protected virtual void SwitchToSystem(XRSystem system) { OnSystemSwitch(system); if (OnSystemSwitched != null) { OnSystemSwitched(system); } }
protected override void OnSystemSwitch(XRSystem system) { XRControllerModule module = GetComponent <XRControllerModule>(); if (module) { module.System = system; } }
public void SetUp() { xrSystem = new XRSystem(); cameras = new Camera[k_CameraCount]; for (int cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < k_CameraCount; ++cameraIndex) { var cameraGameObject = new GameObject(); cameras[cameraIndex] = cameraGameObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); } SimulateOneFrame(); }
protected override void OnSystemSwitch(XRSystem system) { XRControllerModule module = GetComponent <XRControllerModule>(); if (module) { module.System = system; //if GVR/Go, disable all modules that don't track this hand if (System == XRSystem.GearVROculusGo && Controllers.Count > 1) { GVRVerifyController(module); } } }
private void SwitchActiveBuildTarget(XRSystem system) { switch (system) { case XRSystem.Standalone: case XRSystem.CV1: case XRSystem.Vive: EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64); break; case XRSystem.WindowsMR: EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.WSA, BuildTarget.WSAPlayer); break; case XRSystem.GearVR: EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Android, BuildTarget.Android); break; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { UpdateXRAxes(); GUILayout.Space(5); XRManager script = (XRManager)target; XRSystem system = (XRSystem)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("System: ", script.System); bool switchTarget = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Switch Build Target On Change", script.switchBuildTargetOnChange); script.switchBuildTargetOnChange = switchTarget; if (script.System != system) { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { Debug.LogError("Cannot switch systems during Play Mode."); return; } Undo.RecordObject(script, "Set Value"); script.SwitchToSystem(system); bool vrs = system == XRSystem.Standalone ? false : true; PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported = vrs; if (switchTarget) { SwitchActiveBuildTarget(script.System); } } GUILayout.Space(5); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Supported External SDKS:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); for (int i = 0; i < script.AllSDKs.Count; i++) { script.EnabledSDKs[i] = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(script.SDKNames[i], script.EnabledSDKs[i]); } UpdateScriptingDefineSymbols(script); EditorUtility.SetDirty(script); }
protected override void OnSystemSwitch(XRSystem system) { if (system == XRSystem.Standalone && standaloneCameraGoal) { this.transform.localPosition = standaloneCameraGoal.localPosition; this.transform.localRotation = standaloneCameraGoal.localRotation; } else if (System == XRSystem.GearVR && gearVRCameraGoal) { this.transform.localPosition = gearVRCameraGoal.localPosition; this.transform.localRotation = gearVRCameraGoal.localRotation; } else { this.transform.localPosition =; this.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } //if (sensorFusion = GetComponent<XRSensorFusion>()) // sensorFusion.enabled = system == XRSystem.GearVR; if (mouseLook = GetComponent <XRMouseLook>()) { mouseLook.enabled = system == XRSystem.Standalone; } #if WAVE WaveVR_Render waveRender = GetComponentInChildren <WaveVR_Render>(); if (waveRender) { waveRender.enabled = system == XRSystem.ViveFocus; } WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker waveTracker = GetComponentInChildren <WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker>(); if (waveTracker) { waveTracker.enabled = system == XRSystem.ViveFocus; } #endif }
public void TearDown() { xrSystem = null; cameras = null; }
public void SwitchToSystem(XRSystem system) { #if OVR OVRManager ovr; if (!(ovr = GetComponent <OVRManager>())) { Debug.Log("Adding OVRManager to XRManager gameObject."); ovr = this.gameObject.AddComponent <OVRManager>(); ovr.trackingOriginType = OVRManager.TrackingOrigin.FloorLevel; } ovr.enabled = (system == XRSystem.CV1 || system == XRSystem.GearVR); #else if (system == XRSystem.CV1 || system == XRSystem.GearVR) { Debug.LogError("Cannot switch to " + system + " without OVR SDK!"); return; } #endif #if DAYDREAM GvrControllerInput controller; if (!(controller = GetComponent <GvrControllerInput>())) { Debug.Log("Adding GvrControllerInput component to XRManager gameObject."); controller = gameObject.AddComponent <GvrControllerInput>(); } controller.enabled = system == XRSystem.Daydream; GvrHeadset headset; if (!(headset = GetComponent <GvrHeadset>())) { Debug.Log("Adding GvrHeadset component to XRManager gameObject."); headset = gameObject.AddComponent <GvrHeadset>(); } headset.enabled = system == XRSystem.Daydream; #else if (system == XRSystem.Daydream) { Debug.LogError("Cannot switch to " + system + " without Daydream SDK!"); return; } #endif #if WAVE Camera cam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); WaveVR_Render render; if (!(render = cam.GetComponent <WaveVR_Render>())) { Debug.Log("Adding WaveVR_Render to Main Camera gameObject."); render = cam.gameObject.AddComponent <WaveVR_Render>(); render.origin = wvr.WVR_PoseOriginModel.WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnGround; } render.enabled = system == XRSystem.ViveFocus; WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker tracker; if (!(tracker = cam.GetComponent <WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker>())) { Debug.Log("Adding WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker to Main Camera gameObject."); tracker = cam.gameObject.AddComponent <WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker>(); tracker.type = wvr.WVR_DeviceType.WVR_DeviceType_HMD; tracker.trackPosition = true; tracker.trackRotation = true; tracker.timing = WaveVR_DevicePoseTracker.TrackingEvent.WhenNewPoses; } tracker.enabled = system == XRSystem.ViveFocus; #else if (system == XRSystem.ViveFocus) { Debug.LogError("Cannot switch to " + system + " without Wave SDK!"); return; } #endif XRDevice[] devices = GetComponentsInChildren <XRDevice>(); foreach (XRDevice device in devices) { device.System = system; } _system = system; Debug.Log("Switched to " + system); }
protected abstract void OnSystemSwitch(XRSystem system);