private void GetVideo() { try { string categoryID = null; categoryID = GetProductCategory(); ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lst = null; DataTable dtb = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + categoryID + ",1)", null); string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable() .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString()) .ToArray(); string idFirst = string.Join(",", array); lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, "1", string.Empty, string.Empty, currentPageIndex, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]), out total); if (lst.Count > 0) { // ifrTop.Attributes.Add("src", "//" + UtilityLocal.GetVideoList(lst[0].Id) + "?rel=0&autoplay=0"); this.records = DBConvert.ParseString(total); this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); this.pager.ItemCount = total; this.rptResult.DataSource = lst; this.rptResult.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("GetVideo", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
public int Insert(T obj, List <TDesc> lst) { IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); factory.BeginTransaction(); int output = 0; try { output = dal.InsertWithTransaction(obj, factory); foreach (var item in lst) { item.GetType().GetProperty("MainId").SetValue(item, output, null); dalDesc.InsertWithTransaction(item, factory); } factory.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic2C<T, TDesc>", string.Format("Insert({0} obj, List<TDesc> lst)", obj.GetType().Name), ex.Message); factory.Rollback(); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(output); }
public T LoadByObjectAndLang(int objId, int langId) { IList <T> sessions = new List <T>(); IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); try { string query = string.Format(@"Select * from {0} where MainId = {1}MainId and LangId = {1}LangId", typeof(T).Name, PARAM_PREFIX); DbCommand cmd = factory.MakeCommand(query); DGCDataParameter.AddParameter(cmd, string.Format("{0}MainId", PARAM_PREFIX), DbType.Int32, objId); DGCDataParameter.AddParameter(cmd, string.Format("{0}LangId", PARAM_PREFIX), DbType.Int32, langId); IDataReader dre = factory.ExecuteReader(cmd); sessions = Results(dre); if (sessions.Count > 0) { return(sessions[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic<T>", string.Format("{0} LoadByObjectAndLang(int objId, int langId)", typeof(T).Name), ex.Message); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(null); }
public T Load(T obj, string[] primaryKeyNames) { IList <T> sessions = new List <T>(); IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); DbCommand cmd = null; try { string query = GenerateQuery.CommandTextLoad(obj, primaryKeyNames); cmd = factory.MakeCommand(query); GenerateQuery.PrepareParametersLoad(cmd, obj, primaryKeyNames); IDataReader dre = factory.ExecuteReader(cmd); sessions = Results(dre); if (sessions.Count > 0) { return(sessions[0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic<T>", string.Format("Load({0} obj, string[] primaryKeyNames)", typeof(T).Name), ex.Message); } finally { cmd.Connection.Close(); cmd.Connection.Dispose(); } return(default(T)); }
public int InsertIDENTITY(T obj) { IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); factory.BeginTransaction(); object output = null; int re = int.MinValue; try { string query = GenerateQuery.CommandTextInsertIDENTITY(obj); DbCommand cmd = factory.MakeCommand(query); GenerateQuery.PrepareParametersInsert(cmd, obj); output = factory.ExecuteScalar(cmd); factory.Commit(); re = DBConvert.ParseInt(output); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic<T>", string.Format("Insert({0} obj)", obj.GetType().Name), ex.Message); factory.Rollback(); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(re); }
public IList <T> Results(IDataReader dre) { IList <T> sessions = new List <T>(); PropertyInfo[] properties; try { while (dre.Read()) { T obj = new T(); properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var property in properties) { property.SetValue(obj, DBConvert.ParseDBToObject(dre, property), null); } sessions.Add(obj); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic<T>", string.Format("IList<{0}> Results(IDataReader dre)", typeof(T).Name), ex.Message); } finally { dre.Close(); } return(sessions); }
private void GetConstruction() { try { ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); DataTable dtb = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"] + ",1)", null); if (dtb != null && dtb.Rows.Count > 0) { string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable() .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString()) .ToArray(); string idFirst = string.Join(",", array); IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 1, 2, out total); if (lst.Count > 0) { this.rptConstruction.DataSource = lst; this.rptConstruction.DataBind(); } } ProductCategoryBLL pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL(); IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total); if (lstCate.Count > 0) { ltrConstructionCateName.Text = lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name; } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("home", "GetProject", ex.Message); } }
public static string GetPathTreeNameUrl(int categoryID, int langInt, string langId) { string result = string.Empty, id = string.Empty, pathTreeSub = string.Empty; try { ProductCategoryBLL pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL(); IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst = pcBll.GetList(langInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, categoryID, int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); if (total > 0) { string pathTree = lst[0].PathTree; int level = pathTree.Count(i => i.Equals('.')); for (int i = 1; i <= level; i++) { pathTreeSub = pathTree.Split('.')[i]; id = pathTreeSub.Split('-')[1]; lst = pcBll.GetList(langInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, int.Parse(id), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); result = result + (total > 0 ? lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl : string.Empty) + "/"; if (i == 1) { result = result + langId + "/"; } } result = result == "" ? "" : result.Remove(result.LastIndexOf('/'), 1); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Home Page", "GetPathTreeNameUrl", ex.Message); } return(result); }
private void LoadGMap(string latitude, string longitude, string companyName, string address, string imageName) { try { PinIcon p; GMarker gm; GInfoWindow win; GLatLng mainLocation = new GLatLng(DBConvert.ParseDouble(latitude), DBConvert.ParseDouble(longitude)); GMapType.GTypes maptype = GMapType.GTypes.Normal; GMap1.setCenter(mainLocation, 15, maptype); GMap1.enableHookMouseWheelToZoom = true; GMapUIOptions options = new GMapUIOptions(); options.maptypes_hybrid = true; options.maptypes_normal = true; options.zoom_scrollwheel = true; GMap1.Add(new GMapUI(options)); //GMarker marker = new GMarker(mainLocation); GIcon icon = new GIcon(); icon.markerIconOptions = new MarkerIconOptions(50, 50, Color.Blue); p = new PinIcon(PinIcons.home, Color.Cyan); gm = new GMarker(mainLocation, new GMarkerOptions(new GIcon(p.ToString(), p.Shadow()))); win = new GInfoWindow(gm, HtmlIconMap(imageName, companyName, address), false, GListener.Event.mouseover); GMap1.Add(win); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_googlemap", "LoadGMap", ex.Message); } }
public bool Delete(string arrId) { IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); bool isDelete = false; factory.BeginTransaction(); try { string query = string.Format(@"DELETE FROM {0} WHERE Id in ({1})", typeof(T).Name.ToLower(), arrId); DbCommand cmd = factory.MakeCommand(query); factory.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); query = string.Format(@"DELETE FROM {0} WHERE MainId in ({1})", typeof(TDesc).Name.ToLower(), arrId); cmd = factory.MakeCommand(query); factory.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); factory.Commit(); isDelete = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic2C<T, TDesc>", string.Format("Delete<{0}, TDesc>(string arrId)", typeof(T).Name), ex.Message); factory.Rollback(); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(isDelete); }
protected void btnSend_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Page.IsValid) { bool result = false; string path = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; string strHtml = WebUtils.GetMailTemplate(Path.Combine(path, "TemplateMail/Contact.txt")); string body = string.Format(strHtml, "admin", txtFullName.Value, txtEmail.Value, txtMessage.Value); result = WebUtils.SendEmail("Contact", txtEmail.Value, string.Empty, body); if (result == true) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), string.Format("jAlert('Send success.','Message',function(r) {{window.location='{0}'}});", Request.RawUrl), true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), string.Format("jAlert('Send fail.','Message',function(r) {{window.location='{0}'}});", Request.RawUrl), true); } txtEmail.Value = txtMessage.Value = txtFullName.Value = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("btnSend_ServerClick.aspx", "Contact", ex.Message); } }
private void GetProduct(string categoryID) { try { categoryID = categoryIdByPass == string.Empty ? categoryID : categoryIdByPass; ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); Dictionary<string, object> dic = Common.UtilityLocal.GetProduct(pageName, categoryID, level, LangInt, currentPageIndex, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"])); if (dic != null && dic.Count > 0) { IList<PNK_Product> lst = dic["DictProduct"] as IList<PNK_Product>; if (lst.Count > 0) { this.records = dic["DictProduct_Total"].ToString(); this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); this.pager.ItemCount = DBConvert.ParseDouble(dic["DictProduct_Total"].ToString()); this.rptResult.DataSource = lst; this.rptResult.DataBind(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_category", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
public IList <T> GetList(string storedProc, DGCParameter[] parameters, out int total) { total = 0; IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); IList <T> lst = new List <T>(); try { DbCommand cmd = factory.MakeCommandFromStore(storedProc); GenerateQuery.PrepareParametersList(cmd, parameters); IDbDataParameter para = cmd.CreateParameter(); para.ParameterName = "@total"; para.DbType = DbType.Int32; para.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; para.Value = total; cmd.Parameters.Add(para); IDataReader dre = factory.ExecuteReader(cmd); lst = Results(dre); object strTemp = cmd.Parameters["@total"].Value; total = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic2C<T, TDesc>", string.Format("GetList(string storedProc, DGCParameter[] parameters, out {0} obj, out TDesc objDesc, out int total)", typeof(T).Name), ex.Message); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(lst); }
private void GetVideo() { try { ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); DataTable dtbHot = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdVideo"] + ",1)", null); string[] arrayHot = dtbHot.AsEnumerable() .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString()) .ToArray(); string idFirstHot = string.Join(",", arrayHot); if (idFirstHot != "" && idFirstHot != null) { IList <PNK_Product> lstHot = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirstHot, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); lstHot = lstHot.Where(m => m.Feature == "1").ToList(); if (lstHot.Count() > 0) { if (total > 0) { rptVideoTop.DataSource = lstHot; rptVideoTop.DataBind(); rptVideo.DataSource = lstHot; rptVideo.DataBind(); ifrTop.Attributes.Add("src", "//" + UtilityLocal.GetVideoList(lstHot[0].Id) + "?rel=0&autoplay=0"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_featuredvideo", "GetVideo", ex.Message); } }
private void GetProductSale() { try { DataTable dtb = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + categoryID + ",1)", null); string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable() .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString()) .ToArray(); string idFirst = string.Join(",", array); pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lstAll = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, currentPageIndex, 9999, out total); if (lstAll.Count > 0) { //lst = lst.Where(m => m.Promotion == "1").ToList(); rptProductHot.DataSource = lstAll.Where(m => m.Hot == "1").ToList(); rptProductHot.DataBind(); rptProductSale.DataSource = lstAll.Where(m => m.Promotion == "1").ToList(); rptProductSale.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("GetProductHot", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
public T Load(T obj, string[] primaryKeyNames, int langId) { Type t = typeof(T); IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); try { obj = dal.Load(obj, primaryKeyNames, factory); string[] fields = { "MainId", "LangId" }; PropertyInfo property = t.GetProperty(("Id")); int id = Convert.ToInt32(property.GetValue(obj, null)); TDesc objDesc = dalDesc.LoadByObjectAndLang(id, langId, factory); property = t.GetProperty(Utils.GetPropertyDescName(typeof(TDesc))); property.SetValue(obj, objDesc, null); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic2C<T, TDesc>", string.Format("Load({0} obj, string[] primaryKeyNames, int langId, out TDesc objDesc)", t.Name), ex.Message); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(obj); }
private void GetPageName(string pageName) { try { cid = Utils.GetParameter("cid", string.Empty); cidsub = Utils.GetParameter("cidsub", string.Empty); id = Utils.GetParameter("id", string.Empty); if (pageName == "booking") { pagePath = "Pages/BookingManagement/Booking.ascx"; Session["level"] = 1; } else { string cateName = string.Empty; ProductCategoryBLL pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL(); cateName = Common.UtilityLocal.GetCateNameByLevel(pageName, cid, cidsub, id); IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, cateName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, false, "p.ordering", 1, 9999, out total); if (total > 0) { pagePath = lstCate[0].Page; Session["level"] = lstCate[0].PathTree.Count(i => i.Equals('.')); } if (lstCate == null || total == 0) { ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); cid = cid != LocalizationUtility.GetText("linkCate", Ci) ? cid : string.Empty; cidsub = cidsub != LocalizationUtility.GetText("linktmp", Ci) ? cidsub : string.Empty; IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cidsub, string.Empty, string.Empty, id, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); if (total > 0) { //set page đặc biệt khi level=4 mà thiếu cid, cidsub if (cid == LocalizationUtility.GetText("linkCate", Ci) || cid == LocalizationUtility.GetText("linktmp", Ci)) { lst = lst.Where(p => p.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == id && p.CategoryUrlDesc == pageName).ToList(); } else { lst = lst.Where(p => p.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == id).ToList(); } if (lst.Count > 0) { string pagePathProduct = Common.UtilityLocal.GetPathTreeNameUrl(lst[0].Id, LangInt, LangId); pagePath = lst[0].Page; Session["level"] = 3; } } } } contentView = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(pagePath); phdContent.Controls.Add(contentView); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("default.aspx", "GetPageName", ex.Message + "/" + cid + "/" + cidsub + "/" + id); } }
/// <summary> /// UpLoad image /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnUploadImage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (fuImage.HasFile) { string extendFile = Path.GetExtension(fuImage.FileName).ToLower(); if (extendFile == ".pdf") { string fileName = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", fuImage.PostedFile.FileName.Split('.')[0], DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss"), extendFile); filenameUpload = fileName;//string.Format("{0}.{1}", GenerateString.Generate(10), fuImage.FileName.Split('.')[1]); string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductUpload"]), filenameUpload); fuImage.SaveAs(path); //fuImage.SaveAs(path); SetVisibleImg(false, string.Format("{0}/{1}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductUpload"], filenameUpload)); } else if (extendFile == ".mp3") { filenameUpload = UploadMp3(fuImage); SetVisibleImg(false, filenameUpload); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("admin_editproduct", "btnUploadImage_Click", ex.ToString()); } }
private void GetProduct() { try { //string categoryID = null; //categoryID = GetProductCategory(); ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lst = null; if (cid != string.Empty) { lst = pcBll.GetListSearch(LangInt, cid, "1", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, currentPageIndex, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]), out total); } if (total > 0) { block_categorytemplate.lstSearch = lst; block_categorytemplate.TotalSearch = total; //this.records = DBConvert.ParseString(total); //this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); //this.pager.ItemCount = total; //this.rptResult.DataSource = lst; //this.rptResult.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_category", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
public void Update(T obj, List <TDesc> lst, string[] primaryKeyNames) { IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); factory.BeginTransaction(); try { dal.UpdateWithTransaction(obj, obj, primaryKeyNames, factory); string[] fields = { "MainId", "LangId" }; foreach (var item in lst) { dalDesc.UpdateWithTransaction(item, item, fields, factory); } factory.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("Generic2C<T, TDesc>", string.Format("Update({0} obj, List<TDesc> lst, string[] primaryKeyNames)", obj.GetType().Name), ex.Message); factory.Rollback(); } finally { factory.Release(); } }
private void GetProduct() { try { string categoryID = null; categoryID = GetProductCategory(); total = 0; ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lst = null; DataTable dtb = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + categoryID + ",1)", null); string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable() .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString()) .ToArray(); string idFirst = string.Join(",", array); //Lọc sản phẩm trang chủ lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, currentPageIndex, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]), out total); if (lst.Count > 0) { this.records = DBConvert.ParseString(total); this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); this.pager.ItemCount = total; this.rptResult.DataSource = lst; this.rptResult.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_category", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
public string POSTRequest(string URL, string postData) { string responseData = "", orderID = string.Empty, orderIDEncry = string.Empty, sessionID = string.Empty; try { HttpWebRequest hwrequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL); hwrequest.Timeout = 60000; hwrequest.Method = "POST"; hwrequest.KeepAlive = false; hwrequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); byte[] postByteArray = encoding.GetBytes(postData); hwrequest.ContentLength = postByteArray.Length; Stream postStream = hwrequest.GetRequestStream(); postStream.Write(postByteArray, 0, postByteArray.Length); postStream.Close(); // Attempt to receive the WebResponse to the WebRequest. using (HttpWebResponse hwresponse = (HttpWebResponse)hwrequest.GetResponse()) { if (hwresponse != null) { // If we have valid WebResponse then read it. using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(hwresponse.GetResponseStream())) { XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(reader); XPathNavigator xml = doc.CreateNavigator(); XPathNodeIterator nodes = xml.Select("/TKKPG/Response/Order/row/OrderParams/row"); foreach (XPathNavigator item in nodes) { //responseData = item.Value; string sPARAMNAME = item.SelectSingleNode("PARAMNAME").Value; string sVal = item.SelectSingleNode("VAL").Value; if (sPARAMNAME.Equals("TWOResponseCode")) { responseData = sVal; } } reader.Close(); } } hwresponse.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_booking", "POSTRequest", ex.Message); } return(responseData); }
private void GetProduct() { try { ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lst2 = null, lst3 = null; //Loại bỏ dấu ? để lấy link đúng string url = Request.RawUrl.Split('?')[0]; //Cắt url, để lấy product name string[] urlArr = url.Split('/').ToArray(); Array.Reverse(urlArr); lastUrl = urlArr[0]; forwardUrl = urlArr[1]; switch (level) { case "1": lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); break; case "2": lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); GetListImage(lst2[0].Id.ToString(), rptImg); ltrHeader.Text = lst2[0].ProductDesc.Title; ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst2[0], Request); break; case "3": default: lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); lst3 = lst2.Where(m => m.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == lastUrl).ToList(); GetListImage(lst3[0].Id.ToString(), rptImg); ltrHeader.Text = lst3[0].ProductDesc.Title; ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst3[0], Request); break; } if (lst2.Count > 0) { this.records = DBConvert.ParseString(total); this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); this.pager.ItemCount = total; this.rptResult.DataSource = lst2; this.rptResult.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_category", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
private void GetProduct() { try { string categoryID = null; categoryID = GetProductCategory(); ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lst2 = null; IList <PNK_Product> lst3 = null; string level = string.Empty; if (Session["level"] != null) { level = Session["level"].ToString(); switch (level) { case "1": lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); break; case "2": lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); GetListImage(lst2[0].Id.ToString(), rptImg); ltrHeader.Text = lst2[0].ProductDesc.Title; break; case "3": default: lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); lst3 = lst2.Where(m => m.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == id).ToList(); GetListImage(lst3[0].Id.ToString(), rptImg); ltrHeader.Text = lst3[0].ProductDesc.Title; break; } } if (total > 0) { this.records = DBConvert.ParseString(total); this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); this.pager.ItemCount = total; this.rptResult.DataSource = lst2; this.rptResult.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("block_category", "GetProduct", ex.Message); } }
public static bool CheckValidUsername(string username) { IFactory factory = DBHelper.CreateFactory(); bool re = false; try { string prefix = string.Empty; switch (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Database"]) { case "SQLServer": prefix = "@"; break; case "MySQL": prefix = "v_"; break; } DbCommand cmd = factory.MakeCommandFromStore("CheckValidUSer"); IDbDataParameter para = cmd.CreateParameter(); para.ParameterName = string.Format("{0}Username", prefix); para.DbType = DbType.String; para.Value = username; cmd.Parameters.Add(para); para = cmd.CreateParameter(); para.ParameterName = "@total"; para.DbType = DbType.Int32; para.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add(para); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); int strTemp = DBConvert.ParseInt(cmd.Parameters["@total"].Value.ToString()); if (strTemp == 1) { re = false; } else if (strTemp == 0) { re = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("UserBLL", "CheckValidUsername", ex.ToString()); } finally { factory.Release(); } return(re); }
private void GetPageName(string pageName) { try { pageName = configXML.LoadPage(pageName, Constant.DSC.IdXmlPageAdmin, id); UserControl contentView = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(pageName); phdContent.Controls.Add(contentView); } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("GetPageName", "Admin default", ex.Message); } }
private void GetVideo() { try { string categoryID = GetProductCategory(); ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL(); IList <PNK_Product> lst2 = null; IList <PNK_Product> lst3 = null; string level = string.Empty; if (Session["level"] != null) { level = Session["level"].ToString(); switch (level) { case "1": lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); break; case "2": lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); ifrTop.Attributes.Add("src", "//" + UtilityLocal.GetVideoList(lst2[0].Id) + "?rel=0&autoplay=0"); break; case "3": default: lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total); lst3 = lst2.Where(m => m.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == id).ToList(); ifrTop.Attributes.Add("src", "//" + UtilityLocal.GetVideoList(lst3[0].Id) + "?rel=0&autoplay=0"); break; } } if (total > 0) { this.records = DBConvert.ParseString(total); this.pager.PageSize = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]); this.pager.ItemCount = total; this.rptVideo.DataSource = lst2; this.rptVideo.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("GetVideo", "GetVideo", ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Sử dụng host email để send email /// </summary> /// <param name="subject"></param> /// <param name="from"></param> /// <param name="to"></param> /// <param name="header"></param> /// <param name="body"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SendEmailAndAttach(string subject, string from, string header, string body, string filePathAttach) { bool result = false; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.From = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailTo"]); mail.To.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailTo"]); mail.Subject = subject; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.Body = body; mail.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; MailAddress copy = new MailAddress(from); mail.CC.Add(copy); //Configure an SmtpClient to send the mail. SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; client.EnableSsl = DBConvert.ParseBool(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableSsl"]); client.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpServer"]; client.Port = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]); //Attach file System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(filePathAttach); mail.Attachments.Add(attachment); NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserMail"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PassMail"]); client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.Credentials = credentials; try { //Send the msg client.Send(mail); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; Write2Log.WriteLogs(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserMail"] + "1", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PassMail"], ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
protected void btnUploadLocation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (fuLocation.HasFile) { filenameUploadLocation = string.Format("{0}.{1}", DateTime.Now.Ticks + GenerateString.Generate(5), fuLocation.FileName.Split('.')[1]); fuLocation.SaveAs(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogoUpload"]), filenameUploadLocation)); SetVisibleImg(false, string.Format("{0}/{1}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogoUpload"], filenameUploadLocation), fuLocation, btnUploadLocation, lbnViewLocation, lbnDeleteLocation); } } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("admin_editnews", "btnUploadLocation_Click", ex.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// get data for insert update /// </summary> /// <param name="userObj"></param> /// <returns></returns> private PNK_ProductCategory GetDataObjectParent(PNK_ProductCategory productcatObj) { try { productcatObj.Published = chkPublished.Checked ? "1" : "0"; productcatObj.Ordering = DBConvert.ParseInt(txtOrder.Value); productcatObj.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; productcatObj.ParentId = DBConvert.ParseInt(drpCategory.SelectedValue); productcatObj.SmallImage = chkMenuFooter.Checked ? "1" : "0"; productcatObj.ThumbnailImage = ViewState["attributeId"] == null ? string.Empty : ViewState["attributeId"].ToString(); productcatObj.Page = drpPage.SelectedValue; productcatObj.PageDetail = drpPageDetail.SelectedValue; #region Get image HtmlControl txtFontName = block_baseimage.FindControl("txtFontName") as HtmlControl; productcatObj.ImageFont = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFontName.Attributes["value"]) == true ? string.Empty : txtFontName.Attributes["value"]; HtmlControl rdImageFont = block_baseimage.FindControl("rdImageFont") as HtmlControl; if (rdImageFont != null && rdImageFont.Attributes["checked"] == "checked") { productcatObj.ImageType = DBConvert.ParseInt(rdImageFont.Attributes["value"]); } else { productcatObj.ImageType = 1; } HtmlControl hddImageName = block_baseimage.FindControl("hddImageName") as HtmlControl; if (hddImageName != null && hddImageName.Attributes["value"] != null) { productcatObj.BaseImage = hddImageName.Attributes["value"].ToString(); } else { productcatObj.BaseImage = ""; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Write2Log.WriteLogs("GetDataObjectParent", "admin_editproductcategory", ex.Message); } return(productcatObj); }