public IHttpActionResult PutWorkOrderParametersView(int id, WorkOrderParametersView workOrderParametersView) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != workOrderParametersView.wopID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(workOrderParametersView).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!WorkOrderParametersViewExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public IHttpActionResult PostWorkOrderParametersView(WorkOrderParametersView workOrderParametersView) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.WorkOrderParametersViews.Add(workOrderParametersView); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (WorkOrderParametersViewExists(workOrderParametersView.wopID)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = workOrderParametersView.wopID }, workOrderParametersView)); }
public IHttpActionResult GetWorkOrderParametersView(int id) { //WorkOrderParametersView workOrderParametersView = db.WorkOrderParametersViews.Find(id); WorkOrderParametersView workOrderParametersView = db.WorkOrderParametersViews.SingleOrDefault(m => m.wopID == id); if (workOrderParametersView == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(workOrderParametersView)); }
private async void popelateData(int id) { await BeBusy(true); wop = await rcs.getWorkOredrParametersByPrameterNoAsync(id); parameterNameValue.Text = wop.ParameterName; isDoneValue.IsToggled = wop.isDone; lastUpdateValue.Text = wop.lastUpdate.ToString(); update.IsEnabled = false; await BeBusy(false); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteWorkOrderParametersView(int id) { WorkOrderParametersView workOrderParametersView = db.WorkOrderParametersViews.Find(id); if (workOrderParametersView == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.WorkOrderParametersViews.Remove(workOrderParametersView); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(workOrderParametersView)); }
private async Task <double> OpenPercentageSliderInputAlertDialog(WorkOrderParametersView wop) { // create the TextInputView var inputView = new PercentageUpdateSlider( "How much would you rate it?", 0, 10, "تحديث", "الغاء", "", wop); // create the Transparent Popup Page // of type string since we need a string return var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <double>(inputView); // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event inputView.SaveButtonEventHandler += (sender, obj) => { if (((PercentageUpdateSlider)sender).SliderInputResult > 0) { //((PercentageUpdateSlider)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false; popup.PageClosedTaskCompletionSource.SetResult(((SlidableInputView)sender).SliderInputResult); } else { //((PercentageUpdateSlider)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true; } }; // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event inputView.CancelButtonEventHandler += (sender, obj) => { popup.PageClosedTaskCompletionSource.SetResult(0); }; // Push the page to Navigation Stack await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(popup); // await for the user to enter the text input var result = await popup.PageClosedTask; // Pop the page from Navigation Stack await PopupNavigation.PopAsync(); // return user inserted text value return(result); }
private async Task <string> OpenKMUpdateInputAlertDialog(WorkOrderParametersView wopv) { // create the TextInputView var inputView = new KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView( "How's your day mate?", "enter here...", "تحديث", "الغاء", "Ops! Can't leave this empty!", wopv); // create the Transparent Popup Page // of type string since we need a string return var popup = new InputAlertDialogBase <string>(inputView); // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event inputView.SaveButtonEventHandler += (sender, obj) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)sender).TextInputResult.ToString())) { //((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = false; popup.PageClosedTaskCompletionSource.SetResult(((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)sender).TextInputResult); } else { //((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)sender).IsValidationLabelVisible = true; } }; // subscribe to the TextInputView's Button click event inputView.CancelButtonEventHandler += (sender, obj) => { popup.PageClosedTaskCompletionSource.SetResult(null); }; // Push the page to Navigation Stack await PopupNavigation.PushAsync(popup); // await for the user to enter the text input var result = await popup.PageClosedTask; // Pop the page from Navigation Stack await PopupNavigation.PopAsync(); // return user inserted text value return(result); }
private async void updateWOP(WorkOrderParametersView WOP) { await BeBusy(true); WorkOrdersParameters woptoUpdate = new WorkOrdersParameters(); woptoUpdate.ID = WOP.wopID; woptoUpdate.workOrder_FKID = WOP.workOrder_FKID; woptoUpdate.parameter_FKID = WOP.parameter_FKID; woptoUpdate.Lenght = WOP.Lenght; woptoUpdate.Amount = WOP.Amount; woptoUpdate.isDone = WOP.isDone; woptoUpdate.lastUpdate = DateTime.Now; woptoUpdate.DoneLength = WOP.DoneLength; woptoUpdate.DoneAmount = WOP.DoneAmount; woptoUpdate.weightAmount = WOP.weightAmount; bool isOk = false; try { isOk = await rcs.PutWorkOrderParameterUpdateAsync(woptoUpdate.ID, woptoUpdate); } catch (Exception err) { } if (isOk) { popelateData(n); await BeBusy(false); await DisplayAlert("ok", "updated", "ok"); //await Navigation.PopAsync(); } else { await BeBusy(false); await DisplayAlert("Error", "Error", "ok"); //await Navigation.PopAsync(); } }
//public static readonly BindableProperty IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty = // BindableProperty.Create( // nameof(IsValidationLabelVisible), // typeof(bool), // typeof(KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView), // false, BindingMode.OneWay, null, // (bindable, value, newValue) => // { // if ((bool)newValue) // { // ((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = true; // } // else // { // ((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = false; // } // }); /// <summary> /// Gets or Sets if the ValidationLabel is visible /// </summary> //public bool IsValidationLabelVisible //{ // get // { // return (bool)GetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty); // } // set // { // SetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty, value); // } //} public IsDoneUpdateTextInputCancellableView(string titleText, string placeHolderText, string saveButtonText, string cancelButtonText, string validationText, WorkOrderParametersView wopv) { InitializeComponent(); // update the Element's textual values SaveButton.Text = saveButtonText; CancelButton.Text = cancelButtonText; //ValidationLabel.Text = validationText; //isDone.Text = wopv.isDone.ToString(); if (wopv.isDone == true) { isDone.Text = "تم الانجاز"; updateValue.Text = "true"; isDoneSwich.IsToggled = true; } else { isDoneSwich.IsToggled = false; isDone.Text = "لم يتم الانجاز"; updateValue.Text = "false"; } pName.Text = wopv.ParameterName; //totalLenth.Text = wopv.Lenght.ToString(); //doneLenth.Text = wopv.DoneLength.ToString(); // handling events to expose to public SaveButton.Clicked += SaveButton_Clicked; CancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Clicked; updateValue.TextChanged += InputEntry_TextChanged; }
//public static readonly BindableProperty IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty = // BindableProperty.Create( // nameof(IsValidationLabelVisible), // typeof(bool), // typeof(KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView), // false, BindingMode.OneWay, null, // (bindable, value, newValue) => // { // if ((bool)newValue) // { // ((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = true; // } // else // { // ((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = false; // } // }); /// <summary> /// Gets or Sets if the ValidationLabel is visible /// </summary> //public bool IsValidationLabelVisible //{ // get // { // return (bool)GetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty); // } // set // { // SetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty, value); // } //} public EachUpdateTextInputCancellableView(string titleText, string placeHolderText, string saveButtonText, string cancelButtonText, string validationText, WorkOrderParametersView wopv) { InitializeComponent(); // update the Element's textual values SaveButton.Text = saveButtonText; CancelButton.Text = cancelButtonText; //ValidationLabel.Text = validationText; pName.Text = wopv.ParameterName; totalAmmount.Text = wopv.Amount.ToString(); doneAmmount.Text = wopv.DoneAmount.ToString(); // handling events to expose to public SaveButton.Clicked += SaveButton_Clicked; CancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Clicked; updateValue.TextChanged += InputEntry_TextChanged; }
//public static readonly BindableProperty IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty = // BindableProperty.Create( // nameof(IsValidationLabelVisible), // typeof(bool), // typeof(SlidableInputView), // false, BindingMode.OneWay, null, // (bindable, value, newValue) => // { // if ((bool)newValue) // { // ((PercentageUpdateSlider)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = true; // } // else // { // ((PercentageUpdateSlider)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = false; // } // }); /// <summary> /// Gets or Sets if the ValidationLabel is visible /// </summary> //public bool IsValidationLabelVisible //{ // get // { // return (bool)GetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty); // } // set // { // SetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty, value); // } //} public PercentageUpdateSlider(string titleText, double minValue, double maxValue, string saveButtonText, string cancelButtonText, string validationText, WorkOrderParametersView wopv) { InitializeComponent(); // update the Element's textual values //TitleLabel.Text = titleText; pName.Text = wopv.ParameterName; totalAmmount.Text = wopv.Amount.ToString(); doneAmmount.Text = wopv.DoneAmount.ToString(); SaveButton.Text = saveButtonText; InputSlider.Minimum = minValue; InputSlider.Maximum = maxValue; CancelButton.Text = cancelButtonText; //ValidationLabel.Text = validationText; // handling events to expose to public SaveButton.Clicked += SaveButton_Clicked; CancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Clicked; InputSlider.ValueChanged += InputEntryOnValueChanged; }
//public static readonly BindableProperty IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty = // BindableProperty.Create( // nameof(IsValidationLabelVisible), // typeof(bool), // typeof(KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView), // false, BindingMode.OneWay, null, // (bindable, value, newValue) => // { // if ((bool)newValue) // { // ((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = true; // } // else // { // ((KMUpdateTextInputCancellableView)bindable).ValidationLabel // .IsVisible = false; // } // }); /// <summary> /// Gets or Sets if the ValidationLabel is visible /// </summary> //public bool IsValidationLabelVisible //{ // get // { // return (bool)GetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty); // } // set // { // SetValue(IsValidationLabelVisibleProperty, value); // } //} public PercentageUpdateCancellableView(string titleText, string placeHolderText, string saveButtonText, string cancelButtonText, string validationText, WorkOrderParametersView wopv) { InitializeComponent(); // update the Element's textual values SaveButton.Text = saveButtonText; CancelButton.Text = cancelButtonText; //ValidationLabel.Text = validationText; pName.Text = wopv.ParameterName; //totalLenth.Text = wopv.Lenght.ToString(); updateValue.Text = wopv.DoneAmount.ToString(); donedonAmount.Text = wopv.DoneAmount.ToString() + " %"; InputSlider.Value = double.Parse(wopv.DoneAmount.ToString()); // handling events to expose to public SaveButton.Clicked += SaveButton_Clicked; CancelButton.Clicked += CancelButton_Clicked; updateValue.TextChanged += InputEntry_TextChanged; }