/// <summary> /// Check if recieved data meet business reqiurements /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">parsed text</param> /// <param name="totalCost">response message</param> private void BusinessLogic(XmlDocument doc, XMLResult totalCost) { XmlNode totalNode = doc.GetElementsByTagName("total")[0]; bool parsed = double.TryParse(totalNode.InnerText, out double numValue); if (!parsed) { totalCost.TotalExcludingGST = "Invalid number format"; totalCost.GST = "Invalid number format"; totalCost.Error = totalNode.InnerText + " is not an valid number."; } else { totalCost.TotalExcludingGST = Math.Round((numValue / 1.1), 2).ToString(); totalCost.GST = Math.Round((numValue / 11), 2).ToString(); } XmlNode costCentreNode = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cost_centre")[0]; if (costCentreNode == null || costCentreNode.InnerText == "") { totalCost.CostCentre = "UNKNOWN"; } else { totalCost.CostCentre = costCentreNode.InnerText; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /*PASATCore.XMLParameter x = new XMLParameter("patient"); * x.AddParameter("id", "P008"); * x.AddParameter("firstname", "Felix"); * x.AddParameter("lastname", "Jiang"); * x.AddParameter("middlename", "J"); * x.AddParameter("birthDate", "restore"); * x.AddParameter("prefix", "Mr"); * x.AddParameter("suffix", "None"); * * x.AddParameter("sex", "M"); * x.AddParameter("pregnancy", "No"); * * PatientService ps = new PatientService(); * XMLResult cc= ps.CreatePatient(x);*/ PASATCore.AnalysisService ass = new AnalysisService(); XMLParameter p = new XMLParameter("presentationstate"); p.AddParameter("id", "8afa206925fce1330125fd071bc60006"); p.AddParameter("id", "8afa206925fce1330125fd071ca1000d"); XMLResult cc = ass.GetDescription("8af0a5d9261b4e0c01261bb5269b003d"); string b = "false"; bool d = Convert.ToBoolean(b); int a = 0; }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n = Convert.ToInt32(this.tbPatients.Text); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { PASATCore.XMLParameter x = new XMLParameter("patient"); x.AddParameter("id", "P008"); x.AddParameter("firstname", "Felix"); x.AddParameter("lastname", "Jiang"); x.AddParameter("middlename", "J"); x.AddParameter("birthDate", "restore"); x.AddParameter("prefix", "Mr"); x.AddParameter("suffix", "None"); x.AddParameter("sex", "M"); x.AddParameter("pregnancy", "No"); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); XMLResult cc = ps.CreatePatient(x); this.pb.Value = (int)(i * 100 / n); this.Update(); } System.TimeSpan t = DateTime.Now - dt; this.label1.Text = t.Seconds.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Check input data validation /// </summary> /// <param name="data">input text</param> /// <param name="totalCost">response message</param> /// <returns>true or false to return</returns> private bool CheckValidation(string data, XMLResult totalCost) { bool result = true; if (!data.Contains("<total>")) { totalCost.Error = "'total' section is reqiured. Cannot process this request."; result = false; } return(result); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XMLParameter filter = new XMLParameter("filter"); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; PatientService ps = new PatientService(); XMLResult cc = ps.FindPatient(filter); System.TimeSpan t = DateTime.Now - dt; MessageBox.Show("Loaded " + cc.ArrayResult.Length + " patients, Cost " + (((float)t.TotalMilliseconds) / 1000).ToString() + " seconds."); }
public override void Run() { //create a new patient. string newPatientId = CommonLib.CreatePatient(); ImportService importService = new ImportService(); for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; lr.Lable = this.mLabel; try { XMLResult result = importService.importObject(newPatientId, string.Empty, @"C:\PASPerformance\001.png", null, true, string.Empty); lr.ResponseTime = importService.ResponseTime; lr.Passed = !(result.IsErrorOccured); if (!lr.Passed) { this.mFailed++; lr.Message = result.Message; } else { this.mExectuedTime += importService.ResponseTime; lr.Message = result.Message; } } catch (Exception ex) { string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; lr.Passed = false; this.mFailed++; } this.mExecuted = i; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }
/// <summary> /// Get all data from xml tags /// </summary> /// <param name="alltext">input text</param> /// <returns></returns> public XMLResult GetTotalExpense(string alltext) { XMLResult totalCost = new XMLResult { XMLDataPair = "", Error = "", CostCentre = "UNKNOWN" }; if (!CheckValidation(alltext, totalCost)) { return(totalCost); } string xml = "<Result>" + alltext + "</Result>"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { doc.LoadXml(xml); } catch (XmlException e) { totalCost.Error = e.Message; if (e.Message.Contains("does not match the end tag")) { totalCost.Error = e.Message.Substring(0, e.Message.IndexOf("start tag") + 9) + " has no corresponding closing tag. Cannot process this request."; } return(totalCost); } foreach (var node in new List <XmlNode>(doc.FirstChild.ChildNodes .OfType <XmlNode>()).Where( x => x.ParentNode != null && x.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); } BusinessLogic(doc, totalCost); string result = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc.FirstChild); totalCost.XMLDataPair = result; return(totalCost); }
public static string CreatePatient() { try { string PatientStarts = Math.Abs(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()).ToString(); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); pa.AddParameter("patient_id", PatientStarts); pa.AddParameter("dpms_id", PatientStarts); pa.AddParameter("first_name", PatientStarts); pa.AddParameter("last_name", PatientStarts); pa.AddParameter("middle_name", PatientStarts); XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); return(result.SingleResult); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void Run() { Round r = this.NewRound("R1", "Test round"); CheckPoint p = new CheckPoint("Create Patient", "Test description"); r.CheckPoints.Add(p); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); pa.AddParameter(r.DataSet.InputParameters.GetParameter("dafsd").Value, "pid888"); pa.AddParameter("dpmsid", "dpmsid888"); pa.AddParameter("firstname", "Test"); pa.AddParameter("lastname", "Test"); pa.AddParameter("sex", "male"); XMLResult result = ps.createPatient(pa); if (result.IsErrorOccured) { p.Result = TestResult.Fail; p.Outputs.AddParameter("Error", result.Message); } else { p.Result = TestResult.Pass; p.Outputs.AddParameter("New patient Id", result.SingleResult); } SaveRound(r); Output(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Done"); }
public void Run_RadioLogicalLog_WorkFlow_N03_CreateSetGet_Case927() //Case 927: 1.3.3_WorkFlow_N03_CreateSetGet { //int runCount = this.Input.Repetition; int runCount = 0; // this is the initial run count. Use this count to repeat different test data set. foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "Test round"); //Mark the check point here to indicate what's the check point here CheckPoint p1 = new CheckPoint("createPatient", "Setup environment of createPatient"); CheckPoint p2 = new CheckPoint("createRadioLogEntry", "Setup environment of createRadioLogEntry"); CheckPoint p3 = new CheckPoint("setRadioLogEntry", "Test setRadioLogEntry"); CheckPoint p4 = new CheckPoint("getRadioLogEntry", "Test getRadioLogEntry"); r.CheckPoints.Add(p1); r.CheckPoints.Add(p2); r.CheckPoints.Add(p3); r.CheckPoints.Add(p4); //create required PAS service instaces here PatientService pats = new PatientService(); RadiologService radios = new RadiologService(); //create input parameters here, it may include XML path type and string type value XMLParameter pa1 = new XMLParameter("createPatient"); XMLParameter pa2 = new XMLParameter("createRadioLogEntry"); XMLParameter pa3 = new XMLParameter("setRadioLogEntry"); XMLParameter pa4 = new XMLParameter("getRadioLogEntry"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { switch (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step) { case "createPatient": pa1.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); break; case "createRadioLogEntry": pa2.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); break; case "setRadioLogEntry": pa3.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); break; case "getRadioLogEntry": pa4.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); break; default: Console.WriteLine("There is no valid selection when parse input parameters."); break; } } //If we need change parameter by specific logic, please put code here //Get service result //Step1 result XMLResult step1_result = pats.createPatient(pa1); //Log step1 service output if (step1_result.IsErrorOccured) { p1.Result = TestResult.Fail; p1.Outputs.AddParameter("createPatient", "Error", step1_result.ResultContent); SaveRound(r); continue; } p1.Result = TestResult.Pass; p1.Outputs.AddParameter("createPatient", "Success", step1_result.ResultContent); //Change input parameter according the output of Step1 pa2.AddParameter("patient_internal_id", step1_result.SingleResult); //Step2 result XMLResult step2_result = radios.createRadioLogEntry(pa2); //Log step2 service output if (step2_result.IsErrorOccured) { p2.Result = TestResult.Fail; p2.Outputs.AddParameter("createRadioLogEntry", "Error", step2_result.ResultContent); SaveRound(r); continue; } p2.Result = TestResult.Pass; p2.Outputs.AddParameter("createRadioLogEntry", "Success", step2_result.ResultContent); //Change input parameter according the output of Step2 //Step3 result XMLResult step3_result = radios.setRadioLogEntry(pa3, step2_result.SingleResult); //Log step3 service output if (step3_result.IsErrorOccured) { p3.Result = TestResult.Fail; p3.Outputs.AddParameter("setRadioLogEntry", "Error", step3_result.ResultContent); SaveRound(r); continue; } p3.Result = TestResult.Pass; p3.Outputs.AddParameter("setRadioLogEntry", "Success", step3_result.ResultContent); //Change input parameter according the output of Step3 //Step4 result XMLResult step4_result = radios.getRadioLogEntry(step2_result.SingleResult); //Log step4 service output //Compare the Expected parameters of getRadioLogEntry and output result of getRadioLogEntry int compCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters.Count; index++) { if (ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters[index].Value == step4_result.ArrayResult.GetParameterValueByName(ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters[index].Key)) { compCount++; } } if (step4_result.IsErrorOccured || compCount != ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters.Count) { p4.Result = TestResult.Fail; p4.Outputs.AddParameter("getRadioLogEntry", "Error", step4_result.ResultContent); } else { p4.Result = TestResult.Pass; p4.Outputs.AddParameter("getRadioLogEntry", "Success", step4_result.ResultContent); } //Save data for each round SaveRound(r); } //Save service log as xml file Output(); }
protected void btnValidar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { lblMessageError.Text = ""; lblMessageSuccess.Text = ""; lblMessageXmlError.Text = ""; AlertXMLError.Visible = false; double docTotal = 0; foreach (Telerik.Web.UI.GridDataItem dataitem in RadGrid1.Items) { if ((dataitem.FindControl("CheckBox1") as CheckBox).Checked == true) { docTotal = Convert.ToDouble(dataitem["DocTotal"].Text); } } if (RadAsyncUpload1.UploadedFiles.Count > 0) { foreach (UploadedFile file in RadAsyncUpload1.UploadedFiles) { if (file.FileName != "") { XMLController xmlController = new XMLController(); UploadResult result = xmlController.UploadFiles(file); if (result.count > 0) { SessionInfoModel session = new SessionInfoModel(); session = (SessionInfoModel)Session["SessionInfo"]; InfoXML info = new InfoXML { cardcode = session.cardcode, docnum = int.Parse(lblDocNum.Text), doctotal = docTotal, typedocument = "PA", xml = result.path }; XMLResult xmlResult = xmlController.GetResultXML(info); if (xmlResult.Status == "Error") { AlertXMLError.Visible = true; lblMessageXmlError.Text = xmlResult.Messages; lblXmlFile.Text = ""; } else { lblHidePathXML.Text = result.path; lblHideUUIDXML.Text = xmlResult.UUID; lblXmlFile.Text = file.FileName; lblMessageSuccess.Text = xmlResult.Messages; btnProcesar.Enabled = true; } } else { lblMessageError.Text = "Debe seleccionar un archivo XML."; lblXmlFile.Text = ""; } } } } else { lblMessageError.Text = "Debe seleccionar un archivo XML."; lblXmlFile.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessageError.Text = ex.Message; } }
public override void Run() { string newPatientId = string.Empty; string psId = string.Empty; string PsInfoString = string.Empty; PresentationStateService ps = new PresentationStateService(); try { //create a new patient and import a new image to get a new ps id. newPatientId = CommonLib.CreatePatient(); ImportService import = new ImportService(); XMLResult importResult = import.importObject(newPatientId, string.Empty, @"c:\PASPerformance\001.png", null, true, string.Empty); psId = importResult.MultiResults[1].GetParameterValueByIndex(0); //Get PS info string. PsInfoString = ps.getPresentationState(psId).ArrayResult.GenerateXML(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; lr.Lable = this.mLabel; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed, true); this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); this.mExecuted = this.mRepeat; this.mFailed = this.mRepeat; return; } for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.Lable = this.mLabel; lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; double userCaseResponse = 0; try { //get ps XMLResult getPsResult = ps.getPresentationState(psId); if (getPsResult.IsErrorOccured) { lr.Passed = false; lr.Message = getPsResult.Message; lr.ResponseTime = ps.ResponseTime; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.mFailed++; continue; } else { userCaseResponse = ps.ResponseTime; } //set ps XMLResult setPsResult = new XMLResult(ps.InvokeMethod("setPresentationState", new object[] { PsInfoString, psId })); if (setPsResult.IsErrorOccured) { lr.Passed = false; lr.Message = setPsResult.Message; lr.ResponseTime = ps.ResponseTime; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.mFailed++; continue; } else { userCaseResponse += ps.ResponseTime; } //if no exception. lr.Passed = true; lr.ResponseTime = userCaseResponse; this.mExectuedTime += userCaseResponse; } catch (Exception ex) { lr.Passed = false; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; this.mFailed++; } Log.AddRecord(lr); this.mExecuted = i; this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }
public override void Run() { AcquisitionService acqService = new AcquisitionService(); double timeOut = 60000; //60000ms, 60s XMLParameter acqInfo = new XMLParameter("acq_info"); try { string PatientId = CommonLib.CreatePatient(); acqInfo.AddParameter("patient_internal_id", PatientId); acqInfo.AddParameter("teeth_number", "12"); acqInfo.AddParameter("teeth_number_notation", "american"); acqInfo.AddParameter("output_encoding", "unicode"); acqInfo.AddParameter("series_performing_physician_name", "performing_physician_name"); acqInfo.AddParameter("mpps_information", "mpps_information"); acqInfo.AddParameter("equipment_department_name", "equipment_department_name"); acqInfo.AddParameter("equipment_institution_name", "equipment_institution_name"); acqInfo.AddParameter("equipment_institution_address", "equipment_institution_address"); acqInfo.AddParameter("equipment_station_name", "equipment_station_name"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; lr.Lable = this.mLabel; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed, true); this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); this.mExecuted = this.mRepeat; this.mFailed = this.mRepeat; return; } for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.Lable = this.mLabel; lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; try { XMLResult result = new XMLResult(); lr.ResponseTime = 0; do { ExactTimer timer = new ExactTimer(); timer.Start(); result = acqService.setAsynAcqPatientInfo(acqInfo); timer.Stop(); lr.ResponseTime += timer.Duration; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } while (result.ResultContent == null && lr.ResponseTime < timeOut); //loop while there is no return, and the time out is 60s lr.Passed = !(result.IsErrorOccured); if (!lr.Passed) { if (lr.ResponseTime >= timeOut) { lr.Message = "the service did not return after 60s. " + result.Message; } else { lr.Message = "the service return errors: " + result.Message; } this.mFailed++; } else // lr.Passed = true { lr.Message = result.Message; this.mExectuedTime += lr.ResponseTime; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.mFailed++; lr.Passed = false; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; } this.mExecuted = i; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }
public void Run_GenericInstance_ListInstances_Case1657() // Case 1657: listInstances to volume to list child and slibling { int runCount = 0; foreach (InputDataSet ids in this.Input.DataSets) { runCount++; Round r = this.NewRound(runCount.ToString(), "List Instances"); CheckPoint listCheck = new CheckPoint("List Instances", "Test description"); r.DataSet = ids; r.CheckPoints.Add(listCheck); GenericInstanceService instances = new GenericInstanceService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("filter"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.InputParameters.Count; i++) { if (ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Step == "listInstances") { pa.AddParameter(ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Key, ids.InputParameters.GetParameter(i).Value); } } XMLResult result = instances.listInstances(pa); if (result.IsErrorOccured) { listCheck.Result = TestResult.Fail; listCheck.Outputs.AddParameter("listInstances fail", "list Instances", result.Message); } else { listCheck.Outputs.AddParameter("listInstances OK", "list Instances", result.ResultContent); System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlResult = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); xmlResult.LoadXml(result.ResultContent); System.Xml.XmlNodeList instanceList = xmlResult.SelectNodes("trophy/instance/parameter"); listCheck.Result = TestResult.Pass; List <int> findedGroup = new List <int>(); int nodeIndex = 0; foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode instance in instanceList) { int matchStep = 0; nodeIndex++; foreach (Parameter pExpected in ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters) { int iExpIdx = 0; if (System.Int32.TryParse(pExpected.Step, out iExpIdx)) { if (pExpected.Key == "value" && pExpected.Value == instance.Attributes["value"].Value ) { matchStep = iExpIdx; } } } if (matchStep > 0) { bool matchKey = false; bool matchParentID = false; foreach (Parameter pExpected in ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters) { int iExpIdx = 0; if (System.Int32.TryParse(pExpected.Step, out iExpIdx)) { if (pExpected.Key == "key" && pExpected.Value == instance.Attributes["key"].Value && iExpIdx == matchStep ) { matchKey = true; } else if (pExpected.Key == "parent_id" && pExpected.Value == instance.Attributes["parent_id"].Value && iExpIdx == matchStep ) { matchParentID = true; } } } if (matchKey && matchParentID) { } else { listCheck.Result = TestResult.Fail; string key = nodeIndex + " key or parent id unmatched"; listCheck.Outputs.AddParameter("listInstances", key, instance.OuterXml); } findedGroup.Add(matchStep); } else { listCheck.Result = TestResult.Fail; string key = nodeIndex + " fail to find the instance in expected results"; listCheck.Outputs.AddParameter("listInstances", key, instance.InnerXml); } } foreach (Parameter pExpected in ids.ExpectedValues.Parameters) { int iExpIdx = 0; if (System.Int32.TryParse(pExpected.Step, out iExpIdx)) { if (pExpected.Key == "value") { bool bfinded = false; foreach (int matchStep in findedGroup) { if (iExpIdx == matchStep) { bfinded = true; break; } } if (bfinded) { } else { listCheck.Result = TestResult.Fail; string key = iExpIdx + " fail to find the instance in expected results"; listCheck.Outputs.AddParameter("listInstances", key, pExpected.Value); } } } } } SaveRound(r); } Output(); }
public override void Run() { string acqInfoString = string.Empty; string sessionId = string.Empty; AcquisitionService acqService = new AcquisitionService(); ExactTimer timer = new ExactTimer(); int timeOut = 600; try { LaunchNotification(); string PatientId = CommonLib.CreatePatient(); XMLParameter acqInfo = new XMLParameter("acq_info"); acqInfo.AddParameter("device_id", "AcqImgFiles.dll"); acqInfo.AddParameter("line_id", "308C0000"); acqInfo.AddParameter("patient_internal_id", PatientId); acqInfo.AddParameter("series_performing_physician_name", "performing_physician_name"); acqInfoString = acqInfo.GenerateXML(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; lr.Lable = this.mLabel; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed, true); this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); this.mExecuted = this.mRepeat; this.mFailed = this.mRepeat; return; } for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.Lable = this.mLabel; lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; try { int attemp = 0; int errorCode = 272; //the error code for session existed. XMLResult result = new XMLResult(); timer.Start(); while (errorCode == 272) { result = new XMLResult(acqService.InvokeMethod("startAcquisition", new object[] { acqInfoString })); errorCode = result.Code; } sessionId = result.SingleResult; XMLResult acqResult = acqService.getAcquisitionResult(sessionId); while (acqResult.IsErrorOccured && attemp < timeOut) //loop while the result code is 0, and the time out is 60s { acqResult = acqService.getAcquisitionResult(sessionId); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); attemp++; } timer.Stop(); lr.ResponseTime = timer.Duration; lr.Passed = !(acqResult.IsErrorOccured); if (!lr.Passed) { if (attemp >= timeOut) { lr.Message = "the service did not return after 60s. " + acqResult.Message; } else { lr.Message = acqResult.Message; } this.mFailed++; } else { lr.Message = result.SingleResult + "code: " + result.Code; this.mExectuedTime += lr.ResponseTime; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.mFailed++; lr.Passed = false; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; } this.mExecuted = i; Log.AddRecord(lr); if (i == this.mRepeat) { FinishNotification(); } this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }
private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PASATCore.ApplicationService a = new ApplicationService(); XMLResult r = a.listApplications(); }
public override void Run() { string PatientStarts = string.Empty; Random random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); PatientStarts += Convert.ToChar(random.Next(65, 91)); PatientStarts += Convert.ToChar(random.Next(65, 91)); PatientStarts += Convert.ToChar(random.Next(65, 91)); PatientStarts += Convert.ToChar(random.Next(65, 91)); PatientService ps = new PatientService(); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("patient"); pa.AddParameter("patient_id", "$_R"); pa.AddParameter("dpms_id", "$_R"); pa.AddParameter("first_name", "$_R"); pa.AddParameter("last_name", "$_R"); pa.AddParameter("middle_name", "$_R"); pa.AddParameter("prefix", "Mr"); pa.AddParameter("suffix", "X"); pa.AddParameter("birth_date", "2010-10-22"); pa.AddParameter("sex", "female"); pa.AddParameter("pregnancy", "not pregnant"); pa.AddParameter("insurance_number", "1234567"); pa.AddParameter("address", "Test address"); pa.AddParameter("town", "test town"); pa.AddParameter("postal_code", "female"); pa.AddParameter("cellular_phone", "female"); pa.AddParameter("home_phone", "female"); pa.AddParameter("work_phone", "female"); pa.AddParameter("comments", "user comments"); pa.AddParameter("email", "*****@*****.**"); pa.AddParameter("photo", ""); string PatientInfo = pa.GenerateXML(); for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.Lable = this.mLabel; lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; try { XMLResult result = new XMLResult(ps.InvokeMethod("createPatient", new object[] { PatientInfo.Replace("$_R", PatientStarts + (i + 1).ToString()) })); lr.ResponseTime = ps.ResponseTime; lr.Passed = !(result.IsErrorOccured); if (!lr.Passed) { lr.Message = result.Message; this.mFailed++; } else { lr.Message = result.SingleResult; this.mExectuedTime += lr.ResponseTime; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.mFailed++; lr.Passed = false; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; } this.Executed = i; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }
public override void Run() { string openObjInfo = string.Empty; string psId = string.Empty; KDIS7ImageWindow iw = new KDIS7ImageWindow(); KDIS7ATAssistant ka = new KDIS7ATAssistant(); ApplicationService appService = new ApplicationService(); try { string PatientId = CommonLib.CreatePatient(); ImportService import = new ImportService(); XMLResult importResult = import.importObject(PatientId, string.Empty, @"c:\PASPerformance\001.png", null, true, string.Empty); psId = importResult.MultiResults[1].GetParameterValueByIndex(0); XMLParameter pa = new XMLParameter("two_dimension_viewer"); pa.AddParameter("internal_id", psId); openObjInfo = pa.GenerateXML(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; lr.Lable = this.mLabel; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed, true); this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); this.mExecuted = this.mRepeat; this.mFailed = this.mRepeat; return; } for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.Lable = this.mLabel; lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; try { XMLResult result = new XMLResult(appService.InvokeMethod("openObjects", new object[] { openObjInfo })); bool imageOpened = iw.ItemByID(psId).WaitProperty("ShownOnScreen", true, 30); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); ka.CleanApp("Default"); lr.ResponseTime = appService.ResponseTime; lr.Passed = (!(result.IsErrorOccured) && imageOpened); if (!lr.Passed) { if (result.IsErrorOccured) { lr.Message = "Call openObjects returns error: " + result.Message; } else { lr.Message = "Failed to open CSI."; } this.mFailed++; } else { lr.Message = result.SingleResult; this.mExectuedTime += lr.ResponseTime; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.mFailed++; lr.Passed = false; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = "Call openObjects throws exception: " + ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; } this.mExecuted = i; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }
public override void Run() { string newPSId = string.Empty; string setPSInfoString = string.Empty; string getPSInfoString = string.Empty; PresentationStateService psService = new PresentationStateService(); try { //create a new patient and import a new image to get a new ps id. string newPatientId = CommonLib.CreatePatient(); ImportService import = new ImportService(); XMLResult r = import.importObject(newPatientId, string.Empty, @"c:\PASPerformance\001.png", null, true, string.Empty); newPSId = r.MultiResults[1].GetParameterValueByIndex(0); XMLParameter psId = new XMLParameter("presentationstate"); psId.AddParameter("internal_id", newPSId); getPSInfoString = psId.GenerateXML(); XMLParameterCollection c = new XMLParameterCollection(); c.Add(psId); setPSInfoString = psService.getPresentationStateInfo(c).ArrayResult.GenerateXML(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; lr.Lable = this.mLabel; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed, true); this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); this.mExecuted = this.mRepeat; this.mFailed = this.mRepeat; return; } double userCaseResponse = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= this.mRepeat; i++) { LogRecordType lr = new LogRecordType(); lr.Lable = this.mLabel; lr.FunctionName = this.mFunctionName; try { //get ps info XMLResult getResult = new XMLResult(psService.InvokeMethod("getPresentationStateInfo", new object [] { getPSInfoString })); //if get presentation infor failed. if (getResult.IsErrorOccured) { lr.Message = "Get PS info faild. Message: " + getResult.Message; lr.ResponseTime = psService.ResponseTime; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.mFailed++; continue; } else //if get ps info successed { userCaseResponse = psService.ResponseTime; } //set ps info XMLResult setResult = new XMLResult(psService.InvokeMethod("setPresentationStateInfo", new object[] { setPSInfoString, newPSId })); //if set ps info failed if (setResult.IsErrorOccured) { lr.Message = "Set PS info failed. Message: " + setResult.Message; lr.ResponseTime = psService.ResponseTime; lr.Passed = false; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.mFailed++; continue; } else //if set ps info successed. { userCaseResponse += psService.ResponseTime; } lr.ResponseTime = userCaseResponse; this.ExecutedTime += userCaseResponse; } catch (Exception ex) { this.mFailed++; lr.Passed = false; string innerText = ex.InnerException == null ? string.Empty : ex.InnerException.Message; lr.Message = ex.Message + innerText == string.Empty ? string.Empty : "(" + innerText + ")"; } this.mExecuted = i; Log.AddRecord(lr); this.RiseSingleCallCompleteEvent(lr.ResponseTime, lr.Passed); } this.RiseTestCaseCompleteEvent(); }