Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will allow you to extend the functionality of the parser for Wonka's markup language.
        /// By default, there is a common set of operators that can be used in the Wonka markup for certain
        /// Rule types (like "ASSIGN_SUM" will trigger the creation of an Arithmetic rule).  By adding a
        /// custom operator, the user can extend the language of Wonka's markup language, where an operator name
        /// can now lead to the remote execution of code elsewhere (Web method, Ethereum contract method, etc.).
        /// So, for example, there could be a new operator used in a markup file:
        ///     <validate err="severe">
        ///         <criteria op="AND" >
        ///            <eval>(N.PrimaryValue) GET_ETH_METHOD_VALUE('SomeValue')</eval>
        ///         </criteria>
        ///     </validate>
        /// Where the operator 'CALL_ETH_METHOD' is defined before parsing through the use of this method.
        /// When parsing the markup, the parser will know how to create and add an instance of CustomOperatorRule
        /// to the RuleTree, one which knows how to execute the right codepath defined by 'GET_ETH_METHOD_VALUE'.
        /// When executing, the rule of GET_ETH_METHOD_VALUE will be be invoked and its result
        /// will be assigned to 'N.PrimaryValue'.
        /// NOTE: That says "po-Op-Source", but if you want to look at it as "poOp-Source", well, that's up to you,
        /// and try not to laugh yourself silly
        /// <param name="psCustomOpName">The name of the new custom operator</param>
        /// <param name="poOpSource">The data that defines how to execute this new custom operator</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public void AddCustomOperator(string psCustomOpName, WonkaBizSource poOpSource = null)
            if (this.BasicOps.Contains(psCustomOpName))
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  Provided operator is already a basic operator within the rules engine.");

            if (this.ArithmeticLimitOps.Contains(psCustomOpName))
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  Provided operator is already an arithmetic limit operator within the rules engine.");

            if (this.DateLimitOps.Contains(psCustomOpName))
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  Provided operator is already a date limit operator within the rules engine.");

            if (poOpSource != null)
                this.CustomOpSources[psCustomOpName] = poOpSource;
                string sEmpty = string.Empty;

                this.CustomOpSources[psCustomOpName] =
                    new WonkaBizSource(sEmpty, sEmpty, sEmpty, sEmpty, sEmpty, sEmpty, sEmpty, null);
        public Nethereum.Contracts.Contract GetContract(WonkaBizSource TargetSource)
            var web3     = GetWeb3();
            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(TargetSource.ContractABI, TargetSource.ContractAddress);

        public WonkaBizRulesEngine(StringBuilder psRules,
                                   Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource> poSourceMap,
                                   Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource> poCustomOpBlockchainSources,
                                   IMetadataRetrievable piMetadataSource = null,
                                   bool pbAddToRegistry = true)
            if ((psRules == null) || (psRules.Length <= 0))
                throw new WonkaBizRuleException("ERROR!  Provided rules are null or empty!");

            UsingOrchestrationMode = true;
            AddToRegistry          = pbAddToRegistry;

            RefEnvHandle = Init(piMetadataSource);

            WonkaBizRulesXmlReader BreXmlReader = new WonkaBizRulesXmlReader(psRules, piMetadataSource, this);

            foreach (string sKey in poCustomOpBlockchainSources.Keys)
                WonkaBizSource oTargetSource = poCustomOpBlockchainSources[sKey];

                BreXmlReader.AddCustomOperator(sKey, oTargetSource);

            RuleTreeRoot = BreXmlReader.ParseRuleTree();
            SourceMap    = poSourceMap;
            CustomOpMap  = poCustomOpBlockchainSources;
            AllRuleSets  = BreXmlReader.AllParsedRuleSets;

            this.RetrieveCurrRecord = AssembleOtherProduct;
        public static void AddNethereumERC20GetBalanceRule(this WonkaBizRuleSet poRuleSet,
                                                           WonkaRefEnvironment poRefEnv,
                                                           Web3 poWeb3,
                                                           WonkaRefAttr poTargetAttr,
                                                           string psAddRuleDesc,
                                                           string psTargetOwner,
                                                           string psERC20ContractAddress)
            WonkaBizRule NewRule = null;

            WonkaBizSource DummySource =
                new WonkaBizSource("ERC20", psERC20ContractAddress, "", "", "", "", "", null);

            WonkaEthCustomOpRule CustomOpRule =
                new WonkaEthCustomOpRule(mnRuleCounter++,

            CustomOpRule.OwnerWeb3 = poWeb3;
            CustomOpRule.PrimaryContractAddress = psERC20ContractAddress;
            CustomOpRule.CustomOpDelegate       = CustomOpRule.InvokeERC20GetBalance;

            CustomOpRule.AddDomainValue(psTargetOwner, true, TARGET_RECORD.TRID_NONE);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psAddRuleDesc))
                NewRule.DescRuleId = psAddRuleDesc;

        public Nethereum.Contracts.Contract GetContract(WonkaBizSource TargetSource)
            var account  = new Account(TargetSource.Password);
            var web3     = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3(account);
            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(TargetSource.ContractABI, TargetSource.ContractAddress);

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will build a trigger that will transfer tokens from a holding account to a receiver.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISuccessTrigger BuildTokenTransferTrigger(this WonkaBizSource poSource, string psRecvAddress, long pnTransferAmt, string psWeb3Url = "", System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource poTokenSrc = null)
            Nethereum.Web3.Web3 web3 = WonkaExtensions.GetWeb3(poSource.Password, psWeb3Url);

            var TransferTrigger = new WonkaEthEIP20TransferTrigger(web3, poSource.ContractAddress, psRecvAddress, pnTransferAmt, poTokenSrc);

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will create a custom operator rule that will determine whether an attribute's value falls within a domain defined by the
        /// results of a query on a database.
        /// </summary>
        public static CustomOperatorRule BuildSqlQueryRule(this WonkaBizSource poSource, int pnRuleID, int pnTargetAttrId, string psCustomOpName, bool pbQueryDomainRule = false)
            var QueryRule = new WonkaBizQueryRule(pnRuleID, pnTargetAttrId, psCustomOpName, poSource)
                IsDomainQuery = pbQueryDomainRule

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will create a custom operator rule that will determine whether an attribute's value falls within a domain defined by the
        /// results of a query on a database.
        /// </summary>
        public static CustomOperatorRule BuildSqlQueryRule(this WonkaBizSource poSource, int pnRuleID, bool pbQueryDomainRule = false)
            var QueryRule = new WonkaBizQueryRule(pnRuleID, poSource)
                IsDomainQuery = pbQueryDomainRule

Exemple #9
 public WonkaEthCustomOpRule(int pnRuleID,
                             TARGET_RECORD peTargetRecord,
                             int pnTargetAttrId,
                             string psCustomOpName,
                             WonkaBizRulesXmlReader.ExecuteCustomOperator poCustomOpDelegate,
                             WonkaBizSource poCustomOpSource)
     : base(pnRuleID, peTargetRecord, pnTargetAttrId, psCustomOpName, poCustomOpDelegate, poCustomOpSource)
Exemple #10
        public string RetrieveValueMethod(WonkaBizSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName)
            var contract = GetContract(poTargetSource);

            var getRecordValueFunction = contract.GetFunction(poTargetSource.MethodName);

            var result = getRecordValueFunction.CallAsync <string>(psAttrName).Result;

Exemple #11
        public CustomOperatorRule(int pnRuleID,
                                  TARGET_RECORD peTargetRecord,
                                  int pnTargetAttrId,
                                  string psCustomOpName,
                                  WonkaBizRulesXmlReader.ExecuteCustomOperator poCustomOpDelegate,
                                  WonkaBizSource poCustomOpSource)
            : base(pnRuleID, RULE_TYPE.RT_CUSTOM_OP)
            Init(peTargetRecord, pnTargetAttrId, null);

            CustomOpName     = psCustomOpName;
            CustomOpDelegate = poCustomOpDelegate;
            CustomOpSource   = poCustomOpSource;
Exemple #12
        public string RetrieveValueMethod(WonkaBizSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName)
            string sValue = "";

            if (psAttrName != "VaultYieldRate")
                sValue = poTargetSource.GetAttrValue(psAttrName);
            // NOTE: Only useful in case of demo
                sValue = "0.12";

Exemple #13
        public Nethereum.Contracts.Contract GetContract(WonkaBizSource TargetSource)
            var account = new Account(TargetSource.Password);

            Nethereum.Web3.Web3 web3 = null;
            if ((moOrchInitData != null) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(moOrchInitData.Web3HttpUrl))
                web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3(account, moOrchInitData.Web3HttpUrl);
                web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3(account);

            var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(TargetSource.ContractABI, TargetSource.ContractAddress);

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will return an Attribute value from a web method.
        /// <param name="poTargetSource">The Source of the Attribute's location, defined on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="psAttrName">The name of the Attribute which we are seeking</param>
        /// <returns>Contains the value of the sought Attribute</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <string> GetAttrValueViaWebMethodAsync(this WonkaBizSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName)
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())

                string sGetAttrVal =
                    poTargetSource.APIWebUrl + "/" + poTargetSource.APIWebMethod + "?" + poTargetSource.APIWebParam + "=" + psAttrName;

                using (var responseMessage = await client.GetAsync(sGetAttrVal).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    Stream receiveStream = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will assemble the new product by iterating through each specified source
        /// and retrieving the data from it.
        /// <param name="poKeyValues">The keys for the product whose data we wish to extract/param>
        /// <returns>Contains the assembled product data that represents the current product</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public WonkaProduct AssembleCurrentProduct(Dictionary <string, string> poKeyValues)
            WonkaProduct CurrentProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            // NOTE: Do work here
            if (SourceMap != null)
                foreach (string sTmpAttName in SourceMap.Keys)
                    WonkaBizSource TmpSource  = SourceMap[sTmpAttName];
                    WonkaRefAttr   TargetAttr = RefEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName(sTmpAttName);

                    string sTmpValue = TmpSource.RetrievalDelegate.Invoke(TmpSource, TargetAttr.AttrName);

                    CurrentProduct.SetAttribute(TargetAttr, sTmpValue);

Exemple #16
        private WonkaEthRulesEngine AssembleWonkaEthEngine(string psWonkaRules)
            refEnvHandle =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, metadataSource);

            string sContractAddr  = "";
            string sContractABI   = "";
            string sGetMethodName = "";
            string sSetMethodName = "";

            WonkaBizSource.RetrieveDataMethod retrieveMethod = null;

            var SourceMap = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

            foreach (var TmpAttr in refEnvHandle.AttrCache)
                var TmpSource =
                    new WonkaBizSource(TmpAttr.AttrName,

                SourceMap[TmpAttr.AttrName] = TmpSource;

            WonkaEthEngineInitialization EngineInit =
                new WonkaEthEngineInitialization()
                EthSenderAddress = CONST_ACCT_PUBLIC_KEY,
                EthPassword      = CONST_ACCT_PASSWORD,
                Web3HttpUrl      = CONST_TEST_INFURA_URL

            return(new WonkaEthRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(psWonkaRules), SourceMap, EngineInit, metadataSource, false));
Exemple #17
        public virtual void SerializeRecordToBlockchain(ICommand poCommand)
            Hashtable DataValues = new Hashtable();

            GetPropertiesViaReflection(poCommand, DataValues);

            Dictionary <string, Contract> Sources = new Dictionary <string, Contract>();

            foreach (string sAttrName in moRulesEngine.SourceMap.Keys)
                var contract = this.GetContract(moRulesEngine.SourceMap[sAttrName]);

                Sources[moRulesEngine.SourceMap[sAttrName].SourceId] = contract;

            // Out of gas exception
            // var gas = setValueOnRecordFunction.EstimateGasAsync(sSenderAddress, "SomeAttr", "SomeValue").Result;
            var gas = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000000);

            foreach (String sTempAttrName in DataValues.Keys)
                WonkaBizSource TempSource = moRulesEngine.SourceMap[sTempAttrName];

                string sSenderAddr = TempSource.SenderAddress;
                string sAttrValue  = (string)DataValues[sTempAttrName];

                var contract = Sources[TempSource.SourceId];

                var setValueOnRecordFunction = contract.GetFunction(TempSource.SetterMethodName);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrValue))
                    var receiptSetValueOnRecord =
                        setValueOnRecordFunction.SendTransactionAsync(sSenderAddr, gas, null, sTempAttrName, sAttrValue).Result;
        public virtual void DeserializeRecordFromBlockchain(ICommand poCommand)
            Hashtable DataValues = new Hashtable();

            Dictionary <string, Contract> Sources = new Dictionary <string, Contract>();

            foreach (string sAttrName in moInitData.BlockchainDataSources.Keys)
                var contract = this.GetContract(moInitData.BlockchainDataSources[sAttrName]);

                Sources[moInitData.BlockchainDataSources[sAttrName].SourceId] = contract;

            // Out of gas exception
            // var gas = setValueOnRecordFunction.EstimateGasAsync(sSenderAddress, "SomeAttr", "SomeValue").Result;
            var gas = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000000);

            foreach (String sTempAttrName in moInitData.BlockchainDataSources.Keys)
                WonkaBizSource TempSource = moInitData.BlockchainDataSources[sTempAttrName];

                string sSenderAddr = TempSource.SenderAddress;

                var contract = Sources[TempSource.SourceId];

                var getValueOnRecordFunction = contract.GetFunction(TempSource.MethodName);

                string sAttrValue = getValueOnRecordFunction.CallAsync <string>(sTempAttrName).Result;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrValue))
                    DataValues[sTempAttrName] = sAttrValue;

            AssignPropertiesViaReflection(poCommand, DataValues);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will assemble the new product by iterating through each specified source
        /// and retrieving the data directly from the third-party storage contract on the chain.
        /// <param name="poEngine">The Wonka.NET instance that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="poKeyValues">The keys for the product whose data we wish to extract (though not yet used)</param>
        /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
        /// <returns>Contains the assembled product data that represents the current product</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static WonkaProduct AssembleCurrentProductFromChainSources(this WonkaBizRulesEngine poEngine, Dictionary <string, string> poKeyValues, string psWeb3Url = "")
            WonkaProduct CurrentProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            if ((poKeyValues != null) && (poKeyValues.Count > 0))
                // NOTE: To be determined

            if (poEngine.SourceMap != null)
                foreach (string sTmpAttrName in poEngine.SourceMap.Keys)
                    WonkaBizSource TmpSource  = poEngine.SourceMap[sTmpAttrName];
                    WonkaRefAttr   TargetAttr = poEngine.RefEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName(sTmpAttrName);

                    string sTmpValue = TmpSource.GetAttrValueFromChain(sTmpAttrName, psWeb3Url);

                    CurrentProduct.SetAttribute(TargetAttr, sTmpValue);

 /// <summary>
 /// This method will return an Attribute value using.
 /// <param name="poTargetSource">The Source of the Attribute's location, defined on the chain</param>
 /// <param name="psAttrName">The name of the Attribute which we are seeking</param>
 /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
 /// <returns>Contains the value of the sought Attribute</returns>
 /// </summary>
 public static async Task <string> GetAttrValueAsync(this WonkaBizSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName, string psWeb3Url = "")
     return(await poTargetSource.GetAttrValueFromChainAsync(psAttrName, psWeb3Url).ConfigureAwait(false));
 /// <summary>
 /// This method will return an Attribute value using.
 /// <param name="poTargetSource">The Source of the Attribute's location, defined on the chain</param>
 /// <param name="psAttrName">The name of the Attribute which we are seeking</param>
 /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
 /// <returns>Contains the value of the sought Attribute</returns>
 /// </summary>
 public static string GetAttrValue(this WonkaBizSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName, string psWeb3Url = "")
     return(poTargetSource.GetAttrValueFromChain(psAttrName, psWeb3Url));
 public string RetrieveValueMethod(WonkaBizSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName)
     return(poTargetSource.GetAttrValue(psAttrName, CONST_ONLINE_TEST_CHAIN_URL));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will initialize an instance of the Wonka.Net engine, using all the data provided.
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <bool> InitEngineAsync(this WonkaEthEngineInitialization poEngineInitData, bool pbRequireRetrieveValueMethod = true)
            bool bResult = true;

            var EngineProps = poEngineInitData.Engine;

            if (EngineProps == null)
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  No engine properties provided.");

            if ((EngineProps.RulesEngine == null) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(EngineProps.RulesMarkupXml))
                if (pbRequireRetrieveValueMethod && (EngineProps.DotNetRetrieveMethod == null))
                    throw new WonkaEthInitException("ERROR!  Retrieve method not provided for the Wonka.NET engine.", poEngineInitData);

                if (EngineProps.MetadataSource == null)
                    throw new WonkaEthInitException("ERROR!  No metadata source has been provided.", poEngineInitData);

                // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
                WonkaRefEnvironment WonkaRefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, EngineProps.MetadataSource);

                // The old version of deployment, pushing out a contract with all methods (i.e., library)
                // bool bDeploySuccess = poEngineInitData.DeployContractsClassicAsync().Result;

                // The new version of deployment, pushing out the contract with a link to a library
                bool bDeploySuccess = poEngineInitData.DeployContractsAsync().Result;

                if (bDeploySuccess)
                    if ((EngineProps.SourceMap == null) || (EngineProps.SourceMap.Count == 0))
                        EngineProps.SourceMap = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

                        // Here a mapping is created, where each Attribute points to a specific contract and its "accessor" methods
                        // - the class that contains this information (contract, accessors, etc.) is of the WonkaBreSource type
                        foreach (WonkaRefAttr TempAttr in WonkaRefEnv.AttrCache)
                            WonkaBizSource TempSource =
                                new WonkaBizSource(poEngineInitData.StorageDefaultSourceId,

                            EngineProps.SourceMap[TempAttr.AttrName] = TempSource;

                    EngineProps.RulesEngine =
                        new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(EngineProps.RulesMarkupXml), EngineProps.SourceMap, EngineProps.MetadataSource);

                    EngineProps.RulesEngine.DefaultSource = poEngineInitData.StorageDefaultSourceId;

                    //NOTE: These Ethereum ops will not currently execute correctly within .NET during Async mode, since the Wonka.NET must then also be refactored to execute in Async
                    //EngineProps.RulesEngine.SetDefaultStdOps(poEngineInitData.EthPassword, poEngineInitData.Web3HttpUrl);
                    throw new Exception("ERROR!  Deployment of Wonka contracts has failed!");

Exemple #24
        private void ParseSingleRule(XmlNode poRuleXmlNode, WonkaBizRuleSet poTargetRuleSet)
            int    nNewRuleId      = ++(this.RuleIdCounter);
            string sRuleExpression = poRuleXmlNode.InnerText;

            WonkaBizRule NewRule = null;

            if (this.CustomOpSources.Keys.Any(s => sRuleExpression.Contains(s)))
                string sFoundKey = this.CustomOpSources.Keys.FirstOrDefault(s => sRuleExpression.Contains(s));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sFoundKey) && (this.CustomOpSources[sFoundKey].CustomOpRuleBuilder != null))
                    WonkaBizSource CustomOpSource = this.CustomOpSources[sFoundKey];

                    NewRule = CustomOpSource.CustomOpRuleBuilder.Invoke(CustomOpSource, nNewRuleId);
                    NewRule = new CustomOperatorRule()
                        RuleId = nNewRuleId
            else if (this.ArithmeticLimitOps.Any(s => sRuleExpression.Contains(s)))
                NewRule = new ArithmeticLimitRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId
            else if (this.DateLimitOps.Any(s => sRuleExpression.Contains(s)))
                NewRule = new DateLimitRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("NOT POPULATED"))
                NewRule = new PopulatedRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = true
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("POPULATED"))
                NewRule = new PopulatedRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("!="))
                NewRule = new DomainRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = true
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("=="))
                NewRule = new DomainRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("NOT IN"))
                NewRule = new DomainRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = true
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("IN"))
                NewRule = new DomainRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("EXISTS AS"))
                NewRule = new DomainRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false, SearchAllDataRows = true
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("DEFAULT"))
                NewRule = new AssignmentRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false, DefaultAssignment = true
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("ASSIGN_SUM"))
                NewRule = new ArithmeticRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false, OpType = ARITH_OP_TYPE.AOT_SUM
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("ASSIGN_DIFF"))
                NewRule = new ArithmeticRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false, OpType = ARITH_OP_TYPE.AOT_DIFF
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("ASSIGN_PROD"))
                NewRule = new ArithmeticRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false, OpType = ARITH_OP_TYPE.AOT_PROD
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("ASSIGN_QUOT"))
                NewRule = new ArithmeticRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false, OpType = ARITH_OP_TYPE.AOT_QUOT
            else if (sRuleExpression.Contains("ASSIGN"))
                NewRule = new AssignmentRule()
                    RuleId = nNewRuleId, NotOperator = false

            if (NewRule != null)
                var RuleId = poRuleXmlNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(CONST_RULE_ID_ATTR);
                if (RuleId != null)
                    NewRule.DescRuleId = RuleId.Value;

                NewRule.ParentRuleSetId = poTargetRuleSet.RuleSetId;

                SetTargetAttribute(NewRule, sRuleExpression);

                if (NewRule.RuleType != RULE_TYPE.RT_POPULATED)
                    SetRuleValues(NewRule, sRuleExpression);

                if (RulesHostEngine != null)
                    NewRule.RulesHostEngine = RulesHostEngine;

                    if (RulesHostEngine.StdOpMap != null)
                        if ((NewRule is ArithmeticLimitRule) && RulesHostEngine.StdOpMap.ContainsKey(STD_OP_TYPE.STD_OP_BLOCK_NUM))
                            ((ArithmeticLimitRule)NewRule).BlockNumDelegate = RulesHostEngine.StdOpMap[STD_OP_TYPE.STD_OP_BLOCK_NUM];

            if (NewRule != null)
 public WonkaBizQueryRule(int pnRuleID, int pnTargetAttrId, string psCustomOpName, WonkaBizSource poCustomOpSource, bool pbCacheDomain = false) :
     base(pnRuleID, TARGET_RECORD.TRID_NEW_RECORD, pnTargetAttrId, psCustomOpName, null, poCustomOpSource)
 public WonkaBizQueryRule(int pnRuleID, WonkaBizSource poCustomOpSource, bool pbCacheDomain = false) :
     base(pnRuleID, TARGET_RECORD.TRID_NEW_RECORD, 0, null, null, poCustomOpSource)
Exemple #27
        // This constructor will be called in the case that we wish to initialize the framework
        // with configuration files that will be accessed through IPFS
        public WonkaCQSOrchTest(StringBuilder psPeerKeyId, string psRulesMarkupFile, string psRulesInitFile, string psRegistryInitFile)
            moAttrSourceMap = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();
            moCustomOpMap   = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

            var TmpAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            Wonka.IpfsW.WonkaIpfsEnvironment IpfsEnv = Wonka.IpfsW.WonkaIpfsEnvironment.CreateInstance();

            // Read the XML markup that lists the business rules
            msRulesContents = IpfsEnv.GetFile(psPeerKeyId.ToString(), psRulesMarkupFile);

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules engine
            // (like addresses of contracts, senders, passwords, etc.)
            string sInitXml = IpfsEnv.GetFile(psPeerKeyId.ToString(), psRulesInitFile);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sInitXml))
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthInitialization"));

                Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization WonkaInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization;


                moOrchInitData = WonkaInit.TransformIntoOrchestrationInit(moMetadataSource);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Number of custom operators: (" + WonkaInit.CustomOperatorList.Length + ").");

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules registry
            // (like Ruletree info, Grove info, etc.)
            string sInitRegistryXml = IpfsEnv.GetFile(psPeerKeyId.ToString(), psRegistryInitFile);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sInitRegistryXml))
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthRegistryInitialization"));

                moWonkaRegistryInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitRegistryXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization;


            #region Set Class Member Variables
            msSenderAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.SenderAddress;
            msPassword      = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.Password;

            if (moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress == null)
                msWonkaContractAddress = DeployWonkaContract();
                msWonkaContractAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress;

            if (moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress == null)
                msOrchContractAddress = DeployOrchestrationContract();
                msOrchContractAddress = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress;

            msAbiWonka        = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractABI;
            msAbiOrchContract = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractABI;

            moDefaultSource =
                new WonkaBizSource(moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.SourceId,

            // Here a mapping is created, where each Attribute points to a specific contract and its "accessor" methods
            // - the class that contains this information (contract, accessors, etc.) is of the WonkaBreSource type
            foreach (WonkaRefAttr TempAttr in RefEnv.AttrCache)
                moAttrSourceMap[TempAttr.AttrName] = moDefaultSource;

            // Here a mapping is created, where each Custom Operator points to a specific contract and its "implementation" method
            // - the class that contains this information (contract, accessors, etc.) is of the WonkaBreSource type
            moCustomOpMap = moOrchInitData.BlockchainCustomOpFunctions;


            Wonka.Eth.Contracts.WonkaRuleTreeRegistry WonkaRegistry =

            RefEnv.Serialize(moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngineOwner, msPassword, msSenderAddress, msWonkaContractAddress, msAbiWonka, moOrchInitData.Web3HttpUrl);
        public RuleTreeReport ExecuteWithReport(WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction, WonkaBizSource poFlagSource)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            Dictionary <string, string> PrdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var contract = GetContract();

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                // NOTE: Caused exception to be thrown
                // var gas = executeWithReportFunction.EstimateGasAsync(msSenderAddress).Result;
                var gas = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000000);

                WonkaProduct OrchContractCurrValues = poRulesEngine.AssembleCurrentProduct(new Dictionary <string, string>());

                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                var receiptAddAttribute = executeWithReportFunction.SendTransactionAsync(msSenderAddress, gas, null, msSenderAddress).Result;

                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                ruleTreeReport = executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().Result;
                ruleTreeReport = executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(msSenderAddress).Result;

        public void Execute(string psOrchestrationTestAddress = null, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction = false)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource> SourceMap =
                new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

            string sDefaultSource    = "S";
            string sContractSourceId = sDefaultSource;
            string sContractAddress  = "";
            string sContractAbi      = "";
            string sOrchGetterMethod = "";
            string sOrchSetterMethod = "";

            // If a 'psOrchestrationTestAddress' value has been provided, it indicates that the user wishes
            // to use Orchestration
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psOrchestrationTestAddress))
                // Here we set the values for Orchestration (like the target contract) and the implemented
                // methods that have the expected function signatures for getting/setting Attribute values
                sContractAddress  = psOrchestrationTestAddress;
                sContractAbi      = msAbiOrchTest;
                sOrchGetterMethod = "getAttrValueBytes32";
                sOrchSetterMethod = "setAttrValueBytes32";
                sContractAddress  = msContractAddress;
                sContractAbi      = msAbiWonka;
                sOrchGetterMethod = "getValueOnRecord";
                sOrchSetterMethod = "";

            // Here a mapping is created, where each Attribute points to a specific contract and its "accessor" methods
            // - the class that contains this information (contract, accessors, etc.) is of the WonkaBreSource type
            foreach (WonkaRefAttr TempAttr in moTargetAttrList)
                WonkaBizSource TempSource =
                    new WonkaBizSource(sContractSourceId, msSenderAddress, msPassword, sContractAddress, sContractAbi, sOrchGetterMethod, sOrchSetterMethod, RetrieveValueMethod);

                SourceMap[TempAttr.AttrName] = TempSource;

            // Creating an instance of the rules engine using our rules and the metadata
            WonkaBizRulesEngine RulesEngine = null;

            if (psOrchestrationTestAddress == null)
                RulesEngine = new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), moMetadataSource);
                RulesEngine = new WonkaBizRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), SourceMap, moMetadataSource);
                RulesEngine.DefaultSource = sDefaultSource;


            // The contract dictates that the RuleTree (and its other info, like the Source mapping) is serialized
            // to the blockchain before interacting with it

            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");
            WonkaRefAttr RvwFlagAttr    = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            // Gets a predefined data record that will be our analog for new data coming into the system
            // We are only using this record to test the .NET implementation
            WonkaProduct NewProduct = GetNewProduct();

            string sStatusValueBefore = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);
            string sFlagValueBefore   = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, RvwFlagAttr);

            // SerializeProductToBlockchain(NewProduct);

            // Validate that the .NET implementation and the rules markup are both working properly
            Wonka.BizRulesEngine.Reporting.WonkaBizRuleTreeReport Report = RulesEngine.Validate(NewProduct);

            string sStatusValueAfter = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);
            string sFlagValueAfter   = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, RvwFlagAttr);

            if (Report.OverallRuleTreeResult == ERR_CD.CD_SUCCESS)
                // NOTE: This should only be used for further testing
                // Serialize(NewProduct);
            else if (Report.GetRuleSetFailureCount() > 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine(".NET Engine says \"Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!\"");
                System.Console.WriteLine(".NET Engine says \"What in the world is happening?\"");

            // If a 'psOrchestrationTestAddress' value has been provided, it indicates that the user wishes
            // to use Orchestration
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psOrchestrationTestAddress))
                ** Now execute the rules engine on the blockchain.
                ** NOTE: Based on the value of the argument 'pbValidateWithinTransaction', we will act accordingly -
                **       If set to 'true', we issue a call() when we execute the rules engine, since we are only
                **       looking to validate here.  However, if the value if 'false', we issue a sendTransaction()
                **       so that we can attempts to set values (i.e., change the blockchain) will take effect.
                **       In that case, we might want to pull back the record afterwards with a subsequent function
                **       call, in order to examine the record here.
                var BlockchainReport = ExecuteWithReport(RulesEngine, pbValidateWithinTransaction, SourceMap[RvwFlagAttr.AttrName]);

                if (BlockchainReport.NumberOfRuleFailures == 0)
                    // Indication of a success
                else if (BlockchainReport.NumberOfRuleFailures > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!");
                    throw new Exception("Seriously, what in the world is happening?!");
Exemple #30
        // This constructor will be called in the case that we wish to initialize the framework
        // with configuration files locally (embedded resources, local filesystem, etc.)
        public WonkaCQSOrchTest()
            moAttrSourceMap = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();
            moCustomOpMap   = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

            var TmpAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            // Read the XML markup that lists the business rules (i.e., the RuleTree)
            using (var RulesReader = new StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.VATCalculationExample.xml")))
                msRulesContents = RulesReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules engine
            // (like addresses of contracts, senders, passwords, etc.)
            using (var XmlReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.VATCalculationExample.init.xml")))
                string sInitXml = XmlReader.ReadToEnd();

                // We deserialize/parse the contents of the config file
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthInitialization"));

                Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization WonkaInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization;

                // Here, any embeddeded resources mentioned in the config file (instead of simple file URLs) are accessed here

                // The initialization data is transformed into a structure used by the Wonka.Eth namespace
                moOrchInitData = WonkaInit.TransformIntoOrchestrationInit(moMetadataSource);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Number of custom operators: (" + WonkaInit.CustomOperatorList.Length + ").");

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules registry
            // (like Ruletree info, Grove info, etc.) - this information will allow us to add our RuleTree to the
            // Registry so that it can be discovered by users and so it can be added to a Grove (where it can be executed
            // as a member of a collection)
            using (var XmlReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.WonkaRegistry.init.xml")))
                string sInitRegistryXml = XmlReader.ReadToEnd();

                // We deserialize/parse the contents of the config file
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthRegistryInitialization"));

                moWonkaRegistryInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitRegistryXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization;

                // Here, any embeddeded resources mentioned in the config file (instead of simple file URLs) are accessed here

            // Here, we save all data from the config files to member properties
            // This region and the usage of member properties isn't necessary, but it's useful for debugging
            #region Set Class Member Variables
            msSenderAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.SenderAddress;
            msPassword      = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.Password;

            if (moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress == null)
                msWonkaContractAddress = DeployWonkaContract();
                msWonkaContractAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress;

            if (moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress == null)
                msOrchContractAddress = DeployOrchestrationContract();
                msOrchContractAddress = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress;

            msAbiWonka        = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractABI;
            msAbiOrchContract = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractABI;

            moDefaultSource =
                new WonkaBizSource(moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.SourceId,

            foreach (WonkaRefAttr TempAttr in RefEnv.AttrCache)
                moAttrSourceMap[TempAttr.AttrName] = moDefaultSource;

            moCustomOpMap = moOrchInitData.BlockchainCustomOpFunctions;

            // We initialize the proxy that will be used to communicate with the Registry on the blockchain
            Wonka.Eth.Contracts.WonkaRuleTreeRegistry WonkaRegistry =

            // Here, the data domain is serialized to the blockchain for use by the RuleTree(s)
            RefEnv.Serialize(moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngineOwner, msPassword, msSenderAddress, msWonkaContractAddress, msAbiWonka, moOrchInitData.Web3HttpUrl);