//Called by Zombo Movement in this version. Can be called from Zombo AI manager in the future public void Attack(Transform target) //transform can be optimised { if (target.gameObject.CompareTag(playerTag)) { PlayerHealth playerHealth = target.GetComponent <PlayerHealth>(); if (playerHealth != null) { playerHealth.TakeDamage(zomboAttackDamage); attackCount++; //playAnim(); (1.06f) //playAudio(); } else { Debug.Log("ERROR: Can't find target health " + this.transform.name); } } else if (target.gameObject.CompareTag(enemyTag)) // ZvZ action BOIS :) { ZomboHealth zomboHealth = target.GetComponent <ZomboHealth>(); zomboHealth.ApplyDamage((float)zomboAttackDamage, 1); } else { Debug.Log("ERROR: Can't find target health " + this.transform.name); } }
public void TakeDamage(float amount) { if (this.CompareTag(enemyTag)) { zomboHealth.ApplyDamage(amount, bodyPart); } else { health -= amount; //TEMP color = new Color32((byte)(health), 0, 0, 255); tempMatHealth.material.color = color; //TEMP if (health <= 0) { health = 0; Die(); } } }