// =========================================================================== public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 var SQL = @"SELECT DISTINCT mc.country_id, c.country, count(*) AS c FROM film_country c, film_movie_country mc WHERE c.id = mc.country_id GROUP BY mc.country_id, country ORDER BY c DESC"; // Create a list for the countries List list = new List(List.ORDERED); list.First = 9; // loop over the countries using (var c = AdoDB.Provider.CreateConnection()) { c.ConnectionString = AdoDB.CS; using (DbCommand cmd = c.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = SQL; c.Open(); using (var r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { // create a list item for the country ListItem item = new ListItem( string.Format("{0}: {1} movies", r["country"].ToString(), r["c"].ToString() ) ); // Create a list for the movies List movielist = new List(); movielist.ListSymbol = new Chunk("Movie: ", FilmFonts.BOLD); foreach (Movie movie in PojoFactory.GetMovies(r["country_id"].ToString()) ) { ListItem movieitem = new ListItem(movie.MovieTitle); // Create a list for the directors List directorlist = new ZapfDingbatsList(42); foreach (Director director in movie.Directors) { directorlist.Add(String.Format("{0}, {1}", director.Name, director.GivenName )); } movieitem.Add(directorlist); movielist.Add(movieitem); } item.Add(movielist); list.Add(item); } document.Add(list); } } } } }
/** * The ListCssApplier has the capabilities to change the type of the given {@link List} dependable on the css. * This means: <strong>Always replace your list with the returned one and add content to the list after applying!</strong> */ // not implemented: list-style-type:armenian, georgian, decimal-leading-zero. virtual public List Apply(List list, Tag t, IImageProvider htmlPipelineContext) { float fontSize = FontSizeTranslator.GetInstance().GetFontSize(t); List lst = list; IDictionary <String, String> css = t.CSS; String styleType; css.TryGetValue(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_TYPE, out styleType); BaseColor color = HtmlUtilities.DecodeColor(css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.COLOR) ? css[CSS.Property.COLOR] : null); if (null == color) { color = BaseColor.BLACK; } if (null != styleType) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(styleType, CSS.Value.NONE)) { lst.Lettered = false; lst.Numbered = false; lst.SetListSymbol(""); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DECIMAL, styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DISC, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(108); lst.Autoindent = false; lst.SymbolIndent = 7.75f; Chunk symbol = lst.Symbol; symbol.SetTextRise(1.5f); Font font = symbol.Font; font.Size = 4.5f; font.Color = color; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.SQUARE, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(110); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize, color); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.CIRCLE, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(109); lst.Autoindent = false; lst.SymbolIndent = 7.75f; Chunk symbol = lst.Symbol; symbol.SetTextRise(1.5f); Font font = symbol.Font; font.Size = 4.5f; font.Color = color; } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_ROMAN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new RomanList(true, 0); lst.Autoindent = true; SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_ROMAN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new RomanList(false, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_GREEK.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new GreekList(true, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_GREEK.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new GreekList(false, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_ALPHA.Equals(styleType) || CSS.Value.LOWER_LATIN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED, List.ALPHABETICAL); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Lowercase = true; lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_ALPHA.Equals(styleType) || CSS.Value.UPPER_LATIN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED, List.ALPHABETICAL); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Lowercase = false; lst.Autoindent = true; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(t.Name, HTML.Tag.OL)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(t.Name, HTML.Tag.UL)) { lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize, color); } if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE) && !Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE], CSS.Value.NONE)) { lst = new List(); String url = utils.ExtractUrl(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE]); iTextSharp.text.Image img = null; try { if (htmlPipelineContext == null) { img = new ImageRetrieve().RetrieveImage(url); } else { try { img = new ImageRetrieve(htmlPipelineContext).RetrieveImage(url); } catch (NoImageException) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.TRACE)) { LOG.Trace(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("css.applier.list.noimage"))); } img = new ImageRetrieve().RetrieveImage(url); } } lst.ListSymbol = new Chunk(img, 0, 0, false); lst.SymbolIndent = img.Width; if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.TRACE)) { LOG.Trace(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.list"), url)); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { LOG.Error(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.list.failed"), url), e); } lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); } catch (NoImageException e) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { LOG.Error(e.Message, e); } lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); } lst.Autoindent = false; } lst.Alignindent = false; float leftIndent = 0; if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_POSITION) && Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_POSITION], CSS.Value.INSIDE)) { leftIndent += 30; } else { leftIndent += 15; } leftIndent += css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.MARGIN_LEFT)?utils.ParseValueToPt(css[CSS.Property.MARGIN_LEFT], fontSize):0; leftIndent += css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT)?utils.ParseValueToPt(css[CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT], fontSize):0; lst.IndentationLeft = leftIndent; String startAtr = null; t.Attributes.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.START, out startAtr); if (startAtr != null) { try { int start = int.Parse(startAtr); lst.First = start; } catch (FormatException exc) { } } return(lst); }