public Converter WithEvents()
            // TODO:
            if (AddedEvents || Wrapped.IsRegMember(RegPairs, out _))

            foreach (var e in Wrapped.GetEvents())
                var eventName = e.Name;
                var eventType = e.EventHandlerType

                // Creates an Action event that doesn't require ActionProxy when subscribing
                var newEvent = CreateEvent(eventName);

                // Create method a which gets called when the Action event fires, and forwards the event to the normal C# event
                string           methodName = "Forward" + eventName + "Event";
                CodeMemberMethod newMethod  = CodeDomEx.CreateMethod(methodName, typeof(void));

                if (eventType == null)
                    AddVoidActionEvent(newEvent, newMethod);
                    AddActionEventWithRetVal(newEvent, eventType, newMethod);


                // Add statements to the constructor to invoke the new event when the event in the
                // wrapped object fires.

                var actionProxyType = eventType == null
                  ? "SuperMemoAssistant.Sys.Remoting.ActionProxy"
                  : $"SuperMemoAssistant.Sys.Remoting.ActionProxy<{eventType.FullName}>";

                CodeDelegateCreateExpression createDelegate1 = new CodeDelegateCreateExpression(
                    new CodeTypeReference(actionProxyType), new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), methodName);

                CodeEventReferenceExpression actionEventRef = new CodeEventReferenceExpression(
                    WrappedRef, eventName);

                // Attaches an EventHandler delegate pointing to TestMethod to the TestEvent event.
                CodeAttachEventStatement attachStatement1 = new CodeAttachEventStatement(actionEventRef, createDelegate1);

            AddedEvents = true;