static ZonesSimple Row2ZoneSimple(DataRow dr) { ZonesSimple z = new ZonesSimple(); z.userid = Convert.ToInt32(dr[2]); z.domain = dr[1].ToString().ToLower() + "."; z.rrcol = Utility.StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(z.domain).Substring(0, 1).ToLower(); z.level = Convert.ToInt32(dr[3]); z.nsstate = Convert.ToInt32(dr[4]); return(z); }
static ZonesSimple Row2ZoneSimple(zones tz) { ZonesSimple z = new ZonesSimple(); z.userid = Convert.ToInt32(tz.userid); z.domain = + "."; z.rrcol = Utility.StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(z.domain).Substring(0, 1).ToLower(); z.level = Convert.ToInt32(tz.level); z.nsstate = tz.nsstate; return(z); }
static void DeleteBind() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start();//开始计时 DataTable dt = MySQLHelper.Query("SELECT,,z.userid,CASE when d.maxfensheng<1 then 0 else 1 end as level,z.nsstate,,z.forcestop,z.rzone from zones as z left join domainlevel as d on z.DomainLevel=d.levelvalue where<>z.rzone").Tables[0]; List <zones> zonesList = DtToList <zones> .ConvertToModel(dt); Console.WriteLine("GetDataTabel from mysql count={1} Use Time={0};", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, dt.Rows.Count); List <ZonesSimple>[] ala = new List <ZonesSimple>[16] { new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>(), new List <ZonesSimple>() }; var client = DriverConfiguration.Client; var db = client.GetDatabase(DriverConfiguration.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName); foreach (zones z in zonesList) { ZonesSimple zs = Zones2ZonesSimple(z); ala[Int32.Parse(zs.rrcol, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)].Add(zs); } string del = ""; try { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { string rrcol = i.ToString("x"); IMongoCollection <AuthoritiesSimple> collection = db.GetCollection <AuthoritiesSimple>(rrcol); Console.WriteLine(rrcol + " " + ala[i].Count); List <string> domainList = new List <string>(); int count = 0; foreach (ZonesSimple zs in ala[i]) { domainList.Add(zs.domain); count++; if (domainList.Count == 100 || count == ala[i].Count) { DeleteResult result = collection.DeleteMany(Builders <AuthoritiesSimple> .Filter.In("domain", domainList)); domainList.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(count); } } Console.WriteLine("deal " + rrcol); } } catch (Exception ex) { string messget = ex.Message; } Console.WriteLine("end deal "); }
static ZonesSimple Row2ZoneSimple(zones tz) { ZonesSimple z = new ZonesSimple(); z.domain = + "."; string md5 = Utility.StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(z.domain).ToLower(); = md5; z.userid = Convert.ToInt32(tz.userid); z.rrcol = md5.Substring(0, 1).ToLower(); z.level = Convert.ToInt32(tz.level); z.nsstate = tz.nsstate; z.is_stop = == "Y" ? "N" : "Y"; z.force_stop = tz.forcestop; return(z); }
public static ZonesSimple Zones2ZonesSimple(zones theZone) { ZonesSimple zs = new ZonesSimple(); string md5 = StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash( + ".").ToLower(); = md5; if ( != theZone.rzone) { md5 = StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(theZone.rzone + ".").ToLower(); } zs.userid = Convert.ToInt32(theZone.userid); zs.domain = + "."; zs.rrcol = md5.Substring(0, 1); zs.level = Convert.ToInt32(theZone.level); zs.nsstate = theZone.nsstate; zs.is_stop = == "Y" ? "N" : "Y"; zs.force_stop = theZone.forcestop; zs.rdomain = theZone.rzone + "."; zs.loadonstart = 0; return(zs); }
static void CheckZonesCount() { DataTable dtid = MySQLHelper.Query("select min(id),max(id) from zones").Tables[0]; long min = Convert.ToInt32(dtid.Rows[0][0]); long max = Convert.ToInt32(dtid.Rows[0][1]); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start();//开始计时 long index = 3282504; do { DataTable dt = MySQLHelper.Query("SELECT,,z.userid,0 as level,z.nsstate from zones as z where between " + (index - 1000) + " and " + index + "").Tables[0]; List <zones> zl = DtToList <zones> .ConvertToModel(dt); var client = DriverConfiguration.Client; var db = client.GetDatabase(DriverConfiguration.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName); IMongoCollection <ZonesSimple> collection = db.GetCollection <ZonesSimple>("zones"); foreach (zones z in zl) { ZonesSimple zs = Row2ZoneSimple(z); var builder = Builders <ZonesSimple> .Filter; long c = collection.Find <ZonesSimple>(builder.And(builder.Eq("domain", zs.domain))).Count(); if (c > 1) { Console.WriteLine(zs.domain + " count=" + c); } } index = index - 1001; Console.WriteLine("min={0};max={1};index={2}; Use time={3};", min, max, index, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("=============================================="); } while (index < max); Console.WriteLine("End min={0};max={1};index={2};use time {3}", min, max, index, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); watch.Stop();//停止计时 }
static void RefreshNewColumn() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start();//开始计时 List <ZonesSimple> dl = new List <ZonesSimple>(); List <AuthoritiesSimple>[] ala = new List <AuthoritiesSimple>[16] { new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>() }; List <DnsRecordsSimple>[] dla = new List <DnsRecordsSimple>[16] { new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>() }; var client = DriverConfiguration.Client; var db = client.GetDatabase(DriverConfiguration.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName); IMongoCollection <ZonesSimple> cz = db.GetCollection <ZonesSimple>("zones"); DataTable dt = MySQLHelper.Query("SELECT,,z.userid,CASE when d.maxfensheng<1 then 0 else 1 end as level,z.nsstate,,z.forcestop from zones as z left join domainlevel as d on z.DomainLevel=d.levelvalue where z.userid<>348672 and (z.Active='N' or z.ForceStop='Y' ) ").Tables[0]; DataTable dta = MySQLHelper.Query("select,,host,data,type,ttl,mbox,serial,refresh,retry,expire,minimum ,t.userid,a.zoneid from authorities as a left join zones as t on where t.userid<>348672 and (t.Active='N' or t.ForceStop='Y')").Tables[0]; DataTable dtd = MySQLHelper.Query("select,d.zoneid,,,d.type,,d.ttl,d.view,d.mx_priority,d.userid, from dnsrecords as d left join zones as t on where t.userid<>348672 and (t.Active='N' or t.ForceStop='Y')").Tables[0]; Console.WriteLine("zones total count " + dt.Rows.Count); Console.WriteLine("authorities total count " + dta.Rows.Count); Console.WriteLine("dnsrecords total count " + dtd.Rows.Count); List <zones> zonesList = DtToList <zones> .ConvertToModel(dt); int deleteCount = 0; IList <string> zoneArry = new List <string>(); foreach (zones z in zonesList) { zoneArry.Add( + "."); ZonesSimple zs = Row2ZoneSimple(z); dl.Add(zs); if ((deleteCount > 0 && deleteCount % 200 == 0) || deleteCount == zonesList.Count) { cz.DeleteMany(Builders <ZonesSimple> .Filter.In("domain", zoneArry)); string rrcol = StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash( + ".").Substring(0, 1); IMongoCollection <DnsRecordsSimple> cd = db.GetCollection <DnsRecordsSimple>(rrcol); cd.DeleteMany(Builders <DnsRecordsSimple> .Filter.In("domain", zoneArry)); Console.WriteLine("delete count " + deleteCount + " use time " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (dl.Count > 0) { cz.InsertMany(dl); Console.WriteLine("insert zones use time " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } zoneArry.Clear(); dl.Clear(); } deleteCount++; } Console.WriteLine("delete complete use time " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); List <authorities> aList = DtToList <authorities> .ConvertToModel(dta); List <authorities> drl = new List <authorities>(); string domain = ""; for (int idx = 0; idx < aList.Count;) { domain = aList[idx].zone.ToString().ToLower() + "."; string collectionname = StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(domain).ToLower().Substring(0, 1); drl.Add(aList[idx]); while (idx < (aList.Count - 1) && aList[idx].zone == aList[idx + 1].zone) { drl.Add(aList[idx + 1]); idx++; } if (drl.Count > 1) { foreach (AuthoritiesSimple a in Row2Authorities(drl)) { ala[Int32.Parse(collectionname, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)].Add(a); } } drl.Clear(); domain = ""; idx++; } List <dnsrecords> rList = DtToList <dnsrecords> .ConvertToModel(dtd); List <dnsrecords> unList = new List <dnsrecords>(); foreach (dnsrecords dr in rList) { if (CheckRecordHost(, dr.type) && CheckRecordData(, dr.type, dr.view, { DnsRecordsSimple d = Row2DnsRecords(dr); string collectionname = StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(d.domain).ToLower().Substring(0, 1); int idx = Int32.Parse(collectionname, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); dla[idx].Add(d); } else { unList.Add(dr); } } Console.WriteLine("start insert use time " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { IMongoCollection <DnsRecordsSimple> collection = db.GetCollection <DnsRecordsSimple>(i.ToString("x")); if (ala[i].Count > 0) { collection.InsertMany(ala[i]); } if (dla[i].Count > 0) { collection.InsertMany(dla[i]); } } if (unList.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("uninsert dnsrecords " + unList.Count); } Console.WriteLine("mission complete use time " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
static void ReMoMain() { List <TempZoneID> temp4 = DtToList <TempZoneID> .ConvertToModel(MySQLHelper.Query("select id as zoneid from Temp where type=4").Tables[0]); DataTable dtid = MySQLHelper.Query("select min(id),max(id) from zones").Tables[0]; long min = Convert.ToInt32(dtid.Rows[0][0]); long max = Convert.ToInt32(dtid.Rows[0][1]); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); watch.Start();//开始计时 long index = max; do { DataTable dt = MySQLHelper.Query("SELECT,,z.userid,CASE when d.maxfensheng<1 then 0 else 1 end as level,z.nsstate from zones as z left join domainlevel as d on z.DomainLevel=d.levelvalue where z.userid<>348672 and z.Active='Y' and z.ForceStop='N' and between " + (index - 1000) + " and " + index + "").Tables[0]; List <zones> zonesList = DtToList <zones> .ConvertToModel(dt); List <zones> zl = new List <zones>(); foreach (zones z in zonesList) { if (temp4.FindAll(tz => tz.zoneid == == 0) { zl.Add(z); } } Console.WriteLine("Data Filter;Use time={0};", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); List <ZonesSimple> zslist = new List <ZonesSimple>(); List <AuthoritiesSimple>[] ala = new List <AuthoritiesSimple>[16] { new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(), new List <AuthoritiesSimple>() }; List <DnsRecordsSimple>[] dla = new List <DnsRecordsSimple>[16] { new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(), new List <DnsRecordsSimple>() }; foreach (zones z in zl) { ZonesSimple zs = Row2ZoneSimple(z); zslist.Add(zs); string rrcol = StringHelper.CalculateMD5Hash(zs.domain).ToLower().Substring(0, 1); // DataSet ds = MySQLHelper.Query("select id,zone,host,data,type,ttl,mbox,serial,refresh,retry,expire,minimum ," + z.userid + " as userid from authorities where zoneid=" + + " order by type;" + "select id,zoneid,zone,host,type,data,ttl,view,mx_priority,userid from dnsrecords where active='Y'and type<>'PTR' and zoneid= " + + ";"); DataTable adt = ds.Tables[0]; DataTable rdt = ds.Tables[1]; // List <authorities> alist = new List <authorities>(); List <AuthoritiesSimple> aslist = new List <AuthoritiesSimple>(); if (adt.Rows.Count > 0) { aslist = Row2Authorities(DtToList <authorities> .ConvertToModel(adt)); } else { break; } // List <dnsrecords> dlist = DtToList <dnsrecords> .ConvertToModel(rdt); List <DnsRecordsSimple> dslist = new List <DnsRecordsSimple>(); List <dnsrecords> wrongList = new List <dnsrecords>(); foreach (dnsrecords d in dlist) { if (CheckRecordData(, d.type, d.view, && CheckRecordHost(, d.type)) { dslist.Add(Row2DnsRecords(d)); } else { //记录违法的records wrongList.Add(d); } } } index = index - 1001; Console.WriteLine("Mongo Insert Success; Use time={0};", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); DnsUpdateInsert(zl); Console.WriteLine("UpdateQueue Insert Success; Use time={0};", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("min={0};max={1};index={2};", min, max, index); Console.WriteLine("=============================================="); } while (index < max); Console.WriteLine("End min={0};max={1};index={2};use time {3}", min, max, index, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); watch.Stop();//停止计时 }