Exemple #1
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

            // Start EyeXHost
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            // Setup Unity Container
            _container = new UnityContainer();
            RegisterSingleton <IMainWindow, MainWindow>();

            // Set up Microsoft Service Locator to use Unity
            // Service instances can be requested using ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<Type>()
            ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => new UnityServiceLocator(_container));

            // Run main window and open initial page
            var mainWindow = _container.Resolve <MainWindow>();

            mainWindow.SetPage(new Uri("Views/HubView.xaml", UriKind.Relative));

            mainWindow.Title += " (DEBUG MODE) - Be sure to build in release mode for use";
Exemple #2
        public MainWindowModel()
            IsUserPresent           = false;
            IsTrackingGaze          = false;
            IsTrackingGazeSupported = true;

            // Create and start the WpfEyeXHost. Starting the host means
            // that it will connect to the EyeX Engine and be ready to
            // start receiving events and get the current values of
            // different engine states. In this sample we will be using
            // the UserPresence engine state.
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();
            // Register an status-changed event listener for UserPresence.
            // NOTE that the event listener must be unregistered too. This is taken care of in the Dispose(bool) method.
            _eyeXHost.UserPresenceChanged += EyeXHost_UserPresenceChanged;
            _eyeXHost.GazeTrackingChanged += EyeXHost_GazeTrackingChanged;

            // Start the EyeX host.

            // Wait until we're connected.
            if (_eyeXHost.WaitUntilConnected(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                // Make sure the EyeX Engine version is equal to or greater than 1.4.
                var engineVersion = _eyeXHost.GetEngineVersion().Result;
                if (engineVersion.Major != 1 || engineVersion.Major == 1 && engineVersion.Minor < 4)
                    IsTrackingGazeSupported = false;
Exemple #3
 public Keyboard()
     eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();
Exemple #4
        public App()
            // file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\testdata\\test.txt", true);
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            // Create a data stream: lightly filtered gaze point data.
            // Other choices of data streams include EyePositionDataStream and FixationDataStream.

            /* using (var lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream = _eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered))
             * {
             *   lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream.Next += gazeCallback;// Console.WriteLine("Gaze point at ({0:0.0}, {1:0.0}) @{2:0}  ", e.Timestamp, e.X, e.Y);
             * }*/
Exemple #5
        private WpfEyeXChest()
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            eyePositionListener = blinkProcessor;

            var eyePositionStream = _eyeXHost.CreateEyePositionDataStream();

            eyePositionStream.Next += eyePositionNext;

            var gazePointStream = _eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(GazePointDataMode.Unfiltered);

            gazePointStream.Next += gazePointNext;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the EyeXHost, creates an Output directory, and loads the images based on the input folder name.
        /// </summary>

        public MainWindow()
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            gazeDataTextX.DataContext    = publicGazeData;
            gazeDataTextY.DataContext    = publicGazeData;
            gazeDataTextTime.DataContext = publicGazeData;

            var stream = _eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(Tobii.EyeX.Framework.GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered);

            string exeRuntimeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            outputFileDirectory =
                Path.Combine(exeRuntimeDirectory, "Output");
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputFileDirectory))
                // Output directory does not exist, so create it.
            var CSVDialog = new SaveCSVFile();

            if (CSVDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                outputFileName = CSVDialog.ResponseText;
            var batchDialog = new InputBatch();

            if (batchDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                batchName = batchDialog.ResponseText;
            File.WriteAllText(outputFileDirectory + @"\" + outputFileName + ".csv", "X Gaze Data, Y Gaze Data, Time \r\n");
            stream.Next += (s, e) => updateGazeData((int)e.X, (int)e.Y, (int)e.Timestamp);
            //Initialize Image control, Image directory path and Image timer.
            IntervalTimer = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IntervalTime"]);
            strImagePath  = "Images/" + batchName;
            ImageControls = new[] { myImage, myImage2 };


            timerImageChange          = new DispatcherTimer();
            timerImageChange.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, IntervalTimer);
            timerImageChange.Tick    += new EventHandler(timerImageChange_Tick);
        public MainWindow()
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            gazeDataTextX.DataContext = publicGazeData;
            gazeDataTextY.DataContext = publicGazeData;

            var fixationGazeDataStream = _eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Sensitive);

            fixationGazeDataStream.Next += (s, e) => updateFixationData(e);

            var stream = _eyeXHost.CreateEyePositionDataStream();

            stream.Next += (s, e) => updateEyeData(e);
        public MainWindow()
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            var stream = _eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(Tobii.EyeX.Framework.GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered);

            string exeRuntimeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            outputFileDirectory =
                Path.Combine(exeRuntimeDirectory, "Output");
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputFileDirectory))
                // Output directory does not exist, so create it.
            stream.Next += (s, e) => updateGazeData((int)e.X, (int)e.Y, (int)e.Timestamp);
            File.WriteAllText(outputFileDirectory + @"\gazeDataOutput.csv", "X Gaze Data, Y Gaze Data, Time \r\n");
Exemple #9
 public App()
     _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();
 public App()
     _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();
Exemple #11
 public App()
     // Init Tobii hardware
     _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();
Exemple #12
        public MainWindowModel()
            IsUserPresent = false;

            IsTrackingGaze          = false;
            IsTrackingGazeSupported = true;
            _hasEyesClosed          = false;

            // Create and start the WpfEyeXHost. Starting the host means
            // that it will connect to the EyeX Engine and be ready to
            // start receiving events and get the current values of
            // different engine states. In this sample we will be using
            // the UserPresence engine state.
            _eyeXHost = new WpfEyeXHost();

            // Register an status-changed event listener for UserPresence.
            // NOTE that the event listener must be unregistered too. This is taken care of in the Dispose(bool) method.
            _eyeXHost.UserPresenceChanged += EyeXHost_UserPresenceChanged;
            _eyeXHost.GazeTrackingChanged += EyeXHost_GazeTrackingChanged;

            GazePointDataStream lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream = _eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered);

            lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream.Next += (s, e) =>
                //Console.WriteLine("Gaze point at ({0:0.0}, {1:0.0}) @{2:0}", e.X, e.Y, e.Timestamp);
                _lastEvent = e;

            // TODO: make sure the app "magnifier" is running, or else the user has to restart pc if zoom breaks

             * Process p = Process.Start("notepad.exe");
             * p.WaitForInputIdle();
             * IntPtr h = p.MainWindowHandle;
             * SetForegroundWindow(h);
             * SendKeys.SendWait("k");


            const int SM_CXSCREEN = 0;
            const int SM_CYSCREEN = 1;

            _screenWidth  = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
            _screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
            Console.WriteLine("Screen {0}x{1}", _screenWidth, _screenHeight);
            // TODO maybe use virtual screen https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh162714(v=vs.85).aspx

            // Start the EyeX host.

            // Wait until we're connected.
            if (_eyeXHost.WaitUntilConnected(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                // Make sure the EyeX Engine version is equal to or greater than 1.4.
                var engineVersion = _eyeXHost.GetEngineVersion().Result;
                if (engineVersion.Major != 1 || engineVersion.Major == 1 && engineVersion.Minor < 4)
                    IsTrackingGazeSupported = false;