Exemple #1
        public unsafe void UncontentedBench()
            var ptr = (long *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8);

            *   ptr  = 0;
            var wpid = Wpid.Create();

            var sl = new SharedSpinLock(ptr);

            var count = 10_000_000;

            for (int _ = 0; _ < 10; _++)
                using (Benchmark.Run("Uncontented", count))
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

        public Wpid TryAcquireLock(Wpid wpid, IWpidHelper wpidHelper, int spinLimit = 0)
            var content = *(long *)(_statePointer);

            *(long *)(_statePointer) = 0;
            return(SharedSpinLock.TryAcquireLock(ref *(long *)(_statePointer + StreamLogStateRecord.LockerOffset), wpid, spinLimit, wpidHelper));
        // Note: base RetainableMemoryPool works with Pow2 sizes, this pool adds additional space due to headers

        /// <summary>
        /// SharedMemoryPool constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Directory path where shared memory files are stored.</param>
        /// <param name="maxLogSizeMb"></param>
        /// <param name="ownerId"></param>
        /// <param name="rmMaxBufferLength"></param>
        /// <param name="rmMaxBuffersPerBucket"></param>
        /// <param name="rentAlwaysClean"></param>
        public SharedMemoryPool(string path, uint maxLogSizeMb,
                                Wpid ownerId,
                                int rmMaxBufferLength     = RmDefaultMaxBufferLength,
                                int rmMaxBuffersPerBucket = RmDefaultMaxBuffersPerBucket, bool rentAlwaysClean = false)
            : this(path, maxLogSizeMb, LMDBEnvironmentFlags.WriteMap, ownerId, rmMaxBufferLength, rmMaxBuffersPerBucket, rentAlwaysClean)
Exemple #4
        public unsafe void CouldAcquireReleaseExclusiveLock()
            var ptr = (long *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8);

            *   ptr   = 0;
            var wpid  = Wpid.Create();
            var wpid2 = Wpid.Create();

            var sl = new SharedSpinLock(ptr);

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryAcquireExclusiveLock(wpid, out _, spinLimit: 0)); // fast path

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryReleaseLock(wpid));

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryAcquireExclusiveLock(wpid, out _));

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            Assert.AreEqual(wpid, sl.TryAcquireExclusiveLock(wpid2, out _, spinLimit: 1000));
            Console.WriteLine($"Elapsed: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}");

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryReleaseLock(wpid));
 internal BlockMemoryPool(string path, uint maxLogSizeMb,
                          LMDBEnvironmentFlags envFlags,
                          Wpid ownerId,
                          int maxBufferLength     = RmDefaultMaxBufferLength,
                          int maxBuffersPerBucket = RmDefaultMaxBuffersPerBucket)
     : base(path, maxLogSizeMb, envFlags, ownerId, maxBufferLength, maxBuffersPerBucket, rentAlwaysClean: true)
        // TODO this is all internal with very limited usage, but refactor

        public BufferRefAllocator(string directoryPath, LMDBEnvironmentFlags envFlags, Wpid wpid, int pageSize = 4096, long maxTotalSize = 64L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, uint envSizeMb = 128)
            _wpid         = wpid;
            _pageSize     = pageSize;
            _maxTotalSize = maxTotalSize;

            // TODO Log size to settings. Also handle MapFull later and reduce size.
            SetupEnv(directoryPath, envSizeMb, envFlags);
        internal unsafe SharedMemoryPool(string path, uint maxLogSizeMb,
                                         LMDBEnvironmentFlags envFlags,
                                         Wpid ownerId,
                                         int rmMaxBufferLength     = RmDefaultMaxBufferLength,
                                         int rmMaxBuffersPerBucket = RmDefaultMaxBuffersPerBucket, bool rentAlwaysClean = false)
            : base(
                (pool, bucketSize) =>
            if (bucketSize > pool.MaxBufferSize)
            var smbp = (SharedMemoryPool)pool;

#pragma warning disable 618
            var sm = smbp.RentNative(bucketSize);

            Debug.Assert(sm.ReferenceCount == 0);
            Debug.Assert(Unsafe.ReadUnaligned <uint>(sm.HeaderPointer) == HeaderFlags.IsOwned);
#pragma warning restore 618

            // TODO review if Releasing -> IsOwned should keep disposed state?
            // RMP calls CreateNew outside lock, so if we call RentNative only here
            // then it could return IsOwned without IsDisposed. But we a technically
            // inside the pool until this factory returns. Buffers from RentNative
            // should be unusable without explicit un-dispose action.

            // Set counter to zero
            sm.CounterRef &= ~AtomicCounter.CountMask;

                Math.Max(RmDefaultMaxBufferLength, Math.Min(RmMaxPoolBufferLength, BitUtil.FindNextPositivePowerOfTwo(rmMaxBufferLength))),
                // from ProcCount to DefaultMaxNumberOfBuffersPerBucket x 2
                Math.Max(Environment.ProcessorCount, Math.Min(RmDefaultMaxBuffersPerBucket * 2, rmMaxBuffersPerBucket)),
                MaxBucketsToTry, rentAlwaysClean: rentAlwaysClean)
            if (ownerId <= 0)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException("ownerId <= 0");


            _bra     = new BufferRefAllocator(path, envFlags, ownerId, PageSize, maxLogSizeMb * 1024 * 1024L);
            _buckets = new SharedMemoryBuckets(Path.Combine(path, "buckets"), pageSize: PageSize, maxBucketIndex: BufferRef.MaxBucketIdx);

Exemple #8
            /// <summary>
            /// Increment shared instance id and return a process buffer with new Wpid
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public ProcessConfigRecord CreateNew()
                using (var txn = Environment.BeginTransaction())
                    while (true)
                        // ReSharper disable once ImpureMethodCallOnReadonlyValueField
                        var newInsatnceId = unchecked ((uint)SharedRecord._processBuffer.InterlockedIncrementInt32(ProcessConfigRecord.SharedInstanceIdCounterOffset));
                            // We try to increment instance id instead of reuse existing
                            // At some point after running for very very long time it might overflow
                            // and start from zero again - this is fine.
                            if (_processDb.TryGet(txn, ref newInsatnceId, out BufferRef bufferRef))

                            bufferRef = Allocate(txn, 0, out var fromFreeList, null);
                            _processDb.Put(txn, newInsatnceId, bufferRef, TransactionPutOptions.NoOverwrite);
                            if (!fromFreeList)

                            var result = _buckets[bufferRef];
                            if (fromFreeList)
                                // in Delete we clear the buffer after commit, there is small chance a process died after commit but before cleaning
                                result.Clear(0, result.Length);
                                Debug.Assert(result.IsFilledWithValue(0), "a new ProcessConfig buffer must be clean.");

                            result.WriteInt64(ProcessConfigRecord.WpidOffset, Wpid.Create(newInsatnceId));
                            var record = new ProcessConfigRecord(result);
                        catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #9
        public unsafe void CouldAcquireEnterExitReleaseExclusiveLock()
            var ptr = (long *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8);

            *   ptr   = 0;
            var wpid  = Wpid.Create();
            var wpid2 = Wpid.Create();

            var sl = new SharedSpinLock(ptr);

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryAcquireExclusiveLock(wpid, out var tt, spinLimit: 0));
            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryReEnterExclusiveLock(wpid, tt, spinLimit: 0));

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { sl.TryReleaseLock(wpid); });
            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryExitExclusiveLock(wpid, tt));

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryReleaseLock(wpid));
Exemple #10
            // ReSharper disable once MemberHidesStaticFromOuterClass
            public ProcessConfigRecord GetRecord(Wpid wpid)
                using (var txn = Environment.BeginReadOnlyTransaction())
                    var insatnceId = wpid.InstanceId;

                        if (_processDb.TryGet(txn, ref insatnceId, out BufferRef bufferRef))
                            return(new ProcessConfigRecord(_buckets[bufferRef]));
                    catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #11
        public StreamBlockManager(string path,
                                  LMDBEnvironmentFlags envFlags,
                                  Wpid wpid,
                                  IStreamBlockStorage blockStorage = null,
                                  long maxTotalSize = 1024L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
                                  uint envSizeMb    = 1024) // 1Gb takes 2 MB of TLB, do not make it too large TODO calculate realistic required size that is derived from maxTotalSize when using smallest buffers
            : base(path, envFlags, wpid, PageSize, maxTotalSize, envSizeMb)
            _blocksDb = Environment.OpenDatabase("_streamBlocks",
                                                 new DatabaseConfig(DbFlags.Create | DbFlags.DuplicatesSort | DbFlags.IntegerDuplicates | DbFlags.DuplicatesFixed)
                DupSortPrefix = 64 * 64

            _pidDb = Environment.OpenDatabase("_streamLogState", new DatabaseConfig(DbFlags.Create | DbFlags.IntegerKey));

            _buckets = new SharedMemoryBuckets(Path.Combine(path, "buckets"), pageSize: PageSize, maxBucketIndex: BufferRef.MaxBucketIdx);

            _blockStorage = blockStorage;
Exemple #12
        public unsafe void ReleasingOthersLockReturnsOthersWpid()
            var ptr = (long *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8);

            *   ptr   = 0;
            var wpid  = Wpid.Create();
            var wpid2 = Wpid.Create();

            var sl = new SharedSpinLock(ptr);

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryAcquireLock(wpid, spinLimit: 0)); // fast path

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryReleaseLock(wpid));

            Assert.AreEqual(Wpid.Empty, sl.TryAcquireLock(wpid));

            // wpid holding the lock

            var holder = sl.TryReleaseLock(wpid2);

            Assert.AreEqual(wpid, holder);
        public Wpid TryReEnterExclusiveLock(Wpid wpid, IWpidHelper wpidHelper, byte threadToken, int spinLimit = 0)
            var holder = LockHolder;

            return(SharedSpinLock.TryReEnterExclusiveLock(ref *(long *)(_statePointer + StreamLogStateRecord.LockerOffset), wpid, threadToken, spinLimit, wpidHelper));
 public Wpid TryReleaseLock(Wpid wpid)
     return(SharedSpinLock.TryReleaseLock(ref *(long *)(_statePointer + StreamLogStateRecord.LockerOffset), wpid));
 public Wpid TryExitExclusiveLock(Wpid wpid, byte threadToken)
     return(SharedSpinLock.TryExitExclusiveLock(ref *(long *)(_statePointer + StreamLogStateRecord.LockerOffset), wpid, threadToken));
        public StreamLogManager(ProcessConfig processConfig,
                                string dataStoreName,
                                string dataStorePath             = null,
                                uint maxLogSizeMb                = 1024,
                                bool disableNotificationLog      = false,
                                bool disablePacker               = false,
                                IStreamBlockStorage blockStorage = null)
            if (LeaksDetection.Enabled)
                Spreads.Buffers.BufferPool.PinnedArrayMemoryPool.AddStackTraceOnRent = true;

            DataStorePath = dataStorePath ?? Path.Combine(processConfig.DataRootPath, dataStoreName);

            ProcessConfig = processConfig;
            _wpidValue    = ProcessConfig.Wpid;

            DisableNotificationLog = disableNotificationLog;
            DisablePacker          = disablePacker;

            var bufferPoolPath  = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "log", "logbuffer");
            var bufferPoolFlags = StartupConfig.StreamLogBufferPoolFlags;

            BufferPool = new BlockMemoryPool(bufferPoolPath, maxLogSizeMb, bufferPoolFlags, processConfig.Wpid,
                                             maxBufferLength: MaxBufferSize,
                                             maxBuffersPerBucket: Environment.ProcessorCount * 4);

            if (blockStorage == null)
                var dataStoragePath = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "storage");
                var path        = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dataStoragePath, "data.db"));
                var uri         = new Uri(path);
                var absoluteUri = uri.AbsoluteUri;

                blockStorage = new SQLiteStorage($@"Data Source={absoluteUri}?cache=shared");

            var blockIndexPath   = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "log", "blockindex");
            var blockIndexFlags  = StartupConfig.StreamBlockIndexFlags;
            var blockIndexSizeMb = Math.Max(StartupConfig.StreamBlockTableMaxSizeMb, 128);

            BlockIndex = new StreamBlockIndex(blockIndexPath, blockIndexSizeMb, blockIndexFlags, BufferPool, blockStorage);

            var logStateStoragePath = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "log", "logstate");

            StateStorage = new StreamLogStateStorage(logStateStoragePath);

            // For Log0 tests we need state but we removed it from Log0 ctor, so always init it.
            // In real code _disableNotificationLog is always false.
            Log0State = StateStorage.GetState(StreamLogId.Log0Id);
            Log0State.CheckInit(StreamLogId.Log0Id, StreamLogNotification.Size, StreamLogFlags.IsBinary | StreamLogFlags.NoTimestamp | StreamLogFlags.DropPacked | StreamLogFlags.Pow2Payload);


            if (!DisableNotificationLog)
                Log0 = new NotificationLog(this);
                OpenStreams.TryAdd((long)StreamLogId.Log0Id, Log0);
                Log0Reader = new NotificationLog.Reader(Log0, Cts.Token);
                var lastVersion = (ulong)Log0.CurrentVersion;
                if (lastVersion > 1)
                    Log0Reader.MoveGT(lastVersion - 1);

            Packer = new Packer(this, StateStorage, disablePacker);


            // TODO we need more general unlocking locking that detects missed updates
            // and works for all waiters, not only for ack. See Log0.Reader comments.
            //_unlockTimer = new Timer(o =>
            //    TryCompleteAckRequests();
            //}, null, 0, 1000);
        public Wpid TryAcquireExclusiveLock(Wpid wpid, IWpidHelper wpidHelper, out byte threadToken, int spinLimit = 0)
            var res = SharedSpinLock.TryAcquireExclusiveLock(ref *(long *)(_statePointer + StreamLogStateRecord.LockerOffset), wpid, out threadToken, spinLimit, wpidHelper);
