GameObject CreateOptionWindow(Yarn.Options optionsCollection)
        GameObject          optionWindow  = Instantiate <GameObject> (optionWindowPrefab);
        OptionSetController setController = optionWindow.GetComponent <OptionSetController> ();

        setController.transform.SetParent(dialogueCanvas.transform, false);
        //setController.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 ();
        GameObject newButton;

        // populate it with buttons
        string parsedOptString;

        foreach (var optionString in optionsCollection.options)
            parsedOptString = YarnUtils.ParseYarnText(dialogueRunner.variableStorage, optionString);
            newButton       = Instantiate <GameObject>(setController.buttonPrefab);
            setController.AddOption(newButton, parsedOptString);

        // let's put it in the middle-right of the screen
        //setController.rectTransform.ApplyAnchorPreset(TextAnchor.MiddleRight, false, false);

Exemple #2
    public void AddEntry(string text, string imageName)
        Debug.Log("Adding testimony!");
        GameObject     newEntryGo = Instantiate <GameObject>(entryPrefab, entryPrefab.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        TestimonyEntry entry      = newEntryGo.GetComponent <TestimonyEntry>();

        // The text may contain a variable, so make sure that the right value is shown instead
        // of the variable name
        string entryText = YarnUtils.ParseYarnText(variableStorage, text);

        // Load the sprite based on the name
        Sprite giverSprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/Portraits/" + imageName);

        if (giverSprite == null)
            throw new System.ArgumentException(imageName + " is not in the Portraits subfolder of the Graphics folder.");

        entry.text         = entryText;
        entry.giverMugshot = giverSprite;

        newEntryGo.transform.SetParent(testimonyHolder, false);

        // Make it expand when clicked, go back to normal when clicked while expanded
        Button entryButton = newEntryGo.GetComponent <Button>();

        crewManager.buttonsManaged[newEntryGo] = ButtonState.normal;
        entryButton.onClick.AddListener(() =>
            if (crewManager.EntryNormal(newEntryGo))


    public void AddEntry(string text, string imageName)
        Debug.Log("Adding verbal clue!");
        GameObject      newEntryGo   = Instantiate <GameObject>(entryPrefab);
        VerbalClueEntry entryDetails = newEntryGo.GetComponent <VerbalClueEntry>();

        // The text may contain a variable, so make sure that the right value is shown instead
        // of the variable name
        string entryText = YarnUtils.ParseYarnText(variableStorage, text);

        // load the sprite based on the name
        Sprite giverSprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Graphics/Portraits/" + imageName);

        if (giverSprite == null)
            throw new System.ArgumentException(imageName + " is not in the Portraits subfolder of the Graphics folder.");

        entryDetails.text         = entryText;
        entryDetails.giverMugshot = giverSprite;

        newEntryGo.transform.SetParent(testimonyHolder, false);
    void GetTextDisplayed()
        // make the textbox visible
        CanvasGroup cGroup = textbox.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

        cGroup.alpha          = 1;
        cGroup.blocksRaycasts = true;

        //Debug.Log ("Text to display, gathered between the textbox tags: " + textToShow.ToString ());

        if (textboxController.nameTag != null)
            textboxController.nameTagText = nameTagText;
        if (textboxController.portrait != null)
            textboxController.portraitSprite = portrait;

        print("Right before displaying text, culprit is: " + dialogueRunner.variableStorage.GetValue("$Culprit").AsString);
        string varParsedText = YarnUtils.ParseYarnText(dialogueRunner.variableStorage, textToShow.ToString());
