Exemple #1
        public override void ProcessCommand()
            logger.Info("Processing CommandRequest_GetUpdated");

                List <int> animeIDsToUpdate         = new List <int>();
                ScheduledUpdateRepository repSched  = new ScheduledUpdateRepository();
                AnimeSeriesRepository     repSeries = new AnimeSeriesRepository();
                AniDB_AnimeRepository     repAnime  = new AniDB_AnimeRepository();

                //DateTime localTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);

                long startTime = 0;

                // check the automated update table to see when the last time we ran this command
                ScheduledUpdate sched = repSched.GetByUpdateType((int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBUpdates);
                if (sched != null)
                    int freqHours = Utils.GetScheduledHours(ServerSettings.AniDB_Anime_UpdateFrequency);

                    // if we have run this in the last 12 hours and are not forcing it, then exit
                    TimeSpan tsLastRun = DateTime.Now - sched.LastUpdate;
                    if (tsLastRun.TotalHours < freqHours)
                        if (!ForceRefresh)

                // get a list of updates in the last day from AniDB
                // startTime will contain the date/time from which the updates apply to
                if (!JMMService.AnidbProcessor.GetUpdated(ref animeIDsToUpdate, ref startTime))

                long webUpdateTime = 0;
                if (sched == null)
                    // if this is the first time, lets ask web cache for everyting in the last 3 days
                    DateTime localTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3);
                    DateTime utcTime   = localTime.ToUniversalTime();
                    webUpdateTime = long.Parse(Utils.AniDBDate(utcTime));

                    sched            = new ScheduledUpdate();
                    sched.UpdateType = (int)ScheduledUpdateType.AniDBUpdates;
                    logger.Trace("Last anidb info update was : {0}", sched.UpdateDetails);
                    webUpdateTime = long.Parse(sched.UpdateDetails);

                // now save the update time from AniDB
                // we will use this next time as a starting point when querying the web cache
                sched.LastUpdate    = DateTime.Now;
                sched.UpdateDetails = startTime.ToString();

                // we now have a listof updates in the last 24 hours
                // get more from the web cache
                UpdatesCollection colUpdates = XMLService.Get_AniDBUpdates(webUpdateTime);
                // get a unqiue list of anime id's
                if (colUpdates != null)
                    logger.Info("Web cache updates : Time={0} - Count={1} - List={2}", webUpdateTime, colUpdates.UpdateCount, colUpdates.RawAnimeIDs);
                    foreach (int id in colUpdates.AnimeIDs)
                        if (!animeIDsToUpdate.Contains(id))
                    logger.Info("No web Web cache updates");

                int countAnime  = 0;
                int countSeries = 0;
                foreach (int animeID in animeIDsToUpdate)
                    // update the anime from HTTP
                    AniDB_Anime anime = repAnime.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
                    if (anime == null)
                        logger.Trace("No local record found for Anime ID: {0}, so skipping...", animeID);

                    logger.Info("Updating CommandRequest_GetUpdated: {0} ", animeID);

                    // but only if it hasn't been recently updated
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - anime.DateTimeUpdated;
                    if (ts.TotalHours > 4)
                        CommandRequest_GetAnimeHTTP cmdAnime = new CommandRequest_GetAnimeHTTP(animeID, true, false);

                    // update the group status
                    // this will allow us to determine which anime has missing episodes
                    // so we wonly get by an amime where we also have an associated series
                    AnimeSeries ser = repSeries.GetByAnimeID(animeID);
                    if (ser != null)
                        CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus cmdStatus = new CommandRequest_GetReleaseGroupStatus(animeID, true);

                logger.Info("Updating {0} anime records, and {1} group status records", countAnime, countSeries);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Error processing CommandRequest_GetUpdated: {0}", ex.ToString());