public void JumpTo(WorldMapArea area) { Debug.Assert(jumpRoutine == null, "jump routine must not already be in progress"); jumpTarget = area; jumpRoutine = StartCoroutine(JumpRoutine()); }
private static bool Matches(WorldMapArea area, string[] s) { var areaname = s[0].Replace(" ", "").Replace("'", ""); return(areaname.StartsWith(area.AreaName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || area.AreaName.StartsWith(areaname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); }
private IEnumerator JumpRoutine() { Debug.Assert(Moorable.State == DockingState.InSpace); Debug.Assert(SpaceTraderConfig.WorldMap && SpaceTraderConfig.WorldMap.JumpEffectCurve != null); yield return null; //make sure this still exists.. if (!jumpTarget) { yield break; } ResetControls(); //TODO: don't just instantly go to correct rot var jumpDir = jumpTarget.transform.position.normalized; bool aimingAtTarget; do { aimingAtTarget = RotateToDirection(jumpDir); yield return null; } while (!aimingAtTarget); //cheat - snap the last bit, if any transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(jumpDir, transform.up); //disable physics RigidBody.isKinematic = true; RigidBody.angularVelocity =; RigidBody.velocity =; Collider.enabled = false; var jumpOrigin = transform.position; var jumpEnd = transform.position + (jumpDir * JUMP_DIST); var jumpCurve = SpaceTraderConfig.WorldMap.JumpEffectCurve; float jumpProgress = 0; float increment = 1 / JUMP_TIME; while (jumpProgress < 1) { float effectPos = jumpCurve.Evaluate(jumpProgress); transform.position = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(jumpOrigin, jumpEnd, effectPos); jumpProgress += Time.deltaTime * increment; yield return null; } /* this is likely to destroy or reset us, so do this last, but before JumpTarget is unset so receivers can figure out where we jumped to */ SendMessage("OnCompletedJump"); jumpTarget = null; jumpRoutine = null; }
public bool TryGet(int uiMapId, out WorldMapArea area) { if (areas.TryGetValue(uiMapId, out var map)) { area = map; return(true); } area = default; return(false); }
public static WorldMapMarker Create(WorldMapMarker prefab, WorldMapArea forArea) { var marker = (WorldMapMarker) Instantiate(prefab); marker.transform.SetParent(forArea.transform, false); marker.transform.localPosition =; marker.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; marker.forArea = forArea; marker.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("World Map"); return marker; }
public static void LoadMapsEditorFiles() { try { DbcStores.InitFiles(); WorldMapArea.LoadData(); WorldMapOverlay.LoadData(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public static void LoadPoIsEditorFiles() { try { DbcStores.InitFiles(); AreaPoi.LoadData(); AreaTable.LoadData(); DungeonMap.LoadData(); Map.LoadData(); WorldMapArea.LoadData(); WorldMapOverlay.LoadData(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private static void PopulateUIMap(WorldMapArea area, IEnumerable <string[]> uimapLines) { var kalidor = uimapLines.Where(s => s[0] == "Kalimdor").Select(s => s[1]).FirstOrDefault(); var matches = uimapLines.Where(s => Matches(area, s)) .ToList(); if (matches.Count > 1) { } if (matches.Count == 0) { } matches.ForEach(a => { area.UIMapId = int.Parse(a[1]); area.Continent = a[2] == kalidor ? "Kalimdor" : "Azeroth"; }); }
protected override void InitializeComponents() { var canvas = new Canvas(); var canvasBackTexture = Engine.Instance.Renderer.CreateTexture(MRes.UIWindow2_img_WorldMap_Border_0); canvas.Background = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = new BitmapImage() { Texture = canvasBackTexture }, Stretch = Stretch.None }; canvas.SetBinding(Canvas.WidthProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.WidthProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.SetBinding(Canvas.HeightProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.HeightProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.Parent = this; this.Content = canvas; Border title = new Border(); title.Height = 17; title.SetBinding(Canvas.WidthProperty, new Binding(Canvas.WidthProperty) { Source = canvas }); canvas.Children.Add(title); this.SetDragTarget(title); ComboBox cmbMaps = new ComboBox(); cmbMaps.Width = 150; cmbMaps.Height = 20; Canvas.SetLeft(cmbMaps, 10); Canvas.SetTop(cmbMaps, 23); cmbMaps.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.CurrentWorldMapProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.Children.Add(cmbMaps); this.CmbMaps = cmbMaps; WorldMapArea mapArea = new WorldMapArea(); mapArea.Width = 640; mapArea.Height = 480; Canvas.SetLeft(mapArea, 7); Canvas.SetTop(mapArea, 44); canvas.Children.Add(mapArea); this.SetBinding(CurrentWorldMapProperty, new Binding(Control.DataContextProperty) { Source = mapArea, Mode = BindingMode.OneWayToSource }); this.SetBinding(CurrentMapIDProperty, new Binding("CurrentMapID") { Source = mapArea, Mode = BindingMode.OneWayToSource }); this.MapArea = mapArea; Button btnBack = new Button(); btnBack.Width = 50; btnBack.Height = 20; btnBack.Content = "返回"; btnBack.Click += BtnBack_Click; Canvas.SetLeft(btnBack, 180); Canvas.SetTop(btnBack, 23); canvas.Children.Add(btnBack); this.Width = canvasBackTexture.Width; this.Height = canvasBackTexture.Height; base.InitializeComponents(); }
protected override void InitializeComponents() { var canvas = new Canvas(); var canvasBackTexture = Engine.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture(null, nameof(MRes.UIWindow2_img_WorldMap_Border_0)); canvas.Background = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = new BitmapImage() { Texture = canvasBackTexture }, Stretch = Stretch.None }; canvas.SetBinding(Canvas.WidthProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.WidthProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.SetBinding(Canvas.HeightProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.HeightProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.Parent = this; this.Content = canvas; Border title = new Border(); title.Height = 17; title.SetBinding(Canvas.WidthProperty, new Binding(Canvas.WidthProperty) { Source = canvas }); canvas.Children.Add(title); this.SetDragTarget(title); ComboBox cmbMaps = new ComboBox(); cmbMaps.Width = 150; cmbMaps.Height = 20; Canvas.SetLeft(cmbMaps, 10); Canvas.SetTop(cmbMaps, 23); cmbMaps.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.CurrentWorldMapProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.Children.Add(cmbMaps); this.CmbMaps = cmbMaps; ComboBox cmbQuestList = new ComboBox(); cmbQuestList.Width = 100; cmbQuestList.Height = 20; Canvas.SetLeft(cmbQuestList, 250); Canvas.SetTop(cmbQuestList, 23); cmbQuestList.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedIndexProperty, new Binding(UIWorldMap.SelectedQuestLimitIndexProperty) { Source = this, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay }); canvas.Children.Add(cmbQuestList); this.CmbQuestList = cmbQuestList; WorldMapArea mapArea = new WorldMapArea(); mapArea.Width = 640; mapArea.Height = 480; mapArea.InputBindings.Add(new InputBinding(new RelayCommand(MapArea_RightClick), new MouseGesture(MouseAction.RightClick))); Canvas.SetLeft(mapArea, 7); Canvas.SetTop(mapArea, 44); canvas.Children.Add(mapArea); this.SetBinding(CurrentWorldMapProperty, new Binding(Control.DataContextProperty) { Source = mapArea, Mode = BindingMode.OneWayToSource }); this.SetBinding(CurrentMapIDProperty, new Binding("CurrentMapID") { Source = mapArea, Mode = BindingMode.OneWayToSource }); this.SetBinding(SelectedQuestLimitIndexProperty, new Binding("SelectedQuestIndex") { Source = mapArea, Mode = BindingMode.OneWayToSource }); this.MapArea = mapArea; Button btnBack = new Button(); btnBack.Width = 50; btnBack.Height = 20; btnBack.Content = "返回"; btnBack.Click += BtnBack_Click; Canvas.SetLeft(btnBack, 180); Canvas.SetTop(btnBack, 23); canvas.Children.Add(btnBack); ImageButton btnClose = new ImageButton(); btnClose.Name = "Close"; btnClose.Click += BtnClose_Click; btnClose.SetResourceReference(UIElement.StyleProperty, MapRenderResourceKey.MapRenderButtonStyle); Canvas.SetRight(btnClose, 7); Canvas.SetTop(btnClose, 5); canvas.Children.Add(btnClose); this.Width = canvasBackTexture.Width; this.Height = canvasBackTexture.Height; base.InitializeComponents(); }
private IEnumerator LoadAreaRoutine(WorldMapArea area) { Debug.Assert(!MissionManager.Instance.Mission, "can't switch world scenes while in a mission"); if (IsWorldSceneActive) { var currentArea = GetCurrentArea(); SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SpaceTraderConfig.GlobalScene); yield return null; yield return SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(; } if (area) { yield return SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(, LoadSceneMode.Additive); SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByName(; yield return null; } }
public Coroutine LoadArea(WorldMapArea area) { return StartCoroutine(LoadAreaRoutine(area)); }
private IEnumerator LevelTransitionRoutine(WorldMapArea area) { yield return GUIController.Current.ShowLoadingOverlay(); yield return SpaceTraderConfig.WorldMap.LoadArea(area); transform.position =; transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; GUIController.Current.DismissLoadingOverlay(); yield return GUIController.Current.SwitchTo(ScreenID.None); }