public int GetSpeciesID(String genus, String species, String common) { String speciesName = genus + " " + species; int speciesID = GetSpeciesID(speciesName); if (speciesID != 0) { return(speciesID); } int taxonID = 0; int wormsID = 0; Worms.AphiaRecord record = FindSpecies(genus, species, common); if (record != null) { wormsID = record.AphiaID; GenericList gl = new GenericList(null); if (record.scientificname == null || record.scientificname.Trim() == "") { record.scientificname = "Unknown"; } taxonID = int.Parse(gl.getTaxonID(int.Parse(record.AphiaID.ToString()), record.scientificname)); AddSpecies(genus, species, common, taxonID, wormsID); } return(GetSpeciesID(speciesName)); }
public Worms.AphiaRecord FindSpecies(String Genus, String Species, String Common) { Worms.AphiaRecord record = null; if (Genus != "" && Species != "") { String search = Genus + " " + Species; record = FindSpeciesByScientificName(search); } if (record == null && Genus != "") { record = FindSpeciesByScientificName(Genus); } if (record == null && Species != "") { record = FindSpeciesByScientificName(Species); } if (record == null && Common != "") { record = FindSpeciesByCommonName(Common); } return(record); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { String name = context.Request["name"]; List <TaxonRecord> list = new List <TaxonRecord>(); // get records from worms service Worms.AphiaNameServicePortTypeClient client = new Worms.AphiaNameServicePortTypeClient(); Worms.AphiaRecord[] records = null; // check if the AphiaID is given if (name.IndexOf(':') != -1 && name.IndexOf('(') != -1 && name.IndexOf(')') != -1) { int s = name.IndexOf('('); int e = name.IndexOf(')'); int AphiaID = int.Parse(name.Substring(s + 1, e - s - 1)); Worms.AphiaRecord record = client.getAphiaRecordByID(AphiaID); if (record == null) { context.Response.Write("[]"); context.Response.End(); } List <Worms.AphiaRecord> alist = new List <Worms.AphiaRecord>(); alist.Add(record); records = alist.ToArray(); } else { records = client.getAphiaRecordsByVernacular(name, true, 0); } if (records == null) { context.Response.Write("[]"); context.Response.End(); } for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++) { Worms.AphiaRecord record = records[i]; TaxonRecord taxon = new TaxonRecord(); taxon.AphiaID = record.AphiaID; taxon.authority = record.authority; taxon.citation = record.citation; taxon.@class = record.@class; =; taxon.genus = record.genus; taxon.isBrackish = record.isBrackish; taxon.isExtinct = record.isExtinct; taxon.isFreshwater = record.isFreshwater; taxon.kingdom = record.kingdom; taxon.lsid = record.lsid; taxon.match_type = record.match_type; taxon.modified = record.modified; taxon.order = record.order; taxon.phylum = record.phylum; taxon.rank = record.rank; taxon.scientificname = record.scientificname; taxon.status = record.status; taxon.url = record.url; taxon.valid_name = record.valid_name; taxon.vernacular = "???"; list.Add(taxon); } // spawn threads to get vernacular name foreach (TaxonRecord taxon in list) { taxon.thread = new Thread(taxon.GetVernacular); taxon.thread.Start(); } // wait to all treads to complete foreach (TaxonRecord taxon in list) { taxon.thread.Join(); taxon.thread = null; } var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list); context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; context.Response.Write(json); }