Exemple #1
        private void OnConnectionClosed(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
            ZView.ConnectionCloseAction action = sender.GetConnectionCloseAction(connection);
            ZView.ConnectionCloseReason reason = sender.GetConnectionCloseReason(connection);

            Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=green>Connection Closed: (Action={0}, Reason={1})</color>", action, reason));
Exemple #2
        private void OnVideoRecordingQualityChanged(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
            ZView.VideoRecordingQuality videoRecordingQuality =
                (ZView.VideoRecordingQuality)sender.GetSettingUInt32(connection, ZView.SettingKey.VideoRecordingQuality);

            Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=red>Video Recording Quality Changed: {0}</color>", videoRecordingQuality));
Exemple #3
        private void OnConnectionAccepted(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
            string connectedNodeName   = sender.GetConnectedNodeName(connection);
            string connectedNodeStatus = sender.GetConnectedNodeStatus(connection);

            Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=green>Connection Accepted: {0} ({1})</color>", connectedNodeName, connectedNodeStatus));
        // Virtual Camera Overrides

        public override void SetUp(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, ZView.ModeSetupPhase phase)
            switch (phase)
            case ZView.ModeSetupPhase.Initialization:
                this.UpdateImageResolution(zView, connection);

            case ZView.ModeSetupPhase.Completion:
                // Grab the image dimensions from the connection settings.
                UInt16 imageWidth  = zView.GetSettingUInt16(connection, ZView.SettingKey.ImageWidth);
                UInt16 imageHeight = zView.GetSettingUInt16(connection, ZView.SettingKey.ImageHeight);

                // Create the render texture.
                _renderTexture            = new RenderTexture((int)imageWidth, (int)imageHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                _renderTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                _renderTexture.name       = "RenderTextureStandard";

                // Cache the render texture's native texture pointer. Per Unity documentation,
                // calling GetNativeTexturePtr() when using multi-threaded rendering will
                // synchronize with the rendering thread (which is a slow operation). So, only
                // call and cache once upon initialization.
                _nativeTexturePtr = _renderTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();


Exemple #5
        public override void Render(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, IntPtr receivedFrame)
            // Check to see if the image width or height changed and update them
            // accordingly.
            this.UpdateImageResolution(zView, connection);

            // Cache the camera's culling mask to be restored after it renders the frame.
            int cullingMask = _camera.cullingMask;

            // Copy the center eye camera's attributes to the standard mode primary camera.
            if (CoreCamera != null)
                _camera.CopyFrom(CoreCamera.GetComponent <Camera>());
                _camera.transform.position = CoreCamera.transform.position;
                _camera.transform.rotation = CoreCamera.transform.rotation;
                _camera.projectionMatrix   = CoreCamera.projectionMatrix;

            // Render the scene.
            _camera.cullingMask   = cullingMask & ~(zView.StandardModeIgnoreLayers);
            _camera.targetTexture = _renderTexture;

            // Restore the camera's culling mask.
            _camera.cullingMask = cullingMask;
Exemple #6
        private void OnVideoRecordingError(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
            ZView.PluginError error = sender.GetVideoRecordingError(connection);

            Debug.LogError(string.Format("<color=red>Video Recording Error: {0}</color>", error));

        // Private Methods

        private void UpdateImageResolution(ZView zView, IntPtr connection)
            // Get the current viewport size.
            Vector2 viewportSize = ZCoreProxy.Instance.GetViewportSize();

            UInt16 imageWidth  = (UInt16)viewportSize.x;
            UInt16 imageHeight = (UInt16)viewportSize.y;

            // Set image width and height.
            if (imageWidth != _imageWidth || imageHeight != _imageHeight)
                // Begin settings batch.
                catch (PluginException e)
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to begin settings batch for updating image resolution: {0}", e.PluginError));

                // Update image resolution.
                    // Update the connection's image resolution settings.
                    zView.SetSetting(connection, ZView.SettingKey.ImageWidth, imageWidth);
                    zView.SetSetting(connection, ZView.SettingKey.ImageHeight, imageHeight);

                    // Update the internally cached image resolution in order to check
                    // if the image resolution has changed in subsequent frames.
                    _imageWidth  = imageWidth;
                    _imageHeight = imageHeight;
                catch (PluginException e)
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to set image resolution settings: {0}", e.PluginError));

                // End settings batch.
                catch (PluginException e)
                    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to end settings batch for updating image resolution: {0}", e.PluginError));
        public override void Render(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, IntPtr receivedFrame)
            // Grab a reference to the Core stereo rig's center eye camera.
            if (_currentCamera == null)
                GameObject currentCameraObject = ZCoreProxy.Instance.CurrentCameraObject;
                if (currentCameraObject != null)
                    _currentCamera = currentCameraObject.GetComponent <Camera>();
                    if (_currentCamera == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Failed to find the stereo rig center eye camera.");

            // Check to see if the image width or height changed and update them
            // accordingly.
            this.UpdateImageResolution(zView, connection);

            // Cache the camera's culling mask to be restored after it renders the frame.
            int cullingMask = _camera.cullingMask;

            // Copy the center eye camera's attributes to the standard mode primary camera.
            if (_currentCamera != null)

                // Update the camera's transform based on the center eye's view matrix.
                Matrix4x4 viewMatrix   = this.FlipHandedness(ZCoreProxy.Instance.GetFrustumViewMatrix(ZCoreProxy.Eye.Center));
                Matrix4x4 cameraMatrix = _currentCamera.transform.localToWorldMatrix * viewMatrix.inverse;

                _camera.transform.position = cameraMatrix.GetColumn(3);
                _camera.transform.rotation =

                // Set the camera's projection matrix based on the center eye's projection matrix.
                _camera.projectionMatrix = ZCoreProxy.Instance.GetFrustumProjectionMatrix(ZCoreProxy.Eye.Center);

            // Render the scene.
            _camera.cullingMask   = cullingMask & ~(zView.StandardModeIgnoreLayers);
            _camera.targetTexture = _renderTexture;

            // Restore the camera's culling mask.
            _camera.cullingMask = cullingMask;
Exemple #9
        // Section Draw Helpers

        private void CheckZViewInitialized()
            ZView zView = (ZView)this.target;

            if (!zView.IsInitialized())
                    "Failed to properly initialize the zSpace zView SDK. As a result, most " +
                    "zView functionality will be disabled. Please make sure that the zView " +
                    "SDK runtime has been properly installed on your machine.",
Exemple #10
        private void DrawInfoSection()
            ZView zView = (ZView)this.target;

            _isInfoSectionExpanded = this.DrawSectionHeader("General Info", _infoIconTexture, _isInfoSectionExpanded);
            if (_isInfoSectionExpanded)
                string pluginVersion  = zView.GetPluginVersion();
                string runtimeVersion = zView.IsInitialized() ? zView.GetRuntimeVersion() : "Unknown";

                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Plugin Version: " + pluginVersion);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Runtime Version: " + runtimeVersion);
        // Virtual Camera Overrides

        public override void SetUp(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, ZView.ModeSetupPhase phase)
            switch (phase)
            case ZView.ModeSetupPhase.Initialization:
                // Do nothing.

            case ZView.ModeSetupPhase.Completion:
                // Grab the image dimensions from the connection settings.
                _imageWidth  = zView.GetSettingUInt16(connection, ZView.SettingKey.ImageWidth);
                _imageHeight = zView.GetSettingUInt16(connection, ZView.SettingKey.ImageHeight);

                // Create the mask depth render texture (mask only).
                // NOTE: This is used for both RGB or RGBA overlay.
                _maskDepthRenderTexture            = new RenderTexture((int)_imageWidth, (int)_imageHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                _maskDepthRenderTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                _maskDepthRenderTexture.name       = "MaskDepthRenderTexture";

                // Create the non-environment render texture (non-environment objects + mask).
                // NOTE: For the RGB overlay, this is used to perform a depth render
                //       of the non-environment objects (excluding the mask). For the RGBA overlay,
                //       this is used to render non-environment objects (including the mask depth).
                _nonEnvironmentRenderTexture            = new RenderTexture((int)_imageWidth, (int)_imageHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                _nonEnvironmentRenderTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                _nonEnvironmentRenderTexture.name       = "NonEnvironmentRenderTexture";

                // Create the final composite render texture.
                // NOTE: This is used for both RGB or RGBA overlay.
                _finalRenderTexture            = new RenderTexture((int)_imageWidth, (int)_imageHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
                _finalRenderTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                _finalRenderTexture.name       = "CompositeRenderTexture";

                // Cache the composite render texture's native texture pointer. Per Unity documentation,
                // calling GetNativeTexturePtr() when using multi-threaded rendering will
                // synchronize with the rendering thread (which is a slow operation). So, only
                // call and cache once upon initialization.
                _nativeTexturePtr = _finalRenderTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();


Exemple #12
        private void OnConnectionModeSwitched(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
            IntPtr mode     = sender.GetConnectionMode(connection);
            string modeName = "None";

            if (mode == sender.GetStandardMode())
                modeName = "Standard";
            else if (mode == sender.GetAugmentedRealityMode())
                modeName = "Augmented Reality";

            Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=green>Connection Mode Switched: {0}</color>", modeName));
        private void RenderRGBA(ZView zView)
            if (zView.ARModeEnvironmentLayers != 0)
                // Update globals for the depth render shader.
                Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_Log2FarPlusOne", (float)Math.Log(_secondaryCamera.farClipPlane + 1, 2));

                // Perform a depth render of the mask.
                _secondaryCamera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.Color;
                _secondaryCamera.backgroundColor = Color.white;
                _secondaryCamera.cullingMask     = (1 << zView.ARModeMaskLayer);
                _secondaryCamera.targetTexture   = _maskDepthRenderTexture;
                _secondaryCamera.RenderWithShader(_depthRenderShader, string.Empty);

                // Render all non-environment objects including the box mask.
                _secondaryCamera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.Skybox;
                _secondaryCamera.backgroundColor = MASK_COLOR;
                _secondaryCamera.cullingMask     = _compositorCamera.cullingMask & ~(zView.ARModeEnvironmentLayers);
                _secondaryCamera.targetTexture   = _nonEnvironmentRenderTexture;

                // Perform the composite render of the entire scene excluding
                // the mask.
                _compositorCamera.cullingMask   = _compositorCamera.cullingMask & ~(1 << zView.ARModeMaskLayer);
                _compositorCamera.targetTexture = _finalRenderTexture;
                // Perform a render of the entire scene including the box mask.
                // NOTE: If no environment layers are set, we can optimize this
                //       to a single pass.
                _secondaryCamera.backgroundColor = MASK_COLOR;
                _secondaryCamera.targetTexture   = _finalRenderTexture;
        private void RenderRGB(ZView zView)
            // Update globals for the depth render shader.
            Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_Log2FarPlusOne", (float)Math.Log(_secondaryCamera.farClipPlane + 1, 2));

            // Perform a depth render of the mask.
            _secondaryCamera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.Color;
            _secondaryCamera.backgroundColor = Color.white;
            _secondaryCamera.cullingMask     = (1 << zView.ARModeMaskLayer);
            _secondaryCamera.targetTexture   = _maskDepthRenderTexture;
            _secondaryCamera.RenderWithShader(_depthRenderShader, string.Empty);

            // Perform a depth render of the scene excluding the mask
            // layer and any environment layers.
            _secondaryCamera.cullingMask   = _compositorCamera.cullingMask & ~(1 << zView.ARModeMaskLayer) & ~(zView.ARModeEnvironmentLayers);
            _secondaryCamera.targetTexture = _nonEnvironmentRenderTexture;
            _secondaryCamera.RenderWithShader(_depthRenderShader, string.Empty);

            // Perform the composite render of the entire scene excluding
            // the mask.
            _compositorCamera.cullingMask   = _compositorCamera.cullingMask & ~(1 << zView.ARModeMaskLayer);
            _compositorCamera.targetTexture = _finalRenderTexture;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Render a single frame.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="zView">
 /// A reference to the zView API Monobehaviour script.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="connection">
 /// The connection to perform the VirtualCamera's render for.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="receivedFrame">
 /// The received frame from the specified connection.
 /// </param>
 public abstract void Render(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, IntPtr receivedFrame);
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Set up the VirtualCamera.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Performs any setup related operations specific to the mode the
 /// VirtualCamera is associated with. This method will be called once
 /// per ModeSetupPhase when the specified connection has transitioned
 /// to the ConnectionState.ModeSetup state.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="zView">
 /// A reference to the zView API Monobehaviour script.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="connection">
 /// The connection to perform the VirtualCamera's setup phase for.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="phase">
 /// The mode setup phase for the specified connection.
 /// </param>
 public abstract void SetUp(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, ZView.ModeSetupPhase phase);
        public override void Render(ZView zView, IntPtr connection, IntPtr receivedFrame)
            // Cache whether transparency is enabled.
            _isTransparencyEnabled = zView.ARModeEnableTransparency;

            // Grab the viewer scale.
            float viewerScale = CoreCamera.transform.lossyScale.x;

            // Camera Properties Update

            // Cache the camera's culling mask and near/far clip planes so that they
            // can be restored after it renders the frame.
            int   originalCullingMask   = _compositorCamera.cullingMask;
            float originalNearClipPlane = _compositorCamera.nearClipPlane;
            float originalFarClipPlane  = _compositorCamera.farClipPlane;

            // Grab the web cam's display space pose matrix and intrinsic values
            // from the frame data.
            Matrix4x4 cameraPoseMatrixInDisplaySpace = zView.GetFrameDataMatrix4x4(receivedFrame, ZView.FrameDataKey.CameraPose);
            float     focalLength           = zView.GetFrameDataFloat(receivedFrame, ZView.FrameDataKey.CameraFocalLength);
            float     principalPointOffsetX = zView.GetFrameDataFloat(receivedFrame, ZView.FrameDataKey.CameraPrincipalPointOffsetX);
            float     principalPointOffsetY = zView.GetFrameDataFloat(receivedFrame, ZView.FrameDataKey.CameraPrincipalPointOffsetY);
            float     pixelAspectRatio      = zView.GetFrameDataFloat(receivedFrame, ZView.FrameDataKey.CameraPixelAspectRatio);
            float     axisSkew = zView.GetFrameDataFloat(receivedFrame, ZView.FrameDataKey.CameraAxisSkew);

            // Update the near and far clip values to account for viewer scale.
            float nearClipPlane = originalNearClipPlane * viewerScale;
            float farClipPlane  = originalFarClipPlane * viewerScale;

            // Calculate the camera's transform by transforming its corresponding
            // display space pose matrix to world space.
            Matrix4x4 displayToWorld =
                CoreCamera.transform.parent?.localToWorldMatrix ??

            Matrix4x4 worldPoseMatrix = displayToWorld * cameraPoseMatrixInDisplaySpace;

            // Calculate the camera's projection matrix based on the camera intrinsic
            // and near/far clip values.
            Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix =

            // Update the primary camera's properties (i.e. transform, projection, etc.).
            _compositorCamera.transform.position = worldPoseMatrix.GetColumn(3);
            _compositorCamera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldPoseMatrix.GetColumn(2), worldPoseMatrix.GetColumn(1));
            _compositorCamera.projectionMatrix   = projectionMatrix;
            _compositorCamera.cullingMask        = _compositorCamera.cullingMask & ~(zView.ARModeIgnoreLayers);
            _compositorCamera.nearClipPlane      = nearClipPlane;
            _compositorCamera.farClipPlane       = farClipPlane;

            // Copy the compositor camera's properties to the secondary camera.

            //make sure this is not HDR, it's not supported
            _secondaryCamera.allowHDR = false;
#endif // UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER

            // Box Mask Update

            // Enable the box mask to be rendered by the depth camera.
            // Note: The box mask will be disabled immediately after it is rendered
            //       by the AR depth camera so that it isn't inadvertently rendered by
            //       other cameras in the scene.

            // Update the box mask's transform and layer.
                CoreCamera.transform.parent?.position ?? Vector3.zero,
                CoreCamera.transform.parent?.rotation ?? Quaternion.identity);
            _boxMaskObject.transform.localScale = CoreCamera.transform.lossyScale;
            _boxMaskObject.layer = zView.ARModeMaskLayer;

            // Update the box mask's size.

            // Set the box mask's cutout size to be the size of the viewport
            // in viewport space (meters) since its associated transform's
            // local scale accounts for viewer scale.

            // Update the box mask's render queue priority.

            // Scene Render

            if (zView.ARModeEnableTransparency)

            // Disable the box mask so that it isn't inadvertently rendered by
            // any other cameras in the scene.

            // Restore the camera's culling mask and near/far clip planes.
            _compositorCamera.cullingMask   = originalCullingMask;
            _compositorCamera.nearClipPlane = originalNearClipPlane;
            _compositorCamera.farClipPlane  = originalFarClipPlane;
Exemple #18
 private void OnConnectionModePaused(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
     Debug.Log("<color=green>Connection Mode Paused</color>");
Exemple #19
        private void OnConnectionError(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
            ZView.PluginError error = sender.GetConnectionError(connection);

            Debug.LogError(string.Format("<color=green>Connection Error: {0}</color>", error));
Exemple #20
            private GlobalState()
                // Initialize the zView context.
                PluginError error = zvuInitialize(NodeType.Presenter, out _context);

                if (error == PluginError.Ok)
                    // Set the context's node name.
                    error = zvuSetNodeName(_context, ZView.StringToNativeUtf8(this.GetProjectName()));
                    if (error != PluginError.Ok)
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to set node name: ({0})", error));

                    // Set the context's node status.
                    error = zvuSetNodeStatus(_context, ZView.StringToNativeUtf8(string.Empty));
                    if (error != PluginError.Ok)
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to set node status: ({0})", error));

                    // Get both standard and augmented reality modes.
                    List <ZVSupportedMode> supportedModes = new List <ZVSupportedMode>();

                    _modeStandard = this.GetMode(_context, CompositingMode.None, CameraMode.LocalHeadTracked);
                    if (_modeStandard != IntPtr.Zero)
                            new ZVSupportedMode
                            mode             = _modeStandard,
                            modeAvailability = ModeAvailability.Available

                    _modeAugmentedReality = this.GetMode(_context, CompositingMode.AugmentedRealityCamera, CameraMode.RemoteMovable);
                    if (_modeAugmentedReality != IntPtr.Zero)
                            new ZVSupportedMode
                            mode             = _modeAugmentedReality,
                            modeAvailability = ModeAvailability.Available

                    // Set the context's supported modes.
                    error = zvuSetSupportedModes(_context, supportedModes.ToArray(), supportedModes.Count);
                    if (error != PluginError.Ok)
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to set supported modes: ({0})", error));

                    // Set the context's supported capabilities.
                    error = zvuSetSupportedCapabilities(_context, null, 0);
                    if (error != PluginError.Ok)
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to set supported capabilities: ({0})", error));

                    // Start listening for new connections.
                    error = zvuStartListeningForConnections(_context, ZView.StringToNativeUtf8(string.Empty));
                    if (error != PluginError.Ok)
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("Failed to start listening for connections: ({0})", error));

                    _isInitialized = true;
                    Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Failed to initialize zView context: ({0})", error));
                    _isInitialized = false;
Exemple #21
 private void OnVideoRecordingPaused(ZView sender, IntPtr connection)
     Debug.Log("<color=red>Video Recording Paused</color>");
Exemple #22
        private void DrawConnectionsSection()
            ZView zView = (ZView)this.target;

            _isConnectionsSectionExpanded = this.DrawSectionHeader("Connections", _connectionsIconTexture, _isConnectionsSectionExpanded, true);
            if (_isConnectionsSectionExpanded)
                bool doActiveConnectionsExist = false;

                    // For each connection:
                    int numConnections = zView.GetNumConnections();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numConnections; ++i)
                        // Get the connection.
                        IntPtr connection = zView.GetConnection(i);

                        // Get the connection's state.
                        ZView.ConnectionState connectionState = zView.GetConnectionState(connection);
                        if (connectionState != ZView.ConnectionState.Error)
                            // Display the connection's information.
                            int    connectionNumber       = i + 1;
                            string initiationStatusString = zView.WasConnectionLocallyInitiated(connection) ? "locally" : "remotely";
                            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("Connection {0}  (initiated {1})", connectionNumber, initiationStatusString));

                                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Name: " + zView.GetConnectedNodeName(connection));
                                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Status: " + zView.GetConnectedNodeStatus(connection));
                                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("State: " + connectionState);

                                IntPtr mode       = zView.GetConnectionMode(connection);
                                string modeString = "Unknown";
                                if (mode == IntPtr.Zero)
                                    modeString = "None";
                                else if (mode == zView.GetStandardMode())
                                    modeString = "Standard";
                                else if (mode == zView.GetAugmentedRealityMode())
                                    modeString = "Augmented Reality";

                                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Mode: " + modeString);

                            doActiveConnectionsExist = true;
                    // TODO: Add warning.

                if (!doActiveConnectionsExist)
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No active connections");