public void OnGUI() { if (gradient == null) { gradient = new Gradient(); } if (oldGradient == null) { oldGradient = new Gradient(); } if (focusedMat != null && gradient != null) { XSStyles.ShurikenHeader("Current Material: " +; } else { XSStyles.ShurikenHeader("Current Material: None"); } SerializedObject serializedGradient = new SerializedObject(this); SerializedProperty colorGradient = serializedGradient.FindProperty("gradient"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(colorGradient, true, null); serializedGradient.ApplyModifiedProperties(); bool changed = !CompareGradients(oldGradient, gradient); if (oldFocusedMat != focusedMat) { changed = true; if (this.oldTexture != null) { if (this.oldTexture == EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture) { this.oldTexture = null; } oldFocusedMat.SetTexture("_Ramp", this.oldTexture); this.oldTexture = null; } oldFocusedMat = focusedMat; } if (changed) { oldGradient.SetKeys(gradient.colorKeys, gradient.alphaKeys); oldGradient.mode = gradient.mode; } Resolutions oldRes = res; res = (Resolutions)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Resolution: ", res); if (oldRes != res) { changed = true; } int width = (int)res; int height = 8; isLinear = GUILayout.Toggle(isLinear, "Make Linear Texture"); if (gradient != null) { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); for (int y = 0; y < tex.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < tex.width; x++) { tex.SetPixel(x, y, gradient.Evaluate((float)x / (float)width)); } } if (focusedMat != null) { if (changed) { if (focusedMat.HasProperty("_Ramp")) { if (this.oldTexture == null) { if (focusedMat.GetTexture("_Ramp") == null) { this.oldTexture = EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture; } else { this.oldTexture = focusedMat.GetTexture("_Ramp"); } } tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; tex.Apply(false); focusedMat.SetTexture("_Ramp", tex); } } } XSStyles.Separator(); if (GUILayout.Button("Save Ramp")) { finalFilePath = XSStyles.findAssetPath(finalFilePath); string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Ramp as PNG", finalFilePath + "/Textures/Shadow Ramps/Generated", "gradient.png", "png"); if (path.Length != 0) { bool success = GenTexture(tex, path); if (success) { if (focusedMat != null) { string s = path.Substring(path.IndexOf("Assets")); Texture ramp = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture>(s); if (ramp != null) { focusedMat.SetTexture("_Ramp", ramp); this.oldTexture = null; } } } } } } XSStyles.HelpBox("You can use this to create a custom shadow ramp in realtime. \nIf you do not save, the ramp will be reverted back to what it was previously. \n\n - Click the Gradient box. \n - Choose resolution of the texture. \n - Save.", MessageType.Info); }
public void OnGUI() { changed = false; if (focusedMat != null) { XSStyles.ShurikenHeader("Current Material: " +; } else { XSStyles.ShurikenHeader("Current Material: None"); } if (preButton == null) { iconToolbarPlus = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Toolbar Plus", "Add Gradient"); iconToolbarMinus = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Toolbar Minus", "Remove Gradient"); preButton = new GUIStyle("RL FooterButton"); buttonBackground = new GUIStyle("RL Header"); } if (gradients.Count == 0) { gradients.Add(new Gradient()); gradients.Add(new Gradient()); gradients.Add(new Gradient()); gradients.Add(new Gradient()); gradients.Add(new Gradient()); } if (grad_index_reorderable == null) { makeReorderedList(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); float rightEdge = r.xMax; float leftEdge = rightEdge - 48f; r = new Rect(leftEdge, r.y, rightEdge - leftEdge, r.height); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { buttonBackground.Draw(r, false, false, false, false); } leftEdge += 18f; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(gradients_index.Count == 5); bool addE = GUI.Button(new Rect(leftEdge + 4, r.y, 25, 13), iconToolbarPlus, preButton); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(gradients_index.Count == 1); bool removeE = GUI.Button(new Rect(leftEdge - 19, r.y, 25, 13), iconToolbarMinus, preButton); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); if (addE) { grad_index_reorderable.index++; int wat = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!gradients_index.Contains(i)) { wat = i; break; } } gradients_index.Add(wat); changed = true; } if (removeE) { gradients_index.Remove(gradients_index[gradients_index.Count - 1]); grad_index_reorderable.index--; changed = true; } GUIStyle button = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButton); button.normal = !reorder ? EditorStyles.miniButton.normal : EditorStyles.miniButton.onNormal; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Reorder", "Don't use Reorder if you want to undo a gradient change"), button, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { reorder = !reorder; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(this); if (reorder) { grad_index_reorderable.DoLayoutList(); } else { SerializedProperty colorGradients = serializedObject.FindProperty("gradients"); if (colorGradients.arraySize == 5) { for (int i = 0; i < gradients_index.Count; i++) { Rect _r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); _r.x += 16f; _r.width -= 2f + 16f; _r.height += 5f; _r.y += 2f + (3f * i); EditorGUI.PropertyField(_r, colorGradients.GetArrayElementAtIndex(gradients_index[i]), new GUIContent("")); } GUILayout.Space(Mathf.Lerp(9f, 24f, gradients_index.Count / 5f)); } } if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties()) { changed = true; } if (oldFocusedMat != focusedMat) { changed = true; if (this.oldTexture != null) { if (this.oldTexture == EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture) { this.oldTexture = null; } oldFocusedMat.SetTexture(rampProperty, this.oldTexture); this.oldTexture = null; } oldFocusedMat = focusedMat; } Resolutions oldRes = res; res = (Resolutions)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Resolution: ", res); if (oldRes != res) { changed = true; } int width = (int)res; int height = 30; if (gradients_index.Count == 1) { height = 8; } else { height = 150; } if (tex == null) { tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); } bool old_isLinear = isLinear; drawAdvancedOptions(); if (old_isLinear != isLinear) { changed = true; } if (manualMaterial) { focusedMat = (Material)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(new GUIContent("", ""), focusedMat, typeof(Material), true); } if (focusedMat != null) { if (focusedMat.HasProperty("_Ramp")) { rampProperty = "_Ramp"; } else { rampProperty = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Ramp Property Name", rampProperty); if (!focusedMat.HasProperty(rampProperty)) { GUILayout.Label("Property not found!"); } } } if (changed) { updateTexture(width, height); if (focusedMat != null) { if (focusedMat.HasProperty(rampProperty)) { if (this.oldTexture == null) { if (focusedMat.GetTexture(rampProperty) == null) { this.oldTexture = EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture; } else { this.oldTexture = focusedMat.GetTexture(rampProperty); } } tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; tex.Apply(false, false); focusedMat.SetTexture(rampProperty, tex); } } } XSStyles.Separator(); drawMGInputOutput(); if (GUILayout.Button("Save Ramp")) { finalFilePath = XSStyles.findAssetPath(finalFilePath); string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Ramp as PNG", finalFilePath + "/Textures/Shadow Ramps/Generated", "gradient", "png"); if (path.Length != 0) { updateTexture(width, height); bool success = GenTexture(tex, path); if (success) { if (focusedMat != null) { string s = path.Substring(path.IndexOf("Assets")); Texture ramp = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture>(s); if (ramp != null) { focusedMat.SetTexture(rampProperty, ramp); this.oldTexture = null; } } } } } drawHelpText(); }