/** * This method shows how to connect to zones and hook up a basic message handler * @param args */ private void startAgent(string[] args) { Initialize(); NameValueCollection parameters = AdkExamples.parseCL(this, args); string zoneId = parameters["zone"]; string url = parameters["url"]; if (zoneId == null || url == null) { Console.WriteLine("The /zone and /url parameters are required"); Console.Beep(); throw new ArgumentException("The /zone and /url parameters are required"); } // 1) Get an instance of the zone to connect to IZone zone = ZoneFactory.GetInstance(zoneId, url); // 2) Create an instance of the the LearnerPersonalProvider class // This class is responsible for publishing LearnerPersonal LearnerPersonalProvider lpp = new LearnerPersonalProvider(); // The LearnerPersonalProvider is allowed to provision itself with the zone lpp.provision(zone); // 2) Create an instance of the the LearnerPersonalProvider class // This class is responsible for publishing LearnerPersonal WorkforcePersonalProvider wpp = new WorkforcePersonalProvider(); // The LearnerPersonalProvider is allowed to provision itself with the zone wpp.provision(zone); // Connect zone.Connect(AdkExamples.Reg ? ProvisioningFlags.Register : ProvisioningFlags.None); // The StudentPersonalProvider will periodically send changes to the StudentPersonal // objects if (parameters["events"] != null) { lpp.startEventProcessing(zone); } }