public WorkModel GetDetailModel(string Details) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); string[] Sheet = Details.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int count = Sheet.Count(); string workid = Sheet[count - 2]; Timesheet sheet = (from ts in entities.Timesheets where (ts.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString() == workid) select ts).FirstOrDefault(); string cont = (from con in entities.Contractors where (con.Id_Contractor == sheet.Id_Contractor) select con.CompanyName).Single(); string cust = (from c in entities.Customers where (c.Id_Customer == sheet.Id_Customer) select c.CustomerName).Single(); string work = (from co in entities.WorkAssignments where (co.Id_WorkAssignment == sheet.Id_WorkAssignment) select co.Title).Single(); string emp = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee == sheet.Id_Employee) select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName).Single(); double workTime = (sheet.StopTime.Value - sheet.StartTime.Value).TotalHours; string comments = (from ct in entities.Timesheets where (ct.Id_Timesheet == sheet.Id_Timesheet) select ct.Comments).Single(); WorkModel details = new WorkModel() { CustomerName = cust, ContractorName = cont, FirstName = emp, WorkTitle = work, CountedHours = workTime, Comments = comments }; return(details); }
public WorkModel GetProfileInfo(string userName) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { Employee profile = (from p in entities.Employees where (p.Active == true) && (p.Username == userName) select p).FirstOrDefault(); string cont = (from c in entities.Contractors where (c.Id_Contractor == profile.Id_Contractor) select c.CompanyName).Single(); WorkModel loggedProfile = new WorkModel() { ContractorName = cont, FirstName = profile.FirstName, LastName = profile.LastName, PhoneNumber = int.Parse(profile.PhoneNumber), Email = profile.EmailAddress, Picture = profile.EmployeePicture, UserName = profile.Username }; return(loggedProfile); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } }
// GET: Getting model public WorkModel GetContractorModel(string contractorName) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { string chosenContractor = contractorName; Contractor contractor = (from co in entities.Contractors where (co.Active == true) && (co.CompanyName == chosenContractor) select co).FirstOrDefault(); WorkModel chosenContractorModel = new WorkModel() { ContractorId = contractor.Id_Contractor, ContractorName = contractor.CompanyName, ContractorContactPerson = contractor.ContactPerson, ContractorPhoneNumber = contractor.PhoneNumber, ContractorEmail = contractor.EmailAddress, VatId = contractor.VatId, HourlyRate = contractor.HourlyRate.ToString(), }; return(chosenContractorModel); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } }
// GET: Getting model public WorkModel GetModel(string employeeName) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { string chosenEmployee = employeeName; Employee employee = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Active == true) && (e.Id_Employee.ToString() == chosenEmployee) select e).FirstOrDefault(); WorkModel chosenEmployeeModel = new WorkModel() { FirstName = employee.FirstName, LastName = employee.LastName, PhoneNumber = int.Parse(employee.PhoneNumber), Email = employee.EmailAddress, Picture = employee.EmployeePicture }; return(chosenEmployeeModel); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } }
public List <string> GetAll() { string[] employees = null; WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); List <string> empList = new List <string>(); employees = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Active == true) select e.Id_Contractor + " " + e.Id_Employee).ToArray(); try { foreach (var item in employees) { string[] data = item.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string contractor = data[0]; string contr = (from c in entities.Contractors where (c.Id_Contractor.ToString() == contractor) select c.CompanyName).Single(); string employee = data[1]; string emp = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee.ToString() == employee) select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName).Single(); empList.Add("Contractor: " + contr + " | Name: " + emp + " ( " + employee + " )"); } } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(empList); }
// GET: Trying to return model public WorkModel GetModel(string workName) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { string chosenWorkId = workName; WorkAssignment chosenWorkData = (from cw in entities.WorkAssignments where (cw.Active == true) && (cw.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString() == chosenWorkId) select cw).FirstOrDefault(); WorkModel chosenWorkModel = new WorkModel() { WorkTitle = chosenWorkData.Title, Description = chosenWorkData.Description, Deadline = chosenWorkData.Deadline.Value }; return(chosenWorkModel); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } }
public List <string> TimeSheetList(int tsID) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); List <string> realList = new List <string>(); tsID = 2; string[] sheetId = (from ts in entities.Timesheets where (ts.WorkComplete == true) select ts.Id_Contractor.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_Employee.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString()).ToArray(); try { foreach (var item in sheetId) { string[] data = item.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string contractor = data[0]; string contr = (from c in entities.Contractors where (c.Id_Contractor.ToString() == contractor) select c.CompanyName).Single(); string employee = data[1]; string emp = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee.ToString() == employee) select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName).Single(); string workid = data[2]; string work = (from w in entities.WorkAssignments where (w.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString() == workid) select w.Title).Single(); realList.Add(contr + " | " + emp + " | " + work + " " + "( " + workid + " )"); } } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(realList); }
// GET: Getting model public WorkModel GetCustomerModel(string customerName) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { string chosenCustomer = customerName; Customer customer = (from c in entities.Customers where (c.Active == true) && (c.CustomerName == chosenCustomer) select c).FirstOrDefault(); WorkModel chosenCustomerModel = new WorkModel() { CustomerName = customer.CustomerName, ContactPerson = customer.ContactPerson, CustomerPhoneNumber = customer.PhoneNumber, CustomerEmail = customer.EmailAddress, CustomerId = customer.Id_Customer }; return(chosenCustomerModel); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } }
// Gets all the data for the picker public List <string[]> GetPickerData(int picker) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); List <string[]> pickerData = new List <string[]>(); string[] emp = { "Employees:---------- " }; string[] work = { "Workassignments:---------- " }; string[] cont = { "Contractors:---------- " }; try { string[] workAssignments = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Active == true) select wa.Title).ToArray(); string [] employees = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Active == true) select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName).ToArray(); string[] contractors = (from co in entities.Contractors where (co.Active == true) select co.CompanyName).ToArray(); pickerData.Add(work); pickerData.Add(workAssignments); pickerData.Add(emp); pickerData.Add(employees); pickerData.Add(cont); pickerData.Add(contractors); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(pickerData); }
public bool PostChanges(WorkModel model) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { Employee MyProfile = (from ce in entities.Employees where (ce.Active == true) && (ce.FirstName + " " + ce.LastName == model.FirstName + " " + model.LastName) select ce).FirstOrDefault(); if (MyProfile == null) { return(false); } int employeeId = MyProfile.Id_Employee; Employee existing = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee == employeeId) && (e.Active == true) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null && model.Picture != null && model.Operation == "Save") { existing.FirstName = model.FirstName; existing.LastName = model.LastName; existing.PhoneNumber = model.PhoneNumber.ToString(); existing.EmailAddress = model.Email; existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; existing.EmployeePicture = model.Picture; } else if (existing != null && model.Picture == null && model.Operation == "Save") { existing.FirstName = model.FirstName; existing.LastName = model.LastName; existing.PhoneNumber = model.PhoneNumber.ToString(); existing.EmailAddress = model.Email; existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; } else if (existing != null && model.Operation == "SavePW") { existing.Password = model.Password; } entities.SaveChanges(); } catch { return(false); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(true); }
public string[] GetAll() { string[] WorkAssignments = null; WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { WorkAssignments = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Active == true) && (wa.InProgressAt == null) select wa.Title + " Deadline: " + wa.Deadline + " ( " + wa.Id_WorkAssignment + " )").ToArray(); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(WorkAssignments); }
public string[] GetAll() { string[] customers = null; WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { customers = (from c in entities.Customers where (c.Active == true) select c.CustomerName).ToArray(); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(customers); }
// GET: Get works in progress public string[] GetWorksInProgress(int id) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); id = 5; try { string[] chosenWorkData = (from cw in entities.WorkAssignments where (cw.Active == true) && (cw.InProgressAt != null) && (cw.Completed != true) select cw.Title + " | Started at: " + cw.InProgressAt + " ( " + cw.Id_WorkAssignment + " )").ToArray(); return(chosenWorkData); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } }
public bool GetLogin(string LogData) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); string[] logDataParts = LogData.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string usrname = logDataParts[0]; string pw = logDataParts[1]; SHA512 sha512 = SHA512.Create(); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pw); byte[] hash = sha512.ComputeHash(bytes); Employee emp = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Username == usrname) select e).FirstOrDefault(); StringBuilder dbPW = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < emp.Password.Length; i++) { dbPW.Append(emp.Password[i].ToString("X2")); } StringBuilder logDataPW = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++) { logDataPW.Append(hash[i].ToString("X2")); } string DBPass = dbPW.ToString(); string logDataPass = logDataPW.ToString(); if (emp.Username + DBPass == usrname + logDataPass) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool PostWork(WorkModel model) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); Customer customer = (from cu in entities.Customers where (cu.Active == true) && (cu.CustomerName == model.CustomerName) select cu).FirstOrDefault(); try { // Save chosen work if (model.Operation == "Save") { WorkAssignment newEntry = new WorkAssignment() { Id_Customer = customer.Id_Customer, Title = model.WorkTitle, Description = model.Description, Deadline = model.Deadline, InProgress = true, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Active = true }; entities.WorkAssignments.Add(newEntry); } // Modify chosen work else if (model.Operation == "Modify") { WorkAssignment existing = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Id_WorkAssignment == model.WorkID) && (wa.Active == true) select wa).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { existing.Title = model.WorkTitle; existing.Description = model.Description; existing.Deadline = model.Deadline; existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; } else { return(false); } } // Delete chosen work else if (model.Operation == "Delete") { WorkAssignment existing = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Id_WorkAssignment == model.WorkID) select wa).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { entities.WorkAssignments.Remove(existing); } else { return(false); } } // Assign chosen work to an employee else if (model.Operation == "Assign") { WorkAssignment assignment = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Id_WorkAssignment == model.WorkID) && (wa.Active == true) && (wa.InProgress == true) select wa).FirstOrDefault(); if (assignment == null) { return(false); } Employee emp = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee == model.EmployeeId) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (emp == null) { return(false); } int workId = assignment.Id_WorkAssignment; int customerId = assignment.Id_Customer.Value; assignment.InProgressAt = DateTime.Now; Timesheet newEntry = new Timesheet() { Id_Customer = customerId, Id_Contractor = emp.Id_Contractor, Id_Employee = emp.Id_Employee, Id_WorkAssignment = workId, StartTime = DateTime.Now, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Active = true, WorkComplete = false }; entities.Timesheets.Add(newEntry); } else if (model.Operation == "MarkComplete") { WorkAssignment assignment = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Id_WorkAssignment == model.WorkID) && (wa.Active == true) && (wa.InProgress == true) && (wa.InProgressAt != null) select wa).FirstOrDefault(); if (assignment == null) { return(false); } int workId = assignment.Id_WorkAssignment; int customerId = assignment.Id_Customer.Value; assignment.CompletedAt = DateTime.Now; assignment.Completed = true; assignment.InProgress = false; Timesheet existing = (from e in entities.Timesheets where (e.Id_WorkAssignment == workId) && (e.Id_Customer == customerId) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { existing.WorkComplete = true; existing.StopTime = DateTime.Now; existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; existing.Comments = "Work set to complete by Admin"; } } entities.SaveChanges(); } catch { return(false); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(true); }
// Method to get same data as in timesheet mainpage, but for the chosen entity only public List <string> GetChosenEntity(string Entity) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); string[] sheet = null; string[] workAssignments = (from wa in entities.WorkAssignments where (wa.Active == true) select wa.Title).ToArray(); string[] employees = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Active == true) select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName).ToArray(); string[] contractors = (from cont in entities.Contractors where (cont.Active == true) select cont.CompanyName).ToArray(); List <string[]> empData = new List <string[]>(); List <string[]> contData = new List <string[]>(); List <string[]> WorkData = new List <string[]>(); WorkData.Add(workAssignments); empData.Add(employees); contData.Add(contractors); foreach (var item in empData) { foreach (var i in item) { if (i.ToString() == Entity) { string emplo = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName == Entity) select e.Id_Employee.ToString()).Single(); sheet = (from ts in entities.Timesheets where (ts.Id_Employee.ToString() == emplo) select ts.Id_Contractor.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_Employee.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString()).ToArray(); } } } foreach (var itemm in WorkData) { foreach (var it in itemm) { if (it.ToString() == Entity) { string worka = (from w in entities.WorkAssignments where (w.Title == Entity) select w.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString()).Single(); sheet = (from ts in entities.Timesheets where (ts.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString() == worka) select ts.Id_Contractor.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_Employee.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString()).ToArray(); } } } foreach (var iten in contData) { foreach (var ite in iten) { if (ite.ToString() == Entity) { string contra = (from c in entities.Contractors where (c.CompanyName == Entity) select c.Id_Contractor.ToString()).Single(); sheet = (from ts in entities.Timesheets where (ts.Id_Contractor.ToString() == contra) select ts.Id_Contractor.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_Employee.ToString() + " " + ts.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString()).ToArray(); } } } List <string> entityList = new List <string>(); try { foreach (var item in sheet) { string[] datas = item.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string contractor = datas[0]; string contr = (from c in entities.Contractors where (c.Id_Contractor.ToString() == contractor) select c.CompanyName).Single(); string employee = datas[1]; string emp = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee.ToString() == employee) select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName).Single(); string workid = datas[2]; string work = (from w in entities.WorkAssignments where (w.Id_WorkAssignment.ToString() == workid) select w.Title).Single(); entityList.Add(contr + " | " + emp + " | " + work + " " + "( " + workid + " )"); } } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(entityList); }
// POST: Contractors public bool PostContractor(WorkModel model) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { if (model.ContOperation == "Save") { Contractor newEntry = new Contractor() { CompanyName = model.ContractorName, ContactPerson = model.ContractorContactPerson, PhoneNumber = model.ContractorPhoneNumber, EmailAddress = model.ContractorEmail, VatId = model.VatId, HourlyRate = int.Parse(model.HourlyRate), Active = true, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now }; entities.Contractors.Add(newEntry); } // Modify chosen contractor else if (model.ContOperation == "Modify") { Contractor existing = (from co in entities.Contractors where (co.Id_Contractor == model.ContractorId) && (co.Active == true) select co).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { existing.CompanyName = model.ContractorName; existing.ContactPerson = model.ContractorContactPerson; existing.PhoneNumber = model.ContractorPhoneNumber; existing.EmailAddress = model.ContractorEmail; existing.VatId = model.VatId; existing.HourlyRate = int.Parse(model.HourlyRate); existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; } else { return(false); } } // Delete chosen contractor else if (model.ContOperation == "Delete") { Contractor existing = (from e in entities.Contractors where (e.Id_Contractor == model.ContractorId) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { entities.Contractors.Remove(existing); } else { return(false); } } entities.SaveChanges(); } catch { return(false); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(true); }
public bool PostEmployee(WorkModel model) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { if (model.EmpOperation == "Save") { Contractor contractor = (from c in entities.Contractors where (c.CompanyName == model.ContractorName) select c).FirstOrDefault(); Employee newEntry = new Employee() { Id_Contractor = contractor.Id_Contractor, Username = model.UserName, Password = model.Password, FirstName = model.FirstName, LastName = model.LastName, PhoneNumber = model.PhoneNumber.ToString(), EmailAddress = model.Email, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Active = true, }; entities.Employees.Add(newEntry); } // Modify chosen employee else if (model.EmpOperation == "Modify") { Employee existing = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee == model.EmployeeId) && (e.Active == true) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { existing.FirstName = model.FirstName; existing.LastName = model.LastName; existing.PhoneNumber = model.PhoneNumber.ToString(); existing.EmailAddress = model.Email; existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; existing.EmployeePicture = model.Picture; } else { return(false); } } // Delete chosen work else if (model.EmpOperation == "Delete") { Employee existing = (from e in entities.Employees where (e.Id_Employee == model.EmployeeId) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { entities.Employees.Remove(existing); } else { return(false); } } entities.SaveChanges(); } catch { return(false); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(true); }
// POST: Customers public bool PostCustomer(WorkModel model) { WorksheetEntities entities = new WorksheetEntities(); try { if (model.CustOperation == "Save") { Customer newEntry = new Customer() { CustomerName = model.CustomerName, ContactPerson = model.ContactPerson, PhoneNumber = model.CustomerPhoneNumber, EmailAddress = model.CustomerEmail, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Active = true }; entities.Customers.Add(newEntry); } // Modify chosen customer else if (model.CustOperation == "Modify") { Customer existing = (from c in entities.Customers where (c.Id_Customer == model.CustomerId) && (c.Active == true) select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { existing.CustomerName = model.CustomerName; existing.ContactPerson = model.ContactPerson; existing.PhoneNumber = model.CustomerPhoneNumber; existing.EmailAddress = model.CustomerEmail; existing.LastModifiedAt = DateTime.Now; } else { return(false); } } // Delete chosen customer else if (model.CustOperation == "Delete") { Customer chosenCustomer = (from cc in entities.Customers where (cc.CustomerName == model.CustomerName) select cc).FirstOrDefault(); if (chosenCustomer == null) { return(false); } int customerId = chosenCustomer.Id_Customer; Customer existing = (from e in entities.Customers where (e.Id_Customer == customerId) select e).FirstOrDefault(); if (existing != null) { entities.Customers.Remove(existing); } else { return(false); } } entities.SaveChanges(); } catch { return(false); } finally { entities.Dispose(); } return(true); }