/// <summary> /// Generates waypoints using A* /// </summary> /// <param name="Position"></param> public override void Move(Vector2 Position, WorldHandler world) { if (world.GetUnit(Position) == null && world.GetTile(Position) == null) { ResetUnit(); Target = null; } base.Move(Position, world); }
public Overlay(Game game, InputDefinitions input, WorldHandler world, CommandProccesor command) : base(game) { cp = command; this.world = world; this.input = input; cp.overlay = this; ZeroVector = Vector2.Zero; currentCursorTexture = TextureValue.Cursor; tile = world.GetTile(input.InputPos); ClickTime = 0; }
private void DrawScreen(SpriteBatch sb, int x, int y, int i) { Tile tile = null; if (x >= 0 && x < bounds.Width && y >= 0 && y < bounds.Height) { TilePos = new Vector2(x, y); //Background tiles are drawn first if (i == 0) { tile = world.GetBackgroundTile(TilePos); sb.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(tile.block.texture), (tile.Position * Tile.Zoom * 16) - (position * Tile.Zoom * 16), null, Color.White, 0, Zero, Tile.Zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } //Units are drawn second else if (i == 1) { tile = (ModifiableTile)world.GetUnit(TilePos); if (tile != null && tile.block.texture != TextureValue.None) { Texture2D texture = ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(tile.block.texture); ((BasicUnit)tile).UpdatePosition(Game.GraphicsDevice, tile.Position); sb.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(tile.block.texture), (tile.Position * Tile.Zoom * 16) - (position * Tile.Zoom * 16), null, Color.White, 0, Zero, Tile.Zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0); DrawHealth(sb, (ModifiableTile)tile); } } //Draw buildings third else { tile = world.GetTile(TilePos); if (tile != null && tile.block.texture != TextureValue.None) { Texture2D texture = ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(tile.block.texture); tile.UpdatePosition(Game.GraphicsDevice, tile.Position); sb.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(tile.block.texture), (tile.Position * Tile.Zoom * 16) - (position * Tile.Zoom * 16), null, Color.White, 0, Zero, Tile.Zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0); if (!(tile is IHarvestable)) { DrawHealth(sb, (ModifiableTile)tile); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// set a spawn point if the spawnmarker isn't null otherwise set the spawn marker /// </summary> /// <param name="position"></param> /// <param name="building"></param> internal void SetSpawnPoint(Vector2 position, Building building) { if (SpawnMarker != null) { spawnMarkerBuilding.SetSpawn(position); SpawnMarker = null; spawnMarkerBuilding = null; } else { SpawnMarker = ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(TextureValue.SpawnPoint); ModifiableTile tile = world.GetTile(position); if (tile is ReferenceTile) { tile = ((ReferenceTile)tile).tile; } spawnMarkerBuilding = (Building)tile; } }
/// <summary> /// Generates waypoints using A* /// </summary> /// <param name="Position"></param> public virtual void Move(Vector2 Position, WorldHandler world) { Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(); Vector2 selectedPosition = Position; float closestDistance = 0; if (Target != null && Target is IEntity) { for (int y = -1; y <= Target.Size.Y; y++) { for (int x = -1; x <= Target.Size.X; x++) { if (x == -1 || y == -1 || x == Target.Size.X || y == Target.Size.Y) { newPosition = Position + new Vector2(x, y); float currentDistance = Vector2.Distance(newPosition, this.Position); if (world.GetUnit(newPosition) == null && world.GetTile(newPosition) == null && (closestDistance == 0 || closestDistance > currentDistance)) { closestDistance = currentDistance; selectedPosition = newPosition; DistanceFromPosition = new Vector2(x, y); } } } } } waypoints.Clear(); waypoints = aStar.FindPath(this.Position, selectedPosition, world, waypoints); if (waypoints.Count > 0) { nextPoint = waypoints[0]; } else { nextPoint = Position; } TargetPosition = Position; }
private Command OnMapAction(Vector2 currentPos) { if (input.CheckInput(Controls.Select)) { clicked = true; if (cc.SelectedBuild != null) { return(new BuildCommand(cc.SelectedBuild, wh, (CurrentPos).ToPoint().ToVector2())); } else if (cc.SpawnMarker != null) { return(new SetSpawnPointCommand(currentPos)); } else { ModifiableTile tile = null; if (tile == null) { tile = wh.GetTile(CurrentPos); } if (tile is ReferenceTile) { tile = ((ReferenceTile)tile).tile; } if (tile == null) { try { tile = (ModifiableTile)wh.GetUnit(CurrentPos); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { }//Prevents a crash if there aren't any units at this point } if (tile != null) { if (tile is IEntity) { SelectedUnitDisplay(tile); } if (tile is BasicUnit && tile.TeamAssociation == cc.Team) { AddQueueables(tile); return(new SelectCommand((IUnit)tile)); } else if (tile is Building) { AddQueueables(tile); } SelectedUnitDisplay(tile); } } } else if (input.CheckInput(Controls.Interact)) { clicked = true; Tile tile = wh.GetTile(CurrentPos); if (tile is ReferenceTile) { tile = ((ReferenceTile)tile).tile; } if (tile is IHarvestable) { return(new AttackCommand((IEntity)tile)); } else if (tile is Building) { if (((ModifiableTile)tile).TeamAssociation == cc.Team) { if (((Building)tile).CurrentHealth >= ((Building)tile).TotalHealth) { return(new GarrisonCommand((Building)tile)); } else { return(new RepairCommand((Building)tile)); //Should be a repair command Garrison at the moment will cause the buildings to be repaired....needs to be updated later } } else { return(new AttackCommand((IEntity)tile)); } } else { IUnit unit = wh.GetUnit(CurrentPos); if (unit != null) { return(new AttackCommand(unit)); } else { return(new Movecommand((CurrentPos).ToPoint().ToVector2())); } } } else if (input.CheckRelease(Controls.Select)) { Vector2 startPoint = camera.ConvertToWorldSpace(input.StartPosition); Vector2 endPoint = camera.ConvertToWorldSpace(input.EndPosition); List <IUnit> unitSelection = new List <IUnit>(); Vector2 tempStart = startPoint; Vector2 tempEnd = endPoint; bool UnitsTheSame = true; #region Fix Start/End points int startY = (int)startPoint.Y > endPoint.Y ? (int)endPoint.Y : (int)startPoint.Y; //If the endpoint is above the start point flip it int startX = (int)startPoint.X > endPoint.X ? (int)endPoint.X : (int)startPoint.X; //if the end point is left of the start point flip it int endY = (int)startPoint.Y == startY ? (int)endPoint.Y : (int)startPoint.Y; //if the start point is the start point stay the same if not flip int endX = (int)startPoint.X == startX ? (int)endPoint.X : (int)startPoint.X; //^ #endregion for (int y = (int)startY; y < endY; y++) { for (int x = (int)startX; x < endX; x++) { IUnit unit = wh.GetUnit(new Vector2(x, y)); if (unit != null) { unitSelection.Add(unit); } } } if (unitSelection.Count > 0) { if (unitSelection.Where(l => l.GetType() != unitSelection[0].GetType()).Count() > 0) // if there are any units not like the first unit in the list they aren't the same otherwise they are { UnitsTheSame = false; } } if (UnitsTheSame && unitSelection.Count > 0) { AddQueueables((Tile)unitSelection[0]); if (unitSelection.Count == 1) { SelectedUnitDisplay((ModifiableTile)unitSelection[0]); } else { displaySelectedUnits(unitSelection); } } if (unitSelection.Count > 0) { return(new SelectCommand(unitSelection)); } } return(null); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { tile = world.GetTile(cp.camera.ConvertToWorldSpace(input.InputPos)); if (tile == null) { tile = (ModifiableTile)world.GetUnit(input.InputPos); } if (tile != null) { if (tile is ReferenceTile) { tile = ((ReferenceTile)tile).tile; } if (tile != null && tile.TeamAssociation != CommandComponent.ID) //HACK if I add multiple players this might change but ID's at the moment this will work { if (tile is IHarvestable) { currentCursorTexture = TextureValue.HarvestPower; } else { currentCursorTexture = TextureValue.Damage; } } else { if (tile is Building) { currentCursorTexture = TextureValue.BuildPower; } else { currentCursorTexture = TextureValue.Cursor; } } } else { currentCursorTexture = TextureValue.Cursor; } spriteBatch.Begin(); ComponentOverlay(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(TextureValue.Overlay), Vector2.Zero, Color.White); DrawMap(spriteBatch); DrawText(spriteBatch); foreach (CommandButton button in components.Where(l => l is CommandButton))//For all queueable objects if you can afford it, it shows up normally if not it shows up red { if (button.command is BuildSelectCommand) { if (!cp.cc.CheckCost(((BuildSelectCommand)button.command).build)) { button.Color = Color.Red; } else { button.Color = Color.White; } } } base.Draw(spriteBatch); if (description.drawComponent) { spriteBatch.Draw(description.picture, description.Position, description.Color); spriteBatch.DrawString(ContentHandler.Font, description.Text, description.Position, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } if (currentCursorTexture == TextureValue.Cursor) { if (cp.clicked) { spriteBatch.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(currentCursorTexture), input.InputPos, null, Color.Yellow, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 0.25f, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(currentCursorTexture), input.InputPos, null, Color.Red, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 0.25f, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } } else { if (cp.clicked) { spriteBatch.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(currentCursorTexture), input.InputPos, null, Color.Green, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 0.25f, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(ContentHandler.DrawnTexture(currentCursorTexture), input.InputPos, null, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(0, 0), 0.25f, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } } spriteBatch.End(); }