private void Btn_ExportPlin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { WorkBook ExcelPodatak = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); ExcelPodatak.Metadata.Author = "IronXL"; WorkSheet SpremiPodatak = ExcelPodatak.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet"); SpremiPodatak["A1"].Value = "Mjesec"; SpremiPodatak["B1"].Value = cb_PMjesec.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A2"].Value = "Godina"; SpremiPodatak["B2"].Value = cb_Godina.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A3"].Value = "Staro Stanje"; SpremiPodatak["B3"].Value = tb_Plin1.Text; SpremiPodatak["A4"].Value = "Novo Stanje"; SpremiPodatak["B4"].Value = tb_Plin2.Text; SpremiPodatak["A5"].Value = "Razlika"; SpremiPodatak["B5"].Value = tb_Prazlika.Text; SpremiPodatak["A6"].Value = lbl_Pizracunaj.Text; ExcelPodatak.SaveAs(@"C:\Users\Dado\Desktop\Plin.xlsx"); Form DatotekaSpremljena = new DatotekaSpremljena(); DatotekaSpremljena.Show(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Zatvorite Postojecu datoteku prvo"); } }
private void Btn_ExportStruja_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (tb_Cijena.Text == "") { Form PopunitePolja = new PopunitePolja(); PopunitePolja.Show(); } else { WorkBook ExcelPodatak = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); ExcelPodatak.Metadata.Author = "IronXL"; WorkSheet SpremiPodatak = ExcelPodatak.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet"); SpremiPodatak["A1"].Value = "Mjesec"; SpremiPodatak["B1"].Value = cb_MMjesec.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A2"].Value = "Godina"; SpremiPodatak["B2"].Value = cb_Godina.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A3"].Value = "Provider"; SpremiPodatak["B3"].Value = cb_Internet.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A4"].Value = "Cijena Računa"; SpremiPodatak["B4"].Value = tb_Cijena.Text; ExcelPodatak.SaveAs(@"C:\Users\Dado\Desktop\Mobitel.xls"); Form DatotekaSpremljena = new DatotekaSpremljena(); DatotekaSpremljena.Show(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Zatvorite postojeću datoteku prvo"); } }
public FileXlsxUI(string fileToRead, string fileToSave, uint row, char column) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileToRead) && !fileToRead.Equals(fileToSave)) { FileToRead = $"{fileToRead}.xlsx"; FileToSave = $"{fileToSave}.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(FileToRead)) { workBook = WorkBook.Load(FileToRead); workSheet = workBook.DefaultWorkSheet; } else { workBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); workSheet = workBook.CreateWorkSheet("Main"); } Row = row == 0 ? row + 1 : row; Column = column; RangeOfColumns = Column; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Name of a file can not be null or empty and have the same name as another file!"); } }
public void WriteUsersToFile() { var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Excel|*.xls|Excel 2010|*.xlsx"; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } WorkBook xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); xlsWorkbook.Metadata.Author = "KLB"; WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet"); var users = _userRepository.GetAllUsers(); xlsSheet["A1"].Value = "Last Name"; xlsSheet["B1"].Value = "Year of Connection"; xlsSheet["C1"].Value = "Phone Number"; xlsSheet["D1"].Value = "Address"; for (int i = 2; i <= users.Count + 1; i++) { xlsSheet[$"A{i}"].Value = users[i - 2].SecondName; xlsSheet[$"B{i}"].Value = users[i - 2].YearOfConnection; xlsSheet[$"C{i}"].Value = users[i - 2].PhoneNumber; xlsSheet[$"D{i}"].Value = users[i - 2].Address.ToString(); } xlsSheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600"); xlsSheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Double; xlsWorkbook.SaveAs(saveFileDialog.FileName); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { workbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); workbook.Metadata.Author = "User"; sheet = workbook.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet"); UpdateTable(); }
private void Btn_ExportStruja_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { WorkBook ExcelPodatak = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); ExcelPodatak.Metadata.Author = "IronXL"; WorkSheet SpremiPodatak = ExcelPodatak.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet"); SpremiPodatak["A1"].Value = "Mjesec"; SpremiPodatak["B1"].Value = cb_SMjesec.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A2"].Value = "Godina"; SpremiPodatak["B2"].Value = cb_Godina.SelectedItem.ToString(); SpremiPodatak["A3"].Value = "Dnevno Staro Stanje"; SpremiPodatak["B3"].Value = tb_StaroStanjeVT.Text; SpremiPodatak["A4"].Value = "Dnevno Novo Stanje"; SpremiPodatak["B4"].Value = tb_NovoStanjeVT.Text; SpremiPodatak["A5"].Value = "Dnevna Razlika"; SpremiPodatak["B5"].Value = tb_RazlikaVT.Text; SpremiPodatak["A6"].Value = "Nocno Staro Stanje"; SpremiPodatak["B6"].Value = tb_StaroStanjeNT.Text; SpremiPodatak["A7"].Value = "Nocno Novo Stanje"; SpremiPodatak["B7"].Value = tb_NovoStanjeNT.Text; SpremiPodatak["A8"].Value = "Nocna Razlika"; SpremiPodatak["B8"].Value = tb_RazlikaNT.Text; SpremiPodatak["A9"].Value = lbl_Izracun.Text; ExcelPodatak.SaveAs(@"C:\Users\Dado\Desktop\Struja.xls"); Form DatotekaSpremljena = new DatotekaSpremljena(); DatotekaSpremljena.Show(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Zatvorite postojecu datoteku prvo"); } }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { var scenarios = new[] { "Scenario 1", "Scenario 3", "Inner City" }; var path = Path.Combine(KnownFolders.Desktop.Path, "Caelicus", "final-final-results", "single orders"); var excel = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); excel.Metadata.Title = "Caelicus Data Analysis"; excel.Metadata.Author = "Caelicus"; foreach (var scenario in scenarios) { var fullPath = Path.Combine(path, scenario); var allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(fullPath, "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var simHistories = new List <SimulationHistory>(); foreach (var file in allFiles) { simHistories.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SimulationHistory>(await File.ReadAllTextAsync(file))); } await GenerateExcelSheet(simHistories, excel.CreateWorkSheet(scenario)); } excel.SaveAs(Path.Combine(path, "analysis.xlsx")); }
/// <summary> /// The ExtractSheet. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The file<see cref="string"/>.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination<see cref="string"/>.</param> /// <param name="sheet">The sheet<see cref="string"/>.</param> public static void ExtractSheet(string file, string destination, string sheet) { WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.Load(file); WorkBook new_wb = WorkBook.Create(); var ws = workbook.GetWorkSheet(sheet); try { ws.CopyTo(new_wb, "data"); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Console.Error.WriteLine("FAILED:\t" + destination); return; } new_wb.SaveAs(destination + ".xls"); new_wb.Close(); workbook.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Finished:\t" + destination); }
public void CreateExcelReport <T>(List <T> toReport, string path) { WorkBook xlsxWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsxWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("main_sheet"); var props = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where((x) => FieldType.Split(' ').Contains(x.Name)).ToList(); int propsLength = props.Capacity; string[] cells = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" }; int j = 0; string cell; foreach (var p in toReport) { for (int i = 1; i < propsLength; i++) { cell = cells[i - 1]; cell += j + 1; xlsSheet[cell].Value = props[i - 1].GetValue(p).ToString(); } j++; } xlsxWorkbook.SaveAs(path + ".xlsx"); }
public void ConvertToExcel(List <IntervalData> intervalDataList, string folderPath) { var intervalDataWorkBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); var xlsSheet = intervalDataWorkBook.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet 1"); xlsSheet["A1"].Value = "Date"; xlsSheet["B1"].Value = "TimeSlot"; xlsSheet["C1"].Value = "SlotVal"; var counter = 2; string timeSpanRepresentation; string dateValue; foreach (var intervalItem in intervalDataList) { timeSpanRepresentation = $"{intervalItem.TimeSlot.ToString(@"hh")} - {intervalItem.TimeSlot.ToString(@"mm")}"; dateValue = intervalItem.Date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"); xlsSheet[$"A{counter}"].Value = dateValue; xlsSheet[$"B{counter}"].StringValue = timeSpanRepresentation; xlsSheet[$"C{counter}"].Value = intervalItem.SlotVal.ToString("0.00"); counter++; } Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); var fileName = $@"NewExcelFile{DateTime.Now.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss").Replace(":", "-")}.xlsx"; intervalDataWorkBook.SaveAs(Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName)); }
static void CreateExcelFile() { var newXLFile = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); newXLFile.Metadata.Title = "IronXL New File"; var newWorkSheet = newXLFile.CreateWorkSheet("1stWorkSheet"); newWorkSheet["A1"].Value = "Hello World"; newWorkSheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600"); newWorkSheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dashed; }
static void SaveXL() { var newXLFile = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); newXLFile.Metadata.Title = "IronXL New File"; var newWorkSheet = newXLFile.CreateWorkSheet("1stWorkSheet"); newWorkSheet["A1"].Value = "Hello World"; newWorkSheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600"); newWorkSheet["A2"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Dashed; newXLFile.ExportToHtml($@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Files\HelloWorldHTML.HTML"); //newXLFile.SaveAsXml($@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Files\HelloWorldXML.XML"); //newXLFile.SaveAsJson($@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Files\HelloWorldJSON.json"); //newXLFile.SaveAsCsv($@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Files\HelloWorldCSV.csv",delimiter:"|"); //newXLFile.SaveAs($@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\Files\HelloWorld.xlsx"); }
/**SaveDataToCSV - zapisuje dane do pliku Raport.xlsx */ public static void SaveDataToXLSX(List <string> outputClientList) { WorkBook xlsxWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); xlsxWorkbook.Metadata.Author = "Kasper"; WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsxWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("Raport"); // pentla wpisujaca dane do xlsSheet for (int i = 0; i < outputClientList.Count; i++) { // ustalenie adresu komórki string field = "A" + (i + 1).ToString(); xlsSheet[field].Value = outputClientList[i]; } xlsxWorkbook.SaveAs("Raport.xlsx"); }
public void Create() //Create new excel file { //Create new workbook WorkBook xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); //Add a blank WorkSheet WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1"); if (!File.Exists(@"..\..\App-data\Book1.xlsx")) { //Save the excel file xlsWorkbook.SaveAs(@"..\..\App-data\Book1.xlsx"); } else { Console.WriteLine("The File exists already"); } }
private void Report(List <double[]> distance, string[] names) { string filePath = "..\\..\\..\\distance.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); } WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.Create(); WorkSheet sheet = workbook.CreateWorkSheet("test.xl"); var range = sheet["A1:OO" + (distance.Count + 5)]; foreach (var cell in range) { int r = cell.RowIndex; int c = cell.ColumnIndex; if (r > distance.Count || c > distance.Count) { continue; } if (r == 0) // first row for names { if (c == 0) { continue; } cell.Value = names[c - 1]; } else if (c == 0) // first column for names { if (r == 0) { continue; } cell.Value = names[r - 1]; } else { cell.Value = decimal.Round((decimal)distance[r - 1][c - 1], 3, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } } workbook.SaveAs(filePath); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WorkBook archivoExcel = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); archivoExcel.Metadata.Author = "Arcadia"; WorkSheet hojaExcel = archivoExcel.CreateWorkSheet("Productos"); int i = 1; foreach (DataGridViewRow fila in dgvProductos.Rows) { Console.WriteLine("Fila: " + i); hojaExcel["A" + i].Value = fila.Cells["idProducto"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("IdProducto: " + fila.Cells["idProducto"].ToString()); hojaExcel["B" + i].Value = fila.Cells["nombreProducto"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("nombre: " + fila.Cells["nombreProducto"].ToString()); hojaExcel["C" + i].Value = fila.Cells["cantidadProducto"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Cantidad: " + fila.Cells["cantidadProducto"].ToString()); i++; } archivoExcel.SaveAs("C:\\Users\\Arcadia\\Desktop\\Prueba1.xlsx"); }
private void CreateExcelFile(List <string> green, List <string> red) { try { WorkBook xlsxWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); xlsxWorkbook.Metadata.Author = "HS"; //Add a blank WorkSheet WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsxWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("sheet1"); xlsSheet["A1"].Value = "NOT WORKING"; xlsSheet["A1"].Style.Font.SetColor("#ff0000"); xlsSheet["A1"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff0000"); xlsSheet["A1"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Double; //xlsSheet["A1"].Style.Font.SetColor("#ff0000"); for (int i = 2; i < red.Count + 2; i++) { xlsSheet["A" + i].Value = red[i - 2]; } xlsSheet["A" + (red.Count + 2)].Value = "WORKING"; xlsSheet["A" + (red.Count + 2)].Style.Font.SetColor("#ff0000"); xlsSheet["A" + (red.Count + 2)].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff0000"); xlsSheet["A" + (red.Count + 2)].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Double; for (int i = 0; i < green.Count; i++) { xlsSheet["A" + (red.Count + 2 + i + 1)].Value = green[i]; } string filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); xlsxWorkbook.SaveAs(filePath + "\\Feedback_Redirects.xlsx"); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Экспортв главной таблицы в excel. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Коллекция с данными для экспорта.</param> /// <returns>Имя файла .xlsx</returns> public string Export(ObservableCollection <DataPoint> data) { var workbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); WorkSheet sheet = workbook.CreateWorkSheet("Таблица"); sheet["A1"].Value = "Машина"; sheet["B1"].Value = "Партия"; sheet["C1"].Value = "Номенклатура"; sheet["D1"].Value = "Время обработки"; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { sheet[$"A{i + 2}"].Value = data[i].Machine; sheet[$"B{i + 2}"].Value = data[i].Party; sheet[$"C{i + 2}"].Value = data[i].Type; sheet[$"D{i + 2}"].Value = data[i].Time; } string file = $"Отчет_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss")}.xlsx"; workbook.SaveAs(file); return(file); }
public WorkBook CreateWorkBook(List <Row> rows) { WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); WorkSheet worksheet = new DefaultWorkSheetBuilder().BuildDefaultWorkSheet(workbook); for (int i = 0, j = 2; i < rows.Count; i++, j++) { worksheet[$"A{j}"].Value = rows[i].Hie; worksheet[$"B{j}"].Value = rows[i].IDX; worksheet[$"C{j}"].Value = rows[i].Level; worksheet[$"D{j}"].Value = rows[i].Parent; worksheet[$"E{j}"].Value = rows[i].Node; worksheet[$"F{j}"].Value = rows[i].Description; worksheet[$"G{j}"].Value = rows[i].Method; worksheet[$"H{j}"].Value = rows[i].Contains_Att; worksheet[$"I{j}"].Value = rows[i].Contains_Val; worksheet[$"J{j}"].Value = rows[i].Between_Att; worksheet[$"K{j}"].Value = rows[i].Between_Lo; worksheet[$"L{j}"].Value = rows[i].Between_Hi; } return(workbook); }
internal static void ExportToExcel(IEnumerable <Client> clients) { try { WorkBook workBook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); WorkSheet workSheet = workBook.CreateWorkSheet("discounts"); workSheet["A1"].Value = "Id"; workSheet["B1"].Value = "Name"; workSheet["C1"].Value = "Discount"; int row = 2; foreach (var client in clients) { workSheet[$"A{row}"].Value = client.Id; workSheet[$"B{row}"].Value = client.Name; workSheet[$"C{row}"].Value = $"{client.Discount}%"; row++; } try { workBook.SaveAs("ClientsDiscount.xlsx"); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { throw; } } catch { throw; } }
private void btnJsonToExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Save(); var folder = txtFolder.Text; var extension = txtExtension.Text; var excelPath = txtExcel.Text; if (Path.GetFullPath(excelPath) != excelPath) { excelPath = Path.Combine(folder, excelPath); } var jsonPaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder, $"*{extension}"); // languages[language[key]] = value var languages = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(); var keySet = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var jsonPath in jsonPaths) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(jsonPath); var languageKey = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - extension.Length); var json = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath); var language = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json); languages[languageKey] = language; foreach (var item in language) { keySet.Add(item.Key); } } var keys = keySet.ToArray(); var workbook = WorkBook.Create(); var workSheet = workbook.DefaultWorkSheet; if (workSheet == null) { workSheet = workbook.CreateWorkSheet("Translations"); } { // Write Language Keys char col = 'B'; foreach (var language in languages) { workSheet[$"{col}1"].StringValue = language.Key; int row = 2; foreach (var key in keys) { if (languages[language.Key].TryGetValue(key, out var val)) { workSheet[$"{col}{row}"].StringValue = val; } else { workSheet[$"{col}{row}"].StringValue = null; } workSheet[$"A{row}"].StringValue = key; row++; } col++; } } workbook.SaveAs(excelPath); }
private void CreateWorkBook() { Random r = new Random(); WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); var sheet = workbook.CreateWorkSheet("2020 Budget"); sheet["A1"].Value = "January"; sheet["B1"].Value = "February"; sheet["C1"].Value = "March"; sheet["D1"].Value = "April"; sheet["E1"].Value = "May"; sheet["F1"].Value = "June"; sheet["G1"].Value = "July"; sheet["H1"].Value = "August"; sheet["I1"].Value = "September"; sheet["J1"].Value = "October"; sheet["K1"].Value = "November"; sheet["L1"].Value = "December"; for (int i = 2; i <= 11; i++) { sheet["A" + i].Value = r.Next(1, 1000); sheet["B" + i].Value = r.Next(1000, 2000); sheet["C" + i].Value = r.Next(2000, 3000); sheet["D" + i].Value = r.Next(3000, 4000); sheet["E" + i].Value = r.Next(4000, 5000); sheet["F" + i].Value = r.Next(5000, 6000); sheet["G" + i].Value = r.Next(6000, 7000); sheet["H" + i].Value = r.Next(7000, 8000); sheet["I" + i].Value = r.Next(8000, 9000); sheet["J" + i].Value = r.Next(9000, 10000); sheet["K" + i].Value = r.Next(10000, 11000); sheet["L" + i].Value = r.Next(11000, 12000); } ////DB Stuff ////Create database objects to populate data from database //string contring; //string sql; //DataSet ds = new DataSet("DataSetName"); //SqlConnection con; //SqlDataAdapter da; ////Set Database Connection string //contring = @"Data Source=Server_Name;Initial Catalog=Database_Name;User ID=User_ID;Password=Password"; ////SQL Query to obtain data //sql = "SELECT Field_Names FROM Table_Name"; ////Open Connection & Fill DataSet //con = new SqlConnection(contring); //da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); //con.Open(); //da.Fill(ds); ////Loop through contents of dataset //foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables) //{ // int Count = table.Rows.Count - 1; // for (int j = 12; j <= 21; j++) // { // sheet["A" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_1"].ToString(); // sheet["B" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_2"].ToString(); // sheet["C" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_3"].ToString(); // sheet["D" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_4"].ToString(); // sheet["E" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_5"].ToString(); // sheet["F" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_6"].ToString(); // sheet["G" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_7"].ToString(); // sheet["H" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_8"].ToString(); // sheet["I" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_9"].ToString(); // sheet["J" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_10"].ToString(); // sheet["K" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_11"].ToString(); // sheet["L" + j].Value = table.Rows[Count]["Field_Name_12"].ToString(); // } // Count++; //} sheet["A1:L1"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#d3d3d3"); sheet["A1:L1"].Style.TopBorder.SetColor("#000000"); sheet["A1:L1"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#000000"); sheet["L2:L11"].Style.RightBorder.SetColor("#000000"); sheet["L2:L11"].Style.RightBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Medium; sheet["A11:L11"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#000000"); sheet["A11:L11"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Medium; decimal sum = sheet["A2:A11"].Sum(); decimal avg = sheet["B2:B11"].Avg(); decimal max = sheet["C2:C11"].Max(); decimal min = sheet["D2:D11"].Min(); sheet["A12"].Value = sum; sheet["B12"].Value = avg; sheet["C12"].Value = max; sheet["D12"].Value = min; //sheet["A6"].Value = "=SUM(A2:A4)"; //if (sheet["A6"].IntValue == sheet["A2:A4"].IntValue) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Basic test passed"); //} //var range = sheet["A2:A8"]; ////set style to multiple cells ////sheet["A5:A6"].Style.Font.Bold = true; //range.Style.Rotation = 45; sheet.SetPrintArea("A1:L12"); sheet.ProtectSheet("Password"); sheet.CreateFreezePane(0, 1); sheet.PrintSetup.PrintOrientation = IronXL.Printing.PrintOrientation.Landscape; sheet.PrintSetup.PaperSize = IronXL.Printing.PaperSize.A4; workbook.SaveAs("Budget.xlsx"); }
public IronExcelDataOutput(string filePath) { wb = WorkBook.Create(); workSheet = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Решение задачи"); this.filePath = filePath; }
private void CreateExcel() { try { string filename = "Data"; WorkBook wb = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); wb.Metadata.Author = "GDG Filtering Software"; WorkSheet ws = wb.CreateWorkSheet("Main Sheet"); int counter = 2; string[] headers = new[] { "Type", "TimeStamp", "Email Address", "Full Name", "Phone Number", "Gender", "Number of Women", "Educational Background", "Thoughts", "Fully Parsed ? ", "Errors while Parsing" }; char[] alphas = new[] { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' }; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { ws[$"{alphas[i]}{1}"].Value = headers[i]; } foreach (StudentModel student in mouldedStudents) { Console.WriteLine("MOULDED STUDENT: " + student.Name + ", " + student.Type + " :: " + counter); ws[$"A{counter}"].Value = student.Type; ws[$"B{counter}"].Value = student.Timestamp; ws[$"C{counter}"].Value = student.Email; ws[$"D{counter}"].Value = student.Name; if (student.Phone == 0) { ws[$"E{counter}"].Value = ""; } else { ws[$"E{counter}"].Value = student.Phone; } ws[$"F{counter}"].Value = student.Gender.ToString(); ws[$"G{counter}"].Value = student.Women; ws[$"H{counter}"].Value = student.EducationalBG; ws[$"I{counter}"].Value = student.ShortThoughts; ws[$"J{counter}"].Value = student.Params; ws[$"K{counter}"].Value = student.Errors; if (student.Errors.Length > 1) { ws[$"K{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); if (student.Errors.Contains("THIS APPLICANT HAS COMPETED BEFORE.")) { ws.Rows[counter - 1].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#ff0000"); } else if (student.Errors.Contains("Invalid Phone Number.")) { ws[$"E{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); } else if (student.Errors.Contains("Name Parsing Error.")) { ws[$"D{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); } else if (student.Errors.Contains("Email Parsing Error.")) { ws[$"C{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); } } if (student.Type.Equals("Team Leader")) { Console.WriteLine($"{student.Name}, membs = {student.Team.Count}"); foreach (StudentModel member in student.Team) { ++counter; Console.WriteLine("MOULDED STUDENT: " + student.Name + ", " + student.Type + " :: " + counter); ws[$"A{counter}"].Value = member.Type + " (" + member.TeamLeader + ")"; ws[$"C{counter}"].Value = member.Email; ws[$"D{counter}"].Value = member.Name; if (member.Phone == 0) { ws[$"E{counter}"].Value = ""; } else { ws[$"E{counter}"].Value = member.Phone; } ws[$"J{counter}"].Value = member.Params; ws[$"K{counter}"].Value = member.Errors; if (member.Errors.Length > 1) { ws[$"K{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); if (member.Errors.Contains("THIS APPLICANT HAS COMPETED BEFORE.")) { ws.Rows[counter - 1].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#ff0000"); } else if (member.Errors.Contains("Invalid Phone Number.")) { ws[$"E{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); } else if (member.Errors.Contains("Name Parsing Error.")) { ws[$"D{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); } else if (member.Errors.Contains("Email Parsing Error.")) { ws[$"C{counter}"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#e1ff00"); } } } //counter++; } ++counter; } ws["A1:L1"].Style.SetBackgroundColor("#c4c4c4"); if (FileText.Equals("")) { if (File.Exists("HackthonData.xlsx")) { ShowMessage($"File Name is Empty and there already exits a Document with the default name 'HacktonData'\n" + $"Delete the old existing Doc, or give the new one another FileName.", 'w'); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{FileText}"); wb.SaveAs("HackthonData.xlsx"); ShowMessage($"File Name is Empty\n" + $"The Analyzed Data has been saved as 'HackthonData.xlsx' in this Program Folder.", 'r'); } } else { if (Regex.IsMatch(FileText.Trim(), @"^[a-zA-z0-9 ]+$")) { if (File.Exists($"{FileText.Trim()}.xlsx")) { ShowMessage($"File Name is Empty and there already exits a Document with the default name 'HacktonData'\n" + $"Delete the old existing Doc, or give the new one another FileName.", 'w'); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{FileText}"); //Utils.BackToFront(DestinationText + wb.SaveAs(FileText.Trim() + ".xlsx"); ShowMessage($"The Analyzed Data has been saved as '{FileText}.xlsx' in the Specified Destination.", 'r'); } } else { if (File.Exists("HackthonData.xlsx")) { ShowMessage($"File Name is Empty and there already exits a Document with the default name 'HacktonData'\n" + $"Delete the old existing Doc, or give the new one another FileName.", 'w'); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{FileText}"); //wb.SaveAs("Dsaf") //Utils.BackToFront(DestinationText + wb.SaveAs("HackthonData.xlsx"); ShowMessage($"File Name was entered in a Wrong Format\n" + $"The Analyzed Data has been saved as 'Data.xlsx' in the Specified Destination.", 'r'); } } } } catch (Exception e) { ShowMessage($"Error Happened. {e.Message}.", 'w'); } }
public void Submit() { var index = _view.GetIndexVehicles(); if (index == -1) { return; } var vehicle = ApplicationContext.Vehicles[index]; string path = "."; if (_view.GetExportTypes().Contains("txt") || _view.GetExportTypes().Contains("word") || _view.GetExportTypes().Contains("excel")) { FolderBrowserDialog DirDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); DirDialog.Description = "Selecting a directory"; DirDialog.SelectedPath = @"C:\"; if (DirDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = DirDialog.SelectedPath; Console.WriteLine(path); } } if (_view.GetExportTypes().Contains("txt")) { System.IO.File.WriteAllLines($@"{path}\Log_{vehicle.VehicleBrand}_{vehicle.Model}.txt", vehicle.LogString.ToArray()); } if (_view.GetExportTypes().Contains("word")) { System.IO.File.WriteAllLines($@"{path}\Log_{vehicle.VehicleBrand}_{vehicle.Model}.doc", vehicle.LogString.ToArray()); } if (_view.GetExportTypes().Contains("window")) { _view.OpenLog(vehicle.LogString); } if (_view.GetExportTypes().Contains("excel")) { var newXLFile = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); newXLFile.Metadata.Title = "Log_{vehicle.VehicleBrand}_{vehicle.Model}"; var newWorkSheet = newXLFile.CreateWorkSheet($"{vehicle.VehicleBrand}_{vehicle.Model}"); for (int i = 1; i <= vehicle.LogString.Count; i++) { //write the Dynamic value in one row List <string> row = vehicle.LogString[i - 1].Split('#').ToList(); newWorkSheet["A" + i].Value = row[0]; //write the Dynamic value in another row newWorkSheet["B" + i].Value = row[1]; } newXLFile.SaveAs($@"{path}\Log_{vehicle.VehicleBrand}_{vehicle.Model}.xlsx"); } }
public static void Crear(string filesalida, List <VisualStudioModel> lstvalues) { InitializeWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Dependencias"); var fila = sheet.CreateRow(0); CrearCeldaHeaderExcel.Crear(fila, 1, "PROYECTO", ref sheet, hssfworkbook); CrearCeldaHeaderExcel.Crear(fila, 2, "DEPENDECIA", ref sheet, hssfworkbook); CrearCeldaHeaderExcel.Crear(fila, 3, "NUGET", ref sheet, hssfworkbook); CrearCeldaHeaderExcel.Crear(fila, 4, "VERSIÓN", ref sheet, hssfworkbook); CrearCeldaHeaderExcel.Crear(fila, 5, "FRAMEWORK", ref sheet, hssfworkbook); int index = 1; foreach (VisualStudioModel item in lstvalues) { var row = sheet.CreateRow(index++); CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 1, item.VisualStudio.AssemblyName, ref sheet); foreach (string project in item.VisualStudio.Proyectos) { CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 2, project, ref sheet); var nuget = item.Packages.FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( { CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 3,, ref sheet); CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 4, nuget.version, ref sheet); CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 5, nuget.targetFramework, ref sheet); item.Packages.Remove(nuget); } row = sheet.CreateRow(index++); } for (int i = 0; i < item.Packages.Count; i++) { CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 3, item.Packages[i].id, ref sheet); CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 4, item.Packages[i].version, ref sheet); CrearCeldaExcel.Crear(row, 5, item.Packages[i].targetFramework, ref sheet); row = sheet.CreateRow(index++); } } WriteToFile(filesalida); return; WorkBook xlsxWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); xlsxWorkbook.Metadata.Author = "David Hernandez"; //Add a blank WorkSheet WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsxWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("Dependencias"); CrearFilaExcel.Crear(xlsSheet); //int index = 1; //int fila = 2; foreach (VisualStudioModel item in lstvalues) { ++index; xlsSheet[$"A{index }"].Value = item.VisualStudio.AssemblyName; //fila = index; foreach (string project in item.VisualStudio.Proyectos) { xlsSheet[$"B{index}"].Value = project; ++index; } foreach (var pack in item.Packages) { xlsSheet[$"C{fila }"].Value =; xlsSheet[$"D{fila }"].Value = pack.version + ".0"; // Se agrego el cero porque tiene un bug el nuget excel y convierte el valor a fecha xlsSheet[$"E{fila }"].Value = pack.targetFramework; //++fila; //index = fila; } } //Save the excel file xlsxWorkbook.SaveAs(filesalida); }
public void 航空里程兌換精進_欄位檢核(string browser) { string timesavepath = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd'-'HHmm"); string snapshotpath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "SnapshotFolder\\AirlineMilesRedemption"; string excel_savepath = snapshotpath + "\\TestReport.xlsx"; WorkBook xlsWorkbook; WorkSheet xlsSheet; if (File.Exists(excel_savepath) == true && WorkBook.Load(excel_savepath).GetWorkSheet(testcase_name) == null) { // 判斷當excel檔存在 但 沒有"xxx"工作表 >>> 讀取該excel檔, new create "xxx" 工作表 xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Load(excel_savepath); xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet(testcase_name); } else if (File.Exists(excel_savepath) == true && WorkBook.Load(excel_savepath).GetWorkSheet(testcase_name) != null) { // 判斷當excel檔存在 且 有"xxx"工作表 >>> 讀取該excel檔, 讀取"xxx" 工作表 xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Load(excel_savepath); xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.GetWorkSheet(testcase_name); } else { // 判斷當excel檔不存在 >>> new create excel檔 & new create "xxx" 工作表 xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); //定義 excel格式為 XLSX xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet(testcase_name); } IWebElement go_to_redeem = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='layout_m_0_content_m_3_tab_0_HlkMeleageForm']")); go_to_redeem.Click(); // 點"前往兌換" System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); WebDriverWait redeem_window = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); redeem_window.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementExists(By.XPath("//*[@id='login']"))); //等待直到看到 會員登入 dialog IWebElement creditcard_friend_login = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='layout_m_0_content_m_2_HlkCardLogin']/img")); creditcard_friend_login.Click();// 點"信用卡友登入" System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); string csvpath = $@"{UserDataList.Upperfolderpath}\testdata\UserInfo.csv"; using (var reader = new StreamReader(csvpath)) //讀CSV檔 using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { var records = csv.GetRecords <UserDataList>().ToList(); int k = 1; foreach (var user in records) { if (k == 6) { IWebElement ID = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='CHID_T']")); IWebElement CreditCard = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='cardNO_T']")); IWebElement Expire_Mon = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='endM']")); IWebElement Expire_Year = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='endY']")); IWebElement CheckCode = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='cardCVV_T']")); IWebElement Submit_button = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='confirm_btn']")); ID.Clear(); ID.SendKeys(user.ID); // 輸入身分證字號 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); CreditCard.Clear(); CreditCard.SendKeys(user.CARDID_FULL); // 輸入卡號 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Expire_Mon.Clear(); Expire_Mon.SendKeys(user.MON); // 輸入有效月份 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Expire_Year.Clear(); Expire_Year.SendKeys(user.YEAR); // 輸入有效年分 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); CheckCode.Clear(); CheckCode.SendKeys(user.CHECKCODE); //輸入驗證碼 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Submit_button.Click(); // 送出 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); break; } k++; } } IWebElement redeem_again = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("")); redeem_again.Click(); // 前往兌換 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); IWebElement submit_redeem_setting = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("")); submit_redeem_setting.Click(); //點送出 Tools.PageSnapshot($@"{snapshotpath}\{testcase_name}_{browser}_{Version}_{timesavepath}.png", driver); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //檢查點數輸入欄位 IWebElement airline_input_point = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("")); string[] array_asia_point = new string[] { "123", "56", "B", "@", "G", "0", "6666", "1", "20", "50", "999", "中文字", "@#$*", "!@", "1a4", "" }; //定義excel欄位 xlsSheet["A1"].Value = "檢查 " + testcase_name + " '點數 & 換算' 欄位"; xlsSheet["B1"].Value = "顯示訊息"; xlsSheet["C1"].Value = "結果"; xlsSheet["A1:C1"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600"); // 底線"紅色" xlsSheet["A1:C1"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Double; //加雙底線 int i = 3; foreach (var keyin_point in array_asia_point) // 跑迴圈以逐筆輸入欄位 { string check_position = "A" + i; string show_msg = "B" + i; string test_result = "C" + i; airline_input_point.Clear(); airline_input_point.SendKeys(keyin_point); string total_point = driver.FindElement(By.Id("total")).GetAttribute("value"); string to_mile = driver.FindElement(By.Id("mile")).GetAttribute("value"); string display_keyin_point = airline_input_point.GetAttribute("value"); string unit_point = driver.FindElement(By.Id("")).GetAttribute("value"); submit_redeem_setting.Click(); string count_error = driver.FindElement(By.Id("counter-error")).Text; xlsSheet[check_position].Value = "輸入 " + keyin_point; xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = count_error; xlsSheet[test_result].Value = " ==> 我要用 " + unit_point + " 點 x " + display_keyin_point + " = " + total_point + " 兌換" + testcase_name + " " + to_mile + " 哩"; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); i++; } if (File.Exists(excel_savepath) != true) { xlsWorkbook.SaveAs(excel_savepath); } else { xlsWorkbook.Save(); } CloseBrowser(); }
public void CreateExcelReport <T>(List <T> list, string path, bool isReverted) { WorkBook xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); //Add a blank WorkSheet WorkSheet xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("new_sheet"); //Add data and styles to the new worksheet PropertyInfo[] properties = null; int row = 1; if (list != null) { properties = list[0].GetType().GetProperties(); } if (properties.Length > 10) { MessageBox.Show("Не больше 10 свойств"); return; } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { if (isReverted) { xlsSheet[columns[i] + "" + row].Value = properties[i].Name; } else { xlsSheet[columns[j] + "" + row].Value = properties[i].Name; } row++; } string cell = ""; if (isReverted) { foreach (var value in list) { j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++, j++) { cell += columns[j]; cell += "" + row; xlsSheet[cell].Value = properties[i].GetValue(value).ToString(); cell = ""; } row++; } } else { foreach (var value in list) { row = 1; j++; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { cell += columns[j]; cell += "" + row; xlsSheet[cell].Value = properties[i].GetValue(value).ToString(); row++; cell = ""; } } } //Save the excel file xlsWorkbook.SaveAs(path + "\\NewExcelFile.xls"); }
public void 欄位檢核測試(string browser) { StartTestCase(browser, "預售屋信託查詢精進_欄位檢核測試", "York"); INFO(""); string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HHmm"); string snapshotfolderpath = $@"{System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}\SnapshotFolder\PreSaleHouseTrustInquiry"; string excel_path = $@"{snapshotfolderpath}\TestReport.xlsx"; Tools.CreateSnapshotFolder(snapshotfolderpath); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); WorkBook xlsWorkbook; WorkSheet xlsSheet; if (File.Exists(excel_path) == true && WorkBook.Load(excel_path).GetWorkSheet(testcase_name) == null) { // 判斷當excel檔存在 但 沒有"預售屋查詢"工作表 >>> 讀取該excel檔, new create "預售屋查詢" 工作表 xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Load(excel_path); xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet(testcase_name); } else if (File.Exists(excel_path) == true && WorkBook.Load(excel_path).GetWorkSheet(testcase_name) != null) { // 判斷當excel檔存在 且 有"預售屋查詢"工作表 >>> 讀取該excel檔, 讀取"預售屋查詢" 工作表 xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Load(excel_path); xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.GetWorkSheet(testcase_name); } else { // 判斷當excel檔不存在 >>> new create excel檔 & new create "預售屋查詢" 工作表 xlsWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLSX); //定義 excel格式為 XLSX xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet(testcase_name); } IWebElement ProjectNameDropDownList = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='layout_0_rightcontent_1_PnlInput']/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/ul")); ProjectNameDropDownList.Click(); // 點建案下拉選單 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); IWebElement SelectProject = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='layout_0_rightcontent_1_PnlInput']/div[2]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/ul/li/ul/li[6]/span")); SelectProject.Click(); // 選建案 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //Array存取預測試的字串 string[] array_payment_account = new string[] { "", "1234567890123456789", "12345", "123456", "中文字", "ABCDEF", "abcdef", "abcdef", "ABCDEF", "@#$%^&*", "!@#$%︿", "123abc456DEF", "987654321", "" }; //定義excel欄位 xlsSheet["A1"].Value = "檢查 繳款帳號欄位"; xlsSheet["A2"].Value = "建案名稱"; xlsSheet["B2"].Value = "手動輸入"; xlsSheet["C2"].Value = "欄位實際值"; xlsSheet["D2"].Value = "顯示訊息"; xlsSheet["E2"].Value = "預期結果(顯示訊息)"; xlsSheet["F2"].Value = "測試結果"; xlsSheet["A2:F2"].Style.BottomBorder.SetColor("#ff6600"); // 底線"紅色" xlsSheet["A2:F2"].Style.BottomBorder.Type = IronXL.Styles.BorderType.Double; //加雙底線 xlsSheet["A3"].Value = ProjectNameDropDownList.Text; // 欄位=建案名稱 int i = 3; foreach (string keyin in array_payment_account) // 跑迴圈以逐筆輸入欄位 { string check_position = "B" + i; string actual_value = "C" + i; string show_msg = "D" + i; string expect_result = "E" + i; string test_result = "F" + i; IWebElement PaymentAccount = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='layout_0_rightcontent_1_TxtVacno']")); PaymentAccount.Clear(); // 清除繳款欄位 PaymentAccount.SendKeys(keyin); // 輸入值 IWebElement submit_button = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='layout_0_rightcontent_1_LbtnQuery']")); string actualPaymentAccount = PaymentAccount.GetAttribute("value"); // 實際欄位讀取到的值 bool expect_check_result = Regex.IsMatch(actualPaymentAccount, @"^\d{6,16}$"); // 判斷欄位裡的字串是否為"6-16位全數字" bool digital_check_result = Regex.IsMatch(actualPaymentAccount, @"^[0-9]*$"); // 判斷欄位裡的字串是否為"全數字" if (expect_check_result == true) // 判斷當輸入字元符合預期(全數字, 6~16位數), 送出data後延遲等待5秒, 等網頁load完 { submit_button.Click(); // 點 送出 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } else { submit_button.Click(); // 點 送出 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } string payment_account_error = driver.FindElement(By.Id("layout_0_rightcontent_1_TxtVacno-error")).Text; if (actualPaymentAccount == "") // 判斷當輸入欄位為"空值" >>> 預期顯示 "必須填寫" warning { xlsSheet[check_position].Value = keyin; xlsSheet[actual_value].Value = actualPaymentAccount; xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = payment_account_error; xlsSheet[expect_result].Value = "顯示 '必須填寫'"; xlsSheet[test_result].Value = "Case_1"; } else if (actualPaymentAccount.Length < 6 && digital_check_result == true) // 判斷當"輸入欄位數字小於六位數" >>> 預期顯示 "最少 6 個字" warning { xlsSheet[check_position].Value = keyin; xlsSheet[actual_value].Value = actualPaymentAccount; xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = payment_account_error; xlsSheet[expect_result].Value = "顯示 '最少 6 個字'"; xlsSheet[test_result].Value = "Case_2"; } else if (digital_check_result != true) // 判斷當輸入欄位"不全為數字" >>> 預期顯示 "只可輸入數字" warning { xlsSheet[check_position].Value = keyin; xlsSheet[actual_value].Value = actualPaymentAccount; xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = payment_account_error; xlsSheet[expect_result].Value = "顯示 '只可輸入數字'"; xlsSheet[test_result].Value = "Case_3"; } // 判斷當輸入 "全部都數字" 且 "字數介於 6~16 位數間 >>> 預期查詢結果顯示 "企業代碼不存在" else if (expect_check_result == true) { string searchresult = driver.FindElement(By.Id("layout_0_rightcontent_1_LblMessage")).Text; xlsSheet[check_position].Value = keyin; xlsSheet[actual_value].Value = actualPaymentAccount; xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = searchresult; xlsSheet[expect_result].Value = "顯示 '企業代碼不存在'"; xlsSheet[test_result].Value = "Case_4"; } //else if (keyin.Length > 16 && result == true) // 判斷當輸入位元 "大於16位數" 且 "全部都數字" >> 預期查詢結果顯示 "企業代碼不存在 (need to confirm)" //{ // string searchresult = driver.FindElement(By.Id("layout_0_rightcontent_1_LblMessage")).Text; // 擷取"查詢結果" 欄位字串 // xlsSheet[check_position].Value = keyin; // xlsSheet[actual_value].Value = actualPaymentAccount; // xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = searchresult; // xlsSheet[expect_result].Value = "顯示 '[TBD]企業代碼不存在'"; // xlsSheet[test_result].Value = "Need Manaul Check"; //} else //非以上情況測試結果fail { string searchresult = driver.FindElement(By.Id("layout_0_rightcontent_1_LblMessage")).Text; // 擷取"查詢結果" 欄位字串 xlsSheet[check_position].Value = keyin; xlsSheet[actual_value].Value = actualPaymentAccount; xlsSheet[show_msg].Value = $"Message 1: {payment_account_error} / Message 2: {searchresult}"; xlsSheet[test_result].Value = "FAIL"; } i++; } if (File.Exists(excel_path) != true) { xlsWorkbook.SaveAs(excel_path); } else { xlsWorkbook.Save(); } driver.Quit(); }
public void readXLS(string FilePath) { try { WorkBook workbook = WorkBook.Load(FilePath); WorkSheet sheet = workbook.WorkSheets.First(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (sheet[columns[i] + "1"].StringValue != columnNames[i]) { label1.Text = "Неверный формат файла!"; return; } } //prepare excel for bad data WorkBook mistakesWorkbook = WorkBook.Create(ExcelFileFormat.XLS); mistakesWorkbook.Metadata.Author = "IronXL"; WorkSheet xlsSheet = mistakesWorkbook.CreateWorkSheet("Sheet1"); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { xlsSheet[columns[j] + "1"].Value = columnNames[j]; } int rowCounter = 2; //run throw rows for (int i = 2; i < 1000000; i++) { if (sheet['A' + i.ToString()].StringValue == "") { break; } bool checkFormat = true; //run throw columns string name = sheet[columns[0] + i.ToString()].StringValue; string type = sheet[columns[1] + i.ToString()].StringValue; string weight = sheet[columns[2] + i.ToString()].StringValue; string article = sheet[columns[3] + i.ToString()].StringValue; string yearOfIssue = sheet[columns[4] + i.ToString()].StringValue; //check data format if (name.Length > 100) { checkFormat = false; } try { Convert.ToDouble(weight); } catch { checkFormat = false; } if (article.Length > 16) { checkFormat = false; } for (int j = 0; j < article.Length; j++) { if (article[j] == ' ') { checkFormat = false; break; } } try { Convert.ToDateTime(yearOfIssue); } catch { checkFormat = false; } if (!checkFormat) { xlsSheet["A" + rowCounter.ToString()].Value = name; xlsSheet["B" + rowCounter.ToString()].Value = type; xlsSheet["C" + rowCounter.ToString()].Value = weight; xlsSheet["D" + rowCounter.ToString()].Value = article; xlsSheet["E" + rowCounter.ToString()].Value = yearOfIssue; rowCounter++; } else { AddInfoToComponentsTable(name, type, Convert.ToDouble(weight), article, Convert.ToDateTime(yearOfIssue)); } } label1.Text = "Кол-во строк в плохом формате: " + (rowCounter - 2).ToString(); mistakes = mistakesWorkbook; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); label1.Text = "Вероятно, выбранный вами файл используется другой программой!"; } }