Exemple #1
        private PlotDeviceProperties GetPixelSizeAndResolution(Size wpfSize)
            var source = PresentationSource.FromVisual(Content as Visual);

            if (source != null)
                var unadjustedPixelSize = WpfUnitsConversion.ToPixels(source, wpfSize);

                // If the window gets below a certain minimum size, plot to the minimum size
                _lastPixelWidth  = Math.Max((int)unadjustedPixelSize.Width, MinPixelWidth);
                _lastPixelHeight = Math.Max((int)unadjustedPixelSize.Height, MinPixelHeight);
                _lastResolution  = WpfUnitsConversion.GetResolution(source);

            // The PresentationSource will be null in the specific scenario where:
            //   - Host is creating a graphics device, requesting properties of the plot window
            //   - This plot window is docked and has never been visible
            // In that case, it is okay to re-use the last properties that we've
            // seen for this window. The window will have received the appropriate
            // SizeChanged events prior to this, and those were able to get a
            // non-null PresentationSource.
            // I do not understand why, this might be some optimization that
            // VS/WPF is doing for hidden document windows.
            // The fallback to the Minimum size when last properties are null
            // is only there as a precaution, I have not seen it happen in my
            // testing. If they ever happen, you'll see a low resolution plot
            // when you activate the plot window.
            return(new PlotDeviceProperties(_lastPixelWidth ?? MinPixelWidth, _lastPixelHeight ?? MinPixelHeight, _lastResolution ?? DefaultResolution));
Exemple #2
        private void Image_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            var image     = (FrameworkElement)sender;
            var pos       = e.GetPosition(image);
            var pixelSize = WpfUnitsConversion.ToPixels(PresentationSource.FromVisual(image as Visual), pos);

            Model?.ClickPlot((int)pixelSize.X, (int)pixelSize.Y);
Exemple #3
        private void UserControl_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
            var unadjustedPixelSize = WpfUnitsConversion.ToPixels(Content as Visual, e.NewSize);

            // If the window gets below a certain minimum size, plot to the minimum size
            int pixelWidth  = Math.Max((int)unadjustedPixelSize.Width, MinPixelWidth);
            int pixelHeight = Math.Max((int)unadjustedPixelSize.Height, MinPixelHeight);
            int resolution  = WpfUnitsConversion.GetResolution(Content as Visual);

            Model?.ResizePlotAfterDelay(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, resolution);
Exemple #4
        private Size GetPixelSize(int width, int height)
            var source = PresentationSource.FromVisual(_plotVisualComponent.Control as Visual);

            return(WpfUnitsConversion.ToPixels(source, new Size(width, height)));