Exemple #1
        public void X834_ImportInsurancePlans_ReplacePatPlan()
            Patient pat    = Createx834Patient();
            string  suffix = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
            //Create old insurance plan and associate it to them.
            InsuranceInfo insuranceOld = InsuranceT.AddInsurance(pat, "Old Carrier" + suffix);
            //Create x834
            X834 x834 = new X834(new X12object(Properties.Resources.x834Test));
            int  createdPatsCount, updatedPatsCount, skippedPatsCount, createdCarrierCount, createdInsPlanCount, updatedInsPlanCount, createdInsSubCount,
                 updatedInsSubCount, createdPatPlanCount, droppedPatPlanCount, updatedPatPlanCount;
            StringBuilder sbErrorMessages;

            //Pass in true for dropExistingInsurance
            EtransL.ImportInsurancePlans(x834, new List <Patient> {
            }, true, true, out createdPatsCount,
                                         out updatedPatsCount, out skippedPatsCount, out createdCarrierCount, out createdInsPlanCount, out updatedInsPlanCount, out createdInsSubCount,
                                         out updatedInsSubCount, out createdPatPlanCount, out droppedPatPlanCount, out updatedPatPlanCount, out sbErrorMessages);
            //Get the pat plans for this patient from the database.
            List <PatPlan> listPatPlans = PatPlans.GetPatPlansForPat(pat.PatNum);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, listPatPlans.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, droppedPatPlanCount);
            InsSub subForPatPlan        = InsSubs.GetOne(listPatPlans[0].InsSubNum);

            //These should be different as a new plan was created and the old plan was dropped.
            Assert.AreNotEqual(insuranceOld.PriInsPlan.PlanNum, subForPatPlan.PlanNum);
Exemple #2
        public void X834_ImportInsurancePlans_ReplaceSecondaryPatPlan()
            Patient pat    = Createx834Patient();
            string  suffix = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
            //Create primary insurance plan that appears in the 834.
            InsuranceInfo insurancePrimary = InsuranceT.AddInsurance(pat, "Old Carrier" + suffix, subscriberID: "CG00000B");
            //Create secondary insurance that does not appear in the 834.
            InsuranceInfo insuranceSecondary = InsuranceT.AddInsurance(pat, "Secondary Carrier" + suffix);
            //Get the pat plans for this patient from the database.
            List <PatPlan> listPatPlans = PatPlans.GetPatPlansForPat(pat.PatNum);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, listPatPlans.Count);
            //Create x834
            X834 x834 = new X834(new X12object(Properties.Resources.x834Test));
            int  createdPatsCount, updatedPatsCount, skippedPatsCount, createdCarrierCount, createdInsPlanCount, updatedInsPlanCount, createdInsSubCount,
                 updatedInsSubCount, createdPatPlanCount, droppedPatPlanCount, updatedPatPlanCount;
            StringBuilder sbErrorMessages;

            //Pass in true for dropExistingInsurance
            EtransL.ImportInsurancePlans(x834, new List <Patient> {
            }, true, true, out createdPatsCount,
                                         out updatedPatsCount, out skippedPatsCount, out createdCarrierCount, out createdInsPlanCount, out updatedInsPlanCount, out createdInsSubCount,
                                         out updatedInsSubCount, out createdPatPlanCount, out droppedPatPlanCount, out updatedPatPlanCount, out sbErrorMessages);
            //Get the pat plans for this patient from the database.
            listPatPlans = PatPlans.GetPatPlansForPat(pat.PatNum);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, listPatPlans.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, droppedPatPlanCount);
            //These should be different as a new plan was created and the old plan was dropped.
            Assert.AreEqual(insurancePrimary.ListPatPlans[0].PatPlanNum, listPatPlans[0].PatPlanNum);
Exemple #3
        public void X834_ImportInsurancePlans_DoNotReplacePatPlan()
            Patient pat    = Createx834Patient();
            string  suffix = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
            //Create old insurance plan and associate it to them.
            InsuranceInfo insuranceOld = InsuranceT.AddInsurance(pat, "Old Carrier" + suffix);
            //Create x834
            X834 x834 = new X834(new X12object(Properties.Resources.x834Test));
            int  createdPatsCount, updatedPatsCount, skippedPatsCount, createdCarrierCount, createdInsPlanCount, updatedInsPlanCount, createdInsSubCount,
                 updatedInsSubCount, createdPatPlanCount, droppedPatPlanCount, updatedPatPlanCount;
            StringBuilder sbErrorMessages;

            EtransL.ImportInsurancePlans(x834, new List <Patient> {
            }, true, false, out createdPatsCount,
                                         out updatedPatsCount, out skippedPatsCount, out createdCarrierCount, out createdInsPlanCount, out updatedInsPlanCount, out createdInsSubCount,
                                         out updatedInsSubCount, out createdPatPlanCount, out droppedPatPlanCount, out updatedPatPlanCount, out sbErrorMessages);
            //Get the pat plans for this patient from the database.
            List <PatPlan> listPatPlans = PatPlans.GetPatPlansForPat(pat.PatNum);

            //No patient was created. Should have matched the one we created.
            Assert.AreEqual(0, createdPatsCount);
            //There should be two now as the old was kept.
            Assert.AreEqual(2, listPatPlans.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, createdPatPlanCount);
        private void Load834_Unsafe()
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            const int previewLimitCount = 40;
            int       selectedIndex     = -1;

            _x834selected = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < gridInsPlanFiles.ListGridRows.Count; i++)
                UI.GridRow row = gridInsPlanFiles.ListGridRows[i];
                if (i < previewLimitCount)
                string filePath = (string)row.Tag;
                ShowStatus(Lan.g(this, "Parsing file") + " " + Path.GetFileName(filePath));
                string    messageText = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                X12object xobj        = X12object.ToX12object(messageText);
                if (xobj == null)
                    row.Cells[_colErrorIndex].Text = "Is not in X12 format.";
                try {
                    if (!X834.Is834(xobj))
                        row.Cells[_colErrorIndex].Text = "Is in X12 format, but is not an 834 document.";
                    xobj.FilePath = filePath;
                    row.Cells[_colDateIndex].Text = xobj.DateInterchange.ToString();
                    int memberCount = xobj.GetSegmentCountById("INS");
                    int planCount   = xobj.GetSegmentCountById("HD");
                    row.Cells[_colPatCountIndex].Text  = memberCount.ToString();
                    row.Cells[_colPlanCountIndex].Text = planCount.ToString();
                    row.Cells[_colErrorIndex].Text     = "";
                    if (_x834selected == null || _x834selected.DateInterchange > xobj.DateInterchange)
                        selectedIndex = i;
                        _x834selected = xobj;
                catch (ApplicationException aex) {
                    row.Cells[_colErrorIndex].Text = aex.Message;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    row.Cells[_colErrorIndex].Text = ex.ToString();
                if (i < previewLimitCount)
                    gridInsPlanFiles.EndUpdate();                    //Also invalidates grid.  Update required in case there was large error text.
            //These 834 files are large and take a lot of memory when parsed into objects.
            //Run garbage collection to prevent OD from taking up too much memory at one time.
            if (selectedIndex >= 0)
                gridInsPlanFiles.ListGridRows[selectedIndex].ColorBackG = Color.LightYellow;
            gridInsPlanFiles.EndUpdate();            //Also invalidates grid.  Update required in case there was large error text.
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
 public FormEtrans834Preview(X834 x834)
     _x834 = x834;