Exemple #1
        /// <summary> Executes the <see cref="WxeFunction"/> defined by the <see cref="WxeFunctionCommandInfo"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="wxePage">
        ///   The <see cref="IWxePage"/> where this command is rendered on. Must not be <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="additionalWxeParameters">
        ///   The parameters passed to the <see cref="WxeFunction"/> in addition to the executing function's variables.
        ///   Use <see langword="null"/> or an empty collection if all parameters are supplied by the
        ///   <see cref="WxeFunctionCommandInfo.Parameters"/> string and the function stack.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        ///   <para>
        ///     Thrown if called while the <see cref="Type"/> is not set to <see cref="CommandType.WxeFunction"/>.
        ///   </para><para>
        ///     Thrown if neither the <see cref="WxeFunctionCommandInfo.MappingID"/> nor the
        ///     <see cref="WxeFunctionCommandInfo.TypeName"/> are set.
        ///   </para><para>
        ///     Thrown if the <see cref="WxeFunctionCommandInfo.MappingID"/> and <see cref="WxeFunctionCommandInfo.TypeName"/>
        ///     specify different functions.
        ///   </para>
        /// </exception>
        public virtual void ExecuteWxeFunction(IWxePage wxePage, NameObjectCollection additionalWxeParameters)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("wxePage", wxePage);

            if (Type != CommandType.WxeFunction)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Call to ExecuteWxeFunction not allowed unless Type is set to CommandType.WxeFunction.");

            if (!wxePage.IsReturningPostBack)
                string      target    = WxeFunctionCommand.Target;
                bool        hasTarget = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(target);
                WxeFunction function  = WxeFunctionCommand.InitializeFunction(additionalWxeParameters);

                IWxeCallArguments callArguments;
                if (hasTarget)
                    callArguments = new WxeCallArguments((Control)OwnerControl, new WxeCallOptionsExternal(target, null, false));
                    callArguments = WxeCallArguments.Default;

                    wxePage.ExecuteFunction(function, callArguments);
                catch (WxeCallExternalException)
        /// <summary>Executes the <paramref name="function"/> in the current window without triggering the current post-back event on returning.</summary>
        /// <remarks>This overload tries to determine automatically whether the current event was caused by the <c>__EVENTTARGET</c> field.</remarks>
        /// <include file='..\..\doc\include\ExecutionEngine\WxePageExtensions.xml' path='WxePageExtensions/ExecuteFunctionNoRepost/param[@name="page" or @name="function" or @name="sender" or @name="createPermaUrl" or @name="useParentPermaUrl" or @name="permaUrlParameters"]' />
        public static void ExecuteFunctionNoRepost(
            this IWxePage page, WxeFunction function, Control sender, bool createPermaUrl, bool useParentPermaUrl, NameValueCollection permaUrlParameters)
            var permaUrlOptions = CreatePermaUrlOptions(createPermaUrl, useParentPermaUrl, permaUrlParameters);
            var options         = new WxeCallOptionsNoRepost(permaUrlOptions);
            var arguments       = new WxeCallArguments(sender, options);

            Execute(page, function, arguments);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Executes a <see cref="WxeFunction"/> outside the current function's context (i.e. asynchron) using the
        ///   current window or frame. The execution engine uses a redirect request to transfer the execution to the new function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <include file='..\..\doc\include\ExecutionEngine\WxePageExtensions.xml' path='WxePageExtensions/ExecuteFunctionExternal/param[@name="page" or @name="function" or @name="sender" or @name="createPermaUrl" or @name="useParentPermaUrl" or @name="urlParameters" or @name="returnToCaller" or @name="callerUrlParameters"]' />
        public static void ExecuteFunctionExternal(
            this IWxePage page,
            WxeFunction function,
            Control sender,
            bool createPermaUrl,
            bool useParentPermaUrl,
            NameValueCollection urlParameters,
            bool returnToCaller,
            NameValueCollection callerUrlParameters)
            var permaUrlOptions = CreatePermaUrlOptions((createPermaUrl || urlParameters != null), useParentPermaUrl, urlParameters);
            var options         = new WxeCallOptionsExternalByRedirect(permaUrlOptions, returnToCaller, callerUrlParameters);
            var arguments       = new WxeCallArguments(sender, options);

            Execute(page, function, arguments);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Executes a <see cref="WxeFunction"/> outside the current function's context (i.e. asynchron) using the
        ///   specified window or frame through javascript window.open(...).
        /// </summary>
        /// <include file='..\..\doc\include\ExecutionEngine\WxePageExtensions.xml' path='WxePageExtensions/ExecuteFunctionExternal/param[@name="page" or @name="function" or @name="target" or @name="features" or @name="sender" or @name="returningPostback" or @name="createPermaUrl" or @name="useParentPermaUrl" or @name="urlParameters"]' />
        public static void ExecuteFunctionExternal(
            this IWxePage page,
            WxeFunction function,
            string target,
            string features,
            Control sender,
            bool returningPostback,
            bool createPermaUrl,
            bool useParentPermaUrl,
            NameValueCollection urlParameters)
            var permaUrlOptions = CreatePermaUrlOptions(createPermaUrl, useParentPermaUrl, urlParameters);
            var options         = new WxeCallOptionsExternal(target, features, returningPostback, permaUrlOptions);
            var arguments       = new WxeCallArguments(sender, options);

            Execute(page, function, arguments);