private void SetUpData() { string strName = GetName(); UnityEngine.Object[] files = Resources.LoadAll("StringTables/" + strName, typeof(TextAsset)); foreach(TextAsset file in files) { string xmlString = file.text; // error message string strErrorFile = "Error in file " +; //Create XMLParser instance XMLParser xmlParser = new XMLParser(xmlString); //Call the parser to build the IXMLNode objects XMLElement xmlElement = xmlParser.Parse(); // this will load files that have replaced the file stored in data locally #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN string strFile = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/" + + ".xml"; if ( System.IO.File.Exists( strFile ) ) { Debug.Log("An override string table file was found: " + strFile); xmlString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText( strFile ); } #endif AddData( strErrorFile, xmlElement ); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); XMLSection root = parser.loadXML( "<root>" + " <row>" + " <Item>100</Item>" + " <Item>200</Item>" + " <Item>300</Item>" + " </row>" + " <row>" + " <Item> 123 456 789 </Item>" + " <Item> 444 555 666 </Item>" + " <Item> 777 888 999 </Item>" + " </row>" + "</root>" ); //XMLSection root = parser.loadFile( "test" ); Debug.Log( "root.child[0].name = " + root.child(0).name ); Debug.Log( "root.child[1].name = " + root.child(1).name ); Debug.Log( "row/Item = " + root.readInt("row/Item") ); Debug.Log( "not/in/path = " + root.readVector2("not/in/path") ); XMLSection childSection = root.child(0); foreach ( int i in childSection.readInts ( "Item" ) ) { Debug.Log( "root.child[0] item = " + i ); } childSection = root.child(1); foreach ( Vector3 i in childSection.readVector3s( "Item" ) ) { Debug.Log( "root.child[1] item = " + i ); } }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("Type", Type.GetType().Name), new XAttribute("InternalName", InternalName), new XAttribute("ExternalName", ExternalName), new XAttribute("InOut", InOut), new XAttribute("NoConstant", NoConstant)); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); res.Add("DefaultValue", DefaultValue.ToXML(prop)); return res; }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("Identifier", Name.Name), new XAttribute("Type", Type.GetType().Name)); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); res.Add(RHS.ToXML(prop)); return res; }
void ReadXML() { //m_enemyList = new ArrayList //string str = File.ReadAllText(@"d:\EnemyData.xml", Encoding.UTF8); //读取XML文件 m_enemyList = new ArrayList(); XMLParser xmlparse = new XMLParser(); XMLNode node = xmlparse.Parse(xmlData.text); XMLNodeList list = node.GetNodeList("ROOT>0>table"); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { string wave = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@wave"); //Debug.Log(wave); string enemyname = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@enemyname"); string level = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@level"); string wait = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@wait"); SpawnData data = new SpawnData(); data.wave = int.Parse(wave); data.enemyName = enemyname; data.level = int.Parse(level); data.wait = float.Parse(wait); Debug.Log(data.enemyName); m_enemyList.Add(data); } }
// ��ȡXML void ReadXML() { m_enemylist = new ArrayList(); XMLParser xmlparse = new XMLParser(); XMLNode node = xmlparse.Parse(xmldata.text); XMLNodeList list = node.GetNodeList("ROOT>0>table"); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { string wave = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@wave"); string enemyname = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@enemyname"); string level = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@level"); string wait = node.GetValue("ROOT>0>table>" + i + ">@wait"); SpawnData data = new SpawnData(); data.wave = int.Parse(wave); data.enemyname = enemyname; data.level = int.Parse(level); data.wait = float.Parse(wait); m_enemylist.Add(data); } }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); foreach (ITupleParentElement element in List) res.Add(element.ToXML(prop)); return res; }
public void doLevelSetup() { Debug.Log("Doing lvl setup"); //addCollidersToLevel(); xml = new XMLParser(); readInformation(); MakeObjects(info); GetComponent<SplashScreen>().StartFade(); }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); foreach (IStringElement element in Elements) { res.Add(element.ToXML(prop)); } return res; }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("Name", Name.Name)); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); foreach (ParameterCall param in Args) { res.Add(param.ToXML(prop)); } return res; }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("ElementType", Enum.GetName(typeof(Global.ElementTypes), ElementType))); switch (ElementType) { case Global.ElementTypes.escapedCharacter: res.Add(new XAttribute("Value", Enum.GetName(typeof(Global.EscapedCharacter), EscapedCharacter))); break; case Global.ElementTypes.interpolation: res.Add(Expression.ToXML(prop)); break; case Global.ElementTypes.quotedTextItem: res.Add(new XAttribute("Value", QuotedTextItem)); break; } return res; }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res; if (Name == null) res = new XElement(GetType().Name); else res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("Name", Name)); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); res.Add(Value.ToXML(prop)); return res; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { filePath = MapPath( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xmlTyontekijat"]); mXmlParser = new XMLParser(filePath); if (!IsPostBack) { dt = mXmlParser.readXml(); Session["DataTable"] = dt; BindData(); } }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res = new XElement(GetType().Name); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); foreach (ASTNode child in Children) { var @switch = new Dictionary<Type, Action> { { typeof(FunctionCallExp), () => res.Add(((FunctionCallExp) child).ToXML(prop)) } }; @switch[child.GetType()](); } return res; }
public override XElement ToXML(XMLParser.XMLProperties prop) { XElement res; if (Type == null) { res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("Identifier", Name.Name), new XAttribute("Type", "")); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); res.Add("Assignment", TypeByAssignment.ToXML(prop)); } else { res = new XElement(GetType().Name, new XAttribute("Identifier", Name.Name), new XAttribute("Type", Type.GetType().Name)); XMLParser.ParseXMLProperties(this, res, prop); res.Add("Assignmet", ""); } return res; }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public XmlState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
void InitResourceFile(Action <int> loading, Action finished) { var fileName = "/"; var pkgPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + fileName; var output = SystemConfig.ResourceFolder + fileName; if (File.Exists(output))//已经拷过出来就不拷了 { var file = new FileInfo(output); if (file.Length == 0) { if (finished != null) { finished(); } return; } } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { pkgPath = "File://" + pkgPath; } StartCoroutine(LoadWWW(pkgPath, (www) => { StartCoroutine(Loading(www, (p) => { if (loading != null) { loading((int)(p * 100)); } })); }, (pkg) => { if (pkg != null && pkg.Length != 0) { var path = SystemConfig.ResourceFolder; Action action = () => { if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } XMLParser.SaveBytes(output, pkg); Utils.DecompressToDirectory(path, output); if (File.Exists(output)) { File.Delete(output); } XMLParser.SaveText(output, ""); Debug.Log("Save MogoResources, size: " + pkg.Length); Invoke(finished); }; action.BeginInvoke(null, null); var ver = Resources.Load(SystemConfig.VERSION_URL_KEY) as TextAsset; if (ver != null) { XMLParser.SaveText(SystemConfig.VersionPath, ver.text); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Save MogoResources error."); if (finished != null) { finished(); } } })); }
private void PublishInit() { try { var status = connectState(SHARE_PATH, SERVER_USERNAME, SERVER_PASSWORD); if (status) { // 读取配置文件 string content = File.ReadAllText(SHARE_PATH + @"\Pfmd\config.xml", Encoding.UTF8); XMLParser xp = new XMLParser(); XMLNode xn = xp.Parse(content); this.URL_HEAD = xn.GetValue("Config>0>@UrlHead"); var config = new ConfigModel(); var list = config.ConfigParse(content); var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var model in list) { if (!dic.ContainsKey(model.clientDirectory)) { dic.Add(model.clientDirectory, ""); if (!Directory.Exists(model.clientDirectory)) { // DirectoryInfo dir_info = new DirectoryInfo(model.clientDirectory); DirectorySecurity dir_security = new DirectorySecurity(); dir_security.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule("Everyone", FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow)); //dir_info.SetAccessControl(dir_security); Directory.CreateDirectory(model.clientDirectory, dir_security); } } string clientPath = model.clientDirectory + model.clientFileName; if (File.Exists(clientPath)) { // 源文件版本 var versionSource = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(SHARE_PATH + model.sourcePath); // 客户端版本 var versionClient = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(clientPath); if (!versionSource.FileVersion.Equals(versionClient.FileVersion)) { File.Copy(SHARE_PATH + model.sourcePath, clientPath, true); } } else { File.Copy(SHARE_PATH + model.sourcePath, clientPath, true); } } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { RemoveConnect(); } }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public SpecialCharState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
/** * @param xmlParser the XMLParser */ public UnknownState(XMLParser xmlParser) { this.parser = xmlParser; }
void move() { GameObject Fuel = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Fuel"); if (Fuel.GetComponent <Slider> ().value > 0) { if (Input.GetKey(mKey)) { if (minus > 1) { Fuel.GetComponent <Slider> ().value -= 1; if (Fuel.GetComponent <Slider>().value == 0) { GameObject Info = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CHealth"); Text info = Info.GetComponent <Text> (); info.text = "Fuel"; foreach (string xx in XMLParser.nUniqueIDs.Keys) { foreach (string xxx in XMLParser.nUniqueIDs[xx].Keys) { int i = (int)XMLParser.nUniqueIDs [xx] [xxx]; for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) { string Type = (string)XMLParser.nComponents [xx + "_" + xxx + "_" + j] ["Type"]; string Name = (string)XMLParser.nComponents [xx + "_" + xxx + "_" + j] ["Name"]; string ID = Type + "_" + Name + "_" + j; if (Type != "Fuel" && Type != "Missile") { info.text += "\n" + XMLParser.nComponents[ID]["Type"] + " " + XMLParser.nComponents[ID]["Name"] + " : " + XMLParser.nComponents[ID]["Health"]; } if (Type == "Missile") { info.text += "\n" + XMLParser.nComponents [ID] ["Type"] + " " + XMLParser.nComponents [ID] ["Name"] + " : " + XMLParser.nComponents [ID] ["Limit"]; } } } } XMLParser.saveNComponents(); GameObject rt = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ResultText"); GameObject rb = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ResultButton"); CanvasGroup cvrt = rt.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); CanvasGroup cvrb = rb.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>(); Text rtt = rt.GetComponent <Text>(); rtt.text = "You Lost :( !!"; cvrt.alpha = 1; cvrt.interactable = true; cvrt.blocksRaycasts = true; cvrb.alpha = 1; cvrb.interactable = true; cvrb.blocksRaycasts = true; Time.timeScale = 0; } //XMLParser.nComponents["Fuel_Fuel_1"]["Limit"] = Fuel.GetComponent<Slider> ().value; minus = 0f; } else { minus += 0.01f; } if (mKey == "z") { //ForwardVelocity.x = navette.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().velocity.x; gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce(ForwardVelocity); //gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity += ForwardVelocity; } else if (mKey == "s") { //BackwardVelocity.x = navette.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().velocity.x; gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce(BackwardVelocity); } else if (mKey == "d") { //RightVelocity.y = navette.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().velocity.y; gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce(RightVelocity); } else if (mKey == "q") { //LeftVelocity.y = navette.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().velocity.y; gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce(LeftVelocity); } if (!moving) { moving = true; /*GameObject ctgo = (GameObject)Instantiate ((GameObject)Resources.Load ("Prefabs/EmptyGO"), new Vector3 (this.gameObject.transform.position.x, this.gameObject.transform.position.y, 0), transform.rotation); * = + "_Info"; * ctgo.transform.SetParent (navette.transform); * ctgo.AddComponent<TextMesh> (); * TextMesh cText = (TextMesh)ctgo.GetComponent<TextMesh> (); * cText.text = "Pushing"; * cText.fontSize = 19; * cText.characterSize = 0.1f;*/ SpriteRenderer nmsr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); Last = nmsr.color; Color nmsrc = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f); nmsr.color = nmsrc; } } if (Input.GetKeyUp(mKey)) { if (moving) { moving = false; /*GameObject ctgo = GameObject.Find ( + "_Info"); * TextMesh cText = (TextMesh)ctgo.GetComponent<TextMesh> (); * Destroy (cText); * Destroy (ctgo.gameObject);*/ SpriteRenderer nmsr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); nmsr.color = Last; } } } else { if (moving) { moving = false; /*GameObject ctgo = GameObject.Find ( + "_Info"); * TextMesh cText = (TextMesh)ctgo.GetComponent<TextMesh> (); * Destroy (cText); * Destroy (ctgo.gameObject);*/ SpriteRenderer nmsr = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); nmsr.color = Last; } } }
public void UploadParemeterCenter() { CenterX = int.Parse(XMLParser.getInstance().get("//platform[@id='0']/CenterX")); CenterY= int.Parse(XMLParser.getInstance().get("//platform[@id='0']/CenterY")); }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public DoubleQuotedAttrValueState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
XMLStopParser(XMLParser* parser, XMLBool resumable);
public void UploadParemeterPPM() { PixPerMm = float.Parse(XMLParser.getInstance().get("//platform[@id='0']/pxPerMm")); }
//Function---------------------------- public void ParseConfFile(TextAsset confFile) { // Debug.Log("START MOTHERF*CKING PARSING"); XMLParser parser = new XMLParser (); XMLNode rootNode = parser.Parse (confFile.text).GetNode ("settings>0"); //COLORS---------------------------------------------------------------- XMLNode colorsNode = rootNode.GetNode("colors>0"); XMLNodeList colorsList = colorsNode.GetNodeList ("color"); _colorList = new Color32[colorsList.Count]; int colorIndex = 0; foreach (XMLNode colorNode in colorsList) { byte r; byte.TryParse (colorNode.GetValue ("@R"), out r); byte g; byte.TryParse (colorNode.GetValue ("@G"), out g); byte b; byte.TryParse (colorNode.GetValue ("@B"), out b); byte a = 255; if (!colorNode.GetValue ("@A").Equals ("")) byte.TryParse (colorNode.GetValue ("@A"), out a); Color32 color = new Color32 (r, g, b, 255); _colorList[colorIndex] = color; colorIndex++; } //STYLES---------------------------------------------------------------- XMLNode stylesNode = rootNode.GetNode("styles>0"); XMLNodeList stylesList = stylesNode.GetNodeList ("style"); foreach(XMLNode styleNode in stylesList) { string name = styleNode.GetValue("@nom"); string thumbPath = styleNode.GetValue("@thumb"); _thumbnails.Add(name,_parent.LoadImg(thumbPath)); } //SIZES----------------------------------------------------------------- XMLNode sizesNode = rootNode.GetNode("sizes>0"); XMLNodeList sizesList = sizesNode.GetNodeList ("size"); int tailleUnique=-1; foreach(XMLNode styleNode in sizesList) { string typ = styleNode.GetValue("@type"); int taille; int.TryParse(styleNode.GetValue("@t"),out taille); if(tailleUnique==-1) { tailleUnique = taille; _abrisFixe = true; } else { if(tailleUnique != taille) _abrisFixe=false; } string styles = styleNode.GetValue("@styles"); string[] sList = styles.Split(','); switch (typ) { case "bloc": case "multiBloc": AddStylesToSize(ref _blocs,taille,sList); break; case "facade": AddStylesToSize(ref _facades,taille,sList); break; case "extremite": AddStylesToSize(ref _extrems,taille,sList); break; } } //DefaultConf---------------------------------------------------------------- XMLNode defaultConf = rootNode.GetNode("defaultConf>0"); XMLNodeList defautModules = defaultConf.GetNodeList ("module"); _startConf.Clear(); foreach (XMLNode module in defautModules) { string typ = module.GetValue("@type"); int taille; int.TryParse(module.GetValue("@t"),out taille); string style = module.GetValue("@style"); _startConf.Add(typ); _startConf.Add(taille); _startConf.Add(style); } // Debug.Log("BLOC COUNT>"+_blocs.Count); // Debug.Log("FACADE COUNT>"+_facades.Count); // Debug.Log("EXTREM COUNT>"+_extrems.Count); }
private void createLevelFromXml(string filename) { var parser = new XMLParser(); var level = (Level)parser.parse(filename); if (level.ball != null) { var ballPosition = new Vector3(level.ball.x, level.ball.y, 0f); ballClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(MyBall, ballPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); ballClone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(level.ball.scale, level.ball.scale, 1f); xDef = ballPosition.x; yDef = ballPosition.y; } if (level.basket != null) { var basketPosition = new Vector3(level.basket.x, level.basket.y, 0f); basketClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(MyBasket, basketPosition, Quaternion.AngleAxis(level.basket.angle, Vector3.forward)); basketClone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(level.basket.scale, level.basket.scale, 1f); } if (level.ObsticleBrick != null) { var brickPosition = new Vector2(level.ObsticleBrick.x, level.ObsticleBrick.y); brickClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(MyTriangle, brickPosition, Quaternion.AngleAxis(level.ObsticleBrick.angle, Vector3.forward)); brickClone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(level.ObsticleBrick.scale, level.ObsticleBrick.scale, 1f); } funk = level.Funk; defaultFunk = level.DefaultFunk; var inputFieldGo = GameObject.Find("InputField"); var inputFieldCo = inputFieldGo.GetComponent<InputField>(); string[] args = new string[1] { funk}; inputVerifyer.setReqiredFunctions(args); inputFieldCo.keyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.PhonePad; //inputFieldCo.text = "<color=red>" + level.Funk + "</color>"; //inputFieldCo.text = "<size=30><color=red>" + level.Funk + "</color></size>"; //inputFieldCo.text = level.DefaultFunk; var coloredText = level.DefaultFunk.Replace(funk, funk); Debug.Log(coloredText); inputVerifyer.setPrevInput(coloredText); inputFieldCo.text = coloredText; //inputFieldCo.onValueChange.AddListener(delegate { ValueChangeCheck(); }); var button = GameObject.Find("RunButton"); button.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.Invoke(); }
XMLResumeParser(XMLParser* parser);
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public UnquotedAttrState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
public ActionResult ExportToPDF(string id) { //downloadPDFID = id.ToString(); //NEW VERSION StringBuilder resultContainer = new StringBuilder(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(resultContainer); ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(ControllerContext, new WebFormView(ControllerContext, "~/Views/Document/PDFFormat.cshtml"), ViewData, TempData, sw); HtmlHelper helper = new HtmlHelper(viewContext, new ViewPage()); helper.RenderAction("PDFTemplate", new { vID = id }); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); resultContainer.ToString(); //"This is output from other action" string html = resultContainer.ToString(); //string port = ""; //if (Request.Url.Port != null && Request.Url.Port != 0) //{ // port = ":" + Request.Url.Port.ToString(); //} ////string pdfTemplateURL = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + port + "/document/PDFTemplate/" + id; //string pdfTemplateURL = "http://" + Request.Url.Host + port + "/document/PDFTemplate/" + id; //WebRequestHelper reqHelper = new WebRequestHelper(pdfTemplateURL); //html = reqHelper.GetResponse(); /* * StringReader srdr = new StringReader(html); * Document pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4, 15F, 15F, 75F, 0.2F); * * // HTML Worker allows us to parse the HTML Content to the PDF Document.To do this we will pass the object of Document class as a Parameter. * HTMLWorker hparse = new HTMLWorker(pdfDoc); * System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); * // Finally we write data to PDF and open the Document * PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, ms); * pdfDoc.Open(); * * * var htmlContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(null); * htmlContext.SetTagFactory(Tags.GetHtmlTagProcessorFactory()); * * // Set css * ICSSResolver cssResolver = XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().GetDefaultCssResolver(false); * cssResolver.AddCssFile(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Content/bootstrap.css"), true); * IPipeline pipeline = new CssResolverPipeline(cssResolver, new HtmlPipeline(htmlContext, new PdfWriterPipeline(pdfDoc, writer))); * * var worker = new XMLWorker(pipeline, true); * var xmlParse = new XMLParser(true, worker); * * // Now we will pass the entire content that is stored in String reader to HTML Worker object to achieve the data from to String to HTML and then to PDF. * hparse.Parse(srdr); * * pdfDoc.Close(); * // Now finally we write to the PDF Document using the Response.Write method. * //Response.Write(pdfDoc); * // Response.End(); * * byte[] fileBytes = ms.ToArray(); * return File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf, "test.pdf"); */ var cssFiles = new List <string> { "~/Css/sitebootstrap.css", "~/Css/sitemain.css" }; var output = new MemoryStream(); var input = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html)); var document = new Document(); var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output); writer.CloseStream = false; document.Open(); var htmlContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(null); htmlContext.SetTagFactory(iTextSharp.tool.xml.html.Tags.GetHtmlTagProcessorFactory()); ICSSResolver cssResolver = XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().GetDefaultCssResolver(false); foreach (var file in cssFiles) { string path = Server.MapPath(file); ///cssResolver.AddCssFile(path, true); } //cssFiles.ForEach(i => cssResolver.AddCssFile(Server.MapPath(i), true)); var pipeline = new CssResolverPipeline(cssResolver, new HtmlPipeline(htmlContext, new PdfWriterPipeline(document, writer))); var worker = new XMLWorker(pipeline, true); var p = new XMLParser(worker); p.Parse(input); document.Close(); //output.Position = 0; byte[] fileBytes = output.ToArray(); return(File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf, "document-details.pdf")); }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public DocTypeState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
public void Initialize() { xmlParser = new XMLParser(); }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public SelfClosingTagState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
public TestResult ValidateTest(string url, string test_case) { XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(url); parser.StartTest(reader, test_case, "dummy tester"); var output = parser.output; Console.WriteLine("Start testing...\n"); //Console.WriteLine(output); bool overallPassed = parser.overallPassTest; var table_result = parser.table; var log_result = parser.log; var fail_cnt = parser.failCounter; var success_cnt = parser.successCounter; HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument(); document.LoadHtml(output); List <Test> tests = new List <Test>(); if (document.DocumentNode != null) { HtmlNodeCollection testCases = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='testresult']"); foreach (HtmlNode tc in testCases) { HtmlNode title = tc.SelectSingleNode(".//h3"); HtmlNode success_result = tc.SelectSingleNode(".//h4[@class='text-success']"); HtmlNode error_result = tc.SelectSingleNode(".//h4[@class='text-error']"); HtmlNode warning_result = tc.SelectSingleNode(".//h4[@class='text-warning']"); HtmlNodeCollection info_nodes = tc.SelectNodes(".//p[@class='text-info']"); string title_str = title.InnerText; bool isPassed = false; string result = ""; if (success_result != null) { isPassed = true; result = success_result.InnerText; } else if (warning_result != null) { isPassed = true; result = warning_result.InnerText; } else if (error_result != null) { result = error_result.InnerText; } Test test = new Test(title_str, isPassed, result); List <Info> infos = new List <Info>(); if (info_nodes != null) { foreach (HtmlNode node in info_nodes) { HtmlNode key = node.SelectSingleNode(".//a"); var key_str = ""; var source = ""; var info_str = node.InnerText; if (key != null && node.Attributes["source"] != null) { key_str = key.Attributes["class"].Value; source = node.Attributes["source"].Value; } if (key_str.Length > 0) { Info info = new Info(key_str, info_str, source); Console.WriteLine(info.key + " : " + info.source); infos.Add(info); } } test.infos = infos.ToArray(); } tests.Add(test); } } //Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tests)); Console.WriteLine("End of testing...\n"); TestResult tr = new TestResult(overallPassed, fail_cnt, success_cnt, tests.ToArray(), output, table_result, log_result); //Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tr)); return(tr); }
public void create() { var parser = new XMLParser(); parser.makeLevelFromCurrentState(); }
private IEnumerator ReadTxtFile(string strResourceIndexFile, Action finished, Action fail = null) { if (!SystemSwitch.UseFileSystem) { LoggerHelper.Debug("--------------------CacheMetaList----------------------", true, 0); this.MetaList.Clear(); string iteratorVariable0 = Application.get_streamingAssetsPath() + "/Meta.xml"; WWW iteratorVariable1 = null; iteratorVariable1 = (Application.get_platform() == 11) ? new WWW(iteratorVariable0) : new WWW("file://" + iteratorVariable0); if (null != iteratorVariable1) { yield return(iteratorVariable1); this.MetaList.Add("Meta.xml"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(iteratorVariable1.get_text())) { LoggerHelper.Debug("Meta.xml not exit in StreamingAssets", true, 0); } else { SecurityElement element = XMLParser.LoadXML(iteratorVariable1.get_text()); foreach (SecurityElement element2 in element.Children) { string item = element2.Attribute("path"); if (item != null) { this.MetaList.Add(item); } else { LoggerHelper.Error("Path not exit in Meta.xml", true); } } } } } WWW iteratorVariable2 = null; try { if (Application.get_platform() == 11) { iteratorVariable2 = new WWW(strResourceIndexFile); } else { iteratorVariable2 = new WWW("file://" + strResourceIndexFile); } } catch (Exception exception) { iteratorVariable2 = null; LoggerHelper.Debug(exception + " this message is not harmless,this means the APK is not the most first APK of our game", true, 0); } if (null != iteratorVariable2) { yield return(iteratorVariable2); string[] iteratorVariable3 = iteratorVariable2.get_text().Split(new char[] { '\n' }); int iteratorVariable4 = -1; for (int j = iteratorVariable3.Length; j > 0; j--) { iteratorVariable4 = iteratorVariable3[j - 1].LastIndexOf("/"); if (iteratorVariable4 <= 0) { if (iteratorVariable3[j - 1].EndsWith("xml") && !this.m_ResourceIndexes.ContainsKey(iteratorVariable3[j - 1])) { this.m_ResourceIndexes.Add(iteratorVariable3[j - 1], iteratorVariable3[j - 1]); } } else if (!iteratorVariable3[j - 1].EndsWith("xml")) { if (!this.m_ResourceIndexes.ContainsKey(iteratorVariable3[j - 1].Substring(iteratorVariable4 + 1, (iteratorVariable3[j - 1].Length - iteratorVariable4) - 1))) { this.m_ResourceIndexes.Add(iteratorVariable3[j - 1].Substring(iteratorVariable4 + 1, (iteratorVariable3[j - 1].Length - iteratorVariable4) - 1), iteratorVariable3[j - 1]); } } else if (!this.m_ResourceIndexes.ContainsKey(iteratorVariable3[j - 1])) { this.m_ResourceIndexes.Add(iteratorVariable3[j - 1], iteratorVariable3[j - 1]); } } finished(); iteratorVariable2.Dispose(); } else { fail(); } }
public static byte[] HTMLToPdf(string htmlContent) { System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(htmlContent)); HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); StringReader sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString()); Document pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 100f, 0f); HTMLWorker htmlparser = new HTMLWorker(pdfDoc); PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, ms); pdfDoc.Open(); htmlparser.Parse(sr); pdfDoc.Close(); byte[] Result = ms.ToArray(); return(Result); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument hd = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); hd.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = true; //autoclose hr, br etc hd.OptionOutputAsXml = true; //MJW extension to preserve case of server tags hd.LoadHtml(htmlContent); #if (DEBUG) string tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tmpFile, hd.DocumentNode.OuterHtml); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(tmpFile); #endif using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(hd.DocumentNode.OuterHtml)) using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 30, 30, 30, 30)) using (PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream)) using (var srHtml = new StringReader(hd.DocumentNode.OuterHtml)) { CssFilesImpl cssFiles = new CssFilesImpl(); cssFiles.Add(XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().GetDefaultCSS()); var cssResolver = new StyleAttrCSSResolver(cssFiles); cssResolver.AddCss(@"code { padding: 2px 4px; }", "utf-8", true); var tagProcessors = (DefaultTagProcessorFactory)Tags.GetHtmlTagProcessorFactory(); tagProcessors.RemoveProcessor(HTML.Tag.IMG); // remove the default processor tagProcessors.AddProcessor(HTML.Tag.IMG, new CustomImageTagProcessor()); // use our new processor var charset = Encoding.UTF8; var hpc = new HtmlPipelineContext(new CssAppliersImpl(new XMLWorkerFontProvider())); hpc.SetAcceptUnknown(true).AutoBookmark(true).SetTagFactory(tagProcessors); // inject the tagProcessors var htmlPipeline = new HtmlPipeline(hpc, new PdfWriterPipeline(document, writer)); var pipeline = new CssResolverPipeline(cssResolver, htmlPipeline); var worker = new XMLWorker(pipeline, true); var xmlParser = new XMLParser(true, worker, charset); document.Open(); xmlParser.Parse(reader); document.Close(); return(stream.ToArray()); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> This function concatenates the api string into the url, /// and instantiates the parsers and serializers.</summary> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void InitApiUrlAndObjects() { url = string.Format(url, string.Format(Constants.apiLocation, sandboxString)); //As the whole api uses the same parser, //is instanciated and fixed parser = new XMLParser(); }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public TagEncounteredState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
public Document GetDocument() { return(XMLParser.parse(this.documentXML)); }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public TagAttributeState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
// initialization method void Start() { nView = GetComponent<NetworkView>(); Debug.Log("Starting"); // TODO: Add difficulty specific lives // create new list for monsters monsterList = new List<GameObject>(); // read the xml level file levelData = Util.parseXML(); // find game objects with the name "Waypoints" waypointsParent = new GameObject(); = "Waypoints"; // initialize the level using the given xml level file initLevelFromXml(); // set current game state to playing gameState = GameState.Playing; // start new round executeChecks(); // nothing spawned yet finishedSpawning = true; // add event handler to monster Monster.OnMonsterDeath += collectGold; }
void DoInit() { DefaultUI.SetLoadingStatusTip(DefaultUI.dataMap.Get(4).content);//数据读取中… var loadCfgSuccess = SystemConfig.Init(); if (!loadCfgSuccess) { ForwardLoadingMsgBox.Instance.ShowRetryMsgBox(DefaultUI.dataMap[53].content, (isOk) => { if (isOk) { DoInit(); } else { Application.Quit(); } }); return; } if (SystemSwitch.ReleaseMode) { //第一次导出资源 ResourceIndexInfo.Instance.Init(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/ResourceIndexInfo.txt", () => { //如果是完整包(判断ResourceIndexInfo.txt是否存在),再判断apk的资源版本是否比本地资源版本高,如果高删除MogoResource和version.xml if (ResourceIndexInfo.Instance.Exist()) { Debug.Log("-------------------------Exist ResourceIndexInfo.txt--------------------------"); var localVer = Utils.LoadFile(SystemConfig.VersionPath); var localVersion = VersionManager.Instance.GetVersionInXML(localVer); var pkgVer = Resources.Load(SystemConfig.VERSION_URL_KEY) as TextAsset; var pkgVersion = VersionManager.Instance.GetVersionInXML(pkgVer.text); if (pkgVersion.ResouceVersionInfo.Compare(localVersion.ResouceVersionInfo) > 0) { //删除version.xml if (File.Exists(SystemConfig.VersionPath)) { File.Delete(SystemConfig.VersionPath); } //删除MogoResource文件夹 var mogoResroucesPath = SystemConfig.ResourceFolder.Substring(0, SystemConfig.ResourceFolder.Length - 1); if (Directory.Exists(mogoResroucesPath)) { Directory.Delete(mogoResroucesPath, true); } //删除后再导出version if (!File.Exists(SystemConfig.VersionPath)) { var ver = Resources.Load(SystemConfig.VERSION_URL_KEY) as TextAsset; if (ver != null) { XMLParser.SaveText(SystemConfig.VersionPath, ver.text); } } } } var go = new StreamingAssetManager(); go.AllFinished = () => { Debug.Log("firstExport finish,start checkversion"); if (SystemSwitch.UseFileSystem) { try { MogoFileSystem.Instance.Init(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } VersionManager.Instance.Init(); VersionManager.Instance.LoadLocalVersion(); CheckVersion(CheckVersionFinish); }; go.FirstExport(); }); } else { SystemConfig.LoadServerList(); VersionManager.Instance.Init(); VersionManager.Instance.LoadLocalVersion(); //UnityEngineInternal.APIUpdaterRuntimeServices.AddComponent(gameObject, "Assets/Plugins/Init/Driver.cs (187,13)", "MogoInitialize"); //if (ass.GetType("MogoInitialize") != null) //gameObject.AddComponent(ass.GetType("MogoInitialize")); var t = System.Type.GetType("MogoInitialize,Assembly-CSharp"); var addedComponent = gameObject.AddComponent(t); IsRunOnAndroid = false; gameObject.AddComponent <PlatformSdkManager>(); } }
XMLGetParsingStatus(XMLParser* parser, out XMLParsingStatus status);
void InitMogoFile(Action <int> loading, Action finished) { var fileName = "pkg"; var target = SystemConfig.ResourceFolder + fileName; if (File.Exists(SystemConfig.VersionPath) && File.Exists(target))//pkg文件存在以及版本文件存在才不拷出来,如果只是pkg文件存在,有可能pkg文件不完整 { var localVer = Utils.LoadFile(SystemConfig.VersionPath); var localVersion = VersionManager.Instance.GetVersionInXML(localVer); var pkgVer = Resources.Load(SystemConfig.VERSION_URL_KEY) as TextAsset; var pkgVersion = VersionManager.Instance.GetVersionInXML(pkgVer.text); if (pkgVersion.ResouceVersionInfo.Compare(localVersion.ResouceVersionInfo) > 0) { File.Delete(target); File.Delete(SystemConfig.VersionPath); } else { if (finished != null) { finished(); } return; } } DefaultUI.SetLoadingStatusTip(DefaultUI.dataMap.Get(0).content);//游戏初次运行初始化中,时间较长,请耐心等待… Directory.CreateDirectory(SystemConfig.ResourceFolder); //var pkg = Resources.Load(fileName) as TextAsset; //if (pkg != null) // XMLParser.SaveBytes(target, pkg.bytes); var pkgPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + fileName; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { pkgPath = "File://" + pkgPath; } StartCoroutine(LoadWWW(pkgPath, (www) => { StartCoroutine(Loading(www, (p) => { if (loading != null) { loading((int)(p * 30));//硬编码获取文件占进度前30% } })); }, (pkg) => { //if (loading != null) // loading(1); if (pkg != null && pkg.Length != 0) { Action action = () => { //保存文件 MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(pkg); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] data = new byte[2048]; var pkgLength = pkg.Length; using (FileStream streamWriter = File.Create(target)) { int bytesRead; long bytesTotalRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0) { streamWriter.Write(data, 0, bytesRead); bytesTotalRead += bytesRead; //Debug.Log("bytesTotalRead: " + bytesTotalRead + " bytesRead: " + bytesRead); if (loading != null) { Invoke(() => loading(30 + (int)((bytesTotalRead * 70) / pkgLength)));//硬编码存储文件占进度后70% } } } //XMLParser.SaveBytes(target, pkg); Invoke(() => { Debug.Log("Save pkg, size: " + pkg.Length); if (!File.Exists(SystemConfig.VersionPath)) { var ver = Resources.Load(SystemConfig.VERSION_URL_KEY) as TextAsset; if (ver != null) { XMLParser.SaveText(SystemConfig.VersionPath, ver.text); } } pkg = null; GC.Collect(); if (finished != null) { finished(); } }); }; action.BeginInvoke(null, null); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Save pkg error."); if (finished != null) { finished(); } } })); }
void Awake() { Debug.Log ("Checking the XML Parser classes!"); XMLParser parser=new XMLParser(); XMLNode node=parser.Parse("<example><value type=\"String\">Foobar</value><value type=\"Int\">3</value></example>"); /* * e.g. the above XML is parsed to: * node= // The root has no name and no text, and one child : "example" * { * "_text":"", * "example": * [ * //This is the single example node. * { * "_name":"example", * "_text":"", * //It has two children * "value": * [ * //First value node * { * "_name":"value", * "_text":"Foobar", * "@type":"String" * }, * // Second value node * { * "_name":"value", * "_text":"3", * "@type":"Int" * } * ] * } * ], * } */ //Check the parameters on the root Check( node.Count == 2 , "Incorrect number of members in root node"); Check( node["example"] != null, "No example node in root node found"); Check ( node["_text"] != null, "No _text in root node!"); Check( node["_text"] as string == "", "Text not as expected in root node : "+( node["_text"] as string) ); //Get the example node from the node. ArrayList node_list = node["example"] as ArrayList; Check(node_list as ArrayList != null, "Expected children to be an array!" + node["example"].GetType() ); Check(node_list.Count == 1,"Node list of incorrect length"); //Check the first child. Hashtable e = node_list[0] as Hashtable; Check( e != null, "Expected node to be of type Hashtable but instead its "+ e.GetType() ); Check ( e.Count == 3, "expected 3 members, got " + e.Count.ToString()+"\n"+ string.Join(" ", e.Keys.Cast<string>().Select( x=>":"+x+":").ToArray() ) ); Check ( e["_text"] as string == "", "Expected an empty _text field"); Check ( e["_name"] as string == "example", "Expected name to be example"); ArrayList value_nodes = e["value"] as ArrayList; Check( value_nodes!=null, "Expected value nodes"); Check ( value_nodes.Count == 2, "value node should have two entries"); Hashtable v1 = value_nodes[0] as Hashtable; Check( v1 != null, "Expected node to be of type Hashtable but instead its "+ v1.GetType() ); Check ( v1.Count == 3, "expected 3 members, got " + v1.Count.ToString()+"\n"+ string.Join(" ", v1.Keys.Cast<string>().Select( x=>":"+x+":").ToArray() ) ); foreach( DictionaryEntry d in v1 ) { Debug.Log ( d.Key as string + " => " + d.Value.GetType() +":"+ d.Value.ToString() ); } Check ( v1["_text"] as string == "Foobar", "Expected an empty _text field"); Check ( v1["_name"] as string == "value", "Expected name to be example"); }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public CdataState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
XMLSetParamEntityParsing(XMLParser* parser, XMLParamEntityParsing parsing);
public static void showShell() { bool quit = false; while (!quit) { System.Console.Write("Dune>"); string input = System.Console.ReadLine(); int firstSpace = input.IndexOf(' '); string command; string arguments = ""; if (firstSpace < 0) { command = input; } else { command = input.Substring(0, firstSpace); arguments = input.Substring(firstSpace, input.Length - firstSpace).Trim(); } switch (command.ToLower()) { case "getClassesWithName": case "g": foreach (DuneClass f in XMLParser.getClassesWithName(arguments)) { System.Console.WriteLine(f.getFeatureName()); } break; case "analyze": case "a": arguments = arguments.Replace("<", " <"); arguments = arguments.Replace(">", " >"); List <string> result = ProgramUtil.getAlternativesRecursive(arguments).Keys.ToList(); if (result != null) { foreach (string s in result) { System.Console.WriteLine(s); } System.Console.WriteLine("Found " + result.Count + " possible alternative(s)."); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("The class wasn't found."); } break; case "iniGeneration": case "i": StreamReader inFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(Program.DEBUG_PATH + "IniInput.txt"); int count = 0; List <List <string> > glResult = new List <List <string> >(); Dictionary <String, List <String> > resultsByVariablePoints = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); List <string> iniFilePlaceHolder = new List <string>(); // Find the alternatives of those classes while (!inFile.EndOfStream) { String line = inFile.ReadLine().Trim(); if (!line.Equals("")) { String[] tokens = line.Split(Program.SPLIT_SYMBOL); iniFilePlaceHolder.Add(tokens[0].Trim()); List <String> analyzationResult = ProgramUtil.getAlternativesRecursive(tokens[1].Trim()).Keys.ToList(); resultsByVariablePoints.Add(tokens[1].Trim(), new List <string>()); if (analyzationResult != null) { glResult.Add(analyzationResult); } else { glResult.Add(new List <string>()); } foreach (String oneAlternative in analyzationResult) { resultsByVariablePoints[tokens[1].Trim()].Add(oneAlternative); } } } Program.generateVariabilityModel(resultsByVariablePoints); // Use the whole information and generate the output (ini-files) int[] configCount = new int[glResult.Count]; bool stop = false; while (!stop) { // Print the current configuration StreamWriter outp = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Program.DEBUG_PATH + "diffusion_" + String.Format("{0:0000}", count) + ".ini"); count++; for (int j = 0; j < configCount.Length; j++) { outp.WriteLine(iniFilePlaceHolder[j] + " " + Program.SPLIT_SYMBOL + " " + glResult[j][configCount[j]]); } outp.Close(); // Check if there is another configuration bool backwards = true; int i = configCount.Length - 1; while (i >= 0 && i < configCount.Length) { if (backwards) { if (configCount[i] < glResult[i].Count - 1) { configCount[i]++; backwards = false; i++; } else { i--; } } else { configCount[i] = 0; i++; } } if (i == -1 && backwards) { stop = true; } } inFile.Close(); break; case "fileAnalyzation": case "f": StreamReader inputFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(Program.DEBUG_PATH + "classesInDiffusion.txt"); StreamReader compFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(Program.DEBUG_PATH + "minimalSetClasses.txt"); StreamWriter output = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Program.DEBUG_PATH + "analyzation.txt"); StreamWriter positives = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Program.DEBUG_PATH + "positives.txt"); List <List <string> > globalResult = new List <List <string> >(); Dictionary <String, List <String> > resultsByVariabilityPoints = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); while (!inputFile.EndOfStream) { String line = inputFile.ReadLine().Trim(); if (!line.Equals("")) { Console.WriteLine("Identify Alternatives for class " + line); List <String> analyzationResult = ProgramUtil.getAlternativesRecursive(line).Keys.ToList(); resultsByVariabilityPoints.Add(line, new List <string>()); if (analyzationResult != null) { globalResult.Add(analyzationResult); } else { globalResult.Add(new List <string>()); } foreach (String oneAlternative in analyzationResult) { resultsByVariabilityPoints[line].Add(oneAlternative); } } } Program.generateVariabilityModel(resultsByVariabilityPoints); int c = 0; int foundMin = 0; int notFound = 0; while (!compFile.EndOfStream) { String l = compFile.ReadLine(); if (!l.Trim().Equals("")) { switch (containsName(l, globalResult.ElementAt(c))) { case 1: foundMin++; break; case 0: foundMin++; output.WriteLine("This classes name was found: " + l); break; case -1: notFound++; output.WriteLine(l); break; } } else { output.WriteLine(foundMin + "; " + notFound + "; " + globalResult.ElementAt(c).Count); foundMin = 0; notFound = 0; c++; } } // Write the whole set of positives in a file foreach (List <string> results in globalResult) { foreach (string localResult in results) { positives.WriteLine(localResult); } positives.WriteLine(); } output.Flush(); output.Close(); inputFile.Close(); compFile.Close(); positives.Flush(); positives.Close(); break; case "help": case "?": printHelp(); break; case "quit": case "q": quit = true; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Parse RDF file from <c>path</c> and create profile /// </summary> /// <param name="profile">Profile profile the data will be stored in</param> public Profile LoadProfileDocument(Stream stream, string path, bool createCore = true) { try { this.profile = new Profile(); profile.SourcePath = path; StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.Append("\r\n\t------------------Parsing profile------------------"); message.Append("\r\nParsing file: ").Append(profile.SourcePath); OnMessage(message.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.SourcePath)) { bool success; TimeSpan durationOfParsing = new TimeSpan(0); RDFSXMLReaderHandler handler = new RDFSXMLReaderHandler(); handler = (RDFSXMLReaderHandler)XMLParser.DoParse(handler, stream, profile.SourcePath, out success, out durationOfParsing); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("\r\nCIM profile loaded\r\n\t Duration of CIM profile loading: " + durationOfParsing); if (success) { profile = handler.Profile; msg.Append("\r\n TOTAL:\r\n\tPackages: ").Append(profile.PackageCount); msg.Append("\r\n\tClasses: ").Append(profile.ClassCount); } else { msg.Append("\r\n\t loading CIM profile was unsuccessful"); } OnMessage(msg.ToString()); } else { OnMessage("Parsing impossible - no profile or incorrect path"); return(null); } OnMessage("\r\n\t--------------Done parsing profile--------------"); #region Manage dataType classes PredefinedClasses pf = new PredefinedClasses(); if (profile.FindProfileElementByUri("#Package_Core") == null && createCore) { pf.CreatePackage(profile, "Package_Core"); } if (profile.FindProfileElementByUri("#UnitSymbol") == null) { pf.CreateEnumeration(profile, "UnitSymbol"); } if (profile.FindProfileElementByUri("#UnitMultiplier") == null) { pf.CreateEnumeration(profile, "UnitMultiplier"); } ExtractDataTypeClasses(); if (predefined.Count > 0) { foreach (Class e in predefined) { pf.updateClassData(e, profile); } AddPredefined(); } #endregion Manage dataType classes #region Adjustments to simplify profile if (RemoveDataTypes) { //// replace predefined data types with simple types ReplaceDataTypesWithSimpleTypes(pf); ExcludeDataTypesFromProfile(pf); } #endregion Adjustments to simplify profile return(profile); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { return(null); } }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public CommentState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public InsideTagState(XMLParser parser) { this.parser = parser; }
/** * @param parser the XMLParser */ public ProcessingInstructionEncounteredState(XMLParser parser) : base(parser) { }
private void parseDuneStructre(string duneStructureFile) { XMLParser.parse(duneStructureFile, replaceUnknownClassesMethods, replaceUnknownTemplateClasses); }
//----------------------------------------------------- private void LoadPanels() { TextAsset xml = (TextAsset) Resources.Load(m_xmlHelpPanelsPath, typeof (TextAsset)); if(xml != null) { XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); // -- Récupération des suffixes des noms de fichier (Touch / mouse) -- XMLNode root = parser.Parse(xml.text).GetNode("root>0"); XMLNodeList sfxList = root.GetNodeList("suffixes>0>suffix"); string filenameSfx = ""; foreach(XMLNode sfx in sfxList) { #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID if(sfx.GetValue("@inputType") == "touch") filenameSfx = sfx.GetValue("_text"); #else if(sfx.GetValue("@inputType") == "mouse") filenameSfx = sfx.GetValue("_text"); #endif } // -- Récupération des données par défaut -- string startDelayStr = root.GetNode("defaultValues>0>startDelay>0").GetValue("_text"); float.TryParse(startDelayStr, out m_startCountdown); string dftDelayStr = root.GetNode("defaultValues>0>stdDelay>0").GetValue("_text"); float dftDelay; float.TryParse(dftDelayStr, out dftDelay); string dftLdelayStr = root.GetNode("defaultValues>0>longDelay>0").GetValue("_text"); float dftLdelay; float.TryParse(dftLdelayStr, out dftLdelay); // Debug.Log(DBGTAG+" default Delay : "+dftDelay+" cuz "+dftDelayStr+" AND dftLdelay : "+dftLdelay+" cuz "+dftLdelayStr); // -- Récupération des données des panneaux d'aide -- XMLNodeList panels = root.GetNodeList("panels>0>panel"); string id, bgImgName, bgImgExt, path, align, fadeOnScroll, delayStr, lgDelayStr; string[] lang, text; Texture2D bgImg; Rect rect = new Rect(); XMLNodeList labels, texts; CtxHelpPanel newPanel; float x, y, w, h, delay, lgDelay; foreach(XMLNode panel in panels) { id = panel.GetValue("@id"); fadeOnScroll = panel.GetValue("@fadeOnScroll"); delayStr = panel.GetValue("@stdDelay"); lgDelayStr = panel.GetValue("@longDelay"); if(delayStr.Length > 0) float.TryParse(delayStr, out delay); else delay = dftDelay; if(lgDelayStr.Length > 0) float.TryParse(lgDelayStr, out lgDelay); else lgDelay = dftLdelay; bgImgName = panel.GetNode("bgImg>0").GetValue("@filename"); bgImgExt = panel.GetNode("bgImg>0").GetValue("@extension"); path = m_imgHelpPanelsFolder+"/"+bgImgName+filenameSfx; bgImg = (Texture2D) Resources.Load(path, typeof(Texture2D)); if(bgImg == null) Debug.LogError(DBGTAG+"Can't find resource : "+path); newPanel = new CtxHelpPanel(id, bgImg, fadeOnScroll.ToLower().Equals("true"), delay, lgDelay); labels = panel.GetNodeList("labels>0>label"); foreach(XMLNode label in labels) { align = label.GetValue("@align"); float.TryParse(label.GetValue("@x"), out x); float.TryParse(label.GetValue("@y"), out y); float.TryParse(label.GetValue("@w"), out w); float.TryParse(label.GetValue("@h"), out h); rect.Set(x, y, w, h); texts = label.GetNodeList("text"); lang = new string[texts.Count]; text = new string[texts.Count]; int i=0; foreach(XMLNode textNode in texts) { lang[i] = textNode.GetValue("@lang"); text[i++] = textNode.GetValue("_text"); } if(align == "left") newPanel.AddLabel(lang, text, rect, m_helpTxtStyleLeft); else if(align == "center") newPanel.AddLabel(lang, text, rect, m_helpTxtStyleCenter); else if(align == "right-bottom") newPanel.AddLabel(lang, text, rect, m_helpTxtStyleRightBot); else if(align == "footer") newPanel.AddLabel(lang, text, rect, m_helpTxtStyleFooter); else newPanel.AddLabel(lang, text, rect, m_helpTxtStyleLeft); } // foreach label m_panels.Add(id, newPanel); } // foreach panel } else Debug.LogError(DBGTAG+"Can't find XML : \""+m_xmlHelpPanelsPath+"\""); }
public XMLInStream(string input) { XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); current = parser.Parse(new FlashCompatibleTextReader(input)); }
XMLExternalEntityParserCreate(XMLParser* parser, char* context, string encoding);
static void DoSwitch(LanguageCode newLang) { Debug.Log("Switching language: " + newLang); PlayerPrefs.GetString("M2H_lastLanguage", newLang + ""); currentLanguage = newLang; currentEntrySheets = new Dictionary<string, Hashtable>(); defaultEntrySheets = new Dictionary<string, Hashtable>(); XMLParser xmlparser = new XMLParser(); //load language from server, if possible foreach (string sheetTitle in settings.sheetTitles) { currentEntrySheets[sheetTitle] = new Hashtable(); Hashtable main = (Hashtable)xmlparser.Parse(GetLanguageFileContents(sheetTitle)); ArrayList entries = (ArrayList)(((ArrayList)main["entries"])[0] as Hashtable)["entry"]; foreach (Hashtable entry in entries) { string tag = (string)entry["@name"]; string data = (entry["_text"] + "").Trim(); data = data.UnescapeXML(); (currentEntrySheets[sheetTitle])[tag] = data; } } //load default language file foreach (string sheetTitle in settings.sheetTitles) { if (HasLanguageFileLocally(currentLanguage + "", sheetTitle)) { defaultEntrySheets[sheetTitle] = new Hashtable(); Hashtable main = (Hashtable)xmlparser.Parse(((TextAsset)Resources.Load("Languages/" + currentLanguage + "_" + sheetTitle, typeof(TextAsset))).text); ArrayList entries = (ArrayList)(((ArrayList)main["entries"])[0] as Hashtable)["entry"]; foreach (Hashtable entry in entries) { string tag = (string)entry["@name"]; string data = (entry["_text"] + "").Trim(); data = data.UnescapeXML(); (defaultEntrySheets[sheetTitle])[tag] = data; } } else { defaultEntrySheets = currentEntrySheets; } } //Update all localized assets LocalizedAsset[] assets = (LocalizedAsset[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(LocalizedAsset)); foreach (LocalizedAsset asset in assets) { asset.LocalizeAsset(); } SendMonoMessage("ChangedLanguage", currentLanguage); }
public override ModRegistrationData Register() { XMLConfigPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Debug.Log("Mk2Excavator AssemblyPath: " + XMLConfigPath); //XMLConfigPath = ModManager.GetModPath(); //string text = Path.Combine(XMLConfigPath, XMLModID + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + XMLModVersion); string configfile = Path.Combine(XMLConfigPath, XMLConfigFile); //text += String.Concat(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + XMLConfigFile); Debug.Log("Mk2Excavator: Checking if XMLConfig File Exists at " + configfile); if (File.Exists(configfile)) { mXMLFileExists = true; Debug.Log("Mk2Excavator: XMLConfig File Exists, loading."); string xmltext = File.ReadAllText(configfile); try { mConfig = (Mk2ExcavatorConfig)XMLParser.DeserializeObject(xmltext, typeof(Mk2ExcavatorConfig)); // catch insane values, clamp them to lesser insane values if (mConfig.DigHeight < 4) { mConfig.DigHeight = 4; } if (mConfig.DigRadius < 1) { mConfig.DigRadius = 1; } if (mConfig.PowerPerBlockDefault < 1) { mConfig.PowerPerBlockDefault = 1; } if (mConfig.PowerPerBlockOre < 1) { mConfig.PowerPerBlockOre = 1; } if (mConfig.DigHeight > 2048) { mConfig.DigHeight = 2048; } if (mConfig.DigRadius > 1024) { mConfig.DigRadius = 1024; } if (mConfig.PowerPerBlockDefault > 10000) { mConfig.PowerPerBlockDefault = 10000; } if (mConfig.PowerPerBlockOre > 40000) { mConfig.PowerPerBlockOre = 40000; } if (mConfig.MaxPower > 100000) { mConfig.MaxPower = 100000; } if (mConfig.OPBlock > 20) { mConfig.OPBlock = 20; } if (mConfig.OPBlock < 2) { mConfig.OPBlock = 1; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Mk2Excavator: Something is wrong with ConfigXML, using defaults.\n Exception: " + e.ToString()); mXMLFileExists = false; } Debug.Log("Mk2Excavator: XMLConfig File Loaded."); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Mk2Excavator: ERROR: XML File Does not exist at " + configfile); mXMLFileExists = false; } ModRegistrationData lRegData = new ModRegistrationData(); lRegData.RegisterEntityHandler("FlexibleGames.Mk2Excavator"); TerrainDataEntry ltde; TerrainDataValueEntry ltdve; global::TerrainData.GetCubeByKey("FlexibleGames.Mk2Excavator", out ltde, out ltdve); bool flag = ltde != null; if (flag) { this.mExcavatorCubeType = ltde.CubeType; } UIManager.NetworkCommandFunctions.Add("FlexibleGames.Mk2ExcavatorWindow", new UIManager.HandleNetworkCommand(Mk2ExcavatorWindow.HandleNetworkCommand)); return(lRegData); }