Exemple #1
        public static void BeginCachedConfiguration()
            Debug.Assert(_initialized, "Not initialized.");
            Debug.Assert(_uncommittedZAMsettings == null, "Configuration already in a cached state.  It must be rolled back or committed before calling BeginCachedConfiguration.");

                //_logger.LogInformation($"In BeginCachedConfiguration:\n{_committedJsonStr}");

                _uncommittedZAMsettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ZAMsettings>(_committedJsonStr);

                _uncommittedZAMsettings.m_readOnly = false;

                // Because this value is not persisted in json file, set current user manually.
                _uncommittedZAMsettings.CurrentUserProfile = _committedZAMsettings.CurrentUserProfile;

                _logger.LogInformation($"Configuration cached.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Exception occurred trying to load configuration from JSON string.", ex);
Exemple #2
        public static void CommitCachedConfiguration()
            Debug.Assert(_initialized, "Not initialized.");
            Debug.Assert(_uncommittedZAMsettings != null, "Configuration not in a cached state.  It must be cached first using BeginCachedConfiguration.");

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_uncommittedZAMsettings, Formatting.Indented);

                File.WriteAllText(FileName, json);

                //_logger.LogInformation($"In CommitCachedConfiguration:\n{json}");

                _committedZAMsettings            = _uncommittedZAMsettings;
                _committedJsonStr                = json;
                _committedZAMsettings.m_readOnly = true;

                _uncommittedZAMsettings = null;

                _logger.LogInformation($"Cached configuration saved to file: {FileName}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Exception occurred trying to save cached configuration to file: {FileName}", ex);
Exemple #3
        public static void RollbackCachedConfiguration()
            Debug.Assert(_initialized, "Not initialized.");
            Debug.Assert(_uncommittedZAMsettings != null, "Configuration not in a cached state.  It must be cached first using RollbackCachedConfiguration.");

            _uncommittedZAMsettings = null;

            _logger.LogInformation($"Cached configuration rolled back.");
Exemple #4
        public static void Initialize(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, ZPMonitorService zpMonitorService)
            if (_initialized)

            _loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
            _logger        = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ZAMsettings>();

            ZPMonitorService = zpMonitorService;

            JObject parsedJson = null;

            //bool userFileExists = false;

                    // Try to load user .json file settings
                    string jsonStr = File.ReadAllText(FileName);
                    parsedJson = JObject.Parse(jsonStr);

                    //userFileExists = true;

                    _logger.LogInformation($"Configuration cached from user settings file {FileName}.");
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    // User .json file not found.  Try to load default .json file settings
                    string jsonStr = File.ReadAllText(FileNameDefault);
                    parsedJson = JObject.Parse(jsonStr);

                    _logger.LogInformation($"Configuration cached from default settings file {FileNameDefault}.  User settings file {FileName} not found.");

                // Configuration has been loaded and .json is good.  Now deserialize into the settings objects.
                _committedJsonStr = parsedJson.ToString();

                _committedZAMsettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ZAMsettings>(_committedJsonStr); // this could throw if settings don't match the .json

                _committedZAMsettings.m_readOnly = true;

                // Set current user according to default selection.  This value is not persisted in json file.
                _committedZAMsettings.CurrentUserProfile = _committedZAMsettings.DefaultUserProfile;

                _initialized = true;

                // Allow any configuration classes to do default initialization (if needed)

                bool isInitialized = Settings.Laps.InitializeDefaultValues();
                isInitialized = isInitialized || Settings.Splits.InitializeDefaultValues();

                // If a Collector or UserProfile needs to be added manually for some reason, that will need to be coded separately
                foreach (Collector c in Settings.Collectors.Values)
                    isInitialized = isInitialized || c.InitializeDefaultValues();
                foreach (UserProfile p in Settings.UserProfiles.Values)
                    isInitialized = isInitialized || p.InitializeDefaultValues();

                if (isInitialized)
                    // Something changed
                    // Nothing changed

                //if (userFileExists)
                //    BeginCachedConfiguration();

                //    if (!Settings.Collectors.ContainsKey("6 min"))
                //    {
                //        Collector c = new Collector()
                //        {
                //            Name = "6 min",
                //            DurationDesc = "SixMinute",
                //            DurationSecs = 360,
                //            FieldAvgDesc = "Watts",
                //            FieldAvgMaxDesc = "Wkg",
                //            FieldFtpDesc = "Hidden"
                //        };
                //        Settings.Collectors.Add("6 min", c);
                //    }

                //    Settings.Laps.InitializeDefaultValues();

                //    CommitCachedConfiguration();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Exception occurred while trying to load configuration.", ex);