Exemple #1
        public async Task ShowNextSpawn(IMessage message)
            var now = Now();
            var nextSpawnInstant = GetNextBronjahmSpawnRelativeTo(now);

            if (nextSpawnInstant > _eventEndTime)
                await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":handbag: No more bag boi spawns to come. Enjoy Shadowlands!");


            var nextSpawn          = new ZonedDateTime(nextSpawnInstant, DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["Europe/Paris"]);
            var timeUntilNextSpawn = nextSpawnInstant - now;
            var response           = $":handbag: Bag boi will spawn at **{nextSpawn.ToPrettyTime()} server time**." +
                                     $"That is **{timeUntilNextSpawn.ToPrettyDuration()}** from now." +
                                     "\n\n:handbag: If you want me to ping you a couple of times before he spawns type `!join bagbois`";

            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response);