static string VideoDownload(string url) { var youtubeDl = new YoutubeDL(); if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { youtubeDl.YoutubeDlPath = "./tools/youtube-dl.exe"; } else { youtubeDl.YoutubeDlPath = "./tools/youtube-dl"; } string filename = url.Split("/")[url.Split("/").Length - 2] + ".mp4"; youtubeDl.Options.FilesystemOptions.Output = filename; youtubeDl.VideoUrl = "" + url; Console.WriteLine("" + url); youtubeDl.StandardOutputEvent += (sender, output) => Console.WriteLine(output); youtubeDl.StandardErrorEvent += (sender, errorOutput) => Console.WriteLine(errorOutput); string commandToRun = youtubeDl.PrepareDownload(); youtubeDl.Download(); youtubeDl = null; return(filename); }
static async Task GetAudio(string location, string fileName) { var yt = new YoutubeDL(); yt.Options.FilesystemOptions.Output = $@"e:\test\{fileName}"; yt.Options.PostProcessingOptions.ExtractAudio = true; yt.Options.PostProcessingOptions.AudioFormat = Enums.AudioFormat.mp3; yt.VideoUrl = location; yt.Options.GeneralOptions.Update = true; yt.YoutubeDlPath = $@"e:\test\youtube-dl.exe"; yt.StandardOutputEvent += (sender, output) => Console.WriteLine(output); yt.StandardErrorEvent += (sender, errorOutput) => Console.WriteLine(errorOutput); // string commandToRun = await yt.PrepareDownloadAsync(); // Alternatively string commandToRun = yt.PrepareDownload(); // Just let it run await yt.DownloadAsync(); // Wait for it // yt.Download(); }
public void TestIntOption() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string socketTimeoutIntOption = " --socket-timeout 5 "; ydlClient.Options.NetworkOptions.SocketTimeout = 5; Assert.Contains(socketTimeoutIntOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public async Task PlayLocal(params string[] search) { int querypages = 1; var items = new VideoSearch(); var message = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Searching..."); var urls = items.SearchQuery(string.Join(" ", search), querypages); var duration = urls.First().Duration; var thumbnail = urls.First().Thumbnail; await message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Content = "Downloading " + urls.First().Title + "..."); var urlToDownload = urls.First().Url; var newFilename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var mp3OutputFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/songs/"; var downloader = new YoutubeDL(); downloader.VideoUrl = urlToDownload; downloader.YoutubeDlPath = @"C:\Users\thoma\source\repos\CoolDiscordBot\CoolDiscordBot\bin\Debug\youtube-dl.exe"; downloader.Options.FilesystemOptions.Output = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/songs/" + newFilename; downloader.PrepareDownload(); downloader.Download(); var info = downloader.GetDownloadInfo(); while (downloader.ProcessRunning == true) { await Task.Delay(50); } EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder.Title = Context.User.Username + "#" + Context.User.Discriminator; builder.AddField("Name", info.Title); builder.ThumbnailUrl = thumbnail; builder.AddField("Duration", duration); builder.AddField("Url", urlToDownload); await ReplyAsync("t", false, builder.Build()); audioModule = new audiomodule(); var voiceChannel = ((IVoiceState)Context.User).VoiceChannel; if (voiceChannel is null) { await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} you are not in a voice channel!"); return; } var audioClient = await voiceChannel.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine(newFilename); string path = "\"" + Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/songs/" + newFilename + ".mkv" + "\""; await audioModule.PlayLocalMusic(path, audioClient); }
public void TestEnumOption() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string audioFormatEnumOption = " --audio-format mp3 "; ydlClient.Options.PostProcessingOptions.AudioFormat = Enums.AudioFormat.mp3; Assert.Contains(audioFormatEnumOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestFileSizeRateOption2() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string bufferSizeFileSizeRateOption = " --buffer-size 5.5M "; ydlClient.Options.DownloadOptions.BufferSize = new FileSizeRate("5.5M"); Assert.Contains(bufferSizeFileSizeRateOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestBoolOption() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string extractAudioOptionString = " -x "; ydlClient.Options.PostProcessingOptions.ExtractAudio = true; Assert.Contains(extractAudioOptionString, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestDateTimeOption() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string dateDateTimeOption = " --date 20170201 "; ydlClient.Options.VideoSelectionOptions.Date = new DateTime(2017, 02, 01); Assert.Contains(dateDateTimeOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestStringOption() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string usernameStringOption = " -u testUser "; ydlClient.Options.AuthenticationOptions.Username = "******"; Assert.Contains(usernameStringOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestStringOptionWithWhiteSpace() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string ffmpegLocationOption = " --ffmpeg-location \"test location\" "; ydlClient.Options.PostProcessingOptions.FfmpegLocation = "test location"; Assert.Contains(ffmpegLocationOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestIntOptionNegativeIsInfinite() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string retriesIntOption = " -R infinite "; ydlClient.Options.DownloadOptions.Retries = -1; Assert.Contains(retriesIntOption, ydlClient.PrepareDownload()); }
public void TestFileSizeRateOption1() { YoutubeDL ydlClient = new YoutubeDL(); const string bufferSizeFileSizeRateOption = " --buffer-size 5.5M "; ydlClient.Options.DownloadOptions.BufferSize = new FileSizeRate(5.5, Enums.ByteUnit.M); Assert.True(ydlClient.PrepareDownload().Contains(bufferSizeFileSizeRateOption)); }
public async void ProcessQueue() { processingQueue = true; Parallel.ForEach(Queue, async item => //foreach (var item in Queue) { if (item.Status == "Queued") { var fileName = item.Title + ".mp4"; var location = item.Url; var items = new List <string>(); var yt = new YoutubeDL(); yt.Options.FilesystemOptions.Output = $@"e:\test\{fileName}"; yt.Options.PostProcessingOptions.ExtractAudio = true; yt.Options.PostProcessingOptions.AudioFormat = Enums.AudioFormat.mp3; yt.VideoUrl = location; yt.Options.GeneralOptions.Update = true; yt.YoutubeDlPath = $@"e:\test\youtube-dl.exe"; yt.StandardOutputEvent += (sender, output) => { Console.WriteLine(output); ConsoleText = output; items.Add(output); var pct = item.Percent; if (output.Contains("[download]") && output.Contains('%')) { var s = output.IndexOf('%'); var num = output.Substring(10, s - 10); var numc = num.Trim(); pct = Decimal.Parse(numc); item.Percent = pct; item.Status = "Downloading"; } if (item.Percent == 100) { item.Status = "Processing"; } if (output.StartsWith("Deleting")) { item.Status = "Done"; } }; yt.StandardErrorEvent += (sender, errorOutput) => Console.WriteLine(errorOutput); string commandToRun = yt.PrepareDownload(); await yt.DownloadAsync(); } }); processingQueue = false; }
static void VideoDownload(string url) { var youtubeDl = new YoutubeDL(); if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { youtubeDl.YoutubeDlPath = "./tools/youtube-dl.exe"; } else { youtubeDl.YoutubeDlPath = "./tools/youtube-dl"; } youtubeDl.Options.FilesystemOptions.Output = "./video.mp4"; youtubeDl.VideoUrl = "" + url; Console.WriteLine("" + url); youtubeDl.StandardOutputEvent += (sender, output) => Console.WriteLine(output); youtubeDl.StandardErrorEvent += (sender, errorOutput) => Console.WriteLine(errorOutput); string commandToRun = youtubeDl.PrepareDownload(); youtubeDl.Download(); youtubeDl = null; }
private void UiDownloadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string url = uiUrlTextBox.Text; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a video URL", "No URL Entered", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); uiUrlTextBox.Focus(); return; } uiDownloadButton.Enabled = false; string videoLocation = Path.Combine(Constants.VideoCacheLocation, "temp_video_download.mp4"); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiStatusLabel.Text = "Starting download... Please wait as this can take a few seconds to start."); try { youtubeDl = new YoutubeDL { YoutubeDlPath = "youtube-dl.exe", VideoUrl = url, }; youtubeDl.Options.FilesystemOptions.Output = videoLocation; youtubeDl.Options.GeneralOptions.IgnoreErrors = true; youtubeDl.PrepareDownload(); youtubeDl.Info.PropertyChanged += (o, args) => { DownloadInfo info = (DownloadInfo)o; string status = info.Status; this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiDownloadProgressBar.Value = info.VideoProgress); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiStatusLabel.Text = $"Status: {status} Video size: {info.VideoSize} Download speed: {info.DownloadRate} ETA: {info.Eta}"); if (status == "Error") { this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiStatusLabel.Text = "Error downloading video."); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiDownloadButton.Enabled = true); youtubeDl.KillProcess(); } if (status == "Done" || info.VideoProgress == 100) { this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiDownloadButton.Enabled = true); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => uiStatusLabel.Text = "Status: Download complete. Processing video."); if (!hasFired) //this can fire multiple times, so stop it from happening with flag. Need to reset after download completed! { hasFired = true; youtubeDl.KillProcess(); VideoDownloadComplete?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => Close()); } } }; youtubeDl.DownloadAsync(); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { MessageBox.Show("An error has occured attempting to download this video.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }