Exemple #1
        public override void OnAfterSpawn()

            if (this.Hue == 1150)
                MorphingTime.BlessMyClothes(this); MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, 1150);
            else if (this.Hue == 0xB97)
                MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, 0xB9A);
                Item helm = new WornHumanDeco();
                helm.Name   = "skull";
                helm.ItemID = 0x1451;
                helm.Hue    = this.Hue;
                helm.Layer  = Layer.Ring;

                Item hands = new WornHumanDeco();
                hands.Name   = "bony fingers";
                hands.ItemID = 0x1450;
                hands.Hue    = this.Hue;
                hands.Layer  = Layer.Gloves;

Exemple #2
        public override void OnAfterSpawn()
            Server.Misc.IntelligentAction.ChooseFighter(this, "undead ");

            if (this.Hue == 1150)
                MorphingTime.BlessMyClothes(this); MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, 1150);
            else if (this.Hue == 0xB97)
                MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, 0xB9A);
                Item helm = new WornHumanDeco();
                helm.Name   = "skull";
                helm.ItemID = 0x1451;
                helm.Hue    = this.Hue;
                helm.Layer  = Layer.Helm;

Exemple #3
        public UrkShaman() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            BaseSoundID      = 0x45A;
            Hue              = 0x430;
            Body             = 0x190;
            Name             = NameList.RandomName("urk");
            HairItemID       = 0;
            FacialHairItemID = 0;

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 5))
            case 0: Title = "the urk shaman"; break;

            case 1: Title = "the urk witch doctor"; break;

            case 2: Title = "the urk priest"; break;

            case 3: Title = "the urk diviner"; break;

            case 4: Title = "the urk seer"; break;

            case 5: Title = "the urk theurgist"; break;

            Item helm = new WornHumanDeco();

            helm.Name   = "urkish face";
            helm.ItemID = 0x141B;
            helm.Hue    = 0x430;
            helm.Layer  = Layer.Helm;

            Robe robe = new Robe();

            robe.Name = "urkish rat fur robe";
            robe.Hue  = 0x972;
            robe.Resistances.Poison = 10;

            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4) > 1)
                QuarterStaff staff = new QuarterStaff();
                staff.Name     = "urkish staff";
                staff.ItemID   = Utility.RandomList(0xDF0, 0x13F8, 0xE89, 0x2D25);
                staff.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
                staff.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;
                staff.Hue = 0x7D1;
                ((BaseWeapon)staff).AosElementDamages.Physical = 60;
                ((BaseWeapon)staff).AosElementDamages.Poison   = 40;

                QuarterStaff stick = new QuarterStaff();
                stick.Name   = "urkish staff";
                stick.ItemID = staff.ItemID;
                stick.Hue    = 0x7D1;
                ((BaseWeapon)stick).AosElementDamages.Physical = 60;
                ((BaseWeapon)stick).AosElementDamages.Poison   = 40;

            SetStr(81, 105);
            SetDex(91, 115);
            SetInt(96, 120);

            SetHits(49, 63);

            SetDamage(5, 10);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 60);
            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Poison, 40);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 15, 20);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 5, 10);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 60, 80);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 5, 10);

            SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 75.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 75.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 75.0, 97.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 65.0, 87.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 20.2, 60.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 20.3, 60.0);

            Fame  = 6000;
            Karma = -6000;

            VirtualArmor = 16;
            PackReg(Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10));
            PackReg(Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10));
            PackReg(Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 10));
Exemple #4

        public static int SummonCarriers(Mobile m, BaseCreature b, int Heat)
            Region reg = Region.Find(m.Location, m.Map);

            if (reg.IsPartOf("Stonegate Castle") && m is AshDragon)
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                Item ashheart = new SummonItems();
                ashheart.Name   = "heart of ash";
                ashheart.ItemID = 0xF91;
                ashheart.Hue    = 0x76C;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Vault of the Black Knight") && m is WaxSculpture && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 6421, 237, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a mystical wax golem";

                Item wax = new SummonItems();
                wax.Name   = "mystical wax";
                wax.ItemID = 0x1422;
                wax.Hue    = 0x490;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Crypts of Dracula") && m is VampirePrince && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5741, 2788, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the son of Dracula";
                Server.Misc.MorphingTime.VampireDressUp(m, 605);
                Heat = 4;

                Item fang = new SummonItems();
                fang.Name   = "vampire teeth";
                fang.ItemID = 0x5738;
                fang.Hue    = 0x47E;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Lodoria Catacombs") && m is RottingCorpse && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5502, 1806, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "of the ancient king";

                Item head = new SummonItems();
                head.Name   = "face of the ancient king";
                head.ItemID = 0x1CE1;
                head.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Deceit") && m is LichLord && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5318, 749, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Talosh";
                m.Title    = "the wizard of fear";
                Heat       = 4;

                Item wand = new SummonItems();
                wand.Name   = "wand of Talosh";
                wand.ItemID = 0xDF4;
                wand.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Despise") && m is Troll && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5503, 921, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Urg";
                m.Title    = "the troll warlord";
                m.Hue      = 0xA50;
                Heat       = 6;

                Item urg = new SummonItems();
                urg.Name   = "head of Urg";
                urg.ItemID = 0x0919;
                urg.Hue    = 0xA50;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Destard") && m is ShadowWyrm && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5128, 847, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Dramulox";
                m.Title    = "of the shadows";

                Item fire = new SummonItems();
                fire.Name   = "flame of Dramulox";
                fire.ItemID = 0xDE3;
                fire.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the City of Embers") && m is LichLord && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5667, 1314, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Vorgol";
                m.Title    = "the baron of flame";
                m.Hue      = 0x9C6;
                Heat       = 4;

                Item crown = new SummonItems();
                crown.Name   = "crown of Vorgol";
                crown.ItemID = 0x3166;
                crown.Hue    = 0x9C6;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Hythloth") && m is Daemon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 6111, 84, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Saramon";
                m.Title    = "the slayer of souls";
                m.Hue      = 0x9C6;
                Heat       = 4;

                Item claw = new SummonItems();
                claw.Name   = "claw of Saramon";
                claw.ItemID = 0x5721;
                claw.Hue    = 0x9C6;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Ice Fiend Lair") && m is IceFiend && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5672, 326, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "of the frozen hells";
                m.Body     = 88;
                Heat       = 4;

                Item horn = new SummonItems();
                horn.Name   = "horn of the frozen hells";
                horn.ItemID = 0x2DB7;
                horn.Hue    = 0x480;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Shame") && m is WaterElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5596, 219, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a salt water elemental";
                m.Hue      = 0x48D;
                Heat       = 4;

                Item salt = new SummonItems();
                salt.Name   = "elemental salt";
                salt.ItemID = 0x423A;
                salt.Hue    = 0x47E;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Terathan Keep") && m is BlackDragon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5307, 1611, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("dragon");
                m.Title    = "the dragon of blight";
                m.Hue      = 0x9C4;
                Heat       = 4;

                Item plague = new SummonItems();
                plague.Name   = "eye of plagues";
                plague.ItemID = 0x3199;
                plague.Hue    = 0x9C9;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Halls of Undermountain") && m is WeedElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5332, 478, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a tangle weed";

                Item weed = new SummonItems();
                weed.Name   = "hair of the earth";
                weed.ItemID = 0xCB0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Volcanic Cave") && m is FireGiant && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5994, 3414, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Turlox";
                m.Title    = "the warlord of the sun";
                m.Hue      = 0x54F;

                Item skullsun = new SummonItems();
                skullsun.Name   = "skull of Turlox";
                skullsun.ItemID = 0x2203;
                skullsun.Hue    = 0x54F;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Mausoleum") && m is AncientLich && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 3827, 3299, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Mezlo";
                m.Title    = "of the green death";
                m.Hue      = 0x58B;

                Item mezlo = new SummonItems();
                mezlo.Name   = "tattered robe of Mezlo";
                mezlo.ItemID = 0x3174;
                mezlo.Hue    = 0x54F;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Tower of Brass") && m is ForestDemon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 6519, 3572, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "of the dark forest";
                m.Hue      = 0xA60;

                Item glood = new SummonItems();
                glood.Name   = "blood of the forest";
                glood.ItemID = 0x122A;
                glood.Hue    = 0xA60;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Vordo's Dungeon") && m is MagmaElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 6470, 466, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a wild inferno";
                m.Hue      = 0x550;

                Item inferno = new SummonItems();
                inferno.Name   = "cinders of life";
                inferno.ItemID = 0x223A;
                inferno.Hue    = 0x550;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Dragon's Maw") && m is CrystalDragon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 4498, 3924, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                Item crysts = new SummonItems();
                crysts.Name   = "crystal scales";
                crysts.ItemID = 0x2248;
                crysts.Hue    = 0xA0B;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Ancient Pyramid") && m is Lich && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5325, 957, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the pharaoh of suffering";
                m.Hue      = 0x9C7;

                Item suffer = new SummonItems();
                suffer.Name   = "chest of suffering";
                suffer.ItemID = 0x1B17;
                suffer.Hue    = 0x9C7;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Exodus") && m is Daemon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5944, 628, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the torturer from below";
                m.Hue      = 0x9D3;

                Item whip = new SummonItems();
                whip.Name   = "whip from below";
                whip.ItemID = 0x166E;
                whip.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Caverns of Poseidon") && m is WaterNaga && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5902, 1769, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("evil witch");
                m.Title    = "the naga from the deep";
                m.Hue      = 0xA09;

                Item scaly = new SummonItems();
                scaly.Name   = "scale of the sea";
                scaly.ItemID = 0x26B5;
                scaly.Hue    = 0xA09;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Clues") && m is Titan && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5971, 2232, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Marxas";
                m.Title    = "the titan of war";
                Heat       = 3;

                Item warb = new SummonItems();
                warb.Name   = "braclet of war";
                warb.ItemID = 0x4212;
                warb.Hue    = 0x9D3;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dardin's Pit") && m is WalkingReaper && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5616, 400, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("trees");
                m.Title    = "the ancient reaper";
                Heat       = 4;

                Item stump = new SummonItems();
                stump.Name   = "stump of the ancients";
                stump.ItemID = 0xE57;
                stump.Hue    = m.Hue;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Doom") && m is BloodElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5325, 331, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a dark blood elemental";
                m.Hue      = 0x5B5;

                Item dlood = new SummonItems();
                dlood.Name   = "dark blood";
                dlood.ItemID = 0x122D;
                dlood.Hue    = 0x5B5;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Fires of Hell") && m is Drake && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5712, 1280, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a firescale drake";
                m.Hue      = 0x54C;

                Item tooth = new SummonItems();
                tooth.Name   = "firescale tooth";
                tooth.ItemID = 0x5747;
                tooth.Hue    = 0x54C;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Mines of Morinia") && m is AntaurKing)
                m.EmoteHue = 123;

                Item ichor = new SummonItems();
                ichor.Name   = "ichor of Xthizx";
                ichor.ItemID = 0x2827;
                ichor.Hue    = 0xB96;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Perinian Depths") && m is VampireLord && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5918, 419, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the vampire queen";
                Server.Misc.MorphingTime.VampireDressUp(m, 606);
                Heat = 3;

                Item vamph = new SummonItems();
                vamph.Name   = "heart of a vampire queen";
                vamph.ItemID = 0x24B;
                vamph.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Dungeon of Time Awaits") && m is Daemon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 5736, 793, Map.Trammel))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the daemon of ages";
                m.Hue      = 0xA65;
                Heat       = 2;

                Item hour = new SummonItems();
                hour.Name   = "hourglass of ages";
                hour.ItemID = 0x1810;
                hour.Hue    = 0xB90;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Ancient Prison") && m is DeadWizard && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 1928, 569, Map.Malas))
                m.Body     = 0x190;
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Saramak";
                m.Title    = "the forgotten prisoner";

                Item hour = new SummonItems();
                hour.Name   = "shackles of Saramak";
                hour.ItemID = 0x1262;
                hour.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Cave of Fire") && m is Dragon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2052, 911, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("dragon");
                m.Title    = "the dragon of embers";
                m.Hue      = 0x501;
                Heat       = 4;

                Item emberh = new SummonItems();
                emberh.Name   = "mouth of embers";
                emberh.ItemID = 0x2DB4;
                emberh.Hue    = 0x501;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Cave of Souls") && m is RottingCorpse && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2466, 153, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a zombie";
                m.Title    = "of the shadegloom thief";

                Item shadeg = new SummonItems();
                shadeg.Name   = "cowl of shadegloom";
                shadeg.ItemID = 0x278F;
                shadeg.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Ankh") && m is DeadWizard && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2044, 174, Map.Malas))
                m.Body     = 0x191;
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("female");
                m.Title    = "the dutchess of virtue";

                Item dress = new SummonItems();
                dress.Name   = "wedding dress of virtue";
                dress.ItemID = 0x267F;
                dress.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Bane") && m is ToxicElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 1973, 224, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a swamp elemental";
                m.Hue      = 0xA04;

                Item lilly = new SummonItems();
                lilly.Name   = "lilly pad of the bog";
                lilly.ItemID = 0xDBC;
                lilly.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Hate") && m is VampireLord && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2229, 389, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the immortal one";
                Server.Misc.MorphingTime.VampireDressUp(m, 605);
                Heat = 4;

                Item boni = new SummonItems();
                boni.Name   = "immortal bones";
                boni.ItemID = 0x1B10;
                boni.Hue    = 0x66C;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Scorn") && m is OphidianArchmage && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2237, 812, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Sylpha";
                m.Title    = "the princess of scorn";

                Item stafs = new SummonItems();
                stafs.Name   = "staff of scorn";
                stafs.ItemID = 0x2556;
                stafs.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Torment") && m is Succubus && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 1977, 839, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Hertana";
                m.Title    = "of vile allurement";

                Item brain = new SummonItems();
                brain.Name   = "mind of allurement";
                brain.ItemID = 0x1CF0;
                brain.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Vile") && m is EvilMage && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2336, 495, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the wanderer of mystics";
                Heat       = 4;

                Item masky = new WornHumanDeco();
                masky.Name   = "mask of the ghost";
                masky.ItemID = 0x154B;
                masky.Hue    = 0x47E;
                masky.Layer  = Layer.Ring;

                Item mask = new SummonItems();
                mask.Name   = "mask of the ghost";
                mask.ItemID = 0x154B;
                mask.Hue    = 0x47E;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Wicked") && m is PoisonElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2180, 208, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "an insect swarm";
                m.Hue      = 0xA04;

                Item flies = new SummonItems();
                flies.Name   = "dead venom flies";
                flies.ItemID = 0xF34;
                flies.Hue    = 0xA04;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Wrath") && m is Reaper && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2334, 861, Map.Malas))                   // SWAMPY AREA
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a reaping willow";
                Heat       = 4;

                Item branch = new SummonItems();
                branch.Name   = "branch of the reaper";
                branch.ItemID = 0x3AD9;
                branch.Hue    = m.Hue;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Flooded Temple") && m is Kraken && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2447, 872, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a deep sea squid";
                m.Hue      = 0xA1F;

                Item ink = new SummonItems();
                ink.Name   = "ink of the deep";
                ink.ItemID = 0x1D96;
                ink.Hue    = 0x969;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Gargoyle Crypts") && m is SpectralGargoyle && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2047, 548, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a spirit";
                m.Title    = "of a gargoyle priest";

                Item ink = new SummonItems();
                ink.Name   = "amulet of the stygian abyss";
                ink.ItemID = 0x4210;
                ink.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Serpent Sanctum") && m is OphidianKnight && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2456, 498, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Siluphtis";
                m.Title    = "the guardian of the sanctum";

                Item snakes = new SummonItems();
                snakes.Name   = "skin of the guardian";
                snakes.ItemID = 0x20FE;
                snakes.Hue    = 0x842;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Tomb of the Fallen Wizard") && m is AncientLich && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 2334, 32, Map.Malas))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the fallen wizard";

                Item orbo = new SummonItems();
                orbo.Name   = "orb of the fallen wizard";
                orbo.ItemID = 0xE2E;
                orbo.Hue    = 0x4A7;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Blood Temple") && m is BloodElemental && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 701, 2537, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue    = 123;
                m.Name        = "a bloody mist";
                m.Body        = 13;
                m.Hue         = 0x5B5;
                m.BaseSoundID = 655;

                Item bcry = new SummonItems();
                bcry.Name   = "bleeding crystal";
                bcry.ItemID = 0x1F1C;
                bcry.Hue    = 0x48E;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Dungeon of the Mad Archmage") && m is Archmage && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 762, 1924, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                Item jade = new SummonItems();
                jade.Name   = "jade idol of Nesfatiti";
                jade.ItemID = 0x1224;
                jade.Hue    = 0xB93;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Tombs") && m is AncientLich && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 114, 2687, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the seeker of the words";

                Item scrab = new SummonItems();
                scrab.Name   = "scroll of Abraxus";
                scrab.ItemID = 0x227B;
                scrab.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Dungeon of the Lich King") && m is Demon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 342, 2179, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue    = 123;
                m.Body        = 9;
                m.Name        = "Permaxumus";
                m.Title       = "the ruler of the dark circle";
                m.Hue         = 0xA3A;
                m.BaseSoundID = 0x47D;

                Heat = 4;

                Item circb = new SummonItems();
                circb.Name   = "sphere of the dark circle";
                circb.ItemID = 0x573E;
                circb.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Forgotten Halls") && m is LichKing && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 56, 3245, Map.TerMur))                   // Shadow Lich already mutated
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Ulmarek";

                Heat = 0;

                Item urn = new SummonItems();
                urn.Name   = "urn of Ulmarek's ashes";
                urn.ItemID = 0x42B3;
                urn.Hue    = 0xB92;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Ice Queen Fortress") && m is IceColossus && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 266, 2801, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a greater ice elemental";

                Item frost = new SummonItems();
                frost.Name   = "crystal of everfrost";
                frost.ItemID = 0x1F19;
                frost.Hue    = 0x480;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Halls of Ogrimar") && m is OrkMage && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 950, 2335, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "of the war wizards";

                Item tablet = new SummonItems();
                tablet.Name   = "tablet of the wizard wars";
                tablet.ItemID = 0xED8;
                tablet.Hue    = 0xB8B;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Rock") && m is GargoyleOnyx && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 645, 2193, Map.TerMur))                   // Obsidian Gargoyle?
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("gargoyle name");
                m.Title    = "the gargoyle of night";

                Item garst = new SummonItems();
                garst.Name   = "stone of the night gargoyle";
                garst.ItemID = 0x364E;
                garst.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Scurvy Reef") && m is DeepSeaDevil && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 369, 3866, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Title    = "the defiler of the sea";

                Item pearl = new SummonItems();
                pearl.Name   = "pearl of Neptune";
                pearl.ItemID = 0x3199;
                pearl.Hue    = 0xA37;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Undersea Castle") && m is SeaDragon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 704, 3789, Map.TerMur))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("dragon");
                m.Title    = "the coral dragon";
                m.Hue      = 0xA07;

                Item brandy = new SummonItems();
                brandy.Name   = "Black Beard's brandy";
                brandy.ItemID = 0x4686;
                brandy.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Tomb of Kazibal") && m is Daemon && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 438, 3298, Map.TerMur))                   //  already mutated sand demon
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Tutamak";
                m.Hue      = 0x83B;
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: m.Title = "the sand devil"; break;

                case 1: m.Title = "the desert daemon"; break;

                case 2: m.Title = "the fiend of the wastes"; break;

                case 3: m.Title = "the wasteland demon"; break;

                case 4: m.Title = "the devil of the barrens"; break;

                Item lamp = new SummonItems();
                lamp.Name   = "lamp of the desert";
                lamp.ItemID = 0xA16;
                lamp.Hue    = 0x5B7;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Azure Castle") && m is Ifreet)
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = NameList.RandomName("drakkul");
                m.Title    = "the soul of azure";
                m.Hue      = 0x538;

                Item azure = new SummonItems();
                azure.Name   = "azure dust";
                azure.ItemID = 0x2DB5;
                azure.Hue    = 0x532;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Catacombs of Azerok") && m is DeadWizard)
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Azerok";
                m.Body     = 0x190;
                m.Title    = "of the Deathly Veil";

                Item skullazerok = new SummonItems();
                skullazerok.Name   = "skull of Azerok";
                skullazerok.ItemID = 0x1AE0;
                skullazerok.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("Dungeon Covetous") && m is HarpyHen)
                m.EmoteHue = 123;

                Item harpyegg = new SummonItems();
                harpyegg.Name   = "egg of the harpy hen";
                harpyegg.ItemID = 0x41BF;
                harpyegg.Hue    = 0;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Glacial Scar") && m is FrostGiant && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 1949, 1512, Map.Ilshenar))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Murgor";
                m.Title    = "the frost giant chief";
                m.Body     = 325;

                Item bone = new SummonItems();
                bone.Name   = "bone of the frost giant";
                bone.ItemID = 0x2559;
                bone.Hue    = 0x482;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Temple of Osirus") && m is Drake && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 6143, 3607, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "a silver drake";
                m.Hue      = 0x430;

                Item bone = new SummonItems();
                bone.Name   = "mind of silver";
                bone.ItemID = 0x1CF0;
                bone.Hue    = 0x9C4;
            else if (reg.IsPartOf("the Sanctum of Saltmarsh") && m is Sleestax && IsInLocation(b.Home.X, b.Home.Y, m.Map, 6132, 1337, Map.Felucca))
                m.EmoteHue = 123;
                m.Name     = "Scarthis";
                m.Title    = "the kahn of saltmarsh";
                m.Hue      = 0xB51;

                Item scale = new SummonItems();
                scale.Name   = "scale of Scarthis";
                scale.ItemID = 0x26B2;
                scale.Hue    = 0xB53;

Exemple #5
        public SoulReaper() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            Name        = "a soul reaper";
            Hue         = 0x47E;
            Body        = 0x190;
            BaseSoundID = 0x48D;

            Item hands = new WornHumanDeco();

            hands.Name   = "bony fingers";
            hands.ItemID = 0x1450;
            hands.Hue    = 0x47E;
            hands.Layer  = Layer.Gloves;

            Item feet = new WornHumanDeco();

            feet.Name   = "bony feet";
            feet.ItemID = 0x170D;
            feet.Hue    = 0x47E;
            feet.Layer  = Layer.Shoes;

            Robe robe = new Robe();

            robe.Name   = "reaper robe";
            robe.ItemID = 0x2687;
            robe.Hue    = 0x497;

            Scythe scythe = new Scythe();

            scythe.Name     = "reaper scythe";
            scythe.Hue      = 0x978;
            scythe.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
            scythe.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits = 100;
            scythe.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam = 100;
            scythe.WeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana = 100;

            SetStr(386, 400);
            SetDex(151, 165);
            SetInt(161, 175);

            SetHits(150, 200);

            SetDamage(8, 10);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 100);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 35, 45);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 25, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 25, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 10, 20);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 10, 20);

            SetSkill(SkillName.DetectHidden, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 125.0);

            Fame  = 9000;
            Karma = -9000;

            VirtualArmor = 10;
        public DemiLich() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            Name        = NameList.RandomName("evil mage");
            BaseSoundID = 0x3E9;
            Body        = 0x190;
            Title       = "the demilich";

            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1) == 1)
                Name        = NameList.RandomName("evil witch");
                Body        = 0x191;
                BaseSoundID = 0x4B0;

            Hunger = Utility.RandomColor(0);
            Thirst = 0;

            string gear  = "demilich";
            int    Rgear = Utility.RandomColor(0);
            int    Magic = 1;

            int bone = 0x48F;

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 8))
            case 0: bone = 0x48D; AddItem(new LightSource());             break;

            case 1: bone = 0x48E; AddItem(new LightSource());             break;

            case 2: bone = 0x48F; AddItem(new LightSource());             break;

            case 3: bone = 0x490; AddItem(new LightSource());             break;

            case 4: bone = 0x491; AddItem(new LightSource());             break;

            case 5: bone = 0x47E; AddItem(new LightSource());             break;

            case 6: bone = 0xB4E; break;

            case 7: bone = 0x430; Title = "the crypt thing";        Thirst = bone;  Hunger = bone;  gear = "crypt";         Magic = 3;      break;

            case 8: bone = 0x497; Title = "the dark lich";          Thirst = bone;  Hunger = bone;  gear = "dark";          Magic = 5;      break;

            Hue = bone;

            Robe robe = new Robe();

            robe.Name     = gear + " robe";
            robe.Hue      = Hunger;
            robe.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            QuarterStaff staff = new QuarterStaff();

            staff.Name     = gear + " staff";
            staff.ItemID   = Utility.RandomList(0xDF0, 0x13F8, 0xE89, 0x2D25);
            TithingPoints  = staff.ItemID;
            staff.Hue      = Thirst;
            staff.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
            staff.Attributes.SpellChanneling = 1;

            Item helm = new WornHumanDeco();

            helm.Name   = "skull";
            helm.ItemID = 0x1451;   if ((Magic == 3 || Magic == 5) && Utility.RandomBool())
                helm.ItemID = 0x4CDD;
            else if (bone == 0xB4E)
                helm.ItemID = 0x4CDB;
            helm.Hue   = bone;
            helm.Layer = Layer.Helm;

            Item hands = new WornHumanDeco();

            hands.Name   = "bony fingers";
            hands.ItemID = 0x1450;
            hands.Hue    = bone;
            hands.Layer  = Layer.Gloves;

            Item feet = new WornHumanDeco();

            feet.Name   = "bony feet";
            feet.ItemID = 0x170D;
            feet.Hue    = bone;
            feet.Layer  = Layer.Shoes;

            SetStr(466, 555);
            SetDex(146, 165);
            SetInt(666, 755);

            SetHits(450, 503);

            SetDamage(13, 18);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 0);
            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Cold, 60);
            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Energy, 40);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 40, 50);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 30, 40);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 50, 60);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 50, 60);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 40, 50);

            SetSkill(SkillName.Necromancy, 90, 110.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.SpiritSpeak, 90.0, 110.0);

            SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 90.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 90.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.SpiritSpeak, 90.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Necromancy, 90.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 150.5, 200.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 50.1, 70.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 60.1, 80.0);

            Fame  = 21000;
            Karma = -21000;

            VirtualArmor = 50;
            PackNecroReg(24, 80);

            int[] list = new int[]
                0x1B11, 0x1B12, 0x1B13, 0x1B14, 0x1B15, 0x1B16, 0x1B19, 0x1B1A, // bone parts
                0x1AE0, 0x1AE1, 0x1AE2, 0x1AE3, 0x1AE4,                         // skulls
                0x1B17, 0x1B18, 0x1B1B, 0x1B1C,                                 // ribs and spines
                0x1B09, 0x1B0A, 0x1B0B, 0x1B0C, 0x1B0D, 0x1B0E, 0x1B0F, 0x1B10, // bone piles
                0xECA, 0xECB, 0xECC, 0xECD, 0xECE, 0xECF, 0xED0, 0xED1, 0xED2   // bones

            PackItem(new BodyPart(Utility.RandomList(list)));
Exemple #7
        public SkeletalPirate() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            Name        = "a skeletal pirate";
            BaseSoundID = 451;

            Body = 0x190;
            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1) == 1)
                Body = 0x191;

            Hue = 0xB97;

            SetStr(196, 250);
            SetDex(76, 95);
            SetInt(36, 60);

            SetHits(118, 150);

            SetDamage(8, 18);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 40);
            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Cold, 60);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 35, 45);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 20, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 50, 60);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 20, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 30, 40);

            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 65.1, 80.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 85.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 85.1, 95.0);

            Fame  = 3000;
            Karma = -3000;

            VirtualArmor = 40;

            AddItem(new LongPants());
            AddItem(new FancyShirt());

            switch (Utility.Random(3))
            case 0: AddItem(new Longsword()); break;

            case 1: AddItem(new Cutlass()); break;

            case 2: AddItem(new Dagger()); break;

            MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, 0xB9A);

            Item helm = new WornHumanDeco();

            helm.Name   = "skull";
            helm.ItemID = 0x1451;
            helm.Hue    = this.Hue;
            helm.Layer  = Layer.Helm;

            Item hands = new WornHumanDeco();

            hands.Name   = "bony fingers";
            hands.ItemID = 0x1450;
            hands.Hue    = this.Hue;
            hands.Layer  = Layer.Gloves;

            Item feet = new WornHumanDeco();

            feet.Name   = "bony feet";
            feet.ItemID = 0x170D;
            feet.Hue    = this.Hue;
            feet.Layer  = Layer.Shoes;

            int[] list = new int[]
                0x1B11, 0x1B12, 0x1B13, 0x1B14, 0x1B15, 0x1B16, 0x1B19, 0x1B1A, // bone parts
                0x1AE0, 0x1AE1, 0x1AE2, 0x1AE3, 0x1AE4,                         // skulls
                0x1B17, 0x1B18, 0x1B1B, 0x1B1C,                                 // ribs and spines
                0x1B09, 0x1B0A, 0x1B0B, 0x1B0C, 0x1B0D, 0x1B0E, 0x1B0F, 0x1B10, // bone piles
                0xECA, 0xECB, 0xECC, 0xECD, 0xECE, 0xECF, 0xED0, 0xED1, 0xED2   // bones

            PackItem(new BodyPart(Utility.RandomList(list)));
Exemple #8
        public Urk() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            BaseSoundID      = 0x45A;
            Hue              = 0x430;
            Body             = 0x190;
            Name             = NameList.RandomName("urk");
            HairItemID       = 0;
            FacialHairItemID = 0;

            Item helm = new WornHumanDeco();

            helm.Name   = "urkish face";
            helm.ItemID = 0x141B;
            helm.Hue    = 0x430;
            helm.Layer  = Layer.Helm;

            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2) == 1)
                LeatherArms ratarms = new LeatherArms();
                ratarms.Name        = "urkish rat skin arms";
                ratarms.PoisonBonus = 6;
                ratarms.Hue         = 0x972;

                LeatherChest ratchest = new LeatherChest();
                ratchest.Name        = "urkish rat skin tunic";
                ratchest.PoisonBonus = 8;
                ratchest.Hue         = 0x972;

                LeatherGloves ratgloves = new LeatherGloves();
                ratgloves.Name        = "urkish rat skin gloves";
                ratgloves.PoisonBonus = 5;
                ratgloves.Hue         = 0x972;

                LeatherGorget ratgorget = new LeatherGorget();
                ratgorget.Name        = "urkish rat skin gorget";
                ratgorget.PoisonBonus = 4;
                ratgorget.Hue         = 0x972;

                LeatherLegs ratlegs = new LeatherLegs();
                ratlegs.Name        = "urkish rat skin leggings";
                ratlegs.PoisonBonus = 7;
                ratlegs.Hue         = 0x972;
                BoneChest bonechest = new BoneChest();
                bonechest.Name        = "urkish chest piece";
                bonechest.PoisonBonus = 8;
                bonechest.Hue         = 0x972;

                BoneArms bonearms = new BoneArms();
                bonearms.Name        = "urkish bracers";
                bonearms.PoisonBonus = 6;
                bonearms.Hue         = 0x972;

                BoneLegs bonelegs = new BoneLegs();
                bonelegs.Name        = "urkish leggings";
                bonelegs.PoisonBonus = 7;
                bonelegs.Hue         = 0x972;

                BoneGloves bonegloves = new BoneGloves();
                bonegloves.Name        = "urkish gauntlets";
                bonegloves.PoisonBonus = 5;
                bonegloves.Hue         = 0x972;

            Item weapon = new BattleAxe();

            switch (Utility.Random(28))
            case 0: weapon = new BattleAxe(); weapon.Name = "battle axe"; break;

            case 1: weapon = new VikingSword(); weapon.Name = "great sword"; break;

            case 2: weapon = new Halberd(); weapon.Name = "halberd"; break;

            case 3: weapon = new DoubleAxe(); weapon.Name = "double axe"; break;

            case 4: weapon = new ExecutionersAxe(); weapon.Name = "great axe"; break;

            case 5: weapon = new WarAxe(); weapon.Name = "war axe"; break;

            case 6: weapon = new TwoHandedAxe(); weapon.Name = "two handed axe"; break;

            case 7: weapon = new Cutlass(); weapon.Name = "cutlass"; break;

            case 8: weapon = new Katana(); weapon.Name = "katana"; break;

            case 9: weapon = new Kryss(); weapon.Name = "kryss"; break;

            case 10: weapon = new Broadsword(); weapon.Name = "broadsword"; break;

            case 11: weapon = new Longsword(); weapon.Name = "longsword"; break;

            case 12: weapon = new ThinLongsword(); weapon.Name = "longsword"; break;

            case 13: weapon = new Scimitar(); weapon.Name = "scimitar"; break;

            case 14: weapon = new BoneHarvester(); weapon.Name = "sickle"; break;

            case 15: weapon = new CrescentBlade(); weapon.Name = "crescent blade"; break;

            case 16: weapon = new DoubleBladedStaff(); weapon.Name = "double bladed staff"; break;

            case 17: weapon = new Pike(); weapon.Name = "pike"; break;

            case 18: weapon = new Scythe(); weapon.Name = "scythe"; break;

            case 19: weapon = new Pitchfork(); weapon.Name = "trident"; break;

            case 20: weapon = new ShortSpear(); weapon.Name = "short spear"; break;

            case 21: weapon = new Spear(); weapon.Name = "spear"; break;

            case 22: weapon = new Club(); weapon.Name = "club"; break;

            case 23: weapon = new HammerPick(); weapon.Name = "hammer pick"; break;

            case 24: weapon = new Mace(); weapon.Name = "mace"; break;

            case 25: weapon = new Maul(); weapon.Name = "maul"; break;

            case 26: weapon = new WarHammer(); weapon.Name = "war hammer"; break;

            case 27: weapon = new WarMace(); weapon.Name = "war mace"; break;

            weapon.Name = "urkish " + weapon.Name;
            weapon.Hue  = 0x7D1;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).AosElementDamages.Physical = 60;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).AosElementDamages.Poison   = 40;

            switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 5))
            case 0: Title = "the urk warrior"; break;

            case 1: Title = "the urk savage"; break;

            case 2: Title = "the urk barbarian"; break;

            case 3: Title = "the urk fighter"; break;

            case 4: Title = "the urk gladiator"; break;

            case 5: Title = "the urk berserker"; break;

            SetStr(196, 250);
            SetDex(76, 95);
            SetInt(36, 60);

            SetHits(118, 150);

            SetDamage(8, 18);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 60);
            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Poison, 40);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 35, 45);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 20, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 50, 60);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 60, 80);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 30, 40);

            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 65.1, 80.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 85.1, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 85.1, 95.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 85.1, 95.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 85.1, 95.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 85.1, 95.0);

            Fame  = 3000;
            Karma = -3000;

            VirtualArmor = 40;