public XsdDateTime(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { Debug.Assert(Bits.ExactlyOne((uint)kinds), "Only one DateTime type code can be set."); _dt = dateTimeOffset.DateTime; TimeSpan zoneOffset = dateTimeOffset.Offset; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); XsdDateTimeKind kind; if (zoneOffset.TotalMinutes < 0) { zoneOffset = zoneOffset.Negate(); kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; } else if (zoneOffset.TotalMinutes > 0) { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; } else { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; } _extra = (uint)(((int)code << TypeShift) | ((int)kind << KindShift) | (zoneOffset.Hours << ZoneHourShift) | zoneOffset.Minutes); }
public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { this = new XsdDateTime(); Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { throw new FormatException(Res.GetString("XmlConvert_BadFormat", new object[] { text, kinds })); } this.InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an XsdDateTime from a string using specific format. /// </summary> public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) : this() { Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { throw new FormatException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlConvert_BadFormat, text, kinds)); } InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an XsdDateTime from a string using specific format. /// </summary> public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) : this() { Parser parser = default; if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.XmlConvert_BadFormat, text, kinds)); } InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) : this() { Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { //TODO: throw new FormatException(string.Format("The string '{0}' is not a valid {1} value.", text, kinds)); } InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
internal static bool TryParse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds, out XsdDateTime result) { Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { result = new XsdDateTime(); return false; } result = new XsdDateTime(parser); return true; }
internal static bool TryParse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds, out XsdDateTime result) { Parser parser = default; if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { result = default; return(false); } result = new XsdDateTime(parser); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an XsdDateTime from a DateTime. /// </summary> public XsdDateTime(DateTime dateTime, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { Debug.Assert(Bits.ExactlyOne((uint)kinds), "Only one DateTime type code can be set."); dt = dateTime; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); int zoneHour = 0; int zoneMinute = 0; XsdDateTimeKind kind; switch (dateTime.Kind) { case DateTimeKind.Unspecified: kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Unspecified; break; case DateTimeKind.Utc: kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; break; default: { Debug.Assert(dateTime.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local, "Unknown DateTimeKind: " + dateTime.Kind); #if NET20 || PLATFORM_USE_AOT TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(dateTime); #else TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(dateTime); #endif if (utcOffset.Ticks < 0) { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; zoneHour = -utcOffset.Hours; zoneMinute = -utcOffset.Minutes; } else { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; zoneHour = utcOffset.Hours; zoneMinute = utcOffset.Minutes; } break; } } extra = (uint)(((int)code << TypeShift) | ((int)kind << KindShift) | (zoneHour << ZoneHourShift) | zoneMinute); }
public XsdDateTime(DateTime dateTime, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { dt = dateTime; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); int zoneHour = 0; int zoneMinute = 0; XsdDateTimeKind kind; switch (dateTime.Kind) { case DateTimeKind.Unspecified: kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Unspecified; break; case DateTimeKind.Utc: kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; break; default: { TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(dateTime); if (utcOffset.Ticks < 0) { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; zoneHour = -utcOffset.Hours; zoneMinute = -utcOffset.Minutes; } else { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; zoneHour = utcOffset.Hours; zoneMinute = utcOffset.Minutes; } break; } } extra = (uint)(((int)code << TypeShift) | ((int)kind << KindShift) | (zoneHour << ZoneHourShift) | zoneMinute); }
public XsdDateTime(DateTime dateTime, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { XsdDateTimeKind unspecified; this.dt = dateTime; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; switch (dateTime.Kind) { case DateTimeKind.Unspecified: unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.Unspecified; break; case DateTimeKind.Utc: unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; break; default: { TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(dateTime); if (utcOffset.Ticks < 0L) { unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; hours = -utcOffset.Hours; minutes = -utcOffset.Minutes; } else { unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; hours = utcOffset.Hours; minutes = utcOffset.Minutes; } break; } } this.extra = (uint)((((((int)code) << 0x18) | (((int)unspecified) << 0x10)) | (hours << 8)) | minutes); }
public XsdDateTime(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { XsdDateTimeKind localWestOfZulu; this.dt = dateTimeOffset.DateTime; TimeSpan offset = dateTimeOffset.Offset; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); if (offset.TotalMinutes < 0.0) { offset = offset.Negate(); localWestOfZulu = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; } else if (offset.TotalMinutes > 0.0) { localWestOfZulu = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; } else { localWestOfZulu = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; } this.extra = (uint)((((((int)code) << 0x18) | (((int)localWestOfZulu) << 0x10)) | (offset.Hours << 8)) | offset.Minutes); }
public XsdDateTime(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { XsdDateTimeKind localWestOfZulu; this.dt = dateTimeOffset.DateTime; TimeSpan offset = dateTimeOffset.Offset; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode) (Bits.LeastPosition((uint) kinds) - 1); if (offset.TotalMinutes < 0.0) { offset = offset.Negate(); localWestOfZulu = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; } else if (offset.TotalMinutes > 0.0) { localWestOfZulu = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; } else { localWestOfZulu = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; } this.extra = (uint) ((((((int) code) << 0x18) | (((int) localWestOfZulu) << 0x10)) | (offset.Hours << 8)) | offset.Minutes); }
public bool Parse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { this.text = text; this.length = text.Length; int start = 0; while ((start < this.length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[start])) { start++; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz | XsdDateTimeFlags.Date | XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime) && this.ParseDate(start)) { if ((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime) && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T')) && this.ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.DateTime; return true; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Date) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd)) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.Date; return true; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime) && (this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd) || (this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T') && this.ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)))) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return true; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz)) { if (!this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T')) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return true; } if (this.ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return true; } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Time) && this.ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start)) { this.year = 0x770; this.month = 1; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return true; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrTimeNoTz) && this.ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start)) { this.year = 0x770; this.month = 1; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return true; } if ((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear | XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth) && this.Parse4Dig(start, ref this.year)) && (1 <= this.year)) { if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth) && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy, '-')) && (this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_, ref this.month) && (1 <= this.month))) && ((this.month <= 12) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM))) { = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GYearMonth; return true; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy)) { this.month = 1; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GYear; return true; } } if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth | XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay) && this.ParseChar(start, '-')) && (this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz_, '-') && this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__, ref this.month))) && ((1 <= this.month) && (this.month <= 12))) { if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay) && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm, '-')) && (this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm_, ref && (1 <= && (( <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(0x770, this.month)) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm_dd))) { this.year = 0x770; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GMonthDay; return true; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth) && (this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm) || ((this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm, '-') && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm_, '-')) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm__)))) { this.year = 0x770; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GMonth; return true; } } if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GDay) && this.ParseChar(start, '-')) && (this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz_, '-') && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__, '-'))) && ((this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lz___, ref && (1 <= && (( <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(0x770, 1)) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz___dd)))) { this.year = 0x770; this.month = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GDay; return true; } return false; }
public XsdDateTime(DateTime dateTime, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { XsdDateTimeKind unspecified; this.dt = dateTime; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode) (Bits.LeastPosition((uint) kinds) - 1); int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; switch (dateTime.Kind) { case DateTimeKind.Unspecified: unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.Unspecified; break; case DateTimeKind.Utc: unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; break; default: { TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(dateTime); if (utcOffset.Ticks < 0L) { unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; hours = -utcOffset.Hours; minutes = -utcOffset.Minutes; } else { unspecified = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; hours = utcOffset.Hours; minutes = utcOffset.Minutes; } break; } } this.extra = (uint) ((((((int) code) << 0x18) | (((int) unspecified) << 0x10)) | (hours << 8)) | minutes); }
internal Datatype_dateTimeBase(XsdDateTimeFlags dateTimeFlags) { this.dateTimeFlags = dateTimeFlags; }
private static bool Test(XsdDateTimeFlags left, XsdDateTimeFlags right) { return (left & right) != 0; }
public bool Parse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { this.text = text; this.length = text.Length; // Skip leading whitespace int start = 0; while (start < length && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[start])) { start++; } // Choose format starting from the most common and trying not to reparse the same thing too many times if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.Date | XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz)) { if (ParseDate(start)) { if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime)) { if (ParseChar(start + Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T') && ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.DateTime; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Date)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy_MM_dd)) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.Date; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy_MM_dd) || (ParseChar(start + Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T') && ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy_MM_ddT))) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz)) { if (ParseChar(start + Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T')) { if (ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return true; } } else { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return true; } } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Time)) { if (ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start)) { //Equivalent to NoCurrentDateDefault on DateTimeStyles while parsing xs:time year = leapYear; month = firstMonth; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrTimeNoTz)) { if (ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start)) { //Equivalent to NoCurrentDateDefault on DateTimeStyles while parsing xs:time year = leapYear; month = firstMonth; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth | XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear)) { if (Parse4Dig(start, ref year) && 1 <= year) { if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth)) { if ( ParseChar(start + Lzyyyy, '-') && Parse2Dig(start + Lzyyyy_, ref month) && 1 <= month && month <= 12 && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy_MM) ) { day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GYearMonth; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lzyyyy)) { month = firstMonth; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GYear; return true; } } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay | XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth)) { if ( ParseChar(start, '-') && ParseChar(start + Lz_, '-') && Parse2Dig(start + Lz__, ref month) && 1 <= month && month <= 12 ) { if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay) && ParseChar(start + Lz__mm, '-')) { if ( Parse2Dig(start + Lz__mm_, ref day) && 1 <= day && day <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(leapYear, month) && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lz__mm_dd) ) { year = leapYear; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GMonthDay; return true; } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lz__mm) || (ParseChar(start + Lz__mm, '-') && ParseChar(start + Lz__mm_, '-') && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lz__mm__))) { year = leapYear; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GMonth; return true; } } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GDay)) { if ( ParseChar(start, '-') && ParseChar(start + Lz_, '-') && ParseChar(start + Lz__, '-') && Parse2Dig(start + Lz___, ref day) && 1 <= day && day <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(leapYear, firstMonth) && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + Lz___dd)) { year = leapYear; month = firstMonth; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GDay; return true; } } return false; }
public XsdDateTime(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { Debug.Assert(Bits.ExactlyOne((uint)kinds), "Only one DateTime type code can be set."); dt = dateTimeOffset.DateTime; TimeSpan zoneOffset = dateTimeOffset.Offset; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); XsdDateTimeKind kind; if (zoneOffset.TotalMinutes < 0) { zoneOffset = zoneOffset.Negate(); kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; } else if (zoneOffset.TotalMinutes > 0) { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; } else { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; } extra = (uint)(((int)code << TypeShift) | ((int)kind << KindShift) | (zoneOffset.Hours << ZoneHourShift) | zoneOffset.Minutes); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an XsdDateTime from a DateTime. /// </summary> public XsdDateTime(DateTime dateTime, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { Debug.Assert(Bits.ExactlyOne((uint)kinds), "Only one DateTime type code can be set."); dt = dateTime; DateTimeTypeCode code = (DateTimeTypeCode)(Bits.LeastPosition((uint)kinds) - 1); int zoneHour = 0; int zoneMinute = 0; XsdDateTimeKind kind; switch (dateTime.Kind) { case DateTimeKind.Unspecified: kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Unspecified; break; case DateTimeKind.Utc: kind = XsdDateTimeKind.Zulu; break; default: { Debug.Assert(dateTime.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local, "Unknown DateTimeKind: " + dateTime.Kind); TimeSpan utcOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(dateTime); if (utcOffset.Ticks < 0) { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalWestOfZulu; zoneHour = -utcOffset.Hours; zoneMinute = -utcOffset.Minutes; } else { kind = XsdDateTimeKind.LocalEastOfZulu; zoneHour = utcOffset.Hours; zoneMinute = utcOffset.Minutes; } break; } } extra = (uint)(((int)code << TypeShift) | ((int)kind << KindShift) | (zoneHour << ZoneHourShift) | zoneMinute); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an XsdDateTime from a string using specific format. /// </summary> public XsdDateTime(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) : this() { Parser parser = new Parser(); if (!parser.Parse(text, kinds)) { throw new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.XmlConvert_BadFormat, text, kinds)); } InitiateXsdDateTime(parser); }
public bool Parse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { _text = text; _length = text.Length; // Skip leading withitespace int start = 0; while (start < _length && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[start])) { start++; } // Choose format starting from the most common and trying not to reparse the same thing too many times #if !SILVERLIGHT // XDR is not supported in Silverlight if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.Date | XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz)) { #else if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.Date)) { #endif if (ParseDate(start)) { if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime)) { if (ParseChar(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T') && ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.DateTime; return(true); } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Date)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_dd)) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.Date; return(true); } } #if !SILVERLIGHT // XDR is not supported in Silverlight if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_dd) || (ParseChar(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T') && ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_ddT))) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return(true); } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz)) { if (ParseChar(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T')) { if (ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return(true); } } else { typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return(true); } } #endif } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Time)) { if (ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start)) { //Equivalent to NoCurrentDateDefault on DateTimeStyles while parsing xs:time year = leapYear; month = firstMonth; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return(true); } } #if !SILVERLIGHT // XDR is not supported in Silverlight if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrTimeNoTz)) { if (ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start)) { //Equivalent to NoCurrentDateDefault on DateTimeStyles while parsing xs:time year = leapYear; month = firstMonth; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return(true); } } #endif if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth | XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear)) { if (Parse4Dig(start, ref year) && 1 <= year) { if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth)) { if ( ParseChar(start + s_lzyyyy, '-') && Parse2Dig(start + s_lzyyyy_, ref month) && 1 <= month && month <= 12 && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy_MM) ) { day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GYearMonth; return(true); } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lzyyyy)) { month = firstMonth; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GYear; return(true); } } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay | XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth)) { if ( ParseChar(start, '-') && ParseChar(start + s_Lz_, '-') && Parse2Dig(start + s_Lz__, ref month) && 1 <= month && month <= 12 ) { if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay) && ParseChar(start + s_lz__mm, '-')) { if ( Parse2Dig(start + s_lz__mm_, ref day) && 1 <= day && day <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(leapYear, month) && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lz__mm_dd) ) { year = leapYear; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GMonthDay; return(true); } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth)) { if (ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lz__mm) || (ParseChar(start + s_lz__mm, '-') && ParseChar(start + s_lz__mm_, '-') && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lz__mm__))) { year = leapYear; day = firstDay; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GMonth; return(true); } } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GDay)) { if ( ParseChar(start, '-') && ParseChar(start + s_Lz_, '-') && ParseChar(start + s_Lz__, '-') && Parse2Dig(start + s_Lz___, ref day) && 1 <= day && day <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(leapYear, firstMonth) && ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + s_lz___dd) ) { year = leapYear; month = firstMonth; typeCode = DateTimeTypeCode.GDay; return(true); } } return(false); }
private static bool Test(XsdDateTimeFlags left, XsdDateTimeFlags right) { return((left & right) != 0); }
public bool Parse(string text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds) { this.text = text; this.length = text.Length; int start = 0; while ((start < this.length) && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[start])) { start++; } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime | XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz | XsdDateTimeFlags.Date | XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime) && this.ParseDate(start)) { if ((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.DateTime) && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T')) && this.ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.DateTime; return(true); } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Date) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd)) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.Date; return(true); } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTime) && (this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd) || (this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T') && this.ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)))) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return(true); } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrDateTimeNoTz)) { if (!this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_dd, 'T')) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return(true); } if (this.ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM_ddT)) { this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.XdrDateTime; return(true); } } } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.Time) && this.ParseTimeAndZoneAndWhitespace(start)) { this.year = 0x770; this.month = 1; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return(true); } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.XdrTimeNoTz) && this.ParseTimeAndWhitespace(start)) { this.year = 0x770; this.month = 1; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.Time; return(true); } if ((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear | XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth) && this.Parse4Dig(start, ref this.year)) && (1 <= this.year)) { if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYearMonth) && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy, '-')) && (this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_, ref this.month) && (1 <= this.month))) && ((this.month <= 12) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy_MM))) { = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GYearMonth; return(true); } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GYear) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lzyyyy)) { this.month = 1; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GYear; return(true); } } if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth | XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay) && this.ParseChar(start, '-')) && (this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz_, '-') && this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__, ref this.month))) && ((1 <= this.month) && (this.month <= 12))) { if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonthDay) && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm, '-')) && (this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm_, ref && (1 <= && (( <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(0x770, this.month)) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm_dd))) { this.year = 0x770; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GMonthDay; return(true); } if (Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GMonth) && (this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm) || ((this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm, '-') && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm_, '-')) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__mm__)))) { this.year = 0x770; = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GMonth; return(true); } } if (((Test(kinds, XsdDateTimeFlags.GDay) && this.ParseChar(start, '-')) && (this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz_, '-') && this.ParseChar(start + XsdDateTime.Lz__, '-'))) && ((this.Parse2Dig(start + XsdDateTime.Lz___, ref && (1 <= && (( <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(0x770, 1)) && this.ParseZoneAndWhitespace(start + XsdDateTime.Lz___dd)))) { this.year = 0x770; this.month = 1; this.typeCode = XsdDateTime.DateTimeTypeCode.GDay; return(true); } return(false); }