public void HasAttributeTest()
            var node = m_xml.SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@type]");

            Assert.IsTrue(XmlExtensions.HasAttribute(node, "type"), "Expected an attribute on the node in question.");
            Assert.IsFalse(XmlExtensions.HasAttribute(node, "genre"), "Did not expect the attribute.");

                XmlExtensions.HasAttribute(null, "homer");
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception of type '" + typeof(ArgumentNullException).Name + "' but none was thrown.");
            catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
            catch (Exception __e)
                Assert.Fail("Expected exception of type ArgumentNullException, but " + __e.GetType().ToString() + " was generated instead.");
Exemple #2
        // TODO: Support for zlib compression of tile data  (Zlib.NET)
        // Reads and converts and .tmx file to a TiledMap object. Doing so does NOT load appropriate tile textures into memory.
        // In order for textures to be loaded, the LoadContent(ContentManager) method must be called. This is usually automatically
        // performed by the TeeEngine when calling its LoadMap(TiledMap) method. However, it may be called independently if needs be.
        public static TiledMap LoadTmxFile(string file)
            if (File.Exists(file))
                // Find the working directory of this file so that any external files may use the same path.
                int    dirIndex         = file.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '\\' });
                string workingDirectory = (dirIndex > 0) ? file.Substring(0, dirIndex) : "";

                XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

                XmlNode mapNode = document.SelectSingleNode("map");

                TiledMap map = new TiledMap();
                map.txWidth    = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(mapNode, "width", -1, true);
                map.txHeight   = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(mapNode, "height", -1, true);
                map.TileWidth  = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(mapNode, "tilewidth", -1, true);
                map.TileHeight = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(mapNode, "tileheight", -1, true);
                map.Background = ColorExtensions.ToColor(
                        mapNode, "backgroundcolor", "#000000"

                // OBJECT LAYERS
                foreach (XmlNode objectLayerNode in mapNode.SelectNodes("objectgroup"))
                    TiledObjectLayer mapObjectLayer = new TiledObjectLayer();
                    mapObjectLayer.Width  = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectLayerNode, "width", 1);
                    mapObjectLayer.Height = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectLayerNode, "height", 1);
                    mapObjectLayer.Name   = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(objectLayerNode, "name");

                    foreach (XmlNode objectNode in objectLayerNode.SelectNodes("object"))
                        TiledObject mapObject = new TiledObject();
                        mapObject.Name   = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(objectNode, "name");
                        mapObject.Type   = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(objectNode, "type");
                        mapObject.X      = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectNode, "x", 0);
                        mapObject.Y      = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectNode, "y", 0);
                        mapObject.Width  = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectNode, "width", 0);
                        mapObject.Height = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectNode, "height", 0);
                        mapObject.Gid    = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(objectNode, "gid", -1);

                        XmlNode polygonNode = objectNode.SelectSingleNode("polygon");
                        if (polygonNode != null)
                            mapObject.Points = ConvertToPointsList(XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(polygonNode, "points"));




                // TILESETS
                foreach (XmlNode tilesetNode in mapNode.SelectNodes("tileset"))
                    XmlNode actualTilesetNode;
                    int     firstGID = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(tilesetNode, "firstgid", -1, true);

                    // If the tileset comes from an external .tsx file, load the node from that file.
                    if (XmlExtensions.HasAttribute(tilesetNode, "source"))
                        XmlDocument tilesetDocument = new XmlDocument();
                                          workingDirectory, XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(tilesetNode, "source")));

                        actualTilesetNode = tilesetDocument.SelectSingleNode("tileset");
                        actualTilesetNode = tilesetNode;

                    string tilesetName = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(actualTilesetNode, "name");
                    int    tileHeight  = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(actualTilesetNode, "tileheight", -1, true);
                    int    tileWidth   = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(actualTilesetNode, "tilewidth", -1, true);

                    TileSet tileset = new TileSet();

                    tileset.Name               = tilesetName;
                    tileset.TileWidth          = tileWidth;
                    tileset.TileHeight         = tileHeight;
                    tileset.ContentTexturePath = tileset.GetProperty("Content");    // Content Texture Path for XNA. REQUIRED.


                    XmlNode imageNode         = actualTilesetNode.SelectSingleNode("image");
                    int     imageWidth        = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(imageNode, "width", -1, true);
                    int     imageHeight       = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(imageNode, "height", -1, true);
                    string  sourceTexturePath = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <string>(imageNode, "source", "", true);

                    // PreBuild the tiles from the tileset information.
                    int i = 0;
                    while (true)
                        int tx = (i * tileWidth) % imageWidth;
                        int ty = tileHeight * ((i * tileWidth) / imageWidth);

                        // This check is performed in the case where image width is not
                        // an exact multiple of the tile width specified.
                        if (tx + tileWidth > imageWidth)
                            tx  = 0;
                            ty += tileHeight;

                        // If we have exceeded the image height, we are done.
                        if (ty + tileHeight > imageHeight)

                        Tile tile = new Tile();
                        tile.SourceTexturePath = sourceTexturePath;                             // Path to the actual file being referred.
                        tile.SourceRectangle   = new Rectangle(tx, ty, tileWidth, tileHeight);
                        tile.TileGid           = i + firstGID;
                        tile.TileId            = i;
                        tile.TileSet           = tileset;

                        map.Tiles.Add(tile.TileGid, tile);
                        tileset.Tiles.Add(i, tile);

                    // Add any individual properties to the tiles we have created
                    foreach (XmlNode tileNode in actualTilesetNode.SelectNodes("tile"))
                        int  tileGid = firstGID + XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(tileNode, "id", -1, true);
                        Tile tile    = map.Tiles[tileGid];

                        // BUILT INS
                        // Adjust the draw origin based on the tile property 'DrawOrigin'
                        string[] drawOrigin = tile.GetProperty("DrawOrigin", "0, 1").Split(',');
                        tile.Origin = new Vector2(

                // TILE LAYERS
                foreach (XmlNode layerNode in mapNode.SelectNodes("layer"))
                    int width  = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(layerNode, "width", 0);
                    int height = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue <int>(layerNode, "height", 0);

                    TileLayer tileLayer = new TileLayer(width, height);
                    tileLayer.Name = XmlExtensions.GetAttributeValue(layerNode, "name");

                    // SET BUILTIN PROPERTIES
                    tileLayer.Color = ColorExtensions.ToColor(
                        tileLayer.GetProperty <string>("Color", "#ffffff")
                    tileLayer.Opacity = tileLayer.GetProperty <float>("Opacity", 1.0f);

                    XmlNode  dataNode = layerNode.SelectSingleNode("data");
                    string[] tokens   = dataNode.InnerText.Split(
                        new char[] { '\n', ',', '\r' },

                    for (int index = 0; index < tokens.Length; index++)
                        tileLayer[index] = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[index]);


                throw new IOException(string.Format("The Map File '{0}' does not exist.", file));