Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a first-level node from an XFileData object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="parentFrame"></param>
        /// <param name="thisFrame"></param>
        private static void LoadRootObject(XFileData node)
            // **** Frame
            if (node.Type==XFileGuid.Frame)
                LoadFrame(node, 0, null);

            // **** Animation set
            else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.AnimationSet)

            // TODO: Other root-level objects here
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Read a transformation matrix and attach to the current frame
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 /// <param name="depth"></param>
 /// <param name="thisFrame"></param>
 private static void LoadTransformationMatrix(XFileData node, int depth, JointFrame thisFrame)
     //				Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Creating Matrix for "+thisFrame.Name);
         GraphicsStream stream = node.Lock();							// access the data stream
         thisFrame.TransformationMatrix = MatrixFromXFile(stream);		// read in the matrix
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.WriteLine("Error reading transformation matrix: "+e.ToString());
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read an AnimationKey node and load its transformation into the given frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        private static void LoadKeyframes(XFileData node, JointFrame frame)
            int keyType = 0, keyFrames = 0;
            int keyTime = 0, keyValues = 0;
            Quaternion q = new Quaternion();
            Vector3 v = new Vector3();

            GraphicsStream stream = node.Lock();							// Lock the node and obtain a stream
            keyType = (int)stream.Read(keyType.GetType());					// get the keyframe type (rotation, etc.)
            keyFrames = (int)stream.Read(keyFrames.GetType());				// get the number of keyframes (should be 2)
            if (keyFrames>2) throw new Exception("XFile "+filespec+" should have only two keyframes per animation");

            for (int i=0; i<keyFrames; i++)
                keyTime = (int)stream.Read(keyTime.GetType());					// time of key (ignored)
                keyValues = (int)stream.Read(keyValues.GetType());				// number of values in key (ignored)

                switch (keyType)
                        // Rotation
                    case 0:
                        q = ReadQuaternion(stream);								// get the transformation
                        if (rmin == false)										// store it in min or max
                            motion.RotationMin = q;								// (min first, then max if min is full)
                            motion.RotationMax = q;								// (fill max too in case no 2nd key)
                            rmin = true;
                            motion.RotationMax = q;

                        // Translation
                    case 1:
                        v = ReadVector(stream);
                        if (smin == false)
                            motion.ScaleMin = v;
                            motion.ScaleMax = v;
                            smin = true;
                            motion.ScaleMax = v;
                        // Scale
                    case 2:
                        v = ReadVector(stream);
                        if (tmin == false)
                            motion.TranslationMin = v;
                            motion.TranslationMax = v;
                            tmin = true;
                            motion.TranslationMax = v;


            node.Unlock();														// release the node
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a mesh and create a Cytoplasm object from it, then attach this to the current frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="thisFrame"></param>
        private static void LoadMesh(XFileData node, string name, int depth, JointFrame thisFrame)
            //			Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Creating Mesh "+name+" for "+thisFrame.Name);

            Mesh mesh = null;
            ExtendedMaterial[] materials = null;
            GraphicsStream adjacency = null;
            EffectInstance[] effects = null;

                mesh = Mesh.FromX(node,MeshFlags.Managed,Engine.Device,out adjacency, out materials, out effects);
                //Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Mesh "+node.Name+" has "+mesh.NumberVertices+" verts and "+materials.Length+" materials");
            catch (Direct3DXException e)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error reading mesh: "+e.ToString());

            // Create a Cytoplasm (meshcontainer) object from mesh, materials, etc.
            // Give it the right name (node.Name)
            // Link it into the tree of Cytoplasm objects
            // Link it to this mesh
            Cytoplasm cyt = new Cytoplasm(folder,name,mesh,materials,effects,adjacency,null);
            thisFrame.MeshContainer = cyt;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Process AnimationSet node(s).
 /// Each X file should have a SINGLE AnimationSet, containing Animation nodes
 /// that each contain TWO keyframes (0,1). These define the limits for the
 /// joint.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 /// <param name="depth"></param>
 /// <param name="parentFrame"></param>
 private static void LoadAnimationSet(XFileData node)
     //			Debug.WriteLine("Reading AnimationSet "+node.Name);
     // Recurse through the child Animation nodes for this set
     for (int i=0; i<node.NumberChildren; i++)
         using (XFileData child = node.GetChild(i))
             // **** Frame nested inside this frame
             if (child.Type==XFileGuid.Animation)
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively process frame node(s) and their subnodes from an XFileData object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="parentFrame"></param>
        private static void LoadFrame(XFileData node, int depth, JointFrame parentFrame)
            JointFrame newFrame = new JointFrame(node.Name);				// Create a new frame
            //			Debug.Write(Depth(depth) + "Creating frame "+newFrame.Name+" ("+newFrame.Type.ToString()+":"+newFrame.Index+") ");
            if (parentFrame==null)											// if there's no parent frame
            {																// the new frame is the root
            //				Debug.WriteLine("as root");
                rootFrame = newFrame;
            else if (parentFrame.FirstChild==null)							// or, if we're the first child
            //				Debug.WriteLine("as child of "+parentFrame.Name);
                parentFrame.FirstChild = newFrame;							// attach as first child of parent
            else															// else we're a sibling
                JointFrame bigSister = parentFrame.FirstChild;
                while (bigSister.Sibling!=null)								// so scan to the end of this row
                    bigSister = bigSister.Sibling;
            //				Debug.WriteLine("as sibling of "+bigSister.Name);
                bigSister.Sibling = newFrame;								// attach as a sibling

            // --------- Recurse through this node's children to construct frame's contents ----------
            for (int i=0; i<node.NumberChildren; i++)
                using (XFileData child = node.GetChild(i))
                    // **** Frame nested inside this frame
                    if (child.Type==XFileGuid.Frame)
                        LoadFrame(child, depth, newFrame);

                    // **** FrameTransformationMatrix
                    else if (child.Type==XFileGuid.FrameTransformMatrix)
                        LoadTransformationMatrix(child, depth, newFrame);

                    // **** Mesh
                    else if (child.Type==XFileGuid.Mesh)
                        string name = child.Name;                                       // use mesh named in xfile if available
                        if (name == "") name = node.Name;                               // or name it after the frame

                        LoadMesh(child, name, depth, newFrame);

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an Animation node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        private static void LoadAnimation(XFileData node)
            JointFrame frame = null;
            int f = 0;

            //			Debug.WriteLine("\tReading Animation "+node.Name);

            // Find the subnode that's a REFERENCE to a frame, then find the frame with that name
            XFileData frameRef = null;
            for (f = 0; f < node.NumberChildren; f++)
                if (node.GetChild(f).Type == XFileGuid.Frame)
                    frameRef = node.GetChild(f);
            if (frameRef==null)
                throw new Exception("XFile animation node " + node.Name + "doesn't refer to a frame");

            frame = JointFrame.Find(rootFrame, frameRef.Name);
            if (frame == null)
                throw new Exception("XFile Animation node " + node.Name + " refers to unknown frame " + frameRef.Name);

             			// If this frame is animatable, create a motion controller and load in the limits.
            // Non-animatable frames have no motion controller.
            if (frame.Type==JointFrame.FrameType.Animating)

                // Create a motion controller in which to store the limit data
                motion = new MotionController();
                rmin = tmin = smin = false;							// We haven't filled any motion members yet

                // Now iterate through the remaining AnimationKey and AnimationOptions nodes...
                for (int i=0; i<node.NumberChildren; i++)
                    using (XFileData child = node.GetChild(i))
                        // **** Frame nested inside this frame
                        if (child.Type==XFileGuid.AnimationKey)
                            LoadKeyframes(child, frame);
                        // We don't care about AnimationOptions & we skip the frame reference

                // Store the new motion controller in the frame
                frame.Motion = motion;
            //				Debug.WriteLine("\t\tFrame "+frame.Name+" is animated");
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a mesh and create a Cytoplasm object from it, then attach this to the current frame
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="thisFrame"></param>
        private void ReadMesh(XFileData node, int depth, SimFrame thisFrame)
            Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Creating Mesh "+node.Name+" for "+thisFrame.Name);

            Mesh mesh = null;
            ExtendedMaterial[] materials = null;
            GraphicsStream adjacency = null;
            EffectInstance[] effects = null;

                mesh = Mesh.FromX(node,MeshFlags.Managed,Engine.Device,out adjacency, out materials, out effects);
                Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Mesh "+node.Name+" has "+mesh.NumberVertices+" verts and "+materials.Length+" materials");
            catch (Direct3DXException e)
                Debug.WriteLine("Error reading mesh: "+e.ToString());

            // Create a Cytoplasm (meshcontainer) object from mesh, materials, etc.
            // Give it the right name (node.Name)
            // Link it into the tree of Cytoplasm objects
            // Link it to this mesh
            // TODO: thisFrame.MeshContainer = CreateCytoplasm( ---stuff---);

            MeshData md = new MeshData();									// Cytoplasm currently expects a MeshData
            md.Mesh = mesh;													// rather than a simple mesh

            thisFrame.MeshContainer = new Cytoplasm(node.Name,md,materials,effects,adjacency,null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new frame from this node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">the XFileData node</param>
 /// <param name="depth">depth in hierarchy</param>
 /// <param name="thisFrame">the previous / new current frame</param>
 private void ReadFrame(XFileData node, int depth, ref SimFrame thisFrame)
     SimFrame newFrame = new SimFrame(node.Name);					// Create a new frame
     if (thisFrame==null)											// if there's no current frame
     {																// the new frame is the root
         Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Creating frame "+newFrame.Name+" as root");
         thisFrame = newFrame;
         rootFrame = thisFrame;
     else if (thisFrame.FirstChild==null)							// or, if we're in a new level
         Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Creating frame "+newFrame.Name+" as child of "+thisFrame.Name);
         thisFrame.FirstChild = newFrame;							// attach as first child of parent
         thisFrame = newFrame;										// and move down a generation
     else															// else we're a sibling
         SimFrame bigSister = thisFrame.FirstChild;
         while (bigSister.Sibling!=null)								// so scan to the end of this row
             bigSister = bigSister.Sibling;
         Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "Creating frame "+newFrame.Name+" as sibling of "+bigSister.Name);
         bigSister.Sibling = newFrame;								// attach as a sibling
         thisFrame = newFrame;										// and start work on the new one
 private void ReadAnimationSet(XFileData node, int depth, SimFrame thisFrame)
     Debug.WriteLine(Depth(depth) + "AnimationSet " + node.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively create frames and their contents from an XFileData object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="depth"></param>
        /// <param name="parentFrame"></param>
        /// <param name="thisFrame"></param>
        private void LoadDataObject(XFileData node, int depth, SimFrame parentFrame, SimFrame thisFrame)
            // --------- handle the instance nodes (references are handled later) ------------
            if (node.IsReference==false)
                // **** Frame
                if (node.Type==XFileGuid.Frame)
                    ReadFrame(node, depth, ref thisFrame);

                    // **** FrameTransformationMatrix
                else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.FrameTransformMatrix)
                    ReadTransformationMatrix(node, depth, thisFrame);

                    // **** Mesh
                else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.Mesh)
                    ReadMesh(node, depth, thisFrame);
                    // Ignore mesh subset members (materials, normals, etc.) - they're already handled by ReadMesh()

                    // **** Animation set
                else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.AnimationSet)
                    ReadAnimationSet(node, depth, thisFrame);
                    // **** Animation
                else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.Animation)

                    // **** AnimationKey
                else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.AnimationKey)

                    // **** AnimationOptions
                else if (node.Type==XFileGuid.AnimationOptions)


                // --------- Recurse through this node's children ----------
                // Note: we mustn't touch the children of a REFERENCE node or we'll create a duplicate
                // set of frames, etc. So only run this loop if we've just handled an INSTANCE node
                for (int i=0; i<node.NumberChildren; i++)
                    using (XFileData child = node.GetChild(i))
                        LoadDataObject(child, depth++, parentFrame, thisFrame);


                // --------- deal with REFERENCES to existing instances (e.g inside animation nodes) ----------
                // **** Frame reference
                if (node.Type==XFileGuid.Frame)
                    SimFrame refFrame = null; /////rootFrame.Find(node.Name);
