Exemple #1
        public DictionaryConfigurationDlg(PropertyTable propertyTable)
            m_propertyTable = propertyTable;

            m_preview.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
            m_preview.Location = new Point(0, 0);
            manageConfigs_treeDetailButton_split.IsSplitterFixed = true;
            treeDetail_Button_Split.IsSplitterFixed = true;
            this.MinimumSize = new Size(m_grpConfigurationManagement.Width + 3, manageConfigs_treeDetailButton_split.Height);

            m_helpTopicProvider = propertyTable.GetValue <IHelpTopicProvider>("HelpTopicProvider");
            m_helpProvider      = new HelpProvider {
                HelpNamespace = m_helpTopicProvider.HelpFile
            m_helpProvider.SetHelpKeyword(this, m_helpTopicProvider.GetHelpString(HelpTopic));
            m_helpProvider.SetHelpNavigator(this, HelpNavigator.Topic);
            m_helpProvider.SetShowHelp(this, true);

            // Restore the location and size from last time we called this dialog.
            if (m_propertyTable != null)
                object locWnd = m_propertyTable.GetValue <object>("DictionaryConfigurationDlg_Location");
                object szWnd  = m_propertyTable.GetValue <object>("DictionaryConfigurationDlg_Size");
                if (locWnd != null && szWnd != null)
                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((Point)locWnd, (Size)szWnd);
                    ScreenHelper.EnsureVisibleRect(ref rect);
                    DesktopBounds = rect;
                    StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Save the location and size for next time.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
     if (PropertyTable != null)
         PropertyTable.SetProperty("UploadToWebonaryDlg_Location", Location, false);
         PropertyTable.SetPropertyPersistence("UploadToWebonaryDlg_Location", true);
         PropertyTable.SetProperty("UploadToWebonaryDlg_Size", Size, false);
         PropertyTable.SetPropertyPersistence("UploadToWebonaryDlg_Size", true);
Exemple #3
        private void btnStyles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            XCore.PropertyTable propertyTable = null;
            LexImportWizard     wiz           = LexImportWizard.Wizard();

            if (wiz != null)
                propertyTable = wiz.PropTable;
            if (propertyTable == null)
                // See LT-9100 and LT-9266.  Apparently this condition can happen.
                MessageBox.Show(LexTextControls.ksCannotSoTryAgain, LexTextControls.ksInternalProblem,
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            FwStylesDlg.RunStylesDialogForCombo(cbStyle, InitializeStylesComboBox, "", m_stylesheet as LcmStyleSheet,
                                                0, 0, m_cache, this, propertyTable.GetValue <IApp>("App"), m_helpTopicProvider, null);
Exemple #4
        public UploadToWebonaryDlg(UploadToWebonaryController controller, UploadToWebonaryModel model, PropertyTable propertyTable)

            if (MiscUtils.IsUnix)
                MinimumSize = new Size(MinimumSize.Width, MinimumSize.Height + m_additionalMinimumHeightForMono);

            m_controller = controller;
            Model        = model;

            m_helpTopicProvider = propertyTable.GetValue <FwXApp>("App");

            // When a link is clicked, open a web page to the URL.
            explanationLabel.LinkClicked += (sender, args) =>
                using (Process.Start(((LinkLabel)sender).Text.Substring(args.Link.Start, args.Link.Length)))

            // Restore the location and size from last time we called this dialog.
            if (PropertyTable != null)
                object locWnd = PropertyTable.GetValue <object>("UploadToWebonaryDlg_Location");
                object szWnd  = PropertyTable.GetValue <object>("UploadToWebonaryDlg_Size");
                if (locWnd != null && szWnd != null)
                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((Point)locWnd, (Size)szWnd);
                    ScreenHelper.EnsureVisibleRect(ref rect);
                    DesktopBounds = rect;
                    StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;

            // Start with output log area not shown by default
            // When a user clicks Publish, it is revealed. This is done within the context of having a resizable table of controls, and having
            // the output log area be the vertically growing control when a user increases the height of the dialog
            this.Shown += (sender, args) => { ValidateSortingOnAlphaHeaders(); this.Height = this.Height - outputLogTextbox.Height; };

            // Handle localizable explanation area with link.
            var explanationText           = xWorksStrings.toApplyForWebonaryAccountExplanation;
            var explanationTextLink       = xWorksStrings.toApplyForWebonaryAccountLink;
            var explanationTextLinkStart  = explanationText.IndexOf("{", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            var explanationTextLinkLength = explanationTextLink.Length;

            explanationLabel.Text = string.Format(explanationText, explanationTextLink);
            // Don't blow up if a localization didn't allow for the link.
            if (explanationTextLinkStart < 0)
                explanationTextLinkStart  = 0;
                explanationTextLinkLength = 0;
            explanationLabel.LinkArea = new LinkArea(explanationTextLinkStart, explanationTextLinkLength);