/// <summary>
        /// Get the space name if any of the points are within the space
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PtsWCS">list of points</param>
        /// <param name="hitTotarance">Distance the point is outside the space but considered still usable to reference the space</param>
        /// <param name="SpaceBoundingBoxInfo"></param>
        /// <returns>Space name</returns>
        internal static string GetSpaceFromClosestPoints(IEnumerable <XbimPoint3D> PtsWCS, double hitTotarance, IEnumerable <SpaceInfo> SpaceBoundingBoxInfo)
            //holder for space names, could be more then one so a list is used
            List <string> spaceNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (SpaceInfo spGeoData in SpaceBoundingBoxInfo)
                //get each space bounding box and To WCS Matrix
                XbimRect3D   spBoundBox    = spGeoData.Rectangle;
                XbimMatrix3D spWorldMatrix = spGeoData.Matrix;
                String       spName        = spGeoData.Name;
                //we need to transform the element max and min points back into the spaces Object Space so we can test on Bounding Box rectangle
                IEnumerable <XbimPoint3D> elBoxPtsOCS = PtsWCS.Select(pt => spWorldMatrix.Transform(pt));
                //check if element space object points are contained fully within the space bounding box rectangle
                IEnumerable <double> hitPts = elBoxPtsOCS.Select(pt => DistanceFromSpace(pt, spBoundBox)).Where(d => d <= hitTotarance);
                if (hitPts.Any())//one or more point is contained in space and continue in case we have an element over several spaces
                    if (!spaceNames.Contains(spName))
            if (spaceNames.Count > 0)
                return(string.Join(", ", spaceNames));
 public void TransformSolidRectangularProfileDef()
     using (var m = new MemoryModel(new Xbim.Ifc4.EntityFactoryIfc4()))
         using (var txn = m.BeginTransaction("Test"))
             var profile   = IfcModelBuilder.MakeRectangleHollowProfileDef(m, 20, 10, 1);
             var extrude   = IfcModelBuilder.MakeExtrudedAreaSolid(m, profile, 40);
             var solid     = _geomEngine.CreateSolid(extrude);
             var transform = new XbimMatrix3D(); //test first with identity
             var solid2    = (IXbimSolid)solid.Transform(transform);
             var s1Verts   = solid.Vertices.ToList();
             var s2Verts   = solid2.Vertices.ToList();
             for (int i = 0; i < s1Verts.Count; i++)
                 XbimVector3D v = s1Verts[i].VertexGeometry - s2Verts[i].VertexGeometry;
                 Assert.IsTrue(v.Length < m.ModelFactors.Precision, "vertices not the same");
             transform.RotateAroundXAxis(Math.PI / 2);
             transform.RotateAroundYAxis(Math.PI / 4);
             transform.OffsetX += 100;
             transform.OffsetY += 200;
             transform.OffsetZ += 300;
             solid2             = (IXbimSolid)solid.Transform(transform);
             Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(solid.Volume - solid2.Volume) < 0.001, "Volume differs");
             solid2  = (IXbimSolid)solid2.Transform(transform);
             s1Verts = solid.Vertices.ToList();
             s2Verts = solid2.Vertices.ToList();
             for (int i = 0; i < s1Verts.Count; i++)
                 XbimVector3D v = s1Verts[i].VertexGeometry - s2Verts[i].VertexGeometry;
                 Assert.IsTrue(v.Length < m.ModelFactors.Precision, "vertices not the same");
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the ObjectPlacment for an IfcProduct from row data and the parent object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieCoordinateRow holding the data</param>
        /// <param name="placementRelToIfcProduct">IfcProduct that the ObjectPlacment relates too, i.e. the parent of the ifcProduct ObjectPlacment we are calculating</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IfcLocalPlacement CalcObjectPlacement(COBieCoordinateRow row, IfcProduct placementRelToIfcProduct)
            XbimPoint3D locationPt;
            bool        havePoint = GetPointFromRow(row, out locationPt);

            if (havePoint)
                if ((placementRelToIfcProduct != null) && (placementRelToIfcProduct.ObjectPlacement is IfcLocalPlacement))
                    //TEST, change the building position to see if the same point comes out in Excel sheet, it should be, and in test was.
                    //((IfcAxis2Placement3D)((IfcLocalPlacement)placementRelToIfcProduct.ObjectPlacement).RelativePlacement).SetNewLocation(10.0, 10.0, 0.0);
                    IfcLocalPlacement placementRelTo = (IfcLocalPlacement)placementRelToIfcProduct.ObjectPlacement;
                    XbimMatrix3D      matrix3D       = ConvertMatrix3D(placementRelTo);

                    //we want to take off the translations and rotations caused by IfcLocalPlacement of the parent objects as we will add these to the new IfcLocalPlacement for this floor
                    matrix3D.Invert();                           //so invert matrix to remove the translations to give the origin for the next IfcLocalPlacement
                    locationPt = matrix3D.Transform(locationPt); //get the point with relation to the last IfcLocalPlacement i.e the parent element

                    //Get the WCS matrix values
                    double rotX, rotY, rotZ;
                    if (!(double.TryParse(row.YawRotation, out rotX) && (double.NaN.CompareTo(rotX) != 0)))
                        rotX = 0.0;

                    if (!(double.TryParse(row.ElevationalRotation, out rotY) && (double.NaN.CompareTo(rotY) != 0)))
                        rotY = 0.0;

                    if (double.TryParse(row.ClockwiseRotation, out rotZ) && (double.NaN.CompareTo(rotZ) != 0))
                        rotZ = rotZ * -1; //convert back from clockwise to anti clockwise
                        rotZ = 0.0;

                    //apply the WCS rotation from COBie Coordinates stored values
                    XbimMatrix3D matrixNewRot3D = new XbimMatrix3D();
                    if (rotX != 0.0)
                    if (rotY != 0.0)
                    if (rotZ != 0.0)

                    //remove any displacement from the matrix which moved/rotated us to the object space
                    matrix3D.OffsetX = 0.0F;
                    matrix3D.OffsetY = 0.0F;
                    matrix3D.OffsetZ = 0.0F;

                    //remove the matrix that got use to the object space from the WCS location of this object
                    XbimMatrix3D matrixRot3D = matrixNewRot3D * matrix3D;

                    //get the rotation vectors to place in the new IfcAxis2Placement3D for the new IfcLocalPlacement for this object
                    XbimVector3D ucsAxisX = matrixRot3D.Transform(new XbimVector3D(1, 0, 0));
                    XbimVector3D ucsAxisZ = matrixRot3D.Transform(new XbimVector3D(0, 0, 1));
                    ucsAxisX = ucsAxisX.Normalized();
                    ucsAxisZ = ucsAxisZ.Normalized();

                    //create the new IfcAxis2Placement3D
                    IfcAxis2Placement3D relativePlacemant = Model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
                    relativePlacemant.SetNewDirectionOf_XZ(ucsAxisX.X, ucsAxisX.Y, ucsAxisX.Z, ucsAxisZ.X, ucsAxisZ.Y, ucsAxisZ.Z);
                    relativePlacemant.SetNewLocation(locationPt.X, locationPt.Y, locationPt.Z);

                    //Set up IfcLocalPlacement
                    IfcLocalPlacement objectPlacement = Model.Instances.New <IfcLocalPlacement>();
                    objectPlacement.PlacementRelTo    = placementRelTo;
                    objectPlacement.RelativePlacement = relativePlacemant;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a Bounding Box extrusion onto the ifcProduct
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieCoordinateRow holding the data for one corner</param>
        /// <param name="rowNext">COBieCoordinateRow holding the data for the other corner</param>
        /// <param name="placementRelToIfcProduct">Product which is parent of ifcProduct passed product to add extrusion onto</param>
        /// <param name="ifcProduct">IfcProduct to add the extrusion onto</param>
        private void AddExtrudedRectangle(COBieCoordinateRow row, COBieCoordinateRow rowNext, IfcProduct ifcProduct, IfcProduct placementRelToIfcProduct)
            if (ifcProduct != null)
                COBieCoordinateRow lowerLeftRow, upperRightRow;
                if (row.Category.ToLower() == "box-lowerleft")
                    lowerLeftRow  = row;
                    upperRightRow = rowNext;
                    lowerLeftRow  = rowNext;
                    upperRightRow = row;
                IfcLocalPlacement objectPlacement = CalcObjectPlacement(lowerLeftRow, placementRelToIfcProduct);
                if (objectPlacement != null)
                    //set the object placement for the space
                    ifcProduct.ObjectPlacement = objectPlacement;

                    //get matrix to the space placement
                    XbimMatrix3D matrix3D = ConvertMatrix3D(objectPlacement);
                    //invert matrix so we can convert row points back to the object space
                    //lets get the points from the two rows
                    XbimPoint3D lowpt, highpt;
                    if ((GetPointFromRow(upperRightRow, out highpt)) &&
                        (GetPointFromRow(lowerLeftRow, out lowpt))
                        //transform the points back to object space
                        lowpt  = matrix3D.Transform(lowpt);
                        highpt = matrix3D.Transform(highpt);
                        //in object space so we can use Rect3D as this will be aligned with coordinates systems X and Y
                        XbimRect3D bBox = new XbimRect3D();
                        bBox.Location = lowpt;
                        if ((double.NaN.CompareTo(bBox.SizeX) != 0) && (double.NaN.CompareTo(bBox.SizeY) != 0))
                            XbimPoint3D ctrPt = new XbimPoint3D(bBox.X + (bBox.SizeX / 2.0), bBox.Y + (bBox.SizeY / 2.0), bBox.Z + (bBox.SizeZ / 2.0));

                            //Create IfcRectangleProfileDef
                            IfcCartesianPoint      IfcCartesianPointCtr   = Model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(cp => { cp.X = ctrPt.X; cp.Y = ctrPt.Y; cp.Z = 0.0; }); //centre point of 2D box
                            IfcDirection           IfcDirectionXDir       = Model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => { d.X = 1.0; d.Y = 0; d.Z = 0.0; });                    //default to X direction
                            IfcAxis2Placement2D    ifcAxis2Placement2DCtr = Model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement2D>(a2p => { a2p.Location = IfcCartesianPointCtr; a2p.RefDirection = IfcDirectionXDir; });
                            IfcRectangleProfileDef ifcRectangleProfileDef = Model.Instances.New <IfcRectangleProfileDef>(rpd => { rpd.ProfileType = IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA; rpd.ProfileName = row.RowName; rpd.Position = ifcAxis2Placement2DCtr; rpd.XDim = bBox.SizeX; rpd.YDim = bBox.SizeY; });

                            //Create IfcExtrudedAreaSolid
                            IfcDirection         IfcDirectionAxis            = Model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => { d.X = 0.0; d.Y = 0; d.Z = 1.0; });            //default to Z direction
                            IfcDirection         IfcDirectionRefDir          = Model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => { d.X = 1.0; d.Y = 0; d.Z = 0.0; });            //default to X direction
                            IfcCartesianPoint    IfcCartesianPointPosition   = Model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>(cp => { cp.X = 0.0; cp.Y = 0.0; cp.Z = 0.0; }); //centre point of 2D box
                            IfcAxis2Placement3D  ifcAxis2Placement3DPosition = Model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>(a2p3D => { a2p3D.Location = IfcCartesianPointPosition; a2p3D.Axis = IfcDirectionAxis; a2p3D.RefDirection = IfcDirectionRefDir; });
                            IfcDirection         IfcDirectionExtDir          = Model.Instances.New <IfcDirection>(d => { d.X = 0.0; d.Y = 0; d.Z = 1.0; });            //default to Z direction
                            IfcExtrudedAreaSolid ifcExtrudedAreaSolid        = Model.Instances.New <IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>(eas => { eas.SweptArea = ifcRectangleProfileDef; eas.Position = ifcAxis2Placement3DPosition; eas.ExtrudedDirection = IfcDirectionExtDir; eas.Depth = bBox.SizeZ; });
                            var project = Model.FederatedInstances.OfType <IfcProject>().FirstOrDefault();
                            //Create IfcShapeRepresentation
                            IfcShapeRepresentation ifcShapeRepresentation = Model.Instances.New <IfcShapeRepresentation>(sr =>
                                sr.ContextOfItems           = project.ModelContext;
                                sr.RepresentationIdentifier = "Body"; sr.RepresentationType = "SweptSolid";

                            //create IfcProductDefinitionShape
                            IfcProductDefinitionShape ifcProductDefinitionShape = Model.Instances.New <IfcProductDefinitionShape>(pds => { pds.Name = row.Name; pds.Description = row.SheetName; });

                            //Link to the IfcProduct
                            ifcProduct.Representation = ifcProductDefinitionShape;
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to calculate box size for {0}", row.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to add Object placement for {0}", row.Name);