public OldScrollBar(XNAControl parent, Vector2 locationRelativeToParent, Vector2 size, ScrollBarColors palette) : this(parent, locationRelativeToParent, size, palette, EOGame.Instance.GFXManager) { }
private XNAControl CreateChildControl(XNAControl parent, string keyValue) { string[] parts = keyValue.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (parts.Length != 2) { throw new INIConfigException("Invalid child control definition " + keyValue); } string childName = parts[0]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(childName)) { throw new INIConfigException("Empty name in child control definition for " + parent.Name); } var childControl = ClientGUICreator.Instance.CreateControl(WindowManager, parts[1]); if (Array.Exists(childName.ToCharArray(), c => !char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '_')) { throw new INIConfigException("Names of INItializableWindow child controls must consist of letters, digits and underscores only. Offending name: " + parts[0]); } childControl.Name = childName; parent.AddChildWithoutInitialize(childControl); return(childControl); }
public int GetExprValue(string input, XNAControl parsingControl) { this.parsingControl = parsingControl; Input = input; tokenPlace = 0; return(GetExprValue()); }
public static void AddAndInitializeWithControl(WindowManager wm, XNAControl control) { var dp = new DarkeningPanel(wm); wm.AddAndInitializeControl(dp); dp.AddChild(control); }
private static XNAControl GetParentControl(XNAControl parent) { if (parent is XNAWindow parentWindow) { return(parentWindow); } return(parent.Parent == null ? parent : GetParentControl(parent.Parent)); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a control into the WindowManager on the first place /// in the list of controls. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The control to insert.</param> public void InsertAndInitializeControl(XNAControl control) { if (Controls.Contains(control)) { throw new Exception("WindowManager.InsertAndInitializeControl: Control " + control.Name + " already exists!"); } Controls.Insert(0, control); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a control to the WindowManager, on the last place /// in the list of controls. Does not call the control's /// Initialize() method. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The control to add.</param> public void AddControl(XNAControl control) { if (Controls.Contains(control)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("WindowManager.AddControl: Control " + control.Name + " already exists!"); } Controls.Add(control); }
private void ReadINIRecursive(XNAControl control) { ReadINIForControl(control); foreach (var child in control.Children) { ReadINIRecursive(child); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the WindowManager. Do not call manually; MonoGame will call /// this automatically on every game frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { HasFocus = gameWindowManager.HasFocus(); lock (locker) { List <Callback> callbacks = Callbacks; Callbacks = new List <Callback>(); foreach (Callback c in callbacks) { c.Invoke(); } } XNAControl activeControl = null; activeControlName = null; if (HasFocus) { Keyboard.Update(gameTime); } Cursor.Update(gameTime); SoundPlayer.Update(gameTime); for (int i = Controls.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { XNAControl control = Controls[i]; if (HasFocus && control.InputEnabled && control.Enabled && (activeControl == null && control.RenderRectangle().Contains(Cursor.Location) || control.Focused)) { control.IsActive = true; activeControl = control; activeControlName = control.Name; } else { control.IsActive = false; } if (control.Enabled) { control.Update(gameTime); } } base.Update(gameTime); }
public static void IgnoreDialogs(XNAControl control) { control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOChestDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOShopDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOBankAccountDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOLockerDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOTradeDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOFriendIgnoreListDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOSkillmasterDialog)); }
private XNAWindow GetParentWindow(XNAControl parent) { if (parent is XNAWindow) { return(parent as XNAWindow); } else { return(GetParentWindow(parent.Parent)); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new tool tip and attaches it to the given control. /// </summary> /// <param name="windowManager">The window manager.</param> /// <param name="masterControl">The control to attach the tool tip to.</param> public ToolTip(WindowManager windowManager, XNAControl masterControl) : base(windowManager) { this.masterControl = masterControl ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("masterControl"); masterControl.MouseEnter += MasterControl_MouseEnter; masterControl.MouseLeave += MasterControl_MouseLeave; masterControl.MouseMove += MasterControl_MouseMove; masterControl.EnabledChanged += MasterControl_EnabledChanged; InputEnabled = false; DrawOrder = int.MaxValue; GetParentControl(masterControl.Parent).AddChild(this); Visible = false; }
public static void IgnoreDialogs(XNAControl control) { control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(ChestDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(ShopDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(BankAccountDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(LockerDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(TradeDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(FriendIgnoreListDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(SkillmasterDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(QuestDialog)); control.IgnoreDialog(typeof(QuestProgressDialog)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new tool tip and attaches it to the given control. /// </summary> /// <param name="windowManager">The window manager.</param> /// <param name="masterControl">The control to attach the tool tip to.</param> public ToolTip(WindowManager windowManager, XNAControl masterControl) : base(windowManager) { this.masterControl = masterControl ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("masterControl"); masterControl.MouseEnter += MasterControl_MouseEnter; masterControl.MouseLeave += MasterControl_MouseLeave; masterControl.MouseMove += MasterControl_MouseMove; masterControl.EnabledChanged += MasterControl_EnabledChanged; InputEnabled = false; DrawOrder = int.MinValue; // TODO: adding tool tips as root-level controls might be CPU-intensive. // instead we could find out the root-level parent and only have the tooltip // in the window manager's list when the root-level parent is visible. WindowManager.AddControl(this); Visible = false; }
private XNAControl GetParentWindow(XNAControl parent) { if (parent is XNAWindow) { return(parent as XNAWindow); } else if (parent is INItializableWindow) { return(parent as INItializableWindow); } else { return(GetParentWindow(parent.Parent)); } }
/// <summary> /// This constructor should be used for the news rendering /// </summary> public ChatTab(XNAControl parentControl) : base(null, null, parentControl) { WhichTab = ChatTabs.None; _selected = true; tabLabel = null; relativeTextPos = new Vector2(20, 23); //568 331 scrollBar = new EOScrollBar(parent, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), EOScrollBar.ScrollColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; World.IgnoreDialogs(scrollBar); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a second set of attributes for a control's child controls. /// Enables linking controls to controls that are defined after them. /// </summary> private void ReadLateAttributesForControl(XNAControl control) { var section = ConfigIni.GetSection(control.Name); if (section == null) { return; } var children = Children.ToList(); foreach (var child in children) { // This logic should also be enabled for other types in the future, // but it requires changes in XNAUI if (!(child is XNATextBox)) { continue; } var childSection = ConfigIni.GetSection(child.Name); if (childSection == null) { continue; } string nextControl = childSection.GetStringValue("NextControl", null); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextControl)) { var otherChild = children.Find(c => c.Name == nextControl); if (otherChild != null) { ((XNATextBox)child).NextControl = otherChild; } } string previousControl = childSection.GetStringValue("PreviousControl", null); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousControl)) { var otherChild = children.Find(c => c.Name == previousControl); if (otherChild != null) { ((XNATextBox)child).PreviousControl = otherChild; } } } }
private T FindChild <T>(IEnumerable <XNAControl> list, string controlName) where T : XNAControl { foreach (XNAControl child in list) { if (child.Name == controlName) { return((T)child); } XNAControl childOfChild = FindChild <T>(child.Children, controlName); if (childOfChild != null) { return((T)childOfChild); } } return(null); }
private XNAControl Find(IEnumerable <XNAControl> list, string controlName) { foreach (XNAControl child in list) { if (child.Name == controlName) { return(child); } XNAControl childOfChild = Find(child.Children, controlName); if (childOfChild != null) { return(childOfChild); } } return(null); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (!Visible || !EOGame.Instance.IsActive) { return; } MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); //this is our own button press handler if (MouseOver && mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (!Selected) { ((EOChatRenderer)parent).SetSelectedTab(WhichTab); } //logic for handling the close button (not actually a button, was I high when I made this...?) if ((WhichTab == ChatTabs.Private1 || WhichTab == ChatTabs.Private2) && closeRect != null) { Rectangle withOffset = new Rectangle(DrawAreaWithOffset.X + closeRect.Value.X, DrawAreaWithOffset.Y + closeRect.Value.Y, closeRect.Value.Width, closeRect.Value.Height); if (withOffset.ContainsPoint(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y)) { ClosePrivateChat(); } } } else if (Selected && mouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released && PreviousMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && WhichTab != ChatTabs.None) { XNAControl tmpParent = parent.GetParent(); //get the panel containing this tab, the parent is the chatRenderer if (tmpParent.DrawAreaWithOffset.Contains(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y)) { int adjustedY = mouseState.Y - tmpParent.DrawAreaWithOffset.Y; int level = (int)Math.Round(adjustedY / 13.0) - 1; if (level >= 0 && scrollBar.ScrollOffset + level < chatStrings.Count) { EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetChatText("!" + chatStrings.Keys[scrollBar.ScrollOffset + level].Who + " "); } } } base.Update(gameTime); }
public void Show(XNAControl control) { foreach (XNAControl child in Children) { child.Enabled = false; child.Visible = false; } Enabled = true; Visible = true; AlphaRate = DarkeningPanel.ALPHA_RATE; if (control != null) { control.Enabled = true; control.Visible = true; control.IgnoreInputOnFrame = true; } }
public void Show(XNAControl control) { foreach (XNAControl child in Children) { child.Enabled = false; child.Visible = false; } Enabled = true; Visible = true; bgAlphaRate = BG_ALPHA_APPEAR_RATE; if (control != null) { control.Enabled = true; control.Visible = true; control.IgnoreInputOnFrame = true; } }
public override void Initialize() { XNAControl parent = Parent; while (true) { if (parent == null) { break; } // oh no, we have a circular class reference here! if (parent is GameLobbyBase gameLobby) { gameLobby.CheckBoxes.Add(this); break; } parent = parent.Parent; } base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// This constructor should be used for the news rendering /// </summary> public ChatTab(XNAControl parentControl) : base(null, null, parentControl) { WhichTab = ChatTabs.None; _selected = true; tabLabel = null; relativeTextPos = new Vector2(20, 23); //568 331 scrollBar = new ScrollBar(parent, new Vector2(467, 20), new Vector2(16, 97), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 7, Visible = true }; World.IgnoreDialogs(scrollBar); }
public OptionsWindow(WindowManager windowManager, GameCollection gameCollection, XNAControl topBar) : base(windowManager) { this.gameCollection = gameCollection; this.topBar = topBar; }
public GameOptionsPanel(WindowManager windowManager, UserINISettings iniSettings, XNAControl topBar) : base(windowManager, iniSettings) { this.topBar = topBar; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (!Game.IsActive) { return; } //check for drag-drop here MouseState currentState = Mouse.GetState(); if (!m_beingDragged && MouseOverPreviously && MouseOver && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { //Conditions for starting are the mouse is over, the button is pressed, and no other items are being dragged if (((EOInventory)parent).NoItemsDragging()) { //start the drag operation and hide the item label m_beingDragged = true; m_nameLabel.Visible = false; m_preDragDrawOrder = DrawOrder; m_preDragParent = parent; //make sure the offsets are maintained! //required to enable dragging past bounds of the inventory panel m_oldOffX = xOff; m_oldOffY = yOff; SetParent(null); m_alpha = 128; DrawOrder = 100; //arbitrarily large constant so drawn on top while dragging } } if (m_beingDragged && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { //dragging has started. continue dragging until mouse is released, update position based on mouse location DrawLocation = new Vector2(currentState.X - (DrawArea.Width / 2), currentState.Y - (DrawArea.Height / 2)); } else if (m_beingDragged && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { //need to check for: drop on map (drop action) // drop on button junk/drop // drop on grid (inventory move action) // drop on chest dialog (chest add action) DrawOrder = m_preDragDrawOrder; m_alpha = 255; SetParent(m_preDragParent); if (((EOInventory)parent).IsOverDrop() || (World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.MouseOver && EOChestDialog.Instance == null && EOPaperdollDialog.Instance == null && EOLockerDialog.Instance == null)) { Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point loc = World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.MouseOver ? World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.GridCoords: new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.X, World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Y); //in range if maximum coordinate difference is <= 2 away bool inRange = Math.Abs(Math.Max(World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.X - loc.X, World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Y - loc.Y)) <= 2; if (m_itemData.Special == ItemSpecial.Lore) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.ITEM_IS_LORE_ITEM, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (World.Instance.JailMap == World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.CurrentMap) { EODialog.Show(World.GetString(DATCONST2.JAIL_WARNING_CANNOT_DROP_ITEMS), World.GetString(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_WARNING), XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1 && inRange) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.DropItems, m_inventory.amount); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK) { //note: not sure of the actual limit. 10000 is arbitrary here if (dlg.SelectedAmount > 10000 && == 1 && !safetyCommentHasBeenShown) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.DROP_MANY_GOLD_ON_GROUND, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader, (o, e) => { safetyCommentHasBeenShown = true; }); } else if (!m_api.DropItem(, dlg.SelectedAmount, (byte)loc.X, (byte)loc.Y)) { ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } } }; } else if (inRange) { if (!m_api.DropItem(, 1, (byte)loc.X, (byte)loc.Y)) { ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } } else /*if (!inRange)*/ { EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_WARNING, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_ITEM_DROP_OUT_OF_RANGE); } } else if (((EOInventory)parent).IsOverJunk()) { if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.JunkItems, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_JUNK); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK && !m_api.JunkItem(, dlg.SelectedAmount)) { ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } }; } else if (!m_api.JunkItem(, 1)) { ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } } else if (EOChestDialog.Instance != null && EOChestDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOChestDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously) { if (m_itemData.Special == ItemSpecial.Lore) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.ITEM_IS_LORE_ITEM, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.DropItems, m_inventory.amount); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK && !m_api.ChestAddItem(EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestX, EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestY,, dlg.SelectedAmount)) { EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } }; } else { if (!m_api.ChestAddItem(EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestX, EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestY,, 1)) { EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } } else if (EOPaperdollDialog.Instance != null && EOPaperdollDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOPaperdollDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously) { //equipable items should be equipped //other item types should do nothing switch (m_itemData.Type) { case ItemType.Accessory: case ItemType.Armlet: case ItemType.Armor: case ItemType.Belt: case ItemType.Boots: case ItemType.Bracer: case ItemType.Gloves: case ItemType.Hat: case ItemType.Necklace: case ItemType.Ring: case ItemType.Shield: case ItemType.Weapon: _handleDoubleClick(); break; } } else if (EOLockerDialog.Instance != null && EOLockerDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOLockerDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously) { if ( == 1) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.LOCKER_DEPOSIT_GOLD_ERROR, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.ShopTransfer, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_TRANSFER); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK) { if (EOLockerDialog.Instance.GetNewItemAmount(, dlg.SelectedAmount) > Constants.LockerMaxSingleItemAmount) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.LOCKER_FULL_SINGLE_ITEM_MAX, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (!Handlers.Locker.AddItem(, dlg.SelectedAmount)) { EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } }; } else { if (EOLockerDialog.Instance.GetNewItemAmount(, 1) > Constants.LockerMaxSingleItemAmount) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.LOCKER_FULL_SINGLE_ITEM_MAX, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (!Handlers.Locker.AddItem(, 1)) { EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } } else if (EOBankAccountDialog.Instance != null && EOBankAccountDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOBankAccountDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously && == 1) { if (m_inventory.amount == 0) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.BANK_ACCOUNT_UNABLE_TO_DEPOSIT, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.BankTransfer, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_DEPOSIT); dlg.DialogClosing += (o, e) => { if (e.Result == XNADialogResult.Cancel) { return; } if (!Handlers.Bank.BankDeposit(dlg.SelectedAmount)) { EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } }; } else { if (!Handlers.Bank.BankDeposit(1)) { EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } } //update the location - if it isn't on the grid, the bounds check will set it back to where it used to be originally //Item amount will be updated or item will be removed in packet response to the drop operation UpdateItemLocation(ItemCurrentSlot()); //mouse has been released. finish dragging. m_beingDragged = false; m_nameLabel.Visible = true; } if (!m_beingDragged && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && MouseOver && MouseOverPreviously) { Interlocked.Increment(ref m_recentClickCount); if (m_recentClickCount == 2) { _handleDoubleClick(); } } if (!MouseOverPreviously && MouseOver && !m_beingDragged) { m_nameLabel.Visible = true; EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_ITEM, m_nameLabel.Text); } else if (!MouseOver && !m_beingDragged && m_nameLabel != null && m_nameLabel.Visible) { m_nameLabel.Visible = false; } base.Update(gameTime); //sets mouseoverpreviously = mouseover, among other things }
public ScrollBar(XNAControl parent, Vector2 relativeLoc, Vector2 size, ScrollBarColors palette) : base(relativeLoc, new Rectangle((int)relativeLoc.X, (int)relativeLoc.Y, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y)) { SetParent(parent); scrollArea = new Rectangle(0, 15, 0, (int)size.Y - 15); DrawLocation = relativeLoc; ScrollOffset = 0; Texture2D scrollSpriteSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 29); Rectangle[] upArrows = new Rectangle[2]; Rectangle[] downArrows = new Rectangle[2]; int vertOff; switch (palette) { case ScrollBarColors.LightOnLight: vertOff = 0; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed: vertOff = 105; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnDark: vertOff = 180; break; case ScrollBarColors.DarkOnDark: vertOff = 255; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("palette"); } //regions based on verticle offset (which is based on the chosen palette) upArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 3, 16, 15); upArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 4, 16, 15); downArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15, 16, 15); downArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 2, 16, 15); Rectangle scrollBox = new Rectangle(0, vertOff, 16, 15); Texture2D[] upButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] downButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] scrollButton = new Texture2D[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { upButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, upArrows[i].Width, upArrows[i].Height); Color[] upData = new Color[upArrows[i].Width * upArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, upArrows[i], upData, 0, upData.Length); upButton[i].SetData(upData); downButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, downArrows[i].Width, downArrows[i].Height); Color[] downData = new Color[downArrows[i].Width * downArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, downArrows[i], downData, 0, downData.Length); downButton[i].SetData(downData); //same texture for hover, AFAIK scrollButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, scrollBox.Width, scrollBox.Height); Color[] scrollData = new Color[scrollBox.Width * scrollBox.Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, scrollBox, scrollData, 0, scrollData.Length); scrollButton[i].SetData(scrollData); } up = new XNAButton(upButton, new Vector2(0, 0)); up.OnClick += arrowClicked; up.SetParent(this); down = new XNAButton(downButton, new Vector2(0, size.Y - 15)); //update coordinates!!!! down.OnClick += arrowClicked; down.SetParent(this); scroll = new XNAButton(scrollButton, new Vector2(0, 15)); //update coordinates!!!! scroll.OnClickDrag += scrollDragged; scroll.OnMouseEnter += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(true); }; scroll.OnMouseLeave += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(false); }; scroll.SetParent(this); _totalHeight = DrawAreaWithOffset.Height; }
/// <summary> /// Removes a control from the window manager. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The control to remove.</param> public void RemoveControl(XNAControl control) { Controls.Remove(control); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (!Game.IsActive) return; //check for drag-drop here MouseState currentState = Mouse.GetState(); if (!m_beingDragged && MouseOverPreviously && MouseOver && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { //Conditions for starting are the mouse is over, the button is pressed, and no other items are being dragged if (((EOInventory) parent).NoItemsDragging()) { //start the drag operation and hide the item label m_beingDragged = true; m_nameLabel.Visible = false; m_preDragDrawOrder = DrawOrder; m_preDragParent = parent; //make sure the offsets are maintained! //required to enable dragging past bounds of the inventory panel m_oldOffX = xOff; m_oldOffY = yOff; SetParent(null); m_alpha = 128; DrawOrder = 100; //arbitrarily large constant so drawn on top while dragging } } if (m_beingDragged && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { //dragging has started. continue dragging until mouse is released, update position based on mouse location DrawLocation = new Vector2(currentState.X - (DrawArea.Width/2), currentState.Y - (DrawArea.Height/2)); } else if (m_beingDragged && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { //need to check for: drop on map (drop action) // drop on button junk/drop // drop on grid (inventory move action) // drop on [x] dialog ([x] add action) m_alpha = 255; SetParent(m_preDragParent); if (((EOInventory) parent).IsOverDrop() || (World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.MouseOver && EOChestDialog.Instance == null && EOPaperdollDialog.Instance == null && EOLockerDialog.Instance == null && EOBankAccountDialog.Instance == null && EOTradeDialog.Instance == null)) { Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point loc = World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.MouseOver ? World.Instance.ActiveMapRenderer.GridCoords: new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.X, World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Y); //in range if maximum coordinate difference is <= 2 away bool inRange = Math.Abs(Math.Max(World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.X - loc.X, World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Y - loc.Y)) <= 2; if (m_itemData.Special == ItemSpecial.Lore) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.ITEM_IS_LORE_ITEM, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (World.Instance.JailMap == World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.CurrentMap) { EODialog.Show(World.GetString(DATCONST2.JAIL_WARNING_CANNOT_DROP_ITEMS), World.GetString(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_WARNING), XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1 && inRange) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.DropItems, m_inventory.amount); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK) { //note: not sure of the actual limit. 10000 is arbitrary here if (dlg.SelectedAmount > 10000 && == 1 && !safetyCommentHasBeenShown) EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.DROP_MANY_GOLD_ON_GROUND, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader, (o, e) => { safetyCommentHasBeenShown = true; }); else if (!m_api.DropItem(, dlg.SelectedAmount, (byte) loc.X, (byte) loc.Y)) ((EOGame) Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } }; } else if (inRange) { if (!m_api.DropItem(, 1, (byte)loc.X, (byte)loc.Y)) ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } else /*if (!inRange)*/ { EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_WARNING, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_ITEM_DROP_OUT_OF_RANGE); } } else if (((EOInventory) parent).IsOverJunk()) { if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.JunkItems, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_JUNK); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK && !m_api.JunkItem(, dlg.SelectedAmount)) ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); }; } else if (!m_api.JunkItem(, 1)) ((EOGame) Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } else if (EOChestDialog.Instance != null && EOChestDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOChestDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously) { if (m_itemData.Special == ItemSpecial.Lore) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.ITEM_IS_LORE_ITEM, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.DropItems, m_inventory.amount); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK && !m_api.ChestAddItem(EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestX, EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestY,, dlg.SelectedAmount)) EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); }; } else { if (!m_api.ChestAddItem(EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestX, EOChestDialog.Instance.CurrentChestY,, 1)) EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } else if (EOPaperdollDialog.Instance != null && EOPaperdollDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOPaperdollDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously) { //equipable items should be equipped //other item types should do nothing switch (m_itemData.Type) { case ItemType.Accessory: case ItemType.Armlet: case ItemType.Armor: case ItemType.Belt: case ItemType.Boots: case ItemType.Bracer: case ItemType.Gloves: case ItemType.Hat: case ItemType.Necklace: case ItemType.Ring: case ItemType.Shield: case ItemType.Weapon: _handleDoubleClick(); break; } } else if (EOLockerDialog.Instance != null && EOLockerDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOLockerDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously) { byte x = EOLockerDialog.Instance.X; byte y = EOLockerDialog.Instance.Y; if ( == 1) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.LOCKER_DEPOSIT_GOLD_ERROR, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.ShopTransfer, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_TRANSFER); dlg.DialogClosing += (sender, args) => { if (args.Result == XNADialogResult.OK) { if (EOLockerDialog.Instance.GetNewItemAmount(, dlg.SelectedAmount) > Constants.LockerMaxSingleItemAmount) EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.LOCKER_FULL_SINGLE_ITEM_MAX, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); else if (!m_api.LockerAddItem(x, y,, dlg.SelectedAmount)) EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } }; } else { if (EOLockerDialog.Instance.GetNewItemAmount(, 1) > Constants.LockerMaxSingleItemAmount) EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.LOCKER_FULL_SINGLE_ITEM_MAX, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); else if (!m_api.LockerAddItem(x, y,, 1)) EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } else if (EOBankAccountDialog.Instance != null && EOBankAccountDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOBankAccountDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously && == 1) { if (m_inventory.amount == 0) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.BANK_ACCOUNT_UNABLE_TO_DEPOSIT, XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.BankTransfer, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_DEPOSIT); dlg.DialogClosing += (o, e) => { if (e.Result == XNADialogResult.Cancel) return; if (!m_api.BankDeposit(dlg.SelectedAmount)) EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); }; } else { if (!m_api.BankDeposit(1)) EOGame.Instance.LostConnectionDialog(); } } else if (EOTradeDialog.Instance != null && EOTradeDialog.Instance.MouseOver && EOTradeDialog.Instance.MouseOverPreviously && !EOTradeDialog.Instance.MainPlayerAgrees) { if (m_itemData.Special == ItemSpecial.Lore) { EODialog.Show(DATCONST1.ITEM_IS_LORE_ITEM); } else if (m_inventory.amount > 1) { EOItemTransferDialog dlg = new EOItemTransferDialog(m_itemData.Name, EOItemTransferDialog.TransferType.TradeItems, m_inventory.amount, DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_OFFER); dlg.DialogClosing += (o, e) => { if (e.Result != XNADialogResult.OK) return; if (!m_api.TradeAddItem(, dlg.SelectedAmount)) { EOTradeDialog.Instance.Close(XNADialogResult.NO_BUTTON_PRESSED); ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } }; } else if(!m_api.TradeAddItem(, 1)) { EOTradeDialog.Instance.Close(XNADialogResult.NO_BUTTON_PRESSED); ((EOGame)Game).LostConnectionDialog(); } } //update the location - if it isn't on the grid, the bounds check will set it back to where it used to be originally //Item amount will be updated or item will be removed in packet response to the drop operation UpdateItemLocation(ItemCurrentSlot()); //mouse has been released. finish dragging. m_beingDragged = false; m_nameLabel.Visible = true; DrawOrder = m_preDragDrawOrder; } if (!m_beingDragged && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && currentState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && MouseOver && MouseOverPreviously) { Interlocked.Increment(ref m_recentClickCount); if (m_recentClickCount == 2) { _handleDoubleClick(); } } if (!MouseOverPreviously && MouseOver && !m_beingDragged) { m_nameLabel.Visible = true; EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_ITEM, m_nameLabel.Text); } else if (!MouseOver && !m_beingDragged && m_nameLabel != null && m_nameLabel.Visible) { m_nameLabel.Visible = false; } base.Update(gameTime); //sets mouseoverpreviously = mouseover, among other things }
public OldScrollBar(XNAControl parent, Vector2 locationRelaiveToParent, Vector2 size, ScrollBarColors palette, INativeGraphicsManager nativeGraphicsManager) : base(locationRelaiveToParent, new Rectangle((int)locationRelaiveToParent.X, (int)locationRelaiveToParent.Y, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y)) { SetParent(parent); scrollArea = new Rectangle(0, 15, 0, (int)size.Y - 15); DrawLocation = locationRelaiveToParent; ScrollOffset = 0; Texture2D scrollSpriteSheet = nativeGraphicsManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 29); Rectangle[] upArrows = new Rectangle[2]; Rectangle[] downArrows = new Rectangle[2]; int vertOff; switch (palette) { case ScrollBarColors.LightOnLight: vertOff = 0; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed: vertOff = 105; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnDark: vertOff = 180; break; case ScrollBarColors.DarkOnDark: vertOff = 255; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(palette)); } //regions based on verticle offset (which is based on the chosen palette) upArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 3, 16, 15); upArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 4, 16, 15); downArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15, 16, 15); downArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 2, 16, 15); Rectangle scrollBox = new Rectangle(0, vertOff, 16, 15); Texture2D[] upButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] downButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] scrollButton = new Texture2D[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { upButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, upArrows[i].Width, upArrows[i].Height); Color[] upData = new Color[upArrows[i].Width * upArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, upArrows[i], upData, 0, upData.Length); upButton[i].SetData(upData); downButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, downArrows[i].Width, downArrows[i].Height); Color[] downData = new Color[downArrows[i].Width * downArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, downArrows[i], downData, 0, downData.Length); downButton[i].SetData(downData); //same texture for hover, AFAIK scrollButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, scrollBox.Width, scrollBox.Height); Color[] scrollData = new Color[scrollBox.Width * scrollBox.Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, scrollBox, scrollData, 0, scrollData.Length); scrollButton[i].SetData(scrollData); } up = new XNAButton(upButton, new Vector2(0, 0)); up.OnClick += arrowClicked; up.SetParent(this); down = new XNAButton(downButton, new Vector2(0, size.Y - 15)); //update coordinates!!!! down.OnClick += arrowClicked; down.SetParent(this); scroll = new XNAButton(scrollButton, new Vector2(0, 15)); //update coordinates!!!! scroll.OnClickDrag += scrollDragged; scroll.OnMouseEnter += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(true); }; scroll.OnMouseLeave += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(false); }; scroll.SetParent(this); _totalHeight = DrawAreaWithOffset.Height; }
public void SetPrimaryControl(XNAControl primaryControl) { this.primaryControl = primaryControl; }
public override void AddChild(XNAControl child) { base.AddChild(child); child.VisibleChanged += Child_VisibleChanged; }