CountStats() public méthode

public CountStats ( String pathname, Encoding, fileEncoding, System.Int64 &numLines, System.Int64 &numWords, System.Int64 &numChars, System.Int64 &numBytes ) : Boolean
pathname String
fileEncoding Encoding,
numLines System.Int64
numWords System.Int64
numChars System.Int64
numBytes System.Int64
Résultat Boolean
    protected void RadEditor1_SubmitClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sDoc = Request.QueryString.Get("doc").ToString();

        WordCounter wc = new WordCounter(RadEditor1.Text);
        int numWords, numChars;
        wc.CountStats(out numWords, out numChars);

        if (numChars <= 15000)
            switch (sDoc)
                case "narrative":
                    Session[ssId] = RadEditor1.Html;

            InjectScript.Text = "<script>CloseAndRebind()</" + "script>";
            lblError.Text = "Document length is too long. Please limit to 15000 characters.";
Exemple #2
    public static int Main(String[] args) {

			// Parse the command-line arguments
			WordCountArgParser ap = new WordCountArgParser();
			if (!ap.Parse(args)) 
				// An error occurrend while parsing
				return 1;

			// If an output file was specified on the command-line, use it
			FileStream fsOut = null;
			StreamWriter sw = null;
			if (ap.OutputFile != null) 
				fsOut = new FileStream(ap.OutputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
				sw = new StreamWriter(fsOut, ap.FileEncoding);

				// By associating the StreamWriter with the console, the rest of 
				// the code can think it's writing to the console but the console 
				// object redirects the output to the StreamWriter

			// Create a WordCounter object to keep running statistics
			WordCounter wc = new WordCounter();

			// Write the table header

			// Iterate over the user-specified files
			IEnumerator e = ap.GetPathnameEnumerator();
			while (e.MoveNext()) 
				Int64 NumLines, NumWords, NumChars, NumBytes;
				// Calculate the words stats for this file
				wc.CountStats((String)e.Current, ap.FileEncoding, out NumLines, out NumWords, out NumChars, out NumBytes);

				// Display the results
				String[] StrArgs = new String[] { 
													(String) e.Current 
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,5}\t{1,5}\t{2,5}\t{3,5}\t{4,5}", StrArgs));

			// Done processing all files, show the totals
			Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,5}\t{1,5}\t{2,5}\t{3,5}\tTotal in all files", 
				new object[] { wc.TotalLines, wc.TotalWords, wc.TotalChars, wc.TotalBytes } ));

			// If the user wants to see the word usage alphabetically, show it
			if (ap.ShowAlphabeticalWordUsage) 
				IDictionaryEnumerator de = wc.GetWordsAlphabeticallyEnumerator();
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Word usage sorted alphabetically ({0} unique words)", wc.UniqueWords));
				while (de.MoveNext()) 
					Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,5}: {1}", de.Value, de.Key));

			// If the user wants to see the word usage by occurrence, show it
			if (ap.ShowOccurrenceWordUsage) 
				IDictionaryEnumerator de = wc.GetWordsByOccurrenceEnumerator();
				Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Word usage sorted by occurrence ({0} unique words)", wc.UniqueWords));
				while (de.MoveNext()) 
					Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,5}: {1}", 

			// Explicitly close the console to guarantee that the StreamWriter object (sw) is flushed
			if (fsOut != null) fsOut.Close();
		catch(Exception e)
			Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
		return 0;