public static WoWPoint FindSafeLocation(double distanceFromTarget, double distanceFromOthers)
            WoWPoint        myLocation = Me.Location;
            WoWPoint        destinationLocation;
            List <WoWPoint> mobLocations = new List <WoWPoint>();

            mobLocations = AllMobsAroundUs;
            double bestSafetyMargin = distanceFromTarget;


            // Rotate 10 degrees each itteration
            for (float degrees = 0f; degrees < 360f; degrees += 10f)
                // Search 5 yards further away each itteration
                for (float distanceFromMob = 0f; distanceFromMob <= 35f; distanceFromMob += 5f)
                    destinationLocation = myLocation.RayCast((float)(degrees * Math.PI / 180f), distanceFromMob);
                    double mobDistance = destinationLocation.Distance2D(NearestMobLoc(destinationLocation, mobLocations));

                    // Mob(s) too close to our current base-safe location, not a suitable location
                    if (mobDistance <= bestSafetyMargin)

                    // Found a mob-free location, lets do further testing.
                    // * Check if we can generate a path
                    // * Check if we have LOS

                    // Can we generate a path to this location?
                    if (Navigator.GeneratePath(Me.Location, destinationLocation).Length <= 0)
                        Utils.Log("Mob-free location failed path generation check");

                    // Is the destination in line of sight?
                    if (!GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(Me.Location, destinationLocation))
                        Utils.Log("Mob-free location failed line of sight check");

                    // We pass all checks. This is a good location
                    // Make it so 'Number 1', "Engage"

Exemple #2
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var point = new WoWPoint((float)numericUpDown1.Value, (float)numericUpDown2.Value, (float)numericUpDown3.Value);

            Logging.Write("Точка: {0}", point);

            var rayCast = point.RayCast(StyxWoW.Me.Rotation, 20);

            Logging.Write("Точка RayCast: {0}", rayCast);
            if (!Navigator.CanNavigateFully(StyxWoW.Me.Location, rayCast))
                Logging.Write("Неудается найти путь от {0} до {1}", StyxWoW.Me.Location, rayCast);
            Logging.Write("Путь найден. Устанавливаю значение для метода передвижения.");
            ImpMovePlugin.PointTo  = rayCast;
            ImpMovePlugin.NeedMove = true;
Exemple #3
        WoWPoint TryGetHieght(WoWPoint point)
            float PIx2 = (float)Math.PI * 2f;
            int   step = 20;

            for (int d = 5; d <= 50; d += 5)
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    WoWPoint newPoint = point.RayCast((i * PIx2) / step, d);
                        newPoint.Z = Navigator.FindHeights(newPoint.X, newPoint.Y).Max();
                    catch { }
Exemple #4
            WoWPoint playerLoc  = _me.Location;
            var      sonar      = new List <int>(TraceStep);
            var      tracelines = new WorldLine[TraceStep * 3];

            bool[] tracelineRetVals;
            for (int i = 0; i < TraceStep; i++)
                // scans 10,15 and 20 yards from player for water at every 18 degress
                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                    WoWPoint p         = (playerLoc.RayCast((i * PIx2) / TraceStep, 10 + (n * 5)));
                    WoWPoint highPoint = p;
                    highPoint.Z += 5;
                    WoWPoint lowPoint = p;
                    lowPoint.Z -= 55;
                    tracelines[(i * 3) + n].Start = highPoint;
                    tracelines[(i * 3) + n].End   = lowPoint;
                                    GameWorld.CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestLiquid | GameWorld.CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestLiquid2,
                                    out tracelineRetVals);
            for (int i = 0; i < TraceStep; i++)
                int scan = 0;
                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                    if (tracelineRetVals[(i * 3) + n])

            int widest = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < TraceStep; i++)
                if (sonar[i] > widest)
                    widest = sonar[i];
            bool counting = false;
            int  startIndex = 0, bigestStartIndex = 0, startLen = 0, endLen = 0, bigestStretch = 0;

            // if we found water find the largest area and face towards the center of it.

            if (widest > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < TraceStep; i++)
                    if (sonar[i] == widest && !counting)
                        startIndex = i;
                        if (i == 0)
                            startLen = 1;
                        counting = true;
                    if (sonar[i] != widest && counting)
                        if ((i) - startIndex > bigestStretch)
                            bigestStretch    = (i) - startIndex;
                            bigestStartIndex = startIndex;
                        if (startIndex == 0)
                            startLen = i;
                        counting = false;
                    if (sonar[i] == widest && counting && i == 19)
                        endLen = i - startIndex;
                int index;
                if (startLen + endLen > bigestStretch)
                    if (startLen >= endLen)
                        index = startLen > endLen ? startLen - endLen : endLen - startLen;
                        index = (TraceStep - 1) - (endLen - startLen);
                    index = bigestStartIndex + (bigestStretch / 2);
                float direction = (index * PIx2) / 20;

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// locates safe point away from enemies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptOrigin">start point for search</param>
        /// <param name="minSafeDist">min distance to be safe</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public WoWPoint FindLocationOriginal(WoWPoint ptOrigin)
            WoWPoint destinationLocation = new WoWPoint();
            List<WoWPoint> mobLocations = new List<WoWPoint>();
            int arcIncrement = 360 / RaysToCheck;

            mobLocations = AllEnemyMobLocations;

            double minSafeDistSqr = MinSafeDistance * MinSafeDistance;

            double degreesFacing = (Me.RenderFacing * 180f) / Math.PI;
            // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Facing {0:F0}d {1:F2}r Searching for {2:F1} yard mob free area", degreesFacing, Me.RenderFacing, MinSafeDistance);
            for (int arcIndex = 0; arcIndex < RaysToCheck ; arcIndex++)
                float degreesFrom = 180;
                if ((arcIndex & 1) == 0)
                    degreesFrom += (arcIndex >> 1) * arcIncrement;
                    degreesFrom -= (arcIndex >> 1) * arcIncrement;

                for (float distFromOrigin = MinScanDistance; distFromOrigin <= MaxScanDistance ; distFromOrigin += IncrementScanDistance )
                    float heading = (float)(degreesFrom * Math.PI / 180f);
                    heading -= Me.RenderFacing;
                    destinationLocation = ptOrigin.RayCast((float)(degreesFrom * Math.PI / 180f), distFromOrigin);
                    double mobDistSqr = destinationLocation.Distance2DSqr(NearestMobLoc(destinationLocation, mobLocations));

                    if (mobDistSqr <= minSafeDistSqr)

                    //if (Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, destinationLocation))
                    if (Navigator.GeneratePath(Me.Location, destinationLocation).Length <= 0)
                        // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed path check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(Me.Location, destinationLocation))
                        // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    if (MobToRunFrom != null)
                        if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSpellSight(destinationLocation, MobToRunFrom.Location))
                            // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "Found mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) at degrees={1:F1} dist={2:F1}", MinSafeDistance, degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);
                    return destinationLocation;

            Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "No mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) found within {1:F1} yds", MinSafeDistance, MaxScanDistance );
            return WoWPoint.Empty;
Exemple #6
        public WoWPoint FindLocation(WoWPoint ptOrigin)
            DateTime startFind = DateTime.Now;
            int countPointsChecked = 0;
            int countFailToPointNav = 0;
            int countFailRange = 0;
            int countFailSafe = 0;
            int countFailToPointLoS = 0;
            int countFailToMobLoS = 0;
            double furthestNearMobDistSqr = 0f;
            WoWPoint ptFurthest = WoWPoint.Empty;
            bool reallyCheckRangeToLineOfSightMob = CheckRangeToLineOfSightMob && Me.GotTarget;
            WoWPoint ptAdjOrigin = ptOrigin;
            ptAdjOrigin.Z += 1f;

            WoWPoint ptDestination = new WoWPoint();
            List<WoWPoint> mobLocations = new List<WoWPoint>();
            float arcIncrement = ((float)Math.PI * 2) / RaysToCheck;

            mobLocations = AllEnemyMobLocationsToCheck;
            double minSafeDistSqr = MinSafeDistance * MinSafeDistance;

            float baseDestinationFacing = MobToRunFrom == null ?
                                            Me.RenderFacing + (float)Math.PI
                                            : Styx.Helpers.WoWMathHelper.CalculateNeededFacing(MobToRunFrom.Location, Me.Location);

            // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: search near {0:F0}d @ {1:F1} yds for mob free area", RadiansToDegrees(baseDestinationFacing), MinSafeDistance);

            for (int arcIndex = 0; arcIndex < RaysToCheck; arcIndex++)
                // rather than tracing around the circle, toggle between clockwise and counter clockwise for each test
                // .. so we favor a position furthest away from mob
                float checkFacing = baseDestinationFacing;
                if ((arcIndex & 1) == 0)
                    checkFacing += arcIncrement * (arcIndex >> 1);
                    checkFacing -= arcIncrement * ((arcIndex >> 1) + 1);

                for (float distFromOrigin = MinScanDistance; distFromOrigin <= MaxScanDistance; distFromOrigin += IncrementScanDistance)

                    ptDestination = ptOrigin.RayCast(checkFacing, distFromOrigin);
                    if (!Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, ptDestination))
                        // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Safe Location failed navigation check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin);

                    WoWPoint ptNearest = NearestMobLoc(ptDestination, mobLocations);
                    if (ptNearest == WoWPoint.Empty)
                        if (furthestNearMobDistSqr < minSafeDistSqr)
                            furthestNearMobDistSqr = minSafeDistSqr;
                            ptFurthest = ptDestination;     // set best available if others fail
                        double mobDistSqr = ptDestination.Distance2DSqr(ptNearest);
                        if (furthestNearMobDistSqr < mobDistSqr)
                            furthestNearMobDistSqr = mobDistSqr;
                            ptFurthest = ptDestination;     // set best available if others fail
                        if (mobDistSqr <= minSafeDistSqr)

                    if (reallyCheckRangeToLineOfSightMob && RangeToLineOfSightMob < ptDestination.Distance(LineOfSightMob.Location) - LineOfSightMob.MeleeDistance())

                    if (CheckLineOfSightToSafeLocation)
                        WoWPoint ptAdjDest = ptDestination;
                        ptAdjDest.Z += 1f;
                        if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(ptAdjOrigin, ptAdjDest))
                            // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    if (CheckSpellLineOfSightToMob && LineOfSightMob != null)
                        if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSpellSight(ptDestination, LineOfSightMob.Location))
                            if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(ptDestination, LineOfSightMob.Location))
                                // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: Found mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) at degrees={1:F1} dist={2:F1} on point check# {3}", MinSafeDistance, WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin, countPointsChecked);
                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.Now - startFind).TotalMilliseconds);
                    return ptDestination;

            Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: No mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) found within {1:F1} yds ({2} checked, {3} nav, {4} not safe, {5} range, {6} pt los, {7} mob los)", MinSafeDistance, MaxScanDistance, countPointsChecked, countFailToPointNav, countFailSafe, countFailRange, countFailToPointLoS, countFailToMobLoS);
            if (ChooseSafestAvailable && ptFurthest != WoWPoint.Empty)
                Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: choosing best available spot in {0:F1} yd radius where closest mob is {1:F1} yds", MinSafeDistance, Math.Sqrt(furthestNearMobDistSqr));
                Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.Now - startFind).TotalMilliseconds);
                return ChooseSafestAvailable ? ptFurthest : WoWPoint.Empty;

            Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.Now - startFind).TotalMilliseconds);
            return WoWPoint.Empty;
Exemple #7
        public WoWPoint FindLocation(WoWPoint ptOrigin)
            DateTime startFind = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int countPointsChecked = 0;
            int countFailDiff = 0;
            int countFailTrace = 0;
            int countFailToPointNav = 0;
            int countFailRange = 0;
            int countFailSafe = 0;
            int countFailToPointLoS = 0;
            int countFailToMobLoS = 0;
            TimeSpan spanTrace = TimeSpan.Zero;
            TimeSpan spanNav = TimeSpan.Zero;
            double furthestNearMobDistSqr = 0f;
            WoWPoint ptFurthest = WoWPoint.Empty;
            float facingFurthest = 0f;

            bool reallyCheckRangeToLineOfSightMob = CheckRangeToLineOfSightMob && Me.GotTarget();
            WoWPoint ptAdjOrigin = ptOrigin;
            // ptAdjOrigin.Z += 1f;   // comment out origin adjustment since using GetTraceLinePos()

            WoWPoint ptDestination = new WoWPoint();
            List<WoWPoint> mobLocations = new List<WoWPoint>();
            float arcIncrement = ((float)Math.PI * 2) / RaysToCheck;

            mobLocations = AllEnemyMobLocationsToCheck;
            double minSafeDistSqr = MinSafeDistance * MinSafeDistance;

            #if OLD_WAY
            float baseDestinationFacing = MobToRunFrom == null ?
                                            Me.RenderFacing + (float)Math.PI
                                            : Styx.Helpers.WoWMathHelper.CalculateNeededFacing(MobToRunFrom.Location, Me.Location);
            float baseDestinationFacing;
            if (PreferredDirection == Disengage.Direction.None && MobToRunFrom != null)
                baseDestinationFacing = Styx.Helpers.WoWMathHelper.CalculateNeededFacing(MobToRunFrom.Location, Me.Location);
            else if (PreferredDirection == Disengage.Direction.Frontwards)
                baseDestinationFacing = Me.RenderFacing;
            else // if (PreferredDirection == Disengage.Direction.Backwards)
                baseDestinationFacing = Me.RenderFacing + (float)Math.PI;
            Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: facing {0:F0} degrees, looking for safespot towards {1:F0} degrees",

            for (int arcIndex = 0; arcIndex < RaysToCheck; arcIndex++)
                // rather than tracing around the circle, toggle between clockwise and counter clockwise for each test
                // .. so we favor a position furthest away from mob
                float checkFacing = baseDestinationFacing;
                if ((arcIndex & 1) == 0)
                    checkFacing += arcIncrement * (arcIndex >> 1);
                    checkFacing -= arcIncrement * ((arcIndex >> 1) + 1);

                checkFacing = WoWMathHelper.NormalizeRadian(checkFacing);
                for (float distFromOrigin = MinScanDistance; distFromOrigin <= MaxScanDistance; distFromOrigin += IncrementScanDistance)

                    ptDestination = ptOrigin.RayCast(checkFacing, distFromOrigin);

                    Logger.WriteDebug("SafeArea: checking {0:F1} degrees at {1:F1} yds", WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin);

                    DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    bool failTrace = Movement.MeshTraceline(Me.Location, ptDestination);
                    spanTrace += DateTime.UtcNow - start;

                    bool failNav;
                    if (DirectPathOnly)
                        failNav = failTrace;
                        spanNav = spanTrace;
                        start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        failNav = !Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, ptDestination);
                        spanNav += DateTime.UtcNow - start;

                    if (failTrace)

                    if (failTrace != failNav)

                    if (failNav)
                        // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Safe Location failed navigation check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin);

                    WoWPoint ptNearest = NearestMobLoc(ptDestination, mobLocations);
                    if (ptNearest == WoWPoint.Empty)
                        if (furthestNearMobDistSqr < minSafeDistSqr)
                            furthestNearMobDistSqr = minSafeDistSqr;
                            ptFurthest = ptDestination;     // set best available if others fail
                            facingFurthest = checkFacing;
                        double mobDistSqr = ptDestination.Distance2DSqr(ptNearest);
                        if (furthestNearMobDistSqr < mobDistSqr)
                            furthestNearMobDistSqr = mobDistSqr;
                            ptFurthest = ptDestination;     // set best available if others fail
                            facingFurthest = checkFacing;
                        if (mobDistSqr <= minSafeDistSqr)

                    if (reallyCheckRangeToLineOfSightMob && RangeToLineOfSightMob < ptDestination.Distance(LineOfSightMob.Location) - LineOfSightMob.MeleeDistance())

                    if (CheckLineOfSightToSafeLocation)
                        WoWPoint ptAdjDest = ptDestination;
                        ptAdjDest.Z += 1f;
                        if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(ptAdjOrigin, ptAdjDest))
                            // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    if (CheckSpellLineOfSightToMob && LineOfSightMob != null)
                        if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSpellSight(ptDestination, LineOfSightMob.GetTraceLinePos()))
                            if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(ptDestination, LineOfSightMob.GetTraceLinePos()))
                                // Logger.WriteDebug( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin);

                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: Found mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) at degrees={1:F1} dist={2:F1} on point check# {3} at {4}, {5}, {6}", MinSafeDistance, WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin, countPointsChecked, ptDestination.X, ptDestination.Y, ptDestination.Z);
                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.UtcNow - startFind).TotalMilliseconds);
                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: meshtrace took {0:F0} ms / fullynav took {1:F0} ms", spanTrace.TotalMilliseconds, spanNav.TotalMilliseconds);
                    Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: stats for ({0:F1} yd radius) found within {1:F1} yds ({2} checked, {3} nav, {4} not safe, {5} range, {6} pt los, {7} mob los, {8} mesh trace)", MinSafeDistance, MaxScanDistance, countPointsChecked, countFailToPointNav, countFailSafe, countFailRange, countFailToPointLoS, countFailToMobLoS, countFailTrace);
                    return ptDestination;

            Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: No mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) found within {1:F1} yds ({2} checked, {3} nav, {4} not safe, {5} range, {6} pt los, {7} mob los, {8} mesh trace)", MinSafeDistance, MaxScanDistance, countPointsChecked, countFailToPointNav, countFailSafe, countFailRange, countFailToPointLoS, countFailToMobLoS, countFailTrace);
            if (ChooseSafestAvailable && ptFurthest != WoWPoint.Empty)
                Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: choosing best available spot in {0:F1} yd radius where closest mob is {1:F1} yds", MinSafeDistance, Math.Sqrt(furthestNearMobDistSqr));
                Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.UtcNow - startFind).TotalMilliseconds);
                Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: meshtrace took {0:F0} ms / fullynav took {1:F0} ms", spanTrace.TotalMilliseconds, spanNav.TotalMilliseconds);
                return ChooseSafestAvailable ? ptFurthest : WoWPoint.Empty;

            Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.UtcNow - startFind).TotalMilliseconds);
            Logger.WriteDebug(Color.Cyan, "SafeArea: meshtrace took {0:F0} ms / fullynav took {1:F0} ms", spanTrace.TotalMilliseconds, spanNav.TotalMilliseconds);
            return WoWPoint.Empty;
        public static WoWPoint getSaveLocation(WoWPoint Location, int minDist, int maxDist, int traceStep)
            Logging.WriteNavigator("{0} - Navigation: Looking for save Location around {1}.", TimeNow, Location);

            float _PIx2 = 3.14159f * 2f;

            for (int i = 0, x = minDist; i < traceStep && x < maxDist; i++)
                WoWPoint p = Location.RayCast((i * _PIx2) / traceStep, x);

                p.Z = getGroundZ(p);
                WoWPoint pLoS = p;
                pLoS.Z = p.Z + 0.5f;

                if (p.Z != float.MinValue && StyxWoW.Me.Location.Distance(p) > 1)
                    if (getHighestSurroundingSlope(p) < 1.2f && GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(pLoS, Location) /*&& Navigator.CanNavigateFully(StyxWoW.Me.Location, Location)*/)
                        Logging.WriteNavigator("{0} - Navigation: Moving to {1}. Distance: {2}", TimeNow, p, Location.Distance(p));
                        return p;

                if (i == (traceStep - 1))
                    i = 0;
            Logging.Write(System.Drawing.Color.Red, "{0} - No valid points returned by RayCast...", TimeNow);
            return WoWPoint.Empty;
 /// <summary>
 /// Credits to funkescott.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Highest slope of surrounding terrain, returns 100 if the slope can't be determined</returns>
 public static float getHighestSurroundingSlope(WoWPoint p)
     Logging.WriteNavigator("{0} - Navigation: Sloapcheck on Point: {1}", TimeNow, p);
     float _PIx2 = 3.14159f * 2f;
     float highestSlope = -100;
     float slope = 0;
     int traceStep = 15;
     float range = 0.5f;
     WoWPoint p2;
     for (int i = 0; i < traceStep; i++)
         p2 = p.RayCast((i * _PIx2) / traceStep, range);
         p2.Z = getGroundZ(p2);
         slope = Math.Abs(getSlope(p, p2));
         if (slope > highestSlope)
             highestSlope = (float)slope;
     Logging.WriteNavigator("{0} - Navigation: Highslope {1}", TimeNow, highestSlope);
     return Math.Abs(highestSlope);
Exemple #10
 WoWPoint TryGetHeight(WoWPoint point, Height ht)
     float PIx2 = (float)Math.PI * 2f;
     int step = 20;
     for (int d = 5; d <= 50; d += 5)
         for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
             WoWPoint newPoint = point.RayCast((i * PIx2) / step, d);
                 newPoint.Z = ht == Height.High ? Navigator.FindHeights(newPoint.X, newPoint.Y).Max() :
                     Navigator.FindHeights(newPoint.X, newPoint.Y).Min();
                 return newPoint;
             catch { }
     return point;