public void FinishWorkout(bool isFreeMode = false) { var cws = GameManager.instance.currentWorkoutSession; GameManager.instance.isCurrentWorkoutActive = false; countdownLabel.text = "<size=50>Workout " + (workoutCounter + 1) + " / " + GameManager.instance.todaysChallenge.challenges.Count + " beendet!</size>"; cws.durationCompleted = cws.durationSetup - durationInSec; cws.CalculateCalories(); //clone workoutSession WorkoutSession ws = new WorkoutSession(); ws.workoutId = cws.workoutId; ws.kcal = cws.kcal; ws.durationSetup = cws.durationSetup; ws.durationCompleted = cws.durationCompleted; ws.isFreeMode = cws.isFreeMode; GameManager.instance.AddWorkoutSessionToHistory(ws); cws.Clear(); hasAddedWorkoutSessionToHistory = true; // add 1 XP per 1 Minute of completed workout GameManager.instance.AddXP((int)(ws.durationCompleted / 60)); workoutCounter++; if (workoutCounter < GameManager.instance.todaysChallenge.challenges.Count) { StartCoroutine(WorkoutCooldown(5f)); } else { StartCoroutine(DailyChallengeComplete(2f)); } }
public void FinishWorkout(bool isFreeMode = false) { var cws = GameManager.instance.currentWorkoutSession; GameManager.instance.isCurrentWorkoutActive = false; countdownLabel.text = "<size=50>Workout beendet!</size>"; if (!isFreeMode) { cws.durationCompleted = cws.durationSetup - durationInSec; } else { cws.durationCompleted = durationInSec; } cws.CalculateCalories(); //clone workoutSession WorkoutSession ws = new WorkoutSession(); ws.workoutId = cws.workoutId; ws.kcal = cws.kcal; ws.durationSetup = cws.durationSetup; ws.durationCompleted = cws.durationCompleted; ws.isFreeMode = cws.isFreeMode; GameManager.instance.AddWorkoutSessionToHistory(ws); cws.Clear(); hasAddedWorkoutSessionToHistory = true; // add 1 XP per 1 Minute of completed workout GameManager.instance.AddXP((int)(ws.durationCompleted / 60)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post( [FromBody] WorkoutSessionUpdateApi workoutSessionUpdate) { var workoutSession = new WorkoutSession { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Note = workoutSessionUpdate.Note, StartEpochTimestamp = workoutSessionUpdate.StartDatetime.ToEpoch() }; var userResult = await CheckUser(); if (userResult.NotExist) { return(BadRequest("No User Found.")); } var ws = await _workoutSessionRepository.Add(workoutSession, userResult.User.Id); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetWorkoutSession", new { Controller = "WorkoutSession", id = ws.Id }, new WorkoutSessionApi { Id = ws.Id, Note = ws.Note, StartDatetime = ws.StartDatetime, EndDatetime = ws.EndDatetime })); }
// POST: odata/WorkoutSessions public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Post(WorkoutSession workoutSession) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.WorkoutSessions.Add(workoutSession); try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (WorkoutSessionExists(workoutSession.Id)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(Created(workoutSession)); }
public JsonResult Update([FromBody] WorkoutSession workoutSession) { var context = new WorkoutTrackerContext(); workoutSession.UserId = this.UserId; context.Entry(context.WorkoutSessions.Find(workoutSession.Id)).CurrentValues.SetValues(workoutSession); context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(workoutSession)); }
public JsonResult Create([FromBody] WorkoutSession workoutSession) { var context = new WorkoutTrackerContext(); workoutSession.UserId = this.UserId; context.WorkoutSessions.Add(workoutSession); context.SaveChanges(); return(Json(workoutSession)); }
public int Update(WorkoutSession entity) { WorkoutSession fromDatabase = Get(entity.Id); DatabaseContext.Entry(fromDatabase).CurrentValues.SetValues(entity); DatabaseContext.Entry(fromDatabase).State = EntityState.Modified; return(DatabaseContext.SaveChanges()); }
public WorkoutSession UpdateWorkoutSession(WorkoutSession workoutSession) { using (var db = new WorkoutDb()) { workoutSession.Ended = DateTime.Now; db.Update(workoutSession); db.SaveChanges(); return(workoutSession); } }
public void WorkoutSessionTestWorkoutSessionWithNullWorkout_Validate_Invalid() { //Arrange _entity = new WorkoutSession { Name = "Name", Workout = null }; //Act var errorsList = new List <ValidationResult>(_entity.Validate(new ValidationContext(this))); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(errorsList.Count == 1); }
public void AddWorkoutSessionToHistory(WorkoutSession ws) { if (workoutHistory.ContainsKey(DateTime.Now.Date)) { workoutHistory[DateTime.Now.Date].Add(ws); } else { List <WorkoutSession> lws = new List <WorkoutSession>(); lws.Add(ws); workoutHistory.Add(DateTime.Now.Date, lws); } }
public int Update(Workout entity) { Workout fromDatabase = Get(entity.Id); DatabaseContext.Entry(fromDatabase).CurrentValues.SetValues(entity); DatabaseContext.Entry(fromDatabase).State = EntityState.Modified; if (entity.Sessions != null && entity.Sessions.Any()) { foreach (WorkoutSession workoutSession in entity.Sessions) { workoutSession.Workout = fromDatabase; if (workoutSession.Id == 0) { DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <WorkoutSession>().Add(workoutSession); } else { if (DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <WorkoutSession>().Local.All(e => e.Id != workoutSession.Id)) { DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <WorkoutSession>().Attach(workoutSession); } WorkoutSession fromDatabaseWorkoutSession = DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <WorkoutSession>().Single(x => x.Id == workoutSession.Id); DatabaseContext.Entry(fromDatabaseWorkoutSession).CurrentValues.SetValues(workoutSession); DatabaseContext.Entry(fromDatabaseWorkoutSession).State = EntityState.Modified; } } } /*else * { * fromDatabase.Sessions = null; * IQueryable<WorkoutSession> workoutSessionsToRemove = DatabaseContext.SetOwnable<WorkoutSession>().Where(x => x.Workout.Id == entity.Id); * foreach (var workoutSessionToRemove in workoutSessionsToRemove) * { * DatabaseContext.SetOwnable<WorkoutSession>().Remove(workoutSessionToRemove); * } * } * * if (fromDatabase.Sessions != null) * { * foreach (var workoutSessionToRemove in fromDatabase.Sessions.Where(x => entity.Sessions.All(u => u.Id != x.Id)).ToList()) * { * DatabaseContext.SetOwnable<WorkoutSession>().Remove(workoutSessionToRemove); * } * }*/ return(DatabaseContext.SaveChanges()); }
// DELETE: odata/WorkoutSessions(5) public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Delete([FromODataUri] Guid key) { WorkoutSession workoutSession = await db.WorkoutSessions.FindAsync(key); if (workoutSession == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.WorkoutSessions.Remove(workoutSession); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public IActionResult Save(WorkoutSession workoutSession) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } workoutSession.TimeDateForWorkout = DateTime.Now; _db.WorkoutSession.Add(workoutSession); _db.SaveChanges(); return(View()); }
public void WorkoutSessionMapping_ModelToViewModelDefaultValue_Valid() { //Arrange _model = new WorkoutSession(); //Act _viewModel = _mapper.GetViewModel(_model); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(_model.Id, _viewModel.Id); Assert.AreEqual(_model.Name, _viewModel.Name); Assert.AreEqual(default(int), _viewModel.WorkoutId); Assert.AreEqual(default(int), _viewModel.Exercises.Count()); }
public async Task <WorkoutSession> AddWorkoutSession(CreateWorkoutSessionCommand command) { var workoutSession = new WorkoutSession { Description = command.Description, Date = command.Date, WorkoutRecords = command.WorkoutRecords, UserId = 1 // TODO : Change to proper userId }; _context.WorkoutSessions.Add(workoutSession); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(workoutSession); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Session(long PlanID, int SessionIndex) { FitnessUser currentUser = await GetUser(); WorkoutPlan plan = await dbContext.WorkoutPlans.FirstOrDefaultAsync(plan => plan.ID == PlanID && plan.User == currentUser); if (plan == null || SessionIndex < 0 || SessionIndex >= plan.Sessions.Length) { return(BadRequest()); } WorkoutSession session = plan.Sessions[SessionIndex]; return(View(session)); }
private async Task <WorkoutSession> GetWorkoutSession(IStatementResultCursor reader) { WorkoutSession item = null; while (await reader.FetchAsync()) { item = new WorkoutSession() { Id = Guid.Parse(reader.Current[0].ToString()), Note = reader.Current[1]?.ToString(), StartEpochTimestamp = double.Parse(reader.Current[2].ToString()), EndEpochTimestamp = (reader.Current[3] != null) ? double.Parse(reader.Current[3].ToString()) : 0 }; } return(item); }
public WorkoutSession CreateWorkoutSession(int dayId, Guid userId) { using (var db = new WorkoutDb()) { var session = new WorkoutSession { DayId = dayId, UserId = userId, IsCompleted = false }; db.WorkoutSessions.Add(session); db.SaveChanges(); return(session); } }
public int Insert(WorkoutSession entity) { if (entity.Workout != null) { if (DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <Workout>().Local.All(e => e.Id != entity.Workout.Id)) { DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <Workout>().Attach(entity.Workout); } } if (entity.WorkoutSessionExercises != null && !entity.WorkoutSessionExercises.Any()) { entity.WorkoutSessionExercises = null; } DatabaseContext.SetOwnable <WorkoutSession>().Add(entity); return(DatabaseContext.SaveChanges()); }
public void WorkoutSessionTestWorkoutSessionWithExerciceWithDiffOrder_Validate_Valid() { //Arrange _entity = new WorkoutSession { Name = "Name", Workout = new Workout(), WorkoutSessionExercises = new List <WorkoutSessionExercise> { new WorkoutSessionExercise { Order = 1 }, new WorkoutSessionExercise { Order = 2 } } }; //Act var errorsList = new List <ValidationResult>(_entity.Validate(new ValidationContext(this))); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(errorsList.Count == 0); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Update( Guid id, [FromBody] WorkoutSessionUpdateApi workoutSessionUpdate) { if (await _workoutSessionRepository.Get(id) == null) { return(NotFound()); } var workoutSession = new WorkoutSession { Id = id, Note = workoutSessionUpdate.Note, StartEpochTimestamp = workoutSessionUpdate.StartDatetime.ToEpoch(), EndEpochTimestamp = workoutSessionUpdate.EndDatetime.ToEpoch() }; await _workoutSessionRepository.Update(workoutSession); return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <WorkoutSession> GetSessionForDay(int?userId, DateTime date) { var session = await _context.WorkoutSessions .Include(w => w.ConcreteExercises) .ThenInclude(c => c.Attributes) .SingleOrDefaultAsync(w => w.WTUserID == userId && w.Date.Value.Date == date.Date); if (session == null) { session = new WorkoutSession { Date = date, WTUserID = userId }; _context.WorkoutSessions.Add(session); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(session); }
public async Task <WorkoutSession> Update(WorkoutSession workoutSession) { using (var session = _graphRepository.Driver.Session()) { var reader = await session.RunAsync( @"MATCH (ws:WorkoutSession { id: $id }) SET ws.note = $note, ws.startEpochTimestamp = $startEpochTimestamp, ws.endEpochTimestamp = $endEpochTimestamp RETURN, ws.note, ws.startEpochTimestamp, ws.endEpochTimestamp", new { id = workoutSession.Id.ToString(), note = workoutSession.Note, startEpochTimestamp = workoutSession.StartEpochTimestamp, endEpochTimestamp = workoutSession.EndEpochTimestamp } ); workoutSession = await GetWorkoutSession(reader); } return(workoutSession); }
public async Task <WorkoutSession> AddOrUpdateSession(int?userId, DateTime date, List <WorkoutRoutine> routines, List <Exercise> exercises, List <ConcreteExercise> concreteExercises) { WorkoutSession session = null; if (routines != null && routines.Count > 0) { session = await AddRoutineToSession(userId, date, routines); } if (exercises != null && exercises.Count > 0) { session = await AddExercisesToSession(userId, date, exercises); } if (concreteExercises != null && concreteExercises.Count > 0) { session = await UpdateConcreteExercises(userId, date, concreteExercises); } return(session); }
public async Task <WorkoutSession> Add(WorkoutSession workoutSession, Guid userId) { using (var session = _graphRepository.Driver.Session()) { var reader = await session.RunAsync( @"MATCH (u:User { id: $userId }) CREATE (ws:WorkoutSession { id: $id, note: $note, startEpochTimestamp: $startEpochTimestamp, endEpochTimestamp: 0 }), (ws)-[:BY_USER]->(u) RETURN, ws.note, ws.startEpochTimestamp, ws.endEpochTimestamp", new { userId = userId, id = workoutSession.Id.ToString(), note = workoutSession.Note, startEpochTimestamp = workoutSession.StartEpochTimestamp } ); workoutSession = await GetWorkoutSession(reader); } return(workoutSession); }
public void WorkoutSessionMapping_ModelToViewModelAllFieldsWithValues_Valid() { //Arrange _model = new WorkoutSession(); _model.Id = 1; _model.Name = "Test Workout Session"; _model.WorkoutSessionExercises = new WorkoutSessionExercise[2] { new WorkoutSessionExercise(), new WorkoutSessionExercise() }; _model.Workout = new Workout { Id = 1 }; //Act _viewModel = _mapper.GetViewModel(_model); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(_model.Id, _viewModel.Id); Assert.AreEqual(_model.Name, _viewModel.Name); Assert.AreEqual(1, _viewModel.WorkoutId); Assert.AreEqual(_model.WorkoutSessionExercises.Count(), _viewModel.Exercises.Count()); }
public ActionResult EditWithSessionEdit(WorkoutViewModel viewModel) { dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(viewModel.SessionsString); Model.Sessions = new Collection <WorkoutSession>(); foreach (var session in json.sessions) { var workoutSession = new WorkoutSession { Id = }; Model.Sessions.Add(workoutSession); workoutSession.WorkoutSessionExercises = new Collection <WorkoutSessionExercise>(); foreach (var exercise in session.exercises) { var workoutSessionExercise = new WorkoutSessionExercise { Exercise = new Exercise { Id = exercise.idexercise } }; if (exercise.idsessionexercise != "") { workoutSessionExercise.Id = exercise.idsessionexercise; } workoutSession.WorkoutSessionExercises.Add(workoutSessionExercise); } } int numberUpdated = ServiceFactory.Workout.Update(Model); var viewModelReturn = BuildWorkoutWithAllExercises(Model.Id); if (numberUpdated > 0) { viewModelReturn.SavedMessage = "Workout Saved Successfully"; } return(View("EditWithSessionEdit", viewModelReturn)); }
// PUT: odata/WorkoutSessions(5) public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Put([FromODataUri] Guid key, Delta <WorkoutSession> patch) { Validate(patch.GetEntity()); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } WorkoutSession workoutSession = await db.WorkoutSessions.FindAsync(key); if (workoutSession == null) { return(NotFound()); } patch.Put(workoutSession); try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!WorkoutSessionExists(key)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(Updated(workoutSession)); }
public WorkoutSession Put([FromBody] WorkoutSession workoutSession) { return(_recordWorkoutService.UpdateWorkoutSession(workoutSession)); }
public static void Initialize(WorkoutTrackingDBContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); if (context.Users.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var users = new WTUser[] { new WTUser { FirstName = "Riste", LastName = "Poposki", RegisterDate = DateTime.Parse("2017-09-01"), Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Username = "******" }, new WTUser { FirstName = "Monkas", LastName = "MonkaGiga", RegisterDate = DateTime.Now, Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Username = "******" }, }; context.Users.AddRange(users); context.SaveChanges(); var exercises = new Exercise[] { new Exercise { Name = "Riste Execise 1", WTUserID = 1, Category = Category.ARMS, Description = "Riste Execise Desc 1", IsEditable = true, ImagePath = "Images/monkas.jpg" }, new Exercise { Name = "Riste Execise 2", WTUserID = 1, Category = Category.CHEST, Description = "Riste Execise Desc 2", IsEditable = true, ImagePath = "Images/monkas.jpg" }, new Exercise { Name = "Monkas Execise 1", WTUserID = 2, Category = Category.LEGS, Description = "Monkas Execise Desc 1", IsEditable = true, ImagePath = "Images/monkas.jpg" }, new Exercise { Name = "Monkas Execise 2", WTUserID = 2, Category = Category.OTHER, Description = "Monkas Execise Desc 2", IsEditable = true, ImagePath = "Images/monkas.jpg" } }; context.Exercises.AddRange(exercises); context.SaveChanges(); var routines = new WorkoutRoutine[] { new WorkoutRoutine { Name = "Riste Workout 1", Description = "Riste Routine Desc 1", WTUserID = 1, ImagePath = "Images/monkasRoutine.jpg" }, new WorkoutRoutine { Name = "Riste Workout 2", Description = "Riste Routine Desc 2", WTUserID = 1, ImagePath = "Images/monkasRoutine.jpg" }, new WorkoutRoutine { Name = "Monkas Workout 1", Description = "Monkas Routine Desc 1", WTUserID = 2, ImagePath = "Images/monkasRoutine.jpg" }, new WorkoutRoutine { Name = "Monkas Workout 1", Description = "Monkas Routine Desc 2", WTUserID = 2, ImagePath = "Images/monkasRoutine.jpg" } }; context.WorkoutRoutines.AddRange(routines); context.SaveChanges(); var programs = new WorkoutProgram[] { new WorkoutProgram { Name = "Riste Program 1", Description = "Riste Program Desc 1", WTUserID = 1, ImagePath = "Images/monkasProgram.png" }, new WorkoutProgram { Name = "Riste Program 2", Description = "Riste Program Desc 2", WTUserID = 1, ImagePath = "Images/monkasProgram.png" }, new WorkoutProgram { Name = "Monkas Program 1", Description = "Monkas Program Desc 1", WTUserID = 2, ImagePath = "Images/monkasProgram.png" }, new WorkoutProgram { Name = "Monkas Program 1", Description = "Monkas Program Desc 2", WTUserID = 2, ImagePath = "Images/monkasProgram.png" }, }; context.WorkoutPrograms.AddRange(programs); context.SaveChanges(); var sessions = new WorkoutSession[] { new WorkoutSession { Date = DateTime.Now, WTUserID = 1 }, new WorkoutSession { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), WTUserID = 1 }, new WorkoutSession { Date = DateTime.Now, WTUserID = 2 }, new WorkoutSession { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), WTUserID = 2 }, }; context.WorkoutSessions.AddRange(sessions); context.SaveChanges(); var bodyStats = new BodyStatistic[] { new BodyStatistic { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, Year = DateTime.Now.Year, Month = DateTime.Now.Month, Week = DateTime.Now.GetWeekOfMonth(), WTUserID = 1 }, new BodyStatistic { DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), Year = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).Year, Month = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).Month, Week = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).GetWeekOfMonth(), WTUserID = 1 }, new BodyStatistic { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, Year = DateTime.Now.Year, Month = DateTime.Now.Month, Week = DateTime.Now.GetWeekOfMonth(), WTUserID = 2 }, new BodyStatistic { DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), Year = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).Year, Month = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).Month, Week = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).GetWeekOfMonth(), WTUserID = 2 }, }; context.BodyStatistics.AddRange(bodyStats); context.SaveChanges(); var bodyAttributeTemplate = new BodyAttributeTemplate[] { new BodyAttributeTemplate { AttributeName = "Template Attr 1", AttributeValue = "OK1", WTUserID = 1, IsDeletable = true }, new BodyAttributeTemplate { AttributeName = "Template Attr 2", AttributeValue = "OK2", WTUserID = 1, IsDeletable = true }, new BodyAttributeTemplate { AttributeName = "Template Attr 3", AttributeValue = "NO1", WTUserID = 2, IsDeletable = true }, new BodyAttributeTemplate { AttributeName = "Template Attr 4", AttributeValue = "NO2", WTUserID = 2, IsDeletable = true } }; context.BodyAttributeTemplates.AddRange(bodyAttributeTemplate); context.SaveChanges(); var exerciseAttribute1 = new ExerciseAttribute { AttributeName = "Sets", AttributeValue = "value1", ExerciseID = 1, IsDeletable = false }; var exerciseAttribute2 = new ExerciseAttribute { AttributeName = "Repetitions", AttributeValue = "value2", ExerciseID = 2, IsDeletable = false }; var exerciseAttribute3 = new ExerciseAttribute { AttributeName = "Sets", AttributeValue = "value1", ExerciseID = 3, IsDeletable = false }; var exerciseAttribute4 = new ExerciseAttribute { AttributeName = "Repetitions", AttributeValue = "value2", ExerciseID = 4, IsDeletable = false }; var exercise = context.Exercises.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 1); exercise.Attributes = new List <ExerciseAttribute>(); exercise.Attributes.Add(exerciseAttribute1); exercise = context.Exercises.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 2); exercise.Attributes = new List <ExerciseAttribute>(); exercise.Attributes.Add(exerciseAttribute2); exercise = context.Exercises.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 3); exercise.Attributes = new List <ExerciseAttribute>(); exercise.Attributes.Add(exerciseAttribute3); exercise = context.Exercises.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 4); exercise.Attributes = new List <ExerciseAttribute>(); exercise.Attributes.Add(exerciseAttribute4); context.SaveChanges(); var bodyStatAttribute1 = new BodyStatAttribute { AttributeName = "Riste Height", AttributeValue = "173", BodyStatisticID = 1, IsDeletable = true }; var bodyStatAttribute2 = new BodyStatAttribute { AttributeName = "Riste Weight", AttributeValue = "71", BodyStatisticID = 2, IsDeletable = true }; var bodyStatAttribute3 = new BodyStatAttribute { AttributeName = "Monkas Height", AttributeValue = "195", BodyStatisticID = 3, IsDeletable = true }; var bodyStatAttribute4 = new BodyStatAttribute { AttributeName = "Monkas Weight", AttributeValue = "91", BodyStatisticID = 4, IsDeletable = true }; var bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 1); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes = new List <BodyStatAttribute>(); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes.Add(bodyStatAttribute1); bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 2); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes = new List <BodyStatAttribute>(); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes.Add(bodyStatAttribute2); bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 3); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes = new List <BodyStatAttribute>(); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes.Add(bodyStatAttribute3); bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 4); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes = new List <BodyStatAttribute>(); bodyStat.BodyStatAttributes.Add(bodyStatAttribute4); context.SaveChanges(); var progressImage1 = new ProgressImage { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, Url = "url1", BodyStatisticID = 1 }; var progressImage2 = new ProgressImage { DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), Url = "url2", BodyStatisticID = 2 }; var progressImage3 = new ProgressImage { DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2), Url = "url3", BodyStatisticID = 3 }; var progressImage4 = new ProgressImage { DateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3), Url = "url4", BodyStatisticID = 4 }; bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 1); bodyStat.ProgressImages = new List <ProgressImage>(); bodyStat.ProgressImages.Add(progressImage1); bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 2); bodyStat.ProgressImages = new List <ProgressImage>(); bodyStat.ProgressImages.Add(progressImage2); bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 3); bodyStat.ProgressImages = new List <ProgressImage>(); bodyStat.ProgressImages.Add(progressImage3); bodyStat = context.BodyStatistics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.ID == 4); bodyStat.ProgressImages = new List <ProgressImage>(); bodyStat.ProgressImages.Add(progressImage4); context.SaveChanges(); var exerciseRoutineEntry1 = new ExerciseRoutineEntry { ExerciseID = 1, WorkoutRoutineID = 1 }; var exerciseRoutineEntry2 = new ExerciseRoutineEntry { ExerciseID = 2, WorkoutRoutineID = 1 }; var exerciseRoutineEntry3 = new ExerciseRoutineEntry { ExerciseID = 1, WorkoutRoutineID = 2 }; var routine = context.WorkoutRoutines.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 1); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries = new List <ExerciseRoutineEntry>(); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries.Add(exerciseRoutineEntry1); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries.Add(exerciseRoutineEntry2); routine = context.WorkoutRoutines.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 2); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries = new List <ExerciseRoutineEntry>(); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries.Add(exerciseRoutineEntry3); var exerciseRoutineEntry4 = new ExerciseRoutineEntry { ExerciseID = 3, WorkoutRoutineID = 3 }; var exerciseRoutineEntry5 = new ExerciseRoutineEntry { ExerciseID = 4, WorkoutRoutineID = 3 }; var exerciseRoutineEntry6 = new ExerciseRoutineEntry { ExerciseID = 3, WorkoutRoutineID = 4 }; routine = context.WorkoutRoutines.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 3); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries = new List <ExerciseRoutineEntry>(); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries.Add(exerciseRoutineEntry4); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries.Add(exerciseRoutineEntry5); routine = context.WorkoutRoutines.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 4); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries = new List <ExerciseRoutineEntry>(); routine.ExerciseRoutineEntries.Add(exerciseRoutineEntry6); context.SaveChanges(); var routineProgramEntry1 = new RoutineProgramEntry { WorkoutRoutineID = 1, WorkoutProgramID = 1, PlannedDates = "2018-05-26;2018-06-01" }; var routineProgramEntry2 = new RoutineProgramEntry { WorkoutRoutineID = 2, WorkoutProgramID = 1, PlannedDates = "2018-05-29" }; var routineProgramEntry3 = new RoutineProgramEntry { WorkoutRoutineID = 1, WorkoutProgramID = 2, PlannedDates = "2018-07-26;2018-07-27" }; var program = context.WorkoutPrograms.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 1); program.RoutineProgramEntries = new List <RoutineProgramEntry>(); program.RoutineProgramEntries.Add(routineProgramEntry1); program.RoutineProgramEntries.Add(routineProgramEntry2); program = context.WorkoutPrograms.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 2); program.RoutineProgramEntries = new List <RoutineProgramEntry>(); program.RoutineProgramEntries.Add(routineProgramEntry3); var routineProgramEntry4 = new RoutineProgramEntry { WorkoutRoutineID = 3, WorkoutProgramID = 3, PlannedDates = "2018-01-26;2018-01-27" }; var routineProgramEntry5 = new RoutineProgramEntry { WorkoutRoutineID = 4, WorkoutProgramID = 3, PlannedDates = "2018-02-26" }; var routineProgramEntry6 = new RoutineProgramEntry { WorkoutRoutineID = 3, WorkoutProgramID = 4, PlannedDates = "2018-03-26;2018-03-27" }; program = context.WorkoutPrograms.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 3); program.RoutineProgramEntries = new List <RoutineProgramEntry>(); program.RoutineProgramEntries.Add(routineProgramEntry4); program.RoutineProgramEntries.Add(routineProgramEntry5); program = context.WorkoutPrograms.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 4); program.RoutineProgramEntries = new List <RoutineProgramEntry>(); program.RoutineProgramEntries.Add(routineProgramEntry6); context.SaveChanges(); var ConcreteExercisesList = exercises.ToList().Select(item => item.GetConcreteExerciseObject()).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < ConcreteExercisesList.Count(); i++) { var item = ConcreteExercisesList[i]; item.WorkoutSessionID = i + 1; context.ConcreteExercises.Add(item); } context.SaveChanges(); }