Exemple #1
        // All of the functions below read in the corresponding part of the file
        // They assume that the reader starts pointing to the element tag of the
        // correct type and position the reader at the end tag

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the Point XML attributes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">XML text reader for the file</param>
        private void ReadPoint(XmlTextReader reader)
            // All of these attributes are required for Points
            string x        = reader.GetAttribute("x");
            string y        = reader.GetAttribute("y");
            string pressure = reader.GetAttribute("pressure");
            string time     = reader.GetAttribute("time");
            string id       = reader.GetAttribute("id");
            string name     = reader.GetAttribute("name");

            if (name == null)
                name = "Point_" + id;

            // Make sure that old sketches that didn't save pressure
            // Still have thicker lines
            if (pressure == null || pressure == "0")
                pressure = "0.5";

            Sketch.XmlStructs.XmlPointAttrs pointAttrs;
            if ((x != null) && (y != null) && (pressure != null) && (time != null) && (id != null))
                pointAttrs = new XmlStructs.XmlPointAttrs(
                    name, new Guid(id));
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid Format: Points must contain an X, Y, Pressure, Time, and Id value");

            // Create the new Point and add it to the corresponding Hashtable
            Point point = new Point(pointAttrs);

            if (!this.pointsHT.ContainsKey(point.Id))
                this.pointsHT.Add(point.Id, point);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an Ink.Stroke and outputs an internal representation that can
        /// then be output to an XML file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inkStroke">Ink.Stroke which will have extracted from it the information necessary to store a Stroke in MIT XML.</param>
        /// <param name="transf">Transformation matrix to shift the stroke by</param>
        /// <param name="shift">Boolean for if we should shift by the transformation matrix</param>
        /// <returns>PointsAndShape object that stores the extracted information.</returns>
        public static Sketch.Stroke StripStrokeData(Microsoft.Ink.Stroke inkStroke, Matrix transf, bool shift)
            int i;
            int length;

            // Get the timestamp for the function using an undocumented GUID (Microsoft.Ink.StrokeProperty.TimeID) to
            // get the time as a byte array, which we then convert to a long
            ulong theTime;

            if (inkStroke.ExtendedProperties.Contains(Microsoft.Ink.StrokeProperty.TimeID) &&
                (inkStroke.ExtendedProperties[Microsoft.Ink.StrokeProperty.TimeID] != null))
                byte[] timeBits = inkStroke.ExtendedProperties[Microsoft.Ink.StrokeProperty.TimeID].Data as byte[];

                // Filetime format
                ulong fileTime = BitConverter.ToUInt64(timeBits, 0);

                // MIT time format
                theTime = (fileTime - 116444736000000000) / 10000;
                //string time = theTime.ToString();
                //theTime = (ulong)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                //theTime = ((ulong)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 116444736000000000) / 10000;
                theTime = ((ulong)DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() - 116444736000000000) / 10000;

            // Grab X and Y
            int[] xData = inkStroke.GetPacketValuesByProperty(Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty.X);
            int[] yData = inkStroke.GetPacketValuesByProperty(Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty.Y);

            if (shift)
                // Shift X and Y according to transformation matrix
                System.Drawing.Point[] pointData = new System.Drawing.Point[xData.Length];
                length = xData.Length;
                for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    pointData[i] = new System.Drawing.Point(xData[i], yData[i]);


                //Console.WriteLine("x: " + (pointData[0].X - xData[0]) + " y: " + (pointData[0].Y - yData[0]));

                for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    xData[i] = pointData[i].X;
                    yData[i] = pointData[i].Y;

            Microsoft.Ink.DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes = inkStroke.DrawingAttributes;
            System.Drawing.Rectangle        boundingBox       = inkStroke.GetBoundingBox();

            // Grab the color
            int color = drawingAttributes.Color.ToArgb();

            //string height = inkStroke.DrawingAttributes.Height.ToString();
            //string width = inkStroke.DrawingAttributes.Width.ToString();
            float penWidth  = drawingAttributes.Width;
            float penHeight = drawingAttributes.Height;

            // Grab height and width of total stroke
            //float height = boundingBox.Height;
            //float width = boundingBox.Width;

            // Grab penTip
            string penTip = drawingAttributes.PenTip.ToString();

            // Grab raster
            string raster = drawingAttributes.RasterOperation.ToString();

            //float x = Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox.X);
            //float y = Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox.Y);

            //float leftx = Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox.Left);
            //float topy = Convert.ToSingle(boundingBox.Top);

            // If the pressure data is included take it, otherwise set to 255/2's
            // Not all pressure data is in the range of 0 - 255. Some tablets
            // register pressure in the range 0 - 1023, while others are 0 - 32768
            int[] pressureData;
            if (ReadJnt.IsPropertyIncluded(inkStroke, Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty.NormalPressure))
                pressureData = inkStroke.GetPacketValuesByProperty(Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty.NormalPressure);
                int max = 0;
                foreach (int p in pressureData)
                    max = Math.Max(max, p);

                if (max > 1024) // Tablet reading in range 0 - 32767
                    double     conversion = 255.0 / 32767.0;
                    List <int> temp       = new List <int>(pressureData.Length);
                    foreach (int p in pressureData)
                        temp.Add((int)(p * conversion));

                    pressureData = temp.ToArray();
                else if (max > 255) // Tablet reading in range 0 - 1023
                    double     conversion = 255.0 / 1023.0;
                    List <int> temp       = new List <int>(pressureData.Length);
                    foreach (int p in pressureData)
                        temp.Add((int)(p * conversion));

                    pressureData = temp.ToArray();
                pressureData = new int[xData.Length];
                length       = pressureData.Length;
                for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                    pressureData[i] = (255 - 0) / 2;

            // If the time data is included take it, otherwise set to the timestamp plus and increment
            ulong[] adjustedTime = new ulong[xData.Length];
            int[]   timerTick;
            if (ReadJnt.IsPropertyIncluded(inkStroke, Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty.TimerTick))
                timerTick = inkStroke.GetPacketValuesByProperty(Microsoft.Ink.PacketProperty.TimerTick);
                length    = timerTick.Length;
                for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    // This may be incorrect, we never encountered this because Microsoft Journal doesn't save TimerTick data.
                    // We know that the timestamp of a stroke is made when the pen is lifted.

                    // Add the time of the stroke to each offset
                    adjustedTime[i] = theTime + (ulong)timerTick[i] * 10000;
                timerTick = new int[xData.Length];
                length    = timerTick.Length;
                for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    // We believe this to be the standard sample rate.  The multiplication by 1,000 is to convert from
                    // seconds to milliseconds.
                    // Our time is in the form of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
                    // NOTE: The timestamp for the stroke is made WHEN THE PEN IS LIFTED
                    adjustedTime[i] = theTime - (ulong)((1 / SAMPLE_RATE * 1000) * (length - i));

            // Create the array of ID's as new Guid's
            Guid[] idData = new Guid[xData.Length];
            length = idData.Length;
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                idData[i] = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Create the internal representation
            Sketch.Stroke converterStroke = new Sketch.Stroke();
            converterStroke.Name   = "stroke";
            converterStroke.Time   = (ulong)theTime;
            converterStroke.Source = "Converter";

            // Add all of the points to the stroke

            length = inkStroke.PacketCount;
            List <Point> pointsToAdd = new List <Point>();

            for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                float currX = Convert.ToSingle(xData[i]);
                float currY = Convert.ToSingle(yData[i]);

                XmlStructs.XmlPointAttrs attrs = new XmlStructs.XmlPointAttrs(
                    currX, currY,
                    "point", idData[i]);

                Sketch.Point toAdd = new Sketch.Point(attrs);

            //NOTE: X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT done later... boundingbox seems to be off
            Sketch.Substroke substroke = new Sketch.Substroke(pointsToAdd);
            substroke.Name      = "substroke";
            substroke.Color     = color;
            substroke.PenTip    = penTip;
            substroke.PenWidth  = penWidth;
            substroke.PenHeight = penHeight;
            substroke.Raster    = raster;
            substroke.Source    = "ConverterJnt";
            substroke.Start     = idData[0];
            substroke.End       = idData[idData.Length - 1];
