas
        public static void Skaitytojas(int[] nr)
            _Data temp;
            bool  pap;

            for (int i = 0; i < nr.Length; i++)
                temp = new _Data(nr[i]);


            pap = K[0].Tuscias();

            if (!pap)
                for (int i = 0; i < nr.Length; i++)
                    temp = new _Data(nr[i]);

Exemple #5
 public Script(string filename)
     if (!File.Exists(Glance.BuildSetting.scriptsDir + filename))
         throw new ArgumentException("script file not found " + Glance.BuildSetting.scriptsDir + filename);
     FileName = Glance.BuildSetting.scriptsDir + filename;
     _data    = new _Data(this);
        //Rašančiųjų gijų metodas
        public static void Rasytojas(int nr)
            _Data temp;

            for (int i = 0; i < K[nr].kiekis(); i++)
                temp = new _Data(K[nr].Imti(i).getRikiavimoLaukas());
Exemple #7
 public void Cancel()
     if (_data == null)
     foreach (var r in _data.sciDoc.ZTempRanges_Enum(this))
     _data = null;
Exemple #8
 void _CancelUI()
     if (_data == null)
     foreach (var r in _data.sci.ZTempRanges_Enum(this))
     _data = null;
        //Iš pradinių duomenų masyvų paimami rikiavimo lauka ir yra įrašomi į duomenų struktūros(rikiavimo laukas, kiekis) masyvus
        public static void Perrasyti()
            _Data temp;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                K[i] = new _Konteineris(P[i].Count);
                for (int j = 0; j < P[i].Count; j++)
                    temp = new _Data(P[i].Imti(j).getIvarciai());
                    K[i].DetiPaprastai(temp, j);
            //Duomenys įdedami į masyvą surikiuotai
            public void Deti(_Data reiksme)
                lock (Ivarciai)
                    bool arYra = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < Ivarciai.Count(); i++)
                        if (Ivarciai[i] != null)
                            if (Ivarciai[i].getRikiavimoLaukas() == reiksme.getRikiavimoLaukas())
                                arYra = true;

                    if (!arYra)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Ivarciai.Count(); i++)
                            if (Ivarciai[i] != null)
                                if (reiksme.getRikiavimoLaukas() < Ivarciai[i].getRikiavimoLaukas())
                                    _Data temp = Ivarciai[i];
                                    _Data temp2;
                                    Ivarciai[i] = reiksme;

                                    for (int j = i + 1; j < Ivarciai.Count(); j++)
                                        temp2       = Ivarciai[j];
                                        Ivarciai[j] = temp;
                                        temp        = temp2;
                                Ivarciai[i] = reiksme;
Exemple #11
        void _PlayBgm(string key)

            _Data _data = _poolBgm[key];

            if (_sourceBgm.isPlaying && _sourceBgm.clip.Equals(_data.Clip))

            // 再生
            _sourceBgm.clip = _data.Clip;
            /// <summary>
            /// calculate for each vert, the minimum distance to a seed vert
            /// </summary>
            private void _CalcDist(VLst selectedVerts)
                Transform meshTr = m_Mesh.transform;

                Mesh m = m_Mesh.mesh;

                Vector3[] oriVerts = m.vertices; //original verts pos

                // generate the transformed verts
                Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[oriVerts.Length]; //the verts transformed by matrix
                for (int i = 0; i < m.vertexCount; ++i)
                    verts[i] = meshTr.TransformPoint(oriVerts[i]);

                // calc distances
                int found = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_Cont.Length; ++i)
                    _Data lhs = m_Cont[i];
                    if (lhs.percentage == 1f)

                    Vector3 lhsPos = verts[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < selectedVerts.Count; ++j)
                        int     seedVertIdx = selectedVerts[j];
                        Vector3 seedPos     = verts[seedVertIdx];

                        float d = Vector3.Distance(seedPos, lhsPos);

                        lhs.dist = Mathf.Min(lhs.dist, d);

                    if (lhs.dist < m_Range)

                //Dbg.Log("SoftSelection._CalcDist: found {0}", found);
Exemple #13
 void _LoadBgm(string key)
     if (_poolBgm.ContainsKey(key))
     _poolBgm.Add(key, new _Data(key, key, DateTime.Now));
     if (_poolBgm.Count > MAX_BGM)
         _Data old = _poolBgm.Last().Value;
         foreach (_Data d in _poolBgm.Values)
             if (d.addTime < old.addTime)
                 old = d;
Exemple #14
        void _PlayVoice(string key)

            // リソースの取得
            _Data _data = _poolVoice[key];

            _data.addTime = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (AudioSource source in _sourceVoiceArray)
                if (source.name == key)

            foreach (AudioSource source in _sourceVoiceArray)
                if (!source.isPlaying)
                    source.clip = _data.Clip;

            _sourceVoiceArray.Add(_object.AddComponent <AudioSource>());
            _SetVolume(eType.Voice, DEFAULT_VOLUME_VOICE);
            _sourceVoiceArray.Last().clip = _data.Clip;
Exemple #15
    void _ShowSignature(SciCode doc, char ch)
        if (!CodeInfo.GetContextAndDocument(out var cd, -2))
            return;                                                         //returns false if position is in meta comments
        var trigger   = new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(ch == default ? SignatureHelpTriggerReason.InvokeSignatureHelpCommand : SignatureHelpTriggerReason.TypeCharCommand, ch);
        var providers = _SignatureHelpProviders;
        SignatureHelpItems r = null;

        foreach (var p in providers)
            var r2 = p.GetItemsAsync(cd.document, cd.pos16, trigger, default).Result;
            //APerf.NW(); //quite fast, don't need async. But in the future can try to wrap this foreach+SignatureHelpProviders in async Task. Need to test with large files.
            if (r2 == null)
            if (r == null || r2.ApplicableSpan.Start > r.ApplicableSpan.Start)
                r = r2;
            //Example: 'AOutput.Write(new Something())'.
            //	The first provider probably is for Write (invocation).
            //	Then the second is for Something (object creation).
            //	We need the innermost, in this case Something.

        if (r == null)
        //AOutput.Write($"<><c orange>pos={de.position}, span={r.ApplicableSpan},    nItems={r.Items.Count},  argCount={r.ArgumentCount}, argIndex={r.ArgumentIndex}, argName={r.ArgumentName}, sel={r.SelectedItemIndex},    provider={provider}<>");

        //var node = document.GetSyntaxRootAsync().Result;
        var span = new _Span(r.ApplicableSpan, cd.code);
        int iSel = _data?.GetUserSelectedItemIfSameSpan(span, r) ?? -1;         //preserve user selection in same session

        _data = new _Data {
            r             = r,
            span          = span,
            iUserSelected = iSel,
            sciDoc        = doc,

        if (iSel < 0)
            iSel = r.SelectedItemIndex ?? (r.ArgumentCount == 0 ? 0 : -1);
            if (iSel < 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < r.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (r.Items[i].Parameters.Length >= r.ArgumentCount)
                        iSel = i; break;
                if (iSel < 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < r.Items.Count; i++)
                        if (r.Items[i].IsVariadic)
                            iSel = i; break;
                    if (iSel < 0)
                        iSel = 0;

        string html = _FormatHtml(iSel, userSelected: false);

        doc.ZTempRanges_Add(this, r.ApplicableSpan.Start, r.ApplicableSpan.End, onLeave: () => {
            if (doc.ZTempRanges_Enum(doc.Z.CurrentPos8, this, utf8: true).Any())
        }, SciCode.ZTempRangeFlags.NoDuplicate);

        var rect1 = CiUtil.GetCaretRectFromPos(doc, r.ApplicableSpan.Start);
        var rect2 = CiUtil.GetCaretRectFromPos(doc, cd.pos16);
        var rect  = doc.RectangleToScreen(Rectangle.Union(rect1, rect2));

        rect.Width += Au.Util.ADpi.ScaleInt(200);
        rect.X     -= 6;

        _popupHtml ??= new CiPopupHtml(CiPopupHtml.UsedBy.Signature, onHiddenOrDestroyed: _ => _data = null)
            OnLinkClick = (ph, e) => ph.Html = _FormatHtml(e.Link.ToInt(1), userSelected: true)
        _popupHtml.Html = html;
        _popupHtml.Show(Panels.Editor.ZActiveDoc, rect, PopupAlignment.TPM_VERTICAL);
 /// <summary>
 /// Lấy đợt phân bổ
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ParentID"></param>
 /// <param name="iNamLamViec"></param>
 /// <param name="iID_MaDotPhanBo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public _Data obj_DSDotPhanBo(string ParentID, String MaND, String sLNS, String iID_MaDotPhanBo, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet,String TruongTien,String KhoGiay,String ToSo)
     _Data _data = new _Data();
     #region Option đợt phân bổ
     DataTable dtDotPhanBo = DanhSach_DotPhanBo(MaND, sLNS, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, TruongTien);
     SelectOptionList slTenDotPhanBo = new SelectOptionList(dtDotPhanBo, "iID_MaDotPhanBo", "dNgayDotPhanBo");
     _data.iID_MaDotPhanBo = MyHtmlHelper.DropDownList(ParentID, slTenDotPhanBo, iID_MaDotPhanBo, "iID_MaDotPhanBo", "", "class=\"input1_2\" style=\"width: 80%\"onchange=\"ChonNLV()\"");
     #region Option Tờ số
      DataTable dtToSo = dtTo(MaND, sLNS, iID_MaDotPhanBo, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, TruongTien, KhoGiay);
      SelectOptionList slToSo = new SelectOptionList(dtToSo, "MaTo", "TenTo");
      _data.ToSo = MyHtmlHelper.DropDownList(ParentID, slToSo, ToSo, "ToSo", "", "class=\"input1_2\" style=\"width: 80%\"");
      return _data;
Exemple #17
 get => new Vertex(_Declaration, new ROW(_Data, index * _Stride, _Stride));
 public GridInformationFormat()
     data = new _Data();
     Meta = new _Meta();
 //Duomenys sudedami į masyva nerikiuotai
 public void DetiPaprastai(_Data reiksme, int Count)
     Ivarciai[Count] = reiksme;
Exemple #20
    async void _ShowSignature(SciCode doc, char ch, bool methodCompletion = false)
        //using var p1 = perf.local();
        if (!CodeInfo.GetContextAndDocument(out var cd, -2) || cd.pos < 2)
            return;                                                                        //returns false if position is in meta comments
        _cancelTS = new CancellationTokenSource();
        var cancelTS    = _cancelTS;
        var cancelToken = cancelTS.Token;

        if (Debugger.IsAttached)
            cancelToken = default; _cancelTS = null;

        SyntaxNode root = null;
        //ISignatureHelpProvider provider = null;
        SignatureHelpItems r = null;
        try {
            //could be sync, quite fast, but then sometimes reenters (GetItemsAsync waits/dispatches) and sometimes hangs
            r = await Task.Run(async() => {
                root = cd.syntaxRoot;
                var providers = _SignatureHelpProviders;
                SignatureHelpItems r = null;
                var trigger          = new SignatureHelpTriggerInfo(ch == default ? SignatureHelpTriggerReason.InvokeSignatureHelpCommand : SignatureHelpTriggerReason.TypeCharCommand, ch);
                foreach (var p in providers)
                    var r2 = await p.GetItemsAsync(cd.document, cd.pos, trigger, SignatureHelpOptions.Default, cancelToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) /*print.it("IsCancellationRequested");*/ return {
                    }                                                                                                                      //often
                    if (r2 == null)
                    if (r == null || r2.ApplicableSpan.Start > r.ApplicableSpan.Start)
                        r = r2;
                        //provider = p;
                    //Example: 'print.it(new Something())'.
                    //	The first provider probably is for Write (invocation).
                    //	Then the second is for Something (object creation).
                    //	We need the innermost, in this case Something.
        catch (OperationCanceledException) { /*Debug_.Print("canceled");*/ return; }         //never noticed
        //catch (AggregateException e1) when (e1.InnerException is TaskCanceledException) { return; }
        finally {
            if (cancelTS == _cancelTS)
                _cancelTS = null;
        //print.it(r, cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested);

        if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
        if (r == null)
        Debug.Assert(doc == Panels.Editor.ZActiveDoc);         //when active doc changed, cancellation must be requested
        if (cd.pos != doc.zCurrentPos16 || (object)cd.code != doc.zText)
            return;                                                                      //changed while awaiting

        //print.it($"<><c orange>pos={cd.pos}, span={r.ApplicableSpan},    nItems={r.Items.Count},  argCount={r.ArgumentCount}, argIndex={r.ArgumentIndex}, argName={r.ArgumentName}, sel={r.SelectedItemIndex},    provider={provider}<>");

        //get span of the arglist. r.ApplicableSpan.Start is of the statement, not of the arglist. In chained methods it is the chain start.
        var fullSpan = r.ApplicableSpan;
        //CiUtil.HiliteRange(fullSpan); wait.doEvents(500);
        var start = fullSpan.Start;
        var tok   = root.FindToken(cd.pos);
        if (tok.Kind() is SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken or SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken or SyntaxKind.LessThanToken)
            tok = tok.GetPreviousToken();
        var argNode = tok.Parent;
        while (argNode != null)
            int i = argNode.SpanStart; if (i <= start)
            if (argNode is BaseArgumentListSyntax or AttributeArgumentListSyntax or TypeArgumentListSyntax)
                start = i + 1;
            argNode = argNode.Parent;
        var argSpan = new TextSpan(start, fullSpan.End - start);
        //CiUtil.PrintNode(argNode); CiUtil.HiliteRange(argSpan); //print.it(argSpan);

        var span = new _Span(argSpan, cd.code);
        int iSel = 0, iSel2 = 0;
        if (r.Items.Count > 1)
            iSel2 = r.SelectedItemIndex ?? -1;
            if (_data?.IsSameArglist(span, r) ?? false)
                iSel = _data.iUserSelected;                 //preserve user selection in same session
                if (iSel2 < 0)
                    iSel2 = _data.iRoslynSelected;                            //on error use last good Roslyn selection in same session, like in VS
                iSel = -1;

        _data = new _Data {
            r               = r,
            span            = span,
            iUserSelected   = iSel,
            iRoslynSelected = iSel2,
            sci             = doc,

        if (iSel < 0)
            iSel = iSel2;
        if (iSel < 0)
            //r.SelectedItemIndex is null when cannot resolve overloads, eg when arglist is partially typed. Example: wnd.find(1, );
            iSel = r.SelectedItemIndex ?? (r.ArgumentCount == 0 ? 0 : -1);
            if (iSel < 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < r.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (r.Items[i].Parameters.Length >= r.ArgumentCount)
                        iSel = i; break;
                if (iSel < 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < r.Items.Count; i++)
                        if (r.Items[i].IsVariadic)
                            iSel = i; break;
                    if (iSel < 0)
                        iSel = 0;

        doc.ZTempRanges_Add(this, argSpan.Start, argSpan.End, onLeave: () => {
            if (doc.ZTempRanges_Enum(doc.zCurrentPos8, this, utf8: true).Any())
        }, SciCode.ZTempRangeFlags.NoDuplicate);

        var rect = RECT.Union(CiUtil.GetCaretRectFromPos(doc, fullSpan.Start), CiUtil.GetCaretRectFromPos(doc, cd.pos));
        doc.Hwnd.MapClientToScreen(ref rect);
        rect.Width += Dpi.Scale(200, doc.Hwnd);
        rect.left  -= 6;

        _textPopup ??= new CiPopupText(CiPopupText.UsedBy.Signature, onHiddenOrDestroyed: (_, _) => _data = null)
            OnLinkClick = (ph, e) => ph.Text = _FormatText(e.ToInt(1), userSelected: true)
        _textPopup.Text = _FormatText(iSel, userSelected: false);

        if (!_textPopup.IsVisible)
            if (CodeInfo._compl.IsVisibleUI)             //without this does not show completions with selected enum when typed Function( when first parameter is enum
            if (methodCompletion)
                CodeInfo._compl.ShowList(ch);                               //when autocompletion added (); may need to show enum list

        _textPopup.Show(Panels.Editor.ZActiveDoc, rect, System.Windows.Controls.Dock.Bottom);

        //also show Keys/Regex tool?
        if (argNode is ArgumentListSyntax or BracketedArgumentListSyntax && cd.code.Eq(cd.pos - 1, "\"\""))
            var semo  = cd.semanticModel;
            var token = root.FindToken(cd.pos);
            if (true == token.IsInString(cd.pos, cd.code, out var stringInfo))
                var stringFormat = CiUtil.GetParameterStringFormat(stringInfo.stringNode, semo, true);
                if (stringFormat != 0)
                    CodeInfo._tools.ShowForStringParameter(stringFormat, cd, stringInfo, _textPopup.PopupWindow.Hwnd);
Exemple #21
 public MMCPack fromProfile(LauncherProfile profile)
     Data = new
Exemple #22
    bool _PlayBgm(string resName)
        if (_dataBgm != null && _dataBgm.ResName == resName)
            return true;

        _dataBgm = new _Data ("bgm", resName);

        // いったん止める

        // 再生
        _sourceBgm.clip = _dataBgm.Clip;

        return true;