public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num) { byte doorAction = ReadByte(readBuffer); int x = (int)ReadInt16(readBuffer); int y = (int)ReadInt16(readBuffer); int doorDirection = (ReadByte(readBuffer) == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (doorAction == 0) { WorldGen.OpenDoor(x, y, doorDirection); } else if (doorAction == 1) { WorldGen.CloseDoor(x, y, true); } NewNetMessage.SendData(19, -1, whoAmI, String.Empty, (int)doorAction, (float)x, (float)y, (float)((doorDirection == 1) ? 1 : 0), 0); }
public DoorOpeningHelper.DoorCloseAttemptResult TryCloseDoor( DoorOpeningHelper.DoorOpenCloseTogglingInfo info, DoorOpeningHelper.PlayerInfoForClosingDoors playerInfo) { Point coordsForToggling = info.tileCoordsForToggling; Tile tile = Main.tile[coordsForToggling.X, coordsForToggling.Y]; if (! || tile.type != (ushort)11) { return(DoorOpeningHelper.DoorCloseAttemptResult.DoorIsInvalidated); } int num = (int)tile.frameX % 72 / 18; Rectangle rectangle1 = new Rectangle(coordsForToggling.X * 16, coordsForToggling.Y * 16, 16, 48); switch (num) { case 1: rectangle1.X -= 16; break; case 2: rectangle1.X += 16; break; } rectangle1.Inflate(1, 0); Rectangle rectangle2 = Rectangle.Intersect(rectangle1, playerInfo.hitboxToNotCloseDoor); if (rectangle2.Width > 0 || rectangle2.Height > 0) { return(DoorOpeningHelper.DoorCloseAttemptResult.StillInDoorArea); } if (!WorldGen.CloseDoor(coordsForToggling.X, coordsForToggling.Y, false)) { return(DoorOpeningHelper.DoorCloseAttemptResult.FailedToCloseDoor); } NetMessage.SendData(13, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, Main.myPlayer, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0); NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, (NetworkText)null, 1, (float)coordsForToggling.X, (float)coordsForToggling.Y, 1f, 0, 0, 0); return(DoorOpeningHelper.DoorCloseAttemptResult.ClosedDoor); }
public DoorCloseAttemptResult TryCloseDoor(DoorOpenCloseTogglingInfo info, PlayerInfoForClosingDoors playerInfo) { Point tileCoordsForToggling = info.tileCoordsForToggling; Tile tile = Main.tile[tileCoordsForToggling.X, tileCoordsForToggling.Y]; if (! || tile.type != 11) { return(DoorCloseAttemptResult.DoorIsInvalidated); } int num = tile.frameX % 72 / 18; Rectangle value = new Rectangle(tileCoordsForToggling.X * 16, tileCoordsForToggling.Y * 16, 16, 48); switch (num) { case 1: value.X -= 16; break; case 2: value.X += 16; break; } value.Inflate(1, 0); Rectangle rectangle = Rectangle.Intersect(value, playerInfo.hitboxToNotCloseDoor); if (rectangle.Width > 0 || rectangle.Height > 0) { return(DoorCloseAttemptResult.StillInDoorArea); } if (WorldGen.CloseDoor(tileCoordsForToggling.X, tileCoordsForToggling.Y)) { NetMessage.SendData(13, -1, -1, null, Main.myPlayer); NetMessage.SendData(19, -1, -1, null, 1, tileCoordsForToggling.X, tileCoordsForToggling.Y, 1f); return(DoorCloseAttemptResult.ClosedDoor); } return(DoorCloseAttemptResult.FailedToCloseDoor); }
public bool Read(int bufferId, int start, int length) { var buffer = NetMessage.buffer[bufferId]; byte kind = buffer.reader.ReadByte(); int x = (int)buffer.reader.ReadInt16(); int y = (int)buffer.reader.ReadInt16(); if (!WorldGen.InWorld(x, y, 3)) { return(true); } int direction = (buffer.reader.ReadByte() == 0) ? -1 : 1; var args = new TDSMHookArgs.BarrierStateChange() { X = x, Y = y, Direction = direction, Kind = kind }; var ctx = new HookContext() { Sender = Main.player[bufferId], Player = Main.player[bufferId] }; TDSMHookPoints.BarrierStateChange.Invoke(ref ctx, ref args); if (ctx.Result == HookResult.DEFAULT) { if (kind == 0) { WorldGen.OpenDoor(x, y, direction); } else if (kind == 1) { WorldGen.CloseDoor(x, y, true); } else if (kind == 2) { WorldGen.ShiftTrapdoor(x, y, direction == 1, 1); } else if (kind == 3) { WorldGen.ShiftTrapdoor(x, y, direction == 1, 0); } else if (kind == 4) { WorldGen.ShiftTallGate(x, y, false); } else if (kind == 5) { WorldGen.ShiftTallGate(x, y, true); } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData((int)Packet.BARRIER_STATE_CHANGE, -1, bufferId, "", (int)kind, (float)x, (float)y, (float)((direction == 1) ? 1 : 0)); } } else if (ctx.Result == HookResult.RECTIFY) { if (Main.netMode == 2) { //Teleport ctx.Player.Teleport(args.Position); //I would think to send the real door state if (kind == 0) { kind = 1; } else if (kind == 1) { kind = 0; } else if (kind == 2) { kind = 3; } else if (kind == 3) { kind = 2; } else if (kind == 4) { kind = 5; } else if (kind == 5) { kind = 4; } if (Main.netMode == 2) { NetMessage.SendData((int)Packet.BARRIER_STATE_CHANGE, -1, bufferId, "", (int)kind, (float)x, (float)y, (float)((direction == 1) ? 1 : 0)); } } } return(true); }
public override void PreUpdate() { if (logoTimer == 80) { Revolutions.bluePrintManager = new BluePrintManager(mod); } if (Main.playerInventory && Revolutions.bluePrintManager != null) { Revolutions.bluePrintManager.Update(); } if (!starFlareStatus) { starFlareColor = new Color(126, 171, 243); } else { starFlareColor = Helper.SFCtypeToColor(starFlareColorType); } if (Revolutions.Settings.spcolor) { spname = Helper.Name2Specialname(; } else { spname = "none"; } //过去的属性 for (int j = 600; j > 0; j--) { pastPosition[j] = pastPosition[j - 1]; pastCenter[j] = pastCenter[j - 1]; pastSpeed[j] = pastSpeed[j - 1]; pastLife[j] = pastLife[j - 1]; pastMana[j] = pastMana[j - 1]; starFlare[j] = starFlare[j - 1]; corePower[j] = corePower[j - 1]; } for (int i = 0; i < npctalk.Count; i++) { if (npctalk[i].timer > 0) { npctalk[i].timer--; } else { npctalk.RemoveAt(i); } } pastPosition[0] = player.position; pastCenter[0] = player.Center; pastSpeed[0] = player.velocity; pastLife[0] = player.statLife; pastMana[0] = player.statMana; if (talkActive > 0) { talkActive--; } //周期性事件 if (timer == 60) { timer = 0; justDmgcounter = 0; sLifeStealcounter = 0; } else { timer++; } //周期性事件 if (timer % 20 == 0 && timer != 0) { if (starFlare[0] + 1 > maxStarFlare) { starFlare[0] = maxStarFlare; } else { starFlare[0] += 1; } } if (timer == 30 || timer == 60) { if (hitcounter == 0 && nowBoss != null && difficulty < 100) { difficulty++; } } if (nowBoss == null) { difficulty = 50; } //自动开关门 if (Revolutions.Settings.autodoor) { for (int i = 0; i < justOpenDoors.Count; i++) { var door = justOpenDoors.ToArray()[i]; if (Vector2.Distance(door.ToVector2(), Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).ToVector2()) >= 3) { WorldGen.CloseDoor(door.X, door.Y); justOpenDoors.RemoveAt(i); } } if (Main.tile[Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X + 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y].type == TileID.ClosedDoor) { if (!WorldGen.OpenDoor(Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X + 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y, player.direction)) { WorldGen.OpenDoor(Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X + 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y, -player.direction); } justOpenDoors.Add(new Point(Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X + 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y)); } if (Main.tile[Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X - 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y].type == TileID.ClosedDoor) { if (!WorldGen.OpenDoor(Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X - 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y, player.direction)) { WorldGen.OpenDoor(Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X - 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y, -player.direction); } justOpenDoors.Add(new Point(Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).X - 1, Helper.ToTilesPos(player.Center).Y)); } } }