void ShowDebugInfo(object sender, EventArgs e) { Xwt.Dialog Fcdbg = new Xwt.Dialog(); Fcdbg.Buttons.Add(Xwt.Command.Close); Fcdbg.Buttons[0].Clicked += (o, ea) => { Fcdbg.Hide(); }; Fcdbg.Title = "FC debug output"; string txt = "" + "===THE FILE COMMANDER, VERSION " + Winforms.Application.ProductVersion + (Environment.Is64BitProcess ? " 64-BIT" : " 32-BIT") + "===\n" + Environment.CommandLine + " @ .NET fw " + Environment.Version + (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? " 64-bit" : " 32-bit") + " on " + Environment.MachineName + "-" + Environment.OSVersion + " (" + Environment.OSVersion.Platform + " v" + Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major + "." + Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor + ")\n" + "The current drawing toolkit is " + Xwt.Toolkit.CurrentEngine.GetSafeBackend(this) + "\n" + "\nPanel debug:\n---------\n" + "The active panel is: " + ((ActivePanel == p1) ? "LEFT\n" : "RIGHT\n") + "The passive panel is: " + ((ActivePanel == p2) ? "LEFT\n" : "RIGHT\n") + "They are different? " + (ActivePanel != PassivePanel).ToString().ToUpper() + " (should be true)\n" + "The LEFT filesystem: " + p1.FS.ToString() + " at \"" + p1.FS.CurrentDirectory + "\"\n" + "The RIGHT filesystem: " + p2.FS.ToString() + " at \"" + p2.FS.CurrentDirectory + "\"\n" + "Filesystems are same by type? " + (p1.FS.GetType() == p2.FS.GetType()).ToString().ToUpper() + ".\n" + "Filesystems are identically? " + (p1.FS == p2.FS).ToString().ToUpper() + " (should be false).\n" + "\nTheme debug:\n---------\n" + "Using external theme? " + (!(fcmd.Properties.Settings.Default.UserTheme == null || fcmd.Properties.Settings.Default.UserTheme == "")).ToString().ToUpper() + "\n" + "Theme's cascade style sheet file: \"" + fcmd.Properties.Settings.Default.UserTheme + "\"\n\nIf you having some troubles, please report this to https://github.com/atauenis/fcmd bug tracker or http://atauenis.ru/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=211 topic. \nThe End."; Xwt.RichTextView rtv = new Xwt.RichTextView(); rtv.LoadText(txt, new Xwt.Formats.PlainTextFormat()); Fcdbg.Content = rtv; Fcdbg.Width = 500; Fcdbg.Run(); }
void ShowDebugInfo(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Configuration.Configuration confLR = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal); System.Configuration.Configuration confR = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoaming); System.Configuration.Configuration confEXE = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationUserLevel.None); Xwt.Dialog Fcdbg = new Xwt.Dialog(); Fcdbg.Buttons.Add(Xwt.Command.Close); Fcdbg.Buttons[0].Clicked += (o, ea) => {Fcdbg.Hide();}; Fcdbg.Title="FC debug output"; string txt = ""+ "===THE FILE COMMANDER, VERSION " + Winforms.Application.ProductVersion + (Environment.Is64BitProcess ? " 64-BIT" : " 32-BIT") + "===\n"+ Environment.CommandLine + " @ .NET fw " + Environment.Version + (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? " 64-bit" : " 32-bit") + " on " + Environment.MachineName + "-" + Environment.OSVersion + " (" + Environment.OSVersion.Platform + " v" + Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major + "." + Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor + ")\n" + "The current drawing toolkit is " + Xwt.Toolkit.CurrentEngine.GetSafeBackend (this) + "\n" + "\nCONFIGuration files:\n---------\n"+ "Local: "+confLR.FilePath + " (exists? " + b2s(confLR.HasFile) +")\n"+ "Roaming: " + confR.FilePath + " (exists? " + b2s(confR.HasFile) + ")\n" + "Overall: " + confEXE.FilePath + " (exists? " + b2s(confEXE.HasFile) + ")\n" + "\nPanel debug:\n---------\n"+ "The active panel is: " + ((ActivePanel == p1) ? "LEFT\n" : "RIGHT\n") + "The passive panel is: " + ((ActivePanel == p2) ? "LEFT\n" : "RIGHT\n")+ "They are different? "+ b2s(ActivePanel != PassivePanel) + " (should be yes)\n"+ "The LEFT filesystem: " + p1.FS.ToString() + " at \"" + p1.FS.CurrentDirectory + "\"\n"+ "The RIGHT filesystem: " + p2.FS.ToString() + " at \"" + p2.FS.CurrentDirectory + "\"\n"+ "Filesystems are same by type? " + b2s(p1.FS.GetType()==p2.FS.GetType()) + ".\n"+ "Filesystems are identically? " + b2s(p1.FS==p2.FS) + " (should be no).\n"+ "\nTheme debug:\n---------\n"+ "Using external theme? " + b2s(!(fcmd.Properties.Settings.Default.UserTheme == null || fcmd.Properties.Settings.Default.UserTheme == ""))+"\n"+ "Theme's cascade style sheet file: \"" + fcmd.Properties.Settings.Default.UserTheme + "\"\n\nIf you having some troubles, please report this to https://github.com/atauenis/fcmd bug tracker or http://atauenis.ru/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=211 topic. \nThe End."; Xwt.RichTextView rtv = new Xwt.RichTextView(); rtv.LoadText(txt, new Xwt.Formats.PlainTextFormat()); Xwt.ScrollView sv = new Xwt.ScrollView(rtv); Fcdbg.Content = sv; Fcdbg.Width = 500; Fcdbg.Run(); }