public void FlattensTopLevelScalarNodes() { // Given IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>(); IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> items = null; document .When(x => x.Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())) .Do(x => items = x.Arg<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); document.Content.Returns(@" A: 1 B: true C: Yes "); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); // When yaml.Execute(new[] { document }, null).ToList(); // Make sure to materialize the result list // Then document.Received(1).Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); Assert.AreEqual(3, items.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("1", items.First(x => x.Key == "A").Value); Assert.AreEqual("true", items.First(x => x.Key == "B").Value); Assert.AreEqual("Yes", items.First(x => x.Key == "C").Value); }
public void GeneratesDynamicObject() { // Given IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>(); IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> items = null; document .When(x => x.Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())) .Do(x => items = x.Arg<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); document.Content.Returns(@" A: 1 B: true C: Yes "); Yaml yaml = new Yaml("MyYaml"); // When yaml.Execute(new[] { document }, null).ToList(); // Make sure to materialize the result list // Then document.Received(1).Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count()); Assert.IsInstanceOf<DynamicYaml>(items.First().Value); Assert.AreEqual(1, (int)((dynamic)items.First().Value).A); Assert.AreEqual(true, (bool)((dynamic)items.First().Value).B); Assert.AreEqual("Yes", (string)((dynamic)items.First().Value).C); }
public void CanParseFile() { var yaml = new Yaml(); var parsed = yaml.ParseFile(@"Resources\Sample.yaml"); Assert.That(parsed[0].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("hello")); Assert.That(parsed[1].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("there")); }
public void SetsMetadataKey() { // Given IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>(); document.Content.Returns(@"A: 1"); Yaml yaml = new Yaml("MyYaml"); // When yaml.Execute(new [] { document }, null).ToList(); // Make sure to materialize the result list // Then document.Received(1).Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); document.Received().Clone(Arg.Is<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>(x => x.First().Key == "MyYaml")); }
public void CanParseText() { var content = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, new[] { "- hello", "- there" }); var yaml = new Yaml(); var parsed = yaml.ParseText(content); Assert.That(parsed[0].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("hello")); Assert.That(parsed[1].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("there")); }
public void CanParseMoreComplexFile() { var yaml = new Yaml(); var parsed = yaml.ParseFile(@"Resources\NestedSample.yaml"); ValidatePersonYaml(parsed[0] as YamlMapping, "James", "23", new[] { "01234 432123", "01234 455674" }); ValidatePersonYaml(parsed[1] as YamlMapping, "Sara", "23", new[] { "03323 412314", "03432 885443" }); }
public void VerifyTokensOnExample7() { AssertSequenceOfEventsFrom(Yaml.ParserForResource("07-scalar-styles.yaml"), StreamStart, DocumentStart(Explicit), PlainScalar(string.Empty), DocumentEnd(Implicit), DocumentStart(Explicit), PlainScalar("a plain scalar"), DocumentEnd(Implicit), DocumentStart(Explicit), SingleQuotedScalar("a single-quoted scalar"), DocumentEnd(Implicit), DocumentStart(Explicit), DoubleQuotedScalar("a double-quoted scalar"), DocumentEnd(Implicit), DocumentStart(Explicit), LiteralScalar("a literal scalar"), DocumentEnd(Implicit), DocumentStart(Explicit), FoldedScalar("a folded scalar"), DocumentEnd(Implicit), StreamEnd); }
public async Task <Extensionsv1beta1Ingress> CreateExtensionsv1beta1IngressAsync( string extensionsv1beta1IngressContent, string namespaceParameter = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { try { Log.Verbose("Loading k8s Ingress definition ..."); var extensionsv1beta1IngressDefinition = Yaml .LoadFromString <Extensionsv1beta1Ingress>( extensionsv1beta1IngressContent ); if (null != namespaceParameter) { extensionsv1beta1IngressDefinition.Metadata.NamespaceProperty = namespaceParameter; } Log.Verbose($"Creating k8s Ingress: " + $"{extensionsv1beta1IngressDefinition.Metadata.Name} ..."); var extensionsv1beta1Ingress = await _k8sClient .CreateNamespacedIngressAsync( extensionsv1beta1IngressDefinition, extensionsv1beta1IngressDefinition.Metadata.NamespaceProperty, cancellationToken : cancellationToken ); Log.Verbose($"Created k8s Ingress: {extensionsv1beta1Ingress.Metadata.Name}"); return(extensionsv1beta1Ingress); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, $"Failed to create k8s Ingress"); throw; } }
public void LoadPropertyNamedReadOnlyFromString() { var content = @"apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: namespace: bar name: foo spec: containers: - image: nginx volumeMounts: - name: vm1 mountPath: /vm1 readOnly: true - name: vm2 mountPath: /vm2 readOnly: false "; var obj = Yaml.LoadFromString <V1Pod>(content); Assert.True(obj.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts[0].ReadOnlyProperty); Assert.False(obj.Spec.Containers[0].VolumeMounts[1].ReadOnlyProperty); }
public static List <BuildScriptWithBuildData> PrepareBuildScriptsFromYaml(Dep dep) { var buildSections = Yaml.BuildParser(dep.Name).Get(dep.Configuration); var result = new List <BuildScriptWithBuildData>(); foreach (var buildSection in buildSections) { if (buildSection.Target.IsFakeTarget()) { result.Add(null); } else { var script = buildSection.Tool.Name == "msbuild" ? BuildMsbuildScript(buildSection, dep.Name) : BuildShellScript(buildSection); var scriptIfFail = buildSection.Tool.Name == "msbuild" ? BuildMsbuildScript(buildSection, dep.Name) : BuildShellScript(buildSection); result.Add(new BuildScriptWithBuildData( script, scriptIfFail, buildSection)); } } return(result); }
public void CommentsAreOmittedUnlessRequested() { AssertSequenceOfEventsFrom(Yaml.ParserForText(@" # Top comment - first # Comment on first item - second - # a mapping ? key # my key : value # my value # Bottom comment "), StreamStart, DocumentStart(Implicit), BlockSequenceStart, PlainScalar("first"), PlainScalar("second"), BlockMappingStart, PlainScalar("key"), PlainScalar("value"), MappingEnd, SequenceEnd, DocumentEnd(Implicit), StreamEnd); }
public void ScannerIsSerializable() { var sut = Yaml.ScannerForText(@" - one - two - three "); AssertPartialSequenceOfTokensFrom(sut, StreamStart, BlockSequenceStart, BlockEntry, PlainScalar("one"), BlockEntry, PlainScalar("two")); var buffer = new MemoryStream(); var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(buffer, sut); AssertSequenceOfTokensFrom(sut, BlockEntry, PlainScalar("three"), BlockEnd, StreamEnd); buffer.Position = 0; sut = (Scanner)formatter.Deserialize(buffer); AssertSequenceOfTokensFrom(sut, BlockEntry, PlainScalar("three"), BlockEnd, StreamEnd); }
public void VerifyTokensOnExample12() { AssertSequenceOfEventsFrom(Yaml.ParserForResource("12-compact-sequence.yaml"), StreamStart, DocumentStart(Implicit), BlockSequenceStart, BlockSequenceStart, PlainScalar("item 1"), PlainScalar("item 2"), SequenceEnd, BlockMappingStart, PlainScalar("key 1"), PlainScalar("value 1"), PlainScalar("key 2"), PlainScalar("value 2"), MappingEnd, BlockMappingStart, PlainScalar("complex key"), PlainScalar("complex value"), MappingEnd, SequenceEnd, DocumentEnd(Implicit), StreamEnd); }
private Scanner ScannerFor(string name) { return(new Scanner(Yaml.StreamFrom(name))); }
public void GenericDictionaryThatDoesNotImplementIDictionaryCanBeDeserialized() { var sut = new Deserializer(); var deserialized = sut.Deserialize <GenericTestDictionary <string, string> >(Yaml.ReaderForText(@" a: 1 b: 2 ")); Assert.Equal("1", deserialized["a"]); Assert.Equal("2", deserialized["b"]); }
internal async Task <int> Main() { Console.WriteLine("This utility will walk you through setting up a brand new FiveM server with NFive installed."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("If you already have FiveM server installed you should cancel and use `nfpm init`."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press ^C at any time to quit."); Console.WriteLine(); var config = new ConfigGenerator(); config.Hostname = ParseSimple("server name", "NFive"); var serverMaxPlayers = ParseSimple("server max players", "32"); config.Tags = ParseSimple("server tags (separate with space)", "nfive").Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); config.LicenseKey = ParseSimple("server license key (", "<skip>"); Console.WriteLine(); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "resources", "nfive")); var definition = new Definition { Name = "local/nfive-install", Version = "1.0.0" }; using (var client = new WebClient()) { Console.WriteLine("Finding latest FiveM Windows server version..."); var yml = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(""); var versions = Yaml.Deserialize <List <string> >(yml); var latest = versions.First(); Console.WriteLine($"Downloading FiveM server v{latest.Split(new[] { '-' }, 2)[0]}..."); var data = await client.DownloadDataTaskAsync($"{latest}/"); Console.WriteLine("Installing FiveM server..."); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var zip = ZipFile.Read(stream)) { zip.ExtractAll(Environment.CurrentDirectory, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Downloading NFive..."); data = await client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(""); Console.WriteLine("Installing NFive..."); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var zip = ZipFile.Read(stream)) { zip.ExtractAll(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "resources", "nfive"), ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); } } config.Serialize().Save(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "server.cfg")); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "resources", "nfive", "nfive.yml"), Yaml.Serialize(definition)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Installation is complete, you can now start the server with `nfpm start`!"); return(await Task.FromResult(0)); }
public void Save(string path = Program.LockFile) { File.WriteAllText(path, Yaml.Serialize(this)); }
private static TokensList ModuleConfigs(string moduleName) { return(TokensList.Create( Yaml.ConfigurationParser(moduleName).GetConfigurations())); }
/// <summary> /// Serialize this instance and saves the file to the specified path. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to save the file at.</param> public void Save(string path = ConfigurationManager.LockFile) { File.WriteAllText(path, Yaml.Serialize(this)); }
public static Server ParseShadowsocksServer(YamlMappingNode proxy) { int port; if (!Int32.TryParse(Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "port", "0"), out port)) { return(null); } var server = new ShadowsocksServer() { Port = port, Name = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "name"), Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "server"), Password = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "password"), Method = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "cipher"), UDPRelay = Yaml.GetTruthFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "udp"), }; YamlNode pluginOptionsNode; // refer to offical clash to parse plugin options // if (proxy.Children.TryGetValue("plugin-opts", out pluginOptionsNode) && pluginOptionsNode.NodeType == YamlNodeType.Mapping) { switch (Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "plugin")) { case "obfs": server.PluginType = PluginType.SimpleObfs; server.PluginOptions = new SimpleObfsPluginOptions() { Mode = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "mode"), Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "host"), }; break; case "v2ray-plugin": // also refer to official v2ray-plugin to parse v2ray-plugin options // var options = new V2RayPluginOptions(); server.PluginType = PluginType.V2Ray; server.PluginOptions = options; options.Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "host"); options.Mode = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "mode"); options.Path = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "path"); options.EnableTLS = Yaml.GetTruthFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "tls"); options.SkipCertVerification = Yaml.GetTruthFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "skip-cert-verify"); options.Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); YamlNode headersNode; if (!(pluginOptionsNode as YamlMappingNode).Children.TryGetValue("headers", out headersNode)) { break; } if (headersNode.NodeType != YamlNodeType.Mapping) { break; } foreach (var header in (headersNode as YamlMappingNode)) { if (header.Value.NodeType != YamlNodeType.Scalar) { continue; } options.Headers.Add((header.Key as YamlScalarNode).Value, (header.Value as YamlScalarNode).Value); } break; } } if (server.PluginType == PluginType.None) { var obfs = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "obfs"); var obfsHost = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "obfs-host"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(obfs)) { server.PluginType = PluginType.SimpleObfs; server.PluginOptions = new SimpleObfsPluginOptions() { Mode = obfs, Host = obfsHost }; } } return(server); }
/// <summary> /// Serialize this instance and saves the to the specified path. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to save the file at.</param> public void Save(string path) { File.WriteAllText(path, Yaml.Serialize(this)); }
public void AllAliasesMustBeResolved() { var original = new YamlStream(); Assert.Throws <AnchorNotFoundException>(() => original.Load(Yaml.ReaderFrom("invalid-reference.yaml"))); }
private static bool IsContentModuel(Dep dep) { return(Yaml.SettingsParser(dep.Name).Get().IsContentModule || Yaml.BuildParser(dep.Name).Get(dep.Configuration) .All(t => t.Target == "None")); }
public static TOptions Parse <TOptions>(string configFile, string sectionName = "") where TOptions : class, new() { return(Yaml.FromFile(configFile, sectionName).ApplyTo <TOptions>()); }
public bool CheckDeployments(IKubernetes client, IDeserializer deserializer, string path, string key, out string value) { value = null; string curr; bool match = true; foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path)) { var fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file); var deployment = Yaml.LoadFromString <V1Deployment>(fileContent); if (deployment == null) { match = false; break; } // Check if Deployment has label - if no labels return false if (deployment.Metadata.Labels != null) { deployment.Metadata.Labels.TryGetValue(key, out curr); } else { match = false; break; } // Matches first Deployment with label, assigns label value to labName if (value == null) { value = curr; } // If there is no match at this stage, there is a mismatch else if (value != curr) { match = false; break; } // Checking selectors - all deployments must select based on at least the lab name and that name must match on every template // Checking MatchLabels if (deployment.Spec.Selector.MatchLabels != null) { deployment.Spec.Selector.MatchLabels.TryGetValue(key, out curr); if (value != curr) { match = false; break; } } // Checking MatchExpressions else { var expressions = deployment.Spec.Selector.MatchExpressions; if (expressions != null) { foreach (var expression in expressions) { if (expression.Key == key && expression.OperatorProperty == "In" && expression.Values.Contains(value)) { match = true; break; } else { match = false; break; } } } } // Checking Pod Spec - label should be present and correct if (deployment.Spec.Template.Metadata.Labels == null) { match = false; break; } deployment.Spec.Template.Metadata.Labels.TryGetValue(key, out curr); if (value != curr) { match = false; break; } } return(match); }
public static T FromYaml <T>(this string yaml) { return(Yaml.From <T>(yaml)); }
public void SetsMetadataKey() { // Given IDocument document = Substitute.For<IDocument>(); IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> items = null; document .When(x => x.Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>())) .Do(x => items = x.Arg<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); document.Content.Returns(@"A: 1"); Yaml yaml = new Yaml("MyYaml"); // When yaml.Execute(new [] { document }, null).ToList(); // Make sure to materialize the result list // Then document.Received().Clone(Arg.Any<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>()); Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("MyYaml", items.First().Key); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <IActionResult> Index(int id) { userName = this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); var k8SClientConfig = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildDefaultConfig(); var client = new Kubernetes(k8SClientConfig); var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>(); optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("ApplicationDbContext"); p = _context.Template.Find(id).Path; HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("TemplateId", id); var pDeployments = "/etc/athena/Templates/" + p + "/Deployment"; var pServices = "/etc/athena/Templates/" + p + "/Service"; var pIngress = "/etc/athena/Templates/" + p + "/Ingress"; string pNetPol = "/etc/athena/Templates/" + p + "/NetworkPolicy"; try { foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(pServices)) { var fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file); var service = Yaml.LoadFromString <V1Service>(fileContent); var result = client.CreateNamespacedService(service, userName); } foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(pDeployments)) { var fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file); var deployment = Yaml.LoadFromString <V1Deployment>(fileContent); var result = client.CreateNamespacedDeployment(deployment, userName); } foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(pIngress)) { var fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file); var ingress = Yaml.LoadFromString <Networkingv1beta1Ingress>(fileContent); AddIngress(client, ingress, userName); } foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(pNetPol)) { V1NetworkPolicy netPol = null; var fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file); netPol = Yaml.LoadFromString <V1NetworkPolicy>(fileContent); var result = client.CreateNamespacedNetworkPolicy(netPol, userName); } return(View()); } catch { return(View()); } }
public static void Execute(Arguments arguments) { FileInfo manifestFile = arguments.TemplateManifest; FileInfo functionalTemplatesFile = arguments.TemplateDefinitions; // Read in all template manifests var manifests = Yaml.Deserialize <TemplateManifest[]>(manifestFile); // Read current template definitions and convert to dictionary var arrayOfFunctionalTemplates = Json.Deserialize <FunctionalTemplate[]>(functionalTemplatesFile); var dictionaryOfCurrentTemplates = DataProcessing.ConvertArrayOfFunctionalTemplatesToDictionary(arrayOfFunctionalTemplates); // init a new template list for output. var newTemplateList = new List <FunctionalTemplate>(); // cycle through all the manifests foreach (var manifest in manifests) { var name = manifest.Name; if (!dictionaryOfCurrentTemplates.ContainsKey(name)) { // the current manifest is not an existing template - therefore make it. var newTemplate = new FunctionalTemplate(manifest) { Template = TemplateManifest.CreateTemplateDefinition(manifest), MostRecentEdit = DateTime.Now, }; newTemplateList.Add(newTemplate); continue; } if (manifest.EditStatus == EditStatus.Edit) { // This option edits an existing functional template in the json file. The template definition is (re)calculated. // Effectively the same as creating a new template. var newTemplate = new FunctionalTemplate(manifest) { Template = TemplateManifest.CreateTemplateDefinition(manifest), MostRecentEdit = DateTime.Now, }; newTemplateList.Add(newTemplate); continue; } if (manifest.EditStatus == EditStatus.Copy) { // This option keeps an existing functional template unchanged. var existingTemplate = dictionaryOfCurrentTemplates[name]; newTemplateList.Add(existingTemplate); continue; } if (manifest.EditStatus == EditStatus.Ignore) { // Do not output this template to the list of functional templates. continue; } } var functionalTemplatesFileName = functionalTemplatesFile.Name; var functionalTemplatesFilePath = Path.Combine(manifestFile.DirectoryName ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), functionalTemplatesFileName); // Save the previous templates file string backupPath = Path.Combine(manifestFile.DirectoryName, functionalTemplatesFileName + ".Backup.json"); if (File.Exists(backupPath)) { File.Delete(backupPath); } //Now copy the file first File.Copy(functionalTemplatesFilePath, backupPath, true); //Now Rename the File //File.Move(NewFilePath, Path.Combine(NewFileLocation, "File.txt")); // No need to move the backup because serializing over-writes the current templates file. var opTemplatesFile = new FileInfo(functionalTemplatesFilePath); Json.Serialise(opTemplatesFile, newTemplateList.ToArray()); if (arguments.ListOfTestIndexFiles != null) { TestTemplates(arguments.ListOfTestIndexFiles, opTemplatesFile, arguments.ImageOfLdfcSpectrogram); } }
protected override int Execute() { var currentModuleDirectory = Helper.GetModuleDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); var currentModule = Path.GetFileName(currentModuleDirectory); if (!File.Exists(project)) { var all = Yaml.GetCsprojsList(currentModule); var maybe = all.FirstOrDefault(f => string.Equals(Path.GetFileName(f), project, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (maybe != null) { project = maybe; } } if (!File.Exists(project)) { ConsoleWriter.WriteError($"Project file '{project}' does not exist."); return(-1); } var moduleToInsert = Helper.TryFixModuleCase(dep.Name); dep = new Dep(moduleToInsert, dep.Treeish, dep.Configuration); var configuration = dep.Configuration; if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Helper.CurrentWorkspace, moduleToInsert)) || !Helper.HasModule(moduleToInsert)) { ConsoleWriter.WriteError($"Can't find module '{moduleToInsert}'"); return(-1); } Log.Debug( $"{moduleToInsert + (configuration == null ? "" : Helper.ConfigurationDelimiter + configuration)} -> {project}"); CheckBranch(); Log.Info("Getting install data for " + moduleToInsert + Helper.ConfigurationDelimiter + configuration); var installData = InstallParser.Get(moduleToInsert, configuration); if (!installData.BuildFiles.Any()) { ConsoleWriter.WriteWarning($"No install files found in '{moduleToInsert}'"); return(0); } AddModuleToCsproj(installData); if (testReplaces) { return(hasReplaces ? -1 : 0); } if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(currentModuleDirectory, Helper.YamlSpecFile))) { throw new CementException( "No module.yaml file. You should patch deps file manually or convert old spec to module.yaml (cm convert-spec)"); } DepsPatcherProject.PatchDepsForProject(currentModuleDirectory, dep, project); return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a config file. Supports both "dynamic" and "static" config files. /// Additionally dumps config files into the log as JSON on first read for experimental provenance. /// Additionally caches the contents of config file on read based on the fully-qualified path. /// All configs returned are clones of the cached copy (even the first config). /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Support exists for processing recursive config file (where a <see cref="Config"/> objected is nested in another /// <see cref="Config"/>. /// </remarks> /// <typeparam name="T">The type to deserialize.</typeparam> /// <param name="path"> /// The path to the config file to read (will be expanded with <see cref="Path.GetFullPath"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="factory"> /// A factory used to create a new config if <typeparamref name="T"/> is exactly the type <see cref="Config"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>The config object, or a cached copy after the first call.</returns> private static T LoadAndCache <T>(string path, Func <T> factory) where T : IConfig { Contract.RequiresNotNull(path, nameof(path)); path = Path.GetFullPath(path); lock (CachedProperties) { // "cache" path skips this if (!CachedProperties.TryGetValue(path, out var cachedConfig)) { // not cached, load, log, and cache T loadedConfig; object generic; // if is exactly the Config type (no sub types) if (typeof(T) == typeof(Config)) { // "untyped" config Log.Trace($"Reading untyped config file `{path}`"); using (var file = File.OpenText(path)) { generic = Yaml.Deserialize <object>(file); } loadedConfig = factory(); } else { // deserialize typed config Log.Trace($"Reading typed config file `{path}`"); (generic, loadedConfig) = Yaml.LoadAndDeserialize <T>(path); } // if implements Config in any subtype (more specific than IConfig) if (loadedConfig is Config config) { config.GenericConfig = generic; Contract.EnsuresNotNull(config.GenericConfig); } loadedConfig.ConfigPath = path; Contract.EnsuresNotNull(loadedConfig.ConfigPath); // dump the config in the log configJsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); var configDump = Json.SerializeToString(loadedConfig, false, configJsonSerializerSettings); NoConsole.Log.Info($"Config file `{path}` loaded:{Environment.NewLine}{configDump}"); // this has the potential to be recursive here if a config file loads another config file. ((IConfig)loadedConfig).InvokeLoaded(); // cache the config (with possible nested configs) CachedProperties.AddOrUpdate(path, loadedConfig, (key, existing) => loadedConfig); cachedConfig = loadedConfig; } // always need to clone a copy to protect from cross-thread mutability return(((T)cachedConfig).DeepClone()); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the documents. /// </summary> /// <returns>The documents.</returns> internal IList <dynamic> GetDocuments() { var mt = _content.ToFrontMatterType(); if (mt == Enums.FrontMatterType.Json) { var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <dynamic> >(_content); foreach (var i in items) { var f2 = i.ToObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(); if (f2.Count == 0) { throw new KotoriDocumentException(_identifier, "Data contains document with no meta fields."); } } if (!items.Any()) { throw new KotoriDocumentException(_identifier, "Data contains no document."); } return(items.ToList()); } if (mt == Enums.FrontMatterType.Yaml) { IDeserializer des = new Yaml(); var items = _content.Split("---", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); items.RemoveAll(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Trim())); if (items.Any(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Replace("\r", "", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase).Replace("\n", "", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase).Replace(" ", "", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))) { throw new KotoriDocumentException(_identifier, "Data contains document with no meta fields."); } List <dynamic> items2 = new List <dynamic>(); var c = 0; foreach (var i in items) { try { var d = des.Deserialize(i); items2.Add(d); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new KotoriDocumentException(_identifier, $"Deserialization of data document at index {c} failed with a message: {ex.Message}"); } c++; } if (!items2.Any()) { throw new KotoriDocumentException(_identifier, "Data contains no document."); } return(items2); } throw new KotoriDocumentException(_identifier, "Data content has an unknown format."); }
protected override int Execute() { var moduleDirectory = Helper.GetModuleDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); if (moduleSolutionName == null) { var possibleModuleSolutions = Yaml.GetSolutionList(moduleDirectory); if (possibleModuleSolutions.Count != 1) { throw new BadArgumentException("Unable to resolve sln-file, please specify path to one"); } moduleSolutionName = possibleModuleSolutions[0]; } var moduleSolutionPath = Path.GetFullPath(moduleSolutionName); if (!moduleSolutionPath.EndsWith(".sln")) { throw new BadArgumentException(moduleSolutionPath + " is not sln-file"); } if (!File.Exists(moduleSolutionPath)) { throw new BadArgumentException(moduleSolutionPath + " is not exist"); } var analyzerModuleName = Helper.TryFixModuleCase(analyzerModule.Name); analyzerModule = new Dep(analyzerModuleName, analyzerModule.Treeish, analyzerModule.Configuration); var configuration = analyzerModule.Configuration; if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Helper.CurrentWorkspace, analyzerModuleName)) || !Helper.HasModule(analyzerModuleName)) { throw new CementException($"Can't find module '{analyzerModuleName}'"); } Log.Debug($"{analyzerModuleName + (configuration == null ? "" : Helper.ConfigurationDelimiter + configuration)} -> {moduleSolutionName}"); CheckBranch(); Log.Info("Getting install data for " + analyzerModuleName + Helper.ConfigurationDelimiter + configuration); var installData = InstallParser.Get(analyzerModuleName, configuration); if (!installData.BuildFiles.Any()) { ConsoleWriter.WriteWarning($"No install files found in '{analyzerModuleName}'"); return(0); } var csprojFiles = GetCsprojFiles(moduleSolutionPath); var csprojAndRulesetPairs = csprojFiles .Select(projectFile => new { Csproj = projectFile, Ruleset = new RulesetFile(Path.ChangeExtension(projectFile.FilePath, "ruleset")) }) .ToList(); foreach (var pair in csprojAndRulesetPairs) { foreach (var installItem in installData.BuildFiles) { if (installItem.EndsWith(".ruleset")) { var analyzerModuleRulesetPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Helper.CurrentWorkspace, installItem)); pair.Ruleset.Include(analyzerModuleRulesetPath); } } pair.Csproj.BindRuleset(pair.Ruleset); foreach (var installItem in installData.BuildFiles) { if (installItem.EndsWith(".dll")) { var analyzerModuleDllPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Helper.CurrentWorkspace, installItem)); pair.Csproj.AddAnalyzer(analyzerModuleDllPath); } } } if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(moduleDirectory, Helper.YamlSpecFile))) { throw new CementException("No module.yaml file. You should patch deps file manually or convert old spec to module.yaml (cm convert-spec)"); } DepsPatcherProject.PatchDepsForSolution(moduleDirectory, analyzerModule, moduleSolutionPath); foreach (var pair in csprojAndRulesetPairs) { pair.Csproj.Save(); pair.Ruleset.Save(); } ConsoleWriter.WriteOk($"Add {analyzerModuleName} to {Path.GetFileName(moduleSolutionPath)} successfully completed"); return(0); }
public void EmptyDocument() { AssertSequenceOfEventsFrom(Yaml.ParserForEmptyContent(), StreamStart, StreamEnd); }
public Server ParseShadowsocksServer(YamlMappingNode proxy) { string portString = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "port", "0"); int port; if (!int.TryParse(portString, out port)) { this.logger.LogError($"Invalid port: {port}."); return(null); } var server = new ShadowsocksServer() { Port = port, Name = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "name"), Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "server"), Password = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "password"), Method = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "cipher"), UDPRelay = Yaml.GetTruthFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "udp"), }; YamlNode pluginOptionsNode; // refer to offical clash to parse plugin options // if (proxy.Children.TryGetValue("plugin-opts", out pluginOptionsNode) && pluginOptionsNode.NodeType == YamlNodeType.Mapping) { switch (Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "plugin").ToLower()) { case "obfs": var simpleObfsModeString = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "mode"); var simpleObfsOptions = new SimpleObfsPluginOptions(); if (SimpleObfsPluginOptions.TryParseMode(simpleObfsModeString, out SimpleObfsPluginMode simpleObfsMode)) { simpleObfsOptions.Mode = simpleObfsMode; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(simpleObfsModeString)) { this.logger.LogError($"Unsupported simple-obfs mode: {simpleObfsModeString}. This server will be ignored."); return(null); } simpleObfsOptions.Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "host"); server.PluginOptions = simpleObfsOptions; break; case "v2ray-plugin": // also refer to official v2ray-plugin to parse v2ray-plugin options // var v2rayModeString = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "mode"); var options = new V2RayPluginOptions(); server.PluginOptions = options; if (V2RayPluginOptions.TryParseMode(v2rayModeString, out V2RayPluginMode v2rayMode)) { options.Mode = v2rayMode; } else { this.logger.LogError($"Unsupported v2ray-plugin mode: {v2rayModeString}. This server will be ignored."); return(null); } options.Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "host"); options.Path = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "path"); options.EnableTLS = Yaml.GetTruthFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "tls"); options.SkipCertVerification = Yaml.GetTruthFromYamlChildrenNode(pluginOptionsNode, "skip-cert-verify"); options.Headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); YamlNode headersNode; if (!(pluginOptionsNode as YamlMappingNode).Children.TryGetValue("headers", out headersNode)) { break; } if (headersNode.NodeType != YamlNodeType.Mapping) { break; } foreach (var header in (headersNode as YamlMappingNode)) { if (header.Value.NodeType != YamlNodeType.Scalar) { continue; } options.Headers.Add((header.Key as YamlScalarNode).Value, (header.Value as YamlScalarNode).Value); } break; } } if (server.PluginOptions == null) { var simpleObfsModeString = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "obfs"); if (SimpleObfsPluginOptions.TryParseMode(simpleObfsModeString, out SimpleObfsPluginMode simpleObfsMode)) { server.PluginOptions = new SimpleObfsPluginOptions() { Mode = simpleObfsMode, Host = Yaml.GetStringOrDefaultFromYamlChildrenNode(proxy, "obfs-host") }; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(simpleObfsModeString)) { this.logger.LogError($"Unsupported simple-obfs mode: {simpleObfsModeString}"); return(null); } } return(server); }
public static BymlFileData FromYaml(this string String) { return(Yaml.FromYaml(String)); }
public override async Task <int> Main() { this.Location = Path.GetFullPath(this.Location); Console.WriteLine("This utility will walk you through setting up a new FiveM server with NFive installed."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The server will be installed at {this.Location}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press ", "Ctrl+C".Yellow(), " at any time to quit."); Console.WriteLine(); if (this.FiveM.HasValue && this.FiveM.Value || !this.FiveM.HasValue && Input.Bool("Install FiveM server?", true)) { if (!this.FiveM.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("FiveM server configuration..."); var config = new ConfigGenerator { Hostname = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ServerName) ? Input.String("server name", "NFive") : this.ServerName, MaxPlayers = this.MaxPlayers ?? Convert.ToUInt16(Input.Int("server max players", 1, 128, 32)), Locale = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Locale) ? Input.String("server locale", "en-US", s => { if (Regex.IsMatch(s, @"[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}")) { return(true); } Console.Write("Please enter a valid locale (xx-XX format): "); return(false); }) : this.Locale, OneSync = this.OneSync ?? Input.Bool("enable OneSync", true), Tags = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Tags) ? Input.String("server tags (separate with space)", "NFive") : this.Tags).Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Distinct().ToList(), LicenseKey = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.LicenseKey) ? Input.String("server license key (", s => { if (Regex.IsMatch(s, @"[\d\w]{32}")) { return(true); } Console.Write("Please enter a valid license key: "); return(false); }).ToLowerInvariant() : this.LicenseKey, SteamKey = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SteamKey) ? Regex.Replace(Input.String("Steam API license key (", "<disabled>", s => { if (s == "<disabled>") { return(true); } if (s == "none") { return(true); } if (Regex.IsMatch(s, @"[0-9a-fA-F]{32}")) { return(true); } Console.Write("Please enter a valid Steam API license key: "); return(false); }), "^<disabled>$", "none") : this.SteamKey, RconPassword = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.RconPassword) ? Regex.Replace(Input.Password("RCON password", "<disabled>"), "^<disabled>$", string.Empty) : this.RconPassword }; Directory.CreateDirectory(RuntimeEnvironment.IsWindows ? this.Location : Path.Combine(this.Location, "alpine", "opt", "cfx-server")); config.Serialize(Path.Combine(this.Location, RuntimeEnvironment.IsWindows ? PathManager.ConfigFile : Path.Combine("alpine", "opt", "cfx-server", PathManager.ConfigFile))); if (!this.FiveM.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine(); } await InstallFiveM(this.Location, this.FiveMSource); if (!RuntimeEnvironment.IsWindows) { this.Location = Path.Combine(this.Location, "alpine", "opt", "cfx-server"); } this.Location = Path.Combine(this.Location, "resources", "nfive"); } if (this.NFive.HasValue && this.NFive.Value || !this.NFive.HasValue && Input.Bool("Install NFive?", true)) { if (!this.FiveM.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("NFive database configuration..."); var dbHost = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.DatabaseHost) ? Input.String("database host", "localhost") : this.DatabaseHost; var dbPort = this.DatabasePort ?? Input.Int("database port", 1, ushort.MaxValue, 3306); var dbUser = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.DatabaseUser) ? Input.String("database user", "root") : this.DatabaseUser; var dbPass = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.DatabasePassword) ? Regex.Replace(Input.Password("database password", "<blank>"), "^<blank>$", string.Empty) : this.DatabasePassword; var dbName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.DatabaseName) ? Input.String("database name", "fivem", s => { if (Regex.IsMatch(s, "^[^\\/?%*:|\"<>.]{1,64}$")) { return(true); } Console.Write("Please enter a valid database name: "); return(false); }) : this.DatabaseName; if (!this.FiveM.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine(); } await InstallNFive(this.Location); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(this.Location, ConfigurationManager.DefinitionFile), Yaml.Serialize(new { Name = "local/nfive-install", Version = new Version { Major = 1, Minor = 0, Patch = 0 } })); var dbYml = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(this.Location, "config", "database.yml")); // TODO: Handle as YAML? dbYml = Regex.Replace(dbYml, "(\\s*host\\: ).+", $"${{1}}{dbHost}"); dbYml = Regex.Replace(dbYml, "(\\s*port\\: ).+", $"${{1}}{dbPort}"); dbYml = Regex.Replace(dbYml, "(\\s*database\\: ).+", $"${{1}}{dbName}"); dbYml = Regex.Replace(dbYml, "(\\s*user\\: ).+", $"${{1}}{dbUser}"); dbYml = Regex.Replace(dbYml, "(\\s*password\\: ).+", $"${{1}}{dbPass}"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(this.Location, "config", "database.yml"), dbYml); // TODO: Ask to include stock plugins? } Console.WriteLine("Installation is complete, you can now start the server with `nfpm start`!"); return(0); }