protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = WorkbookFullName.Get(context); string workbookName = string.Empty; ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().DisplayAlerts = false; // bool needToOpen = NeedToOpen.Get(context); if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Workbook file do not exist, Error in activity CellValue_Copy", LogLevel.Error); context.Abort(); } if (NeedToOpen == true) { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string cell = Cell.Get(context); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(workbookName, worksheetName, cell).Copy(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity CellValue_Copy", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; string workbookFullName = WorkbookFullName.Get(context); string workbookName = string.Empty; //bool needToSave = NeedToSave.Get(context); //bool needToClose = NeedToClose.Get(context); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().DisplayAlerts = false; if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Workbook file do not exist, Error in activity CellValue_Paste", LogLevel.Error); context.Abort(); } string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string cell = Cell.Get(context); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(workbookName, worksheetName, cell).PasteSpecial(PasteType); //if (PasteValuesOnly) //{ // ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(WorkbookName, WorksheetName, Cell).PasteSpecial(XlPasteType.xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats); //} //else //{ // ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(WorkbookName, WorksheetName, Cell).PasteSpecial(); //} if (NeedToSave == true) { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorkbookByName(workbookName, true).Save(); } if (NeedToClose == true) { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorkbookByName(workbookName, true).Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Execute", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); if (!workbookFullName.Contains(".")) { workbookFullName = workbookFullName + ".xlsx"; } if (!File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Worksheet_Exists", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } else { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); string workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); dynamic worksheets = workBookObject.Worksheets; bool value = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; Exists.Set(context, value); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Worksheet_Exists", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
//Need to download and install protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string strFilePath = FilePath.Get(context); //string strFilePath = FilePath; string workbookName = FilePath.Get(context); // string workbookName = FilePath; // bool bIsHeader = IsHeader.Get(context); ReadExcelData(workSheetName, strFilePath, workbookName, IsHeader, context); }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); int NoRowsCounts = NoRows.Get(context); int PostionsCounts = Position.Get(context); string workbookName = string.Empty; if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); Workbook workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, workSheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { workBookObject.Close(); if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("\"" + workSheetName + "\" worksheet does not exist in activity Excel_Insert_Delete_Rows", LogLevel.Error); } else { Worksheet xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[workSheetName]; if (mode == Mode.Add) { for (int i = 0; i < NoRowsCounts; i++) { xlWorksheet.Rows[PostionsCounts].Insert(XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown); } } else if (mode == Mode.Delete) { for (int i = 0; i < NoRowsCounts; i++) { xlWorksheet.Rows[PostionsCounts].Delete(XlDeleteShiftDirection.xlShiftUp); } } workBookObject.Save(); workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Insert_Delete_Rows", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Insert_Delete_Rows", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); Range xlRange = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; object[,] TwoDimensionalArray = null; DataTable inputDt = null; try { string workbookName = string.Empty; // Workbook xlWorkbook = null; Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { Status.Set(context, false); if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Row_Write", LogLevel.Error); } else { xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[workSheetName]; inputDt = Value.Get(context); int totalRows = inputDt.Rows.Count; int totalColumns = inputDt.Columns.Count; string startingCell = StartingCell.Get(context); if (null == startingCell) { startingCell = "A1"; } String endingNum = startingCell.Substring(1); int rangeEnd = totalRows - 1 + int.Parse(endingNum); string colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(totalColumns); string endingCell = colLetter + rangeEnd; TwoDimensionalArray = ExcelHelper.Shared.ConvertDataTableToArray(inputDt); if (null == inputDt) { Status.Set(context, false); } else { xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[startingCell, endingCell]; xlRange.Value = TwoDimensionalArray; workBookObject.Save(); Status.Set(context, true); } if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Status.Set(context, false); Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Row_Write", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Status.Set(context, false); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Row_Write", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); ExcelObject.Range xlRange = null; dynamic workBookObject = null; DataTable inputDt = null; try { string workbookName = string.Empty; ExcelObject._Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { Result.Set(context, false); workBookObject.Close(); if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Range_Write", LogLevel.Error); } else { inputDt = Value.Get(context); xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[workSheetName]; string startingCell = StartingCell.Get(context); if (startingCell == null) { startingCell = "A1"; } int totalRows = inputDt.Rows.Count; int totalColumns = inputDt.Columns.Count; //String endAlpa = startingCell.Substring(0); String endAlpa = new String(startingCell.Where(c => Char.IsLetter(c)).ToArray()).ToUpper(); int rangeEndColNum = ExcelHelper.Shared.NumberFromExcelColumn(endAlpa) - 1 + totalColumns; string colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(rangeEndColNum); String endNum = new String(startingCell.Where(c => Char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray()); int rangeEndNum = int.Parse(endNum) - 1 + totalRows; string endingCell = colLetter + rangeEndNum; if (null == inputDt) { Result.Set(context, false); } else { object[,] TwoDimensionalArray = ExcelHelper.Shared.ConvertDataTableToArray(inputDt); xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[startingCell, endingCell]; xlRange.Value = TwoDimensionalArray; Result.Set(context, true); var range = xlWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1"); range.Select(); workBookObject.Save(); } if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Result.Set(context, false); Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Range_Write", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Result.Set(context, false); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Range_Write", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } finally { ReleaseObject(xlRange); //if (NeedToClose == true) //{ // ReleaseObject(workBookObject); //} } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { bool excelFileVisible = false; string cutCopyModeFilePath = CutCopyModeFilePath.Get(context); if (File.Exists(cutCopyModeFilePath)) { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(cutCopyModeFilePath); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; string workbookNamecutCopyMode = string.Empty; workbookNamecutCopyMode = Path.GetFileName(cutCopyModeFilePath); string worksheetNamecutCopyMode = CutCopyModeWorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic workBookObjectcutCopyMode = null; workBookObjectcutCopyMode = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(cutCopyModeFilePath); bool sheetExistcutCopyMode = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookNamecutCopyMode, worksheetNamecutCopyMode, false) != null; if (false == sheetExistcutCopyMode) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObjectcutCopyMode.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetNamecutCopyMode + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_CopyPaste", LogLevel.Error); } else { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; string workbookName = string.Empty; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = null; workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); workBookObjectcutCopyMode.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_CopyPaste", LogLevel.Error); } else { string cells = Cells.Get(context); string cellsCutCopyMode = CutCopyModeCells.Get(context); Range xlRange = null; Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; Worksheet xlWorksheetCutCopyMode = null; bool result = false; workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[worksheetName]; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[cells]; xlWorksheetCutCopyMode = workBookObjectcutCopyMode.Sheets[worksheetNamecutCopyMode]; Range xlRangeCutCopyMode = xlWorksheetCutCopyMode.Range[cellsCutCopyMode]; Range cutCopyRange = xlRangeCutCopyMode; Range insertRange = xlRange; cutCopyRange.Copy(); string pt = ToDescriptionString(PasteType); XlPasteType ptEnum = (XlPasteType)Enum.Parse(typeof(XlPasteType), pt); result = insertRange.PasteSpecial(ptEnum, XlPasteSpecialOperation.xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, false, false); if (cutCopyModeFilePath.Equals(workbookFullName)) { var range = xlWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1"); range.Select(); workBookObject.Save(); } if (!cutCopyModeFilePath.Equals(workbookFullName)) { workBookObjectcutCopyMode.Close(); workBookObject.Save(); var range = xlWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1"); range.Select(); workBookObject.Save(); } Result.Set(context, result); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_CopyPaste", LogLevel.Error); } } } else { if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + cutCopyModeFilePath + "\" in activity Excel_CopyPaste", LogLevel.Error); } //if (!ContinueOnError) //{ // context.Abort(); //} } catch (Exception ex) { Result.Set(context, false); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_CopyPaste", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string strFilePath = FilePath.Get(context); string workbookName = FilePath.Get(context); Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; Range xlRange = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; try { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(strFilePath)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(strFilePath); workbookName = Path.GetFileName(strFilePath); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); Workbook xlWorkbook = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(strFilePath); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, workSheetName, false) != null; dynamic worksheets = xlWorkbook.Worksheets; dynamic worksheetObject = null; DataTable dt = TableToWrite.Get(context); if (dt == null) { xlWorkbook.Close(); if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Table To Write parameter(Datatable) is null in activity Excel_Append", LogLevel.Error); } else { if (false == sheetExist) { worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(); worksheetObject.Name = workSheetName; } object[,] TwoDimensionalArray = null; string colLetter = String.Empty; string endingCell = String.Empty; int rangeEnd = 0; xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[workSheetName]; Range xlRangeExcel = xlWorksheet.UsedRange; int rowCountExcel = xlRangeExcel.Rows.Count; if (1 != rowCountExcel) { rowCountExcel = rowCountExcel + 1; } int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; int colCount = dt.Columns.Count; if (IsHeader == true) { rangeEnd = rowCount + rowCountExcel; TwoDimensionalArray = ConvertDataTableToArray(dt); } else { rangeEnd = rowCount + rowCountExcel - 1; TwoDimensionalArray = ExcelHelper.Shared.ConvertDataTableToArray(dt); } colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(colCount); endingCell = colLetter + rangeEnd; string startingCell = "A" + rowCountExcel; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[startingCell, endingCell]; xlRange.Value = TwoDimensionalArray; var range = xlWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1"); range.Select(); xlWorkbook.Save(); if (NeedToClose == true) { xlWorkbook.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { xlWorkbook.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { xlWorkbook.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(strFilePath); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + strFilePath + "\" in activity Excel_Append", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Append", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic result = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; string workbookName = string.Empty; Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; Range xlRange = null; try { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string startingCell = StartingCell.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Read_Single_Row", LogLevel.Error); } else { // xlWorkbook = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[workSheetName]; int totalColumns = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; int totalRows = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; string rowLetter = startingCell.Substring(1); String newStr = startingCell.Substring(1); Range lastCell = xlWorksheet.Cells[int.Parse(newStr), totalColumns]; if (lastCell.Value2 == null) { lastCell = lastCell.End[XlDirection.xlToLeft]; } int lastColumn = lastCell.Column; string colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(lastColumn); string endingCell = colLetter + newStr; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[startingCell, endingCell]; result = xlRange.Value; IEnumerable <object> rs = ((System.Collections.IEnumerable)result).Cast <object>(); Value.Set(context, rs); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Read_Single_Row", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Value.Set(context, null); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Read_Single_Row", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } finally { ReleaseObject(xlRange); } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workbookName = string.Empty; bool excelFileVisible = false; if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string cell = Cell.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { workBookObject.Close(); if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("\"" + worksheetName + "\" worksheet does not exist in activity Excel_CellValue_Write", LogLevel.Error); } else { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(workbookName, worksheetName, cell).Value = Value.Get(context); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorkbookByName(workbookName, true).Save(); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:" + workbookFullName + " in activity Excel_CellValue_Write", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_CellValue_Write", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string workbookName = string.Empty; bool excelFileVisible = false; if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); //// //FileStream stream = null; //try //{ // stream = File.Open(workbookFullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); //} //catch (IOException ex) //{ // ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedWorkbook(workbookName); //} //finally //{ // if (stream != null) // stream.Close(); //} //// ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { workBookObject.Close(); if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_CellValue_Clear", LogLevel.Error); } else { string cell = Cell.Get(context); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(workbookName, worksheetName, cell).ClearContents(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetRange(workbookName, worksheetName, cell).Clear(); workBookObject.Save(); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_CellValue_Clear", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_CellValue_Clear", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string strFilePath = FilePath.Get(context); string workbookName = FilePath.Get(context); Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; Range xlRange = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; try { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(strFilePath)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(strFilePath); workbookName = Path.GetFileName(strFilePath); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); Workbook xlWorkbook = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(strFilePath); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, workSheetName, false) != null; dynamic worksheets = xlWorkbook.Worksheets; dynamic worksheetObject = null; DataTable dt = TableToWrite.Get(context); if (dt == null) { xlWorkbook.Close(); if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Table To Write parameter(Datatable) is null in activity Excel_WriteFile", LogLevel.Error); } else { if (false == sheetExist) { worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(); worksheetObject.Name = workSheetName; } object[,] TwoDimensionalArray = null; string colLetter = String.Empty; string endingCell = String.Empty; int rangeEnd = 0; xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[workSheetName]; int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; int colCount = dt.Columns.Count; if (IsHeader == true) { rangeEnd = 1 + rowCount; TwoDimensionalArray = ConvertDataTableToArray(dt); } else { rangeEnd = rowCount; TwoDimensionalArray = ExcelHelper.Shared.ConvertDataTableToArray(dt); } colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(colCount); endingCell = colLetter + rangeEnd; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range["A1", endingCell]; xlRange.Value = TwoDimensionalArray; var range = xlWorksheet.get_Range("A1", "A1"); range.Select(); xlWorkbook.Save(); if (true == NeedToClose) { xlWorkbook.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { xlWorkbook.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { xlWorkbook.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(strFilePath); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + strFilePath + "\" in activity Excel_WriteFile", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_WriteFile", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } finally { //rule of thumb for releasing com objects: // never use two dots, all COM objects must be referenced and released individually // ex: [somthing].[something].[something] is bad //release com objects to fully kill excel process from running in the background //if(xlRange != null) // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlRange); //if (xlWorksheet != null) // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorksheet); //if (xlWorkbook != null) //{ // //close and release // xlWorkbook.Close(); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlWorkbook); //} //if (xlApp != null) //{ // //quit and release // xlApp.Quit(); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); //} //GC.Collect(); //GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); if (!workbookFullName.Contains(".")) { workbookFullName = workbookFullName + ".xlsx"; } // string before = BeforeWorksheet.Get(context); string after = AfterWorksheet.Get(context); if (!File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { Logger.Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist :" + workbookFullName + " in activity Excel_Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } else { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = string.Empty; string workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); dynamic worksheets = workBookObject.Worksheets; dynamic worksheetObject = null; if (WorksheetName != null) { worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); } // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(after)) //{ bool AfterWorkSheetfound = false; // Loop through all worksheets in the workbook foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet sheet in workBookObject.Worksheets) { // Check the name of the current sheet if (sheet.Name == after) { AfterWorkSheetfound = true; break; // Exit the loop now } } if (false == AfterWorkSheetfound) { after = null; } // } bool value = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (value == false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(after) || false == AfterWorkSheetfound) { worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(after) || false == AfterWorkSheetfound) { dynamic afterworksheet = worksheets.Item(after); worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(Type.Missing, afterworksheet, 1, Type.Missing); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetName)) { worksheetObject.Name = worksheetName; } workBookObject.Save(); } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet is already exists in activity Excel_Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Info); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } //bool value = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; //if (value == false) //{ // //if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(before))&&(string.IsNullOrEmpty(after))) // //{ // // worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(); // //} // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(after)) // { // worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(); // } // //else if((string.IsNullOrEmpty(before)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(after))) // //{ // // dynamic afterworksheet = worksheets.Item(after); // // //if(afterworksheet == null) // // //{ // // // Log.Logger.LogData("Error in getting after worksheet " + " in activity Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); // // // context.Abort(); // // //} // // worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(Type.Missing, afterworksheet, 1, Type.Missing); // //} // else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(after)) // { // dynamic afterworksheet = worksheets.Item(after); // //if(afterworksheet == null) // //{ // // Log.Logger.LogData("Error in getting after worksheet " + " in activity Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); // // context.Abort(); // //} // worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(Type.Missing, afterworksheet, 1, Type.Missing); // } // //else if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(before)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(after))) // //{ // // dynamic beforeworksheet = worksheets.Item(before); // // //if (beforeworksheet == null) // // //{ // // // Log.Logger.LogData("Error in getting before worksheet " + " in activity Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); // // // context.Abort(); // // //} // // worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(beforeworksheet, Type.Missing, 1, Type.Missing); // //} // //else if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(before)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(after))) // //{ // // dynamic beforeworksheet = worksheets.Item(before); // // //if (beforeworksheet == null) // // //{ // // // Log.Logger.LogData("Error in getting before worksheet " + " in activity Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); // // //} // // dynamic afterworksheet = worksheets.Item(after); // // //if (afterworksheet == null) // // //{ // // // Log.Logger.LogData("Error in getting after worksheet " + " in activity Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); // // // context.Abort(); // // //} // // worksheetObject = worksheets.Add(beforeworksheet, afterworksheet, 1, Type.Missing); // //} // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(worksheetName)) // { // worksheetObject.Name = worksheetName; // } // //if (NeedToSave == true) // //{ // // if ((workBookObject != null) && (worksheetObject != null)) // // { // workBookObject.Save(); // // } // //} //} //else //{ // Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet is already exists in activity Excel_Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Info); //} //if (NeedToClose == true) //{ // if ((workBookObject != null) && (worksheetObject != null)) // { // workBookObject.Close(); // if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) // { // ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); // } // } //} if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Worksheet_Create", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic result = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; string workbookName = string.Empty; Range xlRange = null; Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; Range xlRows = null; DataTable outputDT = null; try { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); } else { xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[workSheetName]; int totalColumns = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; int totalRows = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; int startingRow = StartingRow.Get(context); int endingRow = EndingRow.Get(context); string range = null; string colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(totalColumns); string startingCell = null; string endingCell = null; if (0 != startingRow && 0 != endingRow && startingRow == endingRow) { Log.Logger.LogData("Starting Row and Ending Row must be different in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); } else { if (0 == startingRow && 0 == endingRow) { // range = 1 + ":" + totalRows; startingCell = "A1"; endingCell = colLetter + totalRows; } else if (0 != startingRow && 0 == endingRow) { //range = startingRow + ":" + totalRows; startingCell = "A" + startingRow; endingCell = colLetter + totalRows; } else if (0 == startingRow && 0 != endingRow) { //range = 1 + ":" + endingRow; startingCell = "A1"; endingCell = colLetter + endingRow; } else { // range = startingRow + ":" + endingRow; startingCell = "A" + startingRow; endingCell = colLetter + endingRow; } //xlRows = xlWorksheet.Rows[range]; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[startingCell, endingCell]; result = xlRange.Value; outputDT = ExcelHelper.Shared.Convert2DArraytoDatatable(result); } Value.Set(context, outputDT); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Value.Set(context, null); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } finally { ReleaseObject(xlRows); } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); ExcelObject.Range xlRange = null; DataTable resultDataTable = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; dynamic workBookObject = null; ExcelObject.Range xlRangeHeader = null; string workbookName = string.Empty; ExcelObject._Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Close_OpenedFile(workbookFullName); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string range = Range.Get(context); string[] cells = null; workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Range_Read", LogLevel.Error); } else { if (range.Contains(":")) { cells = range.Split(':'); if (cells.Count() != 2) { Log.Logger.LogData("Please provide valid range in activity Excel_Range_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } else { dynamic result = null; dynamic resultHeader = null; xlWorksheet = workBookObject.Sheets[workSheetName]; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[cells[0], cells[1]]; result = xlRange.Value; if (!cells[0].Contains("1") && true == IsHeader) { String startAlpa = new String(cells[0].Where(c => Char.IsLetter(c)).ToArray()).ToUpper(); String endAlpa = new String(cells[1].Where(c => Char.IsLetter(c)).ToArray()).ToUpper(); startAlpa = startAlpa + "1"; endAlpa = endAlpa + "1"; xlRangeHeader = xlWorksheet.Range[startAlpa, endAlpa]; resultHeader = xlRangeHeader.Value; resultDataTable = Convert2DArraytoDatatableHeader(resultHeader, result); } else { resultDataTable = Convert2DArraytoDatatable(result); } Value.Set(context, resultDataTable); if (true == NeedToClose) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && false == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (false == NeedToClose && true == NeedToOpen) { workBookObject.Close(); ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Please provide valid range in activity Excel_Range_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Range_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Range_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } //finally //{ // ReleaseObject(xlRange); //} }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic result = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; string workbookName = string.Empty; Workbook xlWorkbook = null; Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; try { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); } else { Range xlRows = null; xlWorkbook = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[workSheetName]; int totalColumns = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; int totalRows = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; int startingRow = StartingRow.Get(context); int endingRow = EndingRow.Get(context); string range = null; if (0 != startingRow && 0 != endingRow && startingRow == endingRow) { Log.Logger.LogData("Starting Row and Ending Row must be different in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); } else { if (0 == startingRow && 0 == endingRow) { range = 1 + ":" + totalRows; } else if (0 != startingRow && 0 == endingRow) { range = startingRow + ":" + totalRows; } else if (0 == startingRow && 0 != endingRow) { range = 1 + ":" + endingRow; } else { range = startingRow + ":" + endingRow; } xlRows = xlWorksheet.Rows[range]; } result = xlRows.Value; Value.Set(context, result); if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Value.Set(context, null); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Row_Read", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { string workbookFullName = FilePath.Get(context); string workSheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); dynamic result = null; bool excelFileVisible = false; string workbookName = string.Empty; Workbook xlWorkbook = null; Worksheet xlWorksheet = null; Range xlRange = null; try { if (true == NeedToOpen) { excelFileVisible = true; } if (File.Exists(workbookFullName)) { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).DisplayAlerts = false; workbookName = Path.GetFileName(workbookFullName); string worksheetName = WorksheetName.Get(context); string startingCell = StartingCell.Get(context); dynamic workBookObject = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); bool sheetExist = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorksheetByName(workbookName, worksheetName, false) != null; if (false == sheetExist) { if (NeedToClose == true) { workBookObject.Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp(excelFileVisible).Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } Log.Logger.LogData("Worksheet \"" + worksheetName + "\" does not exist in activity Excel_Read_Single_Row", LogLevel.Error); } else { xlWorkbook = ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Open(workbookFullName); xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets[workSheetName]; int totalColumns = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; int totalRows = xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; string colLetter = ExcelHelper.Shared.ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(totalColumns); string rowLetter = startingCell.Substring(1); string endingCell = colLetter + rowLetter; xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range[startingCell, endingCell]; result = xlRange.Value; Value.Set(context, result); if (NeedToClose == true) { ExcelHelper.Shared.GetWorkbookByName(workbookName, true).Close(); } if (ExcelHelper.Shared.GetApp().Workbooks.Count == 0) { ExcelHelper.Shared.Dispose(); } } } else { Log.Logger.LogData("Excel file does not exist:\"" + workbookFullName + "\" in activity Excel_Read_Single_Row", LogLevel.Error); } if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Value.Set(context, null); Log.Logger.LogData(ex.Message + " in activity Excel_Read_Single_Row", LogLevel.Error); if (!ContinueOnError) { context.Abort(); } } }