/// <summary>
    /// Draws the zone graph data in the inspector
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="target">The ZoneGraph.</param>
    public override void OnInspectorGUI(NavGraph target)
        ZoneGraph graph = target as ZoneGraph;

        graph.WaypointTag             = EditorGUILayout.TagField("Waypoint Tag", graph.WaypointTag);
        graph.ZonesTag                = EditorGUILayout.TagField("Zones Tag", graph.ZonesTag);
        graph.TransitionZonesTag      = EditorGUILayout.TagField("Transition Zones Tag", graph.TransitionZonesTag);
        graph.CollisionMask           = EditorGUILayoutx.LayerMaskField("Collision Mask", graph.CollisionMask);
        graph.WaypointSubdivisionSize = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Waypoint Subdivison", graph.WaypointSubdivisionSize);
Exemple #2
    // Helper method to find a new random location for the enemy to go to
    protected virtual void GetRandomSearchPoint(Bounds constraints)
        // Don't do anything if we're already searching for a path
        if (IsSearchingForPath)

        // Make sure we have a worthwhile graph
        ZoneGraph graph = GameManager.AI.Graph;

        if (graph.Nodes.Length <= 0 || graph.ZonesWithWaypoints == null || graph.ZonesWithWaypoints.Count <= 0)
            //Debug.LogWarning("ZoneGraph not initialized while searching for a random search point!");

        // Find the zone to narrow our search
        List <Bounds> zones = new List <Bounds>(graph.ZonesWithWaypoints.Keys);
        Bounds        zone  = zones [0];

        if (constraints.extents != Vector3.zero)
            foreach (Bounds bounds in zones)
                if (bounds.Equals(constraints))
                    zone = bounds;

        // Make sure our zone has some nodes to search
        if (graph.ZonesWithWaypoints [zone].Count <= 0)
            //Debug.LogWarning("ZoneGraph not initialized while searching for a random search point!");

        // Find a random node within that zone
        List <ZoneNode> nodes        = graph.ZonesWithWaypoints [zone];
        ZoneNode        randomNode   = nodes [(int)Random.Range(0, nodes.Count)];
        bool            isNodeGround = (randomNode.Tag & (1 << 0)) != 0;
        bool            isAcceptable = randomNode.Walkable && isNodeGround;

        while (!isAcceptable)
            randomNode   = nodes [(int)Random.Range(0, nodes.Count)];
            isNodeGround = (randomNode.Tag & (1 << 0)) != 0;
            isAcceptable = randomNode.Walkable && isNodeGround;

        // And update our target position to the position of that random node
Exemple #3
    void Start()
        // Make sure astar is set up in the scene
        AstarPath astar = AstarPath.active;

        foreach (NavGraph graph in astar.data.graphs)
            if (graph is ZoneGraph)
                _graph = (ZoneGraph)graph;

        // If we couldn't find a graph, create one
        if (_graph == null)
            _graph = (ZoneGraph)astar.graphs [0];

        // All managers need to report to the main GameManager when they are ready
        _ready = true;
Exemple #4
    void Start()
        // Set up motion variables
        _moveID       = -1;
        _moveStartPos = Vector2.zero;
        _moveMin      = Screen.width / 32.0f; // TODO: MAKE SURE THIS VALUE NEVER BECOMES TOO LARGE
        _lastMovePos  = Vector2.zero;
        float dpi = Screen.dpi;

        if (dpi <= 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Failed to find Screen DPI!");
            dpi = 160; // Default value for Android mdpi devices
        _distanceForMaxSpeed = InchesForMaxSpeed * dpi;

        // Set up action variables
        _actionID              = -1;
        _actionStartPos        = Vector2.zero;
        _actionMin             = Screen.width / 32.0f;          // TODO: MAKE SURE THIS VALUE NEVER BECOMES TOO LARGE
        _lastActionPos         = Vector2.zero;
        _speedForInstantAction = _distanceForMaxSpeed * 100.0f; // TODO: DETERMINE A GOOD VALUE FOR THIS

        // Gonna store the input here
        _input = GameManager.Player.GetComponent <CharacterInput> ();

        // Left-hand side GUI
        _horizontalSlider = (Transform)Instantiate(SliderPrefab, SliderPrefab.position, Quaternion.identity);
        _verticalSlider   = (Transform)Instantiate(SliderPrefab, SliderPrefab.position, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * 90));
        _moveButton       = (Transform)Instantiate(MoveButtonPrefab, MoveButtonPrefab.position, MoveButtonPrefab.rotation);
        _radioWaves       = (Transform)Instantiate(RadioPrefab, RadioPrefab.position, RadioPrefab.rotation);

        // Organize it away
        _horizontalSlider.parent = transform;
        _verticalSlider.parent   = transform;
        _moveButton.parent       = transform;
        _radioWaves.parent       = transform;

        // And hide them
        _horizontalSlider.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
        _verticalSlider.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled   = false;
        _moveButton.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled       = false;
        _radioWaves.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled       = false;

        // Right-hand side GUI
        _blueCircle = (Transform)Instantiate(BlueCirclePrefab, BlueCirclePrefab.position, BlueCirclePrefab.rotation);
        Color blueAlpha = _blueCircle.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color;

        blueAlpha.a = blueAlpha.a * 0.5f;
        _blueCircle.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = blueAlpha;
        _selections  = (Transform)Instantiate(SelectionsPrefab, SelectionsPrefab.position, SelectionsPrefab.rotation);
        _jumpSign    = (Transform)Instantiate(JumpSignPrefab, JumpSignPrefab.position, JumpSignPrefab.rotation);
        _attack1Sign = (Transform)Instantiate(AttackSignPrefab, AttackSignPrefab.position, AttackSignPrefab.rotation);
        _attack2Sign = (Transform)Instantiate(AttackSignPrefab, -AttackSignPrefab.position, AttackSignPrefab.rotation);
        _pickupSign  = (Transform)Instantiate(ItemPickupSignPrefab, ItemPickupSignPrefab.position, ItemPickupSignPrefab.rotation);
        _glowOff     = (Transform)Instantiate(GlowOffPrefab, GlowOffPrefab.position, GlowOffPrefab.rotation);
        Transform particles = (Transform)Instantiate(ParticlePrefab, ParticlePrefab.position, ParticlePrefab.rotation);

        _particles = particles.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ();

        // Organize them away
        _blueCircle.parent  = transform;
        _selections.parent  = transform;
        _jumpSign.parent    = transform;
        _attack1Sign.parent = transform;
        _attack2Sign.parent = transform;
        _pickupSign.parent  = transform;
        _glowOff.parent     = transform;

        // And hide them
        _blueCircle.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = false;
        _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = false;
        _jumpSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled    = false;
        _attack1Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
        _attack2Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
        _pickupSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = false;
        _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled     = false;

        // The dots indicating the action to the player
        _uiDots = new List <Transform> (9);
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            Transform dot = (Transform)Instantiate(DotPrefab, DotPrefab.position, DotPrefab.rotation);
            dot.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
            dot.parent = transform;

        // The relative positions at which those dots are located
        _dotPositions = new List <Vector3> (9);
        Vector3 originPoint  = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.3f);
        Vector3 zeroRotation = originPoint + Vector3.right * 9.7f;

        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 15.0f));
        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 90.0f));
        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 165.0f));
        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 180.0f));
        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 235.0f));
        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 270.0f));
        _dotPositions.Add(ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * 305.0f));

        // Set up new update methods to show the GUI elements
Exemple #5
    // Draw code
    IEnumerator DisplayRightHandSide()
        // We're essentially replicating another update loop for rendering the right hand side
        while (true)
            yield return(null);

            // Make the images visible as appropriate
            bool actTouched = _actionID != -1;
            _blueCircle.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = actTouched;
            _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = actTouched;
            _jumpSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled    = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputJump;
            _attack1Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack;
            _attack2Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack;
            _pickupSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputPickup;
            _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled     = actTouched;

            // Make the dots visible as appropriate
            _uiDots [0].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched;
            _uiDots [1].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack;
            _uiDots [2].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && (GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack || GameManager.Player.CanInputJump);
            _uiDots [3].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputJump;
            _uiDots [4].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && (GameManager.Player.CanInputJump || GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack);
            _uiDots [5].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack;
            _uiDots [6].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && (GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack || GameManager.Player.CanInputPickup);
            _uiDots [7].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && GameManager.Player.CanInputPickup;
            _uiDots [8].GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = actTouched && (GameManager.Player.CanInputPickup || GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack);

            // We don't need to move + color things if they're not visible
            if (!actTouched)

            // Put the images at the correct spot
            Vector3 pos = ConvertTouchPosToWorldPoint(_actionStartPos);
            _blueCircle.position = pos;
            _selections.position = pos + SelectionsPrefab.position;
            _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;
            _jumpSign.position = pos + JumpSignPrefab.position;
            _jumpSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;
            _attack1Sign.position = pos + AttackSignPrefab.position;
            _attack1Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;
            _attack2Sign.position = pos + AttackSignPrefab.position + Vector3.left * 2 * AttackSignPrefab.position.x;
            _attack2Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;
            _pickupSign.position = pos + ItemPickupSignPrefab.position;
            _pickupSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;

            // Put the dots at the correct position
            for (int dot = 0; dot < _uiDots.Count; dot++)
                _uiDots [dot].transform.position = pos + _dotPositions [dot];
                _uiDots [dot].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;

            // Put the glow-off at the correct location
            float   deg          = CalculateActionDegree();
            Vector3 originPoint  = pos + GlowOffPrefab.position;
            Vector3 zeroRotation = originPoint + Vector3.right * 9.0f;
            _glowOff.position = ZoneGraph.RotatePointAroundPivot(zeroRotation, originPoint, Vector3.forward * deg);
            _glowOff.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * deg);
            _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;

            // Color as appropriate
            if (IsInteraction(deg))
                _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.black;
                _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled           = false;
                _uiDots [0].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.black;
            else if (GameManager.Player.CanInputJump && (IsJumpLeft(deg) || IsJumpUp(deg) || IsJumpRight(deg)))
                _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
                _jumpSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color   = Color.blue;
                _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color    = Color.blue;
                if (IsJumpRight(deg))
                    _uiDots [2].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
                else if (IsJumpUp(deg))
                    _uiDots [3].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
                if (IsJumpLeft(deg))
                    _uiDots [4].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
            else if (GameManager.Player.CanInputAttack && (IsAttackLeft(deg) || IsAttackRight(deg)))
                _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
                _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color    = Color.red;
                if (IsAttackRight(deg))
                    _attack1Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
                    _uiDots [1].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color  = Color.red;
                    _uiDots [2].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color  = Color.red;
                    _uiDots [7].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color  = Color.red;
                else if (IsAttackLeft(deg))
                    _attack2Sign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
                    _uiDots [4].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color  = Color.red;
                    _uiDots [5].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color  = Color.red;
                    _uiDots [6].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color  = Color.red;
            else if (GameManager.Player.CanInputPickup && IsPickup(deg))
                _selections.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;
                _pickupSign.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;
                _glowOff.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color    = Color.green;
                _uiDots [6].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;
                _uiDots [7].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;
                _uiDots [8].GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;