protected virtual IList <WeightedFragInfo> DiscreteMultiValueHighlighting(IList <WeightedFragInfo> fragInfos, Field[] fields)
            IDictionary <string, List <WeightedFragInfo> > fieldNameToFragInfos = new Dictionary <string, List <WeightedFragInfo> >();

            foreach (Field field in fields)
                fieldNameToFragInfos[field.Name] = new List <WeightedFragInfo>();

            foreach (WeightedFragInfo fragInfo in fragInfos)
                int fieldStart;
                int fieldEnd = 0;
                foreach (Field field in fields)
                    if (field.GetStringValue().Length == 0)
                    fieldStart = fieldEnd;
                    fieldEnd  += field.GetStringValue().Length + 1; // + 1 for going to next field with same name.

                    if (fragInfo.StartOffset >= fieldStart && fragInfo.EndOffset >= fieldStart &&
                        fragInfo.StartOffset <= fieldEnd && fragInfo.EndOffset <= fieldEnd)

                        goto fragInfos_continue;

                    if (!fragInfo.SubInfos.Any())
                        goto fragInfos_continue;

                    Toffs firstToffs = fragInfo.SubInfos[0].TermsOffsets[0];
                    if (fragInfo.StartOffset >= fieldEnd || firstToffs.StartOffset >= fieldEnd)

                    int fragStart = fieldStart;
                    if (fragInfo.StartOffset > fieldStart && fragInfo.StartOffset < fieldEnd)
                        fragStart = fragInfo.StartOffset;

                    int fragEnd = fieldEnd;
                    if (fragInfo.EndOffset > fieldStart && fragInfo.EndOffset < fieldEnd)
                        fragEnd = fragInfo.EndOffset;

                    // LUCENENET specific - track the fragInfo.SubInfos items to delete
                    List <SubInfo> fragInfo_SubInfos_ToDelete = new List <SubInfo>();

                    List <SubInfo> subInfos = new List <SubInfo>();
                    float          boost    = 0.0f; //  The boost of the new info will be the sum of the boosts of its SubInfos
                    using (IEnumerator <SubInfo> subInfoIterator = fragInfo.SubInfos.GetEnumerator())
                        while (subInfoIterator.MoveNext())
                            SubInfo      subInfo   = subInfoIterator.Current;
                            List <Toffs> toffsList = new List <Toffs>();

                            using (IEnumerator <Toffs> toffsIterator = subInfo.TermsOffsets.GetEnumerator())
                                while (toffsIterator.MoveNext())
                                    Toffs toffs = toffsIterator.Current;
                                    if (toffs.StartOffset >= fieldStart && toffs.EndOffset <= fieldEnd)
                            if (toffsList.Any())
                                // LUCENENET NOTE: Instead of removing during iteration (which isn't allowed in .NET when using an IEnumerator),
                                // we just remove the items at this point. We only get here if there are items to remove.

                                subInfos.Add(new SubInfo(subInfo.Text, toffsList, subInfo.Seqnum, subInfo.Boost));
                                boost += subInfo.Boost;

                            if (!subInfo.TermsOffsets.Any())

                    // LUCENENET specific - now that we are done iterating the loop, it is safe to delete
                    // the items we earmarked. Note this is just a list of pointers, so it doens't consume
                    // much RAM.

                    WeightedFragInfo weightedFragInfo = new WeightedFragInfo(fragStart, fragEnd, subInfos, boost);
                fragInfos_continue : { }

            List <WeightedFragInfo> result = new List <WeightedFragInfo>();

            foreach (List <WeightedFragInfo> weightedFragInfos in fieldNameToFragInfos.Values)
            CollectionUtil.TimSort(result, new DiscreteMultiValueHighlightingComparerAnonymousHelper());

Exemple #2
        protected virtual IList <WeightedFragInfo> DiscreteMultiValueHighlighting(IList <WeightedFragInfo> fragInfos, Field[] fields)
            IDictionary <string, IList <WeightedFragInfo> > fieldNameToFragInfos = new Dictionary <string, IList <WeightedFragInfo> >();

            foreach (Field field in fields)
                fieldNameToFragInfos[field.Name] = new JCG.List <WeightedFragInfo>();

            foreach (WeightedFragInfo fragInfo in fragInfos)
                int fieldStart;
                int fieldEnd = 0;
                foreach (Field field in fields)
                    if (field.GetStringValue().Length == 0)
                    fieldStart = fieldEnd;
                    fieldEnd  += field.GetStringValue().Length + 1; // + 1 for going to next field with same name.

                    if (fragInfo.StartOffset >= fieldStart && fragInfo.EndOffset >= fieldStart &&
                        fragInfo.StartOffset <= fieldEnd && fragInfo.EndOffset <= fieldEnd)

                        goto fragInfos_continue;

                    if (fragInfo.SubInfos.Count == 0)
                        goto fragInfos_continue;

                    Toffs firstToffs = fragInfo.SubInfos[0].TermsOffsets[0];
                    if (fragInfo.StartOffset >= fieldEnd || firstToffs.StartOffset >= fieldEnd)

                    int fragStart = fieldStart;
                    if (fragInfo.StartOffset > fieldStart && fragInfo.StartOffset < fieldEnd)
                        fragStart = fragInfo.StartOffset;

                    int fragEnd = fieldEnd;
                    if (fragInfo.EndOffset > fieldStart && fragInfo.EndOffset < fieldEnd)
                        fragEnd = fragInfo.EndOffset;

                    // LUCENENET NOTE: Instead of removing during iteration (which isn't allowed in .NET when using an IEnumerator),
                    // We use the IList<T>.RemoveAll() extension method of J2N. This removal happens in a forward way, but since it
                    // accepts a predicate, we can put in the rest of Lucene's logic without doing something expensive like keeping
                    // track of the items to remove in a separate collection. In a nutshell, any time Lucene calls iterator.remove(),
                    // we return true and any time it is skipped, we return false.

                    IList <SubInfo> subInfos = new JCG.List <SubInfo>();
                    float           boost    = 0.0f; //  The boost of the new info will be the sum of the boosts of its SubInfos
                    fragInfo.SubInfos.RemoveAll((subInfo) =>
                        IList <Toffs> toffsList = new JCG.List <Toffs>();
                        subInfo.TermsOffsets.RemoveAll((toffs) =>
                            if (toffs.StartOffset >= fieldStart && toffs.EndOffset <= fieldEnd)
                                return(true); // Remove
                        if (toffsList.Count > 0)
                            subInfos.Add(new SubInfo(subInfo.Text, toffsList, subInfo.Seqnum, subInfo.Boost));
                            boost += subInfo.Boost;

                        if (subInfo.TermsOffsets.Count == 0)
                            return(true); // Remove

                    WeightedFragInfo weightedFragInfo = new WeightedFragInfo(fragStart, fragEnd, subInfos, boost);
                fragInfos_continue : { }

            JCG.List <WeightedFragInfo> result = new JCG.List <WeightedFragInfo>();
            foreach (IList <WeightedFragInfo> weightedFragInfos in fieldNameToFragInfos.Values)
            CollectionUtil.TimSort(result, Comparer <WeightedFragInfo> .Create((info1, info2) => info1.StartOffset - info2.StartOffset));
