public static void p5_io_file_save(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Sanity check. if (e.Args.Value == null) { throw new LambdaException("[] requires a constant or an expression leading to its path", e.Args, context); } // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Getting root folder, and converting content to blob, making sure user does use [src] and not [dest] as file content. var rootFolder = Common.GetRootFolder(context); var content = Utilities.Convert <byte []> (context, XUtil.Source(context, e.Args)); // Iterating through each destination file path, which probably doesn't make that much sense, but to be consistent in how we // handle files, we still do this, such that "API" is similar to [load-file], etc. foreach (var idxDestination in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args)) { // Verifying user is allowed to save to file. Common.RaiseAuthorizeEvent(context, e.Args, "modify-file", idxDestination); // Saving file. using (FileStream stream = File.Create(rootFolder + Common.GetSystemPath(context, idxDestination))) { // Writing content to file stream. stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } } } }
public static void p5_string_match(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) { // Figuring out source value for [match], and returning early if there is no source. string source = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args); if (source == null) { return; } // Retrieving what source to look for, and returning early if there is none. var src = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); if (src == null) { return; } // Sanity check. if (!(src is Regex)) { throw new LambdaException("[match] requires a regular expression source", e.Args, context); } // Evaluating regular expression, and returning results. foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match idxMatch in (src as Regex).Matches(source)) { // Returning all groups matches. foreach (Group idxGroup in idxMatch.Groups) { e.Args.Add(idxGroup.Value); } } } }
public void p5_web_return_response_object(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { var key = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args); var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); AjaxPage.SendObject(key, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, source)); }
public static void p5_string_index_of(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) { // Figuring out source value for [index-of], and returning early if there is no source. string source = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args); if (source == null) { return; } // Retrieving what to look for, and returning early if we have no source. var src = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); if (src == null) { return; } // Checking what type of value we're looking for, and acting accordingly. if (src is Regex) { // Regex type of find. e.Args.AddRange(IndexOfRegex(source, src as Regex).Select(ix => new Node("", ix))); } else { // Simple string type of find. e.Args.AddRange(IndexOfString(source, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, src)).Select(ix => new Node("", ix))); } } }
public static void p5_string__replace(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Figuring out source value for [replace], and returning early if there is no source. string source = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args); if (source == null) { return; } // Retrieving what to replace it with. var with = Utilities.Convert(context, XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, "src"), ""); // Checking what type of object we're searching for, and doing some basic sanity check. var what = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, "dest"); if (what == null) { throw new LambdaException("[replace] requires something to search for", e.Args, context); } if (e.Name.EndsWith("-x", System.StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { var regexWhat = Utilities.Convert <Regex> (context, what); e.Args.Value = regexWhat.Replace(source, with); } else { e.Args.Value = source.Replace(Utilities.Convert <string> (context, what), with); } } }
public static void zip(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Getting root folder var rootFolder = Helpers.GetBaseFolder(context); // Getting destination file var destination = Helpers.GetSystemPath(context, e.Args.GetExValue <string> (context)); // Getting destination path, and verify path can be legally written to var destinationFile = Helpers.GetLegalDestinationFilename( context, e.Args, rootFolder, destination); // Getting source file(s) var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, e.Args, "src", new string[] { "compression-level", "password", "key-size" }.ToList()); // Making sure we are able to delete zip file, if an exception occurs try { // Creating zip file, supplying FileStream as stream to store results into using (ZipCreator creator = new ZipCreator( context, File.Create(rootFolder + destinationFile), e.Args.GetExChildValue("compression-level", context, 3), e.Args.GetExChildValue <string> ("password", context, null), e.Args.GetExChildValue("key-size", context, 256))) { // Looping through each input file/folder given foreach (var idxSourceFileFolder in source) { var idxSource = Helpers.GetSystemPath(context, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, idxSourceFileFolder)); // Verifies source folder can be read from Helpers.VerfifySourceFileFolderCanBeReadFrom( context, e.Args, rootFolder, destinationFile, idxSource); // Adding currently iterated file/folder to zip file stream creator.AddToArchive(rootFolder + idxSource, e.Args); } } // Making sure we return actual destination to caller e.Args.Value = destinationFile; } catch { // Checking if destination file exist, and if so, delete it, before we rethrow exception if (File.Exists(rootFolder + destinationFile)) { File.Delete(rootFolder + destinationFile); } throw; } } }
public static void lambda_set(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Finding source value, notice that if we have no source, we still iterate each destination, such that we can set it to a "null value". var src = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); // Updating destination(s) with value of source. foreach (var idxDestination in XUtil.DestinationMatch(context, e.Args)) { // Single source, or null source. idxDestination.Value = src; } }
public static void p5_string_ends_with(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Retrieving what to look for, and returning early if we have no source. var src = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); if (src == null) { return; } // Returning to lowers of expression or constant. e.Args.Value = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args)?.EndsWithEx(Utilities.Convert <string> (context, src)) ?? false; } }
public static void unzip(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Retrieving password, if there is one, and untying it, // to make sure it never leaves method, in case of an exception, etc string password = e.Args.GetExChildValue <string>("password", context, null); e.Args.FindOrInsert("password").UnTie(); // Making sure password NEVER LEAVES METHOD!! // Basic syntax checking if (e.Args.Value == null) { throw new LambdaException( "[unzip] needs both a destination as its value", e.Args, context); } // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Getting root folder var rootFolder = Helpers.GetBaseFolder(context); // Getting destination folder var destFolder = GetDestinationFolder(context, e); // Getting source files var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, e.Args, "src", new string[] { "password" }.ToList()); // Looping through each source zip file given foreach (var idxZipFilePath in source) { // Unzips currently iterated file UnzipFile( context, e.Args, rootFolder, Helpers.GetSystemPath(context, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, idxZipFilePath)), destFolder, password); } // Returning folder path of where files where unzipped to caller e.Args.Value = destFolder; } }
public static void html2pdf(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) { // Assumes there's only one document, or creates one result of it. var filename = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args); filename = context.RaiseEvent("", new Node("", filename)).Get <string> (context); // Figuring out source. var html = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, "css-file") as string; // Retrieving root path of app. var rootPath = context.RaiseEvent(".p5.core.application-folder").Get <string> (context); // Loading up all CSS, which we'll need to pass into ParseXhtml further down. var css = ""; foreach (var idxCssFile in e.Args.Children.Where(ix => ix.Name == "css-file")) { var cssFile = idxCssFile.GetExValue <string> (context); cssFile = context.RaiseEvent("", new Node("", cssFile)).Get <string> (context); using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(rootPath + cssFile)) { css += reader.ReadToEnd() + "\r\n"; } } // Creating our document. using (var stream = new FileStream(rootPath + filename, FileMode.Create)) { using (var document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 55, 55, 70, 70)) { using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream)) { document.Open(); using (var htmlStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html))) { using (var cssStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(css))) { XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, document, htmlStream, cssStream); } } document.Close(); } } } } }
public static void p5_data_update(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Retrieving expression and doing some basic sanity checks. if (!(e.Args.Value is Expression)) { throw new LambdaException("[] requires an expression leading to whatever you want to be updated in your database", e.Args, context); } // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Acquiring write lock on database. using (new Common.Lock(true)) { // Storing affected nodes, and number of affected items. var changed = new List <Node> (); int affectedItems = 0; // Retrieving source, and iterating through each destination, updating with source value. // Notice, we don't provide transaction support here, but we do make sure at least any changes // that actually occurs, are serialized to disc! var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); try { foreach (var idxDestination in e.Args.Get <Expression> (context).Evaluate(context, Common.Database, e.Args)) { // Updates the destination with the source, making sure we can keep track of files that are changed, and that we throw if update is unsuccessful. if (!UpdateDestination(context, source, idxDestination)) { throw new LambdaException("[] requires your new node needs to have a unique ID, or use its old ID by not providing one", e.Args, context); } Common.AddNodeToChanges(idxDestination.Node, changed); affectedItems += 1; } } finally { Common.SaveAffectedFiles(context, changed); e.Args.Value = affectedItems; } } } }
public static void p5_data_update(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Retrieving expression and doing some basic sanity checks. if (!(e.Args.Value is Expression)) { throw new LambdaException("[] requires an expression leading to whatever you want to be updated in your database", e.Args, context); } // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Acquiring write lock on database, and making sure we keep track of which files are changed, and how many items were affected. var changed = new List <Node> (); int affectedItems = 0; Common.Locker.EnterWriteLock(); try { // Retrieving source, and iterating through each destination, updating with source value. var source = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args); foreach (var idxDestination in e.Args.Get <Expression> (context).Evaluate(context, Common.Database, e.Args)) { // Updates the destination with the source, making sure we can keep track of files that are changed, and that we throw is update is unsuccessful. if (!UpdateDestination(context, source, idxDestination)) { throw new LambdaException("[] requires your new node needs to have a unique ID, or use its old ID by not providing one", e.Args, context); } Common.AddNodeToChanges(idxDestination.Node, changed); affectedItems += 1; } } finally { // Saving all affected files. // Notice, we do this even though an exception has occurred, since exception is thrown before nodes are updated with any "bad data". // This means that if you update several nodes, some might become updated though, while others are not updated. // Hence, [] does not feature any sorts of "transactional update support" at the moment. Common.SaveAffectedFiles(context, changed); e.Args.Value = affectedItems; Common.Locker.ExitWriteLock(); } } }
public static void p5_string__replace(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e) { // Sanity check. if (e.Args.Value == null) { throw new LambdaException("[p5.string.replace] requires an expression or constant as its value", e.Args, context); } // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new Utilities.ArgsRemover(e.Args)) { // Figuring out source value for [replace], and returning early if there is no source. string source = XUtil.Single <string> (context, e.Args); if (source == null) { return; } // Retrieving what to replace it with. var with = Utilities.Convert(context, XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, "src"), ""); // Checking what type of object we're searching for, and doing some basic sanity check. var what = XUtil.Source(context, e.Args, "dest"); if (what == null) { throw new LambdaException("[p5.string.replace] requires something to search for", e.Args, context); } else if (what is Regex) { e.Args.Value = (what as Regex).Replace(source, with); } else { e.Args.Value = source.Replace(Utilities.Convert <string> (context, what), with); } } }
/* * Common helper for iterating files/folders for move/copy/rename operation. */ internal static void CopyMoveFileObject( ApplicationContext context, Node args, string sourceAuthorizeEvent, string destinationAuthorizeEvent, MoveCopyDelegate functorMoveObject, ObjectExistDelegate functorObjectExist) { // Sanity check. if (args.Value == null) { throw new LambdaException( string.Format("[{0}] requires a value being the source file(s) to operate upon", args.Name), args, context); } // Making sure we clean up and remove all arguments passed in after execution. using (new ArgsRemover(args)) { // Retrieving destination file or folder, and root folder for app, making sure we get a [dest] node for destination. var dest = Common.GetSystemPath(context, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, XUtil.Source(context, args, "src"))); var rootFolder = Common.GetRootFolder(context); // Iterating through each source. foreach (var idxSource in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, args)) { // Figuring out destination file, which might be "relative" to currently iterated source file. var destinationFile = dest.EndsWithEx("/") ? dest + idxSource.Substring(idxSource.LastIndexOfEx("/") + 1) : dest; // Making sure user is authorized to do operation on both source file and destination file. Common.RaiseAuthorizeEvent(context, args, sourceAuthorizeEvent, idxSource); Common.RaiseAuthorizeEvent(context, args, destinationAuthorizeEvent, destinationFile); // Making sure destination file does not already exist. if (functorObjectExist(rootFolder + destinationFile)) { throw new LambdaException(string.Format("The file '{0}' already exist from before", destinationFile), args, context); } functorMoveObject( rootFolder, Common.GetSystemPath(context, Utilities.Convert <string> (context, idxSource)), destinationFile); } } }