public override void Pulse() { if (!WoW.InGame) { return; } if (WoW.TankId == 0) { string currentTalents = WoW.Talent(1) + "" + WoW.Talent(2) + "" + WoW.Talent(3) + "" + WoW.Talent(4) + "" + WoW.Talent(5) + "" + WoW.Talent(6) + "" + WoW.Talent(7); if (supportedTalents != currentTalents) { MessageBox.Show("You are not using the supported talents " + supportedTalents + ", your currnet talents are " + currentTalents + ".", "Frozen", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { Log.Write("Talents are correct", Color.Green); } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Beacon of Faith") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Beacon of Light") && WoW.CanCast("Beacon of Faith")) { WoW.CastSpellOnMe("Beacon of Faith"); } var f = new frmEnterTankId { TopMost = true }; f.ShowDialog(); } if (WoW.PlayerHealthPercent == 0 || WoW.IsMounted) { return; } if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { return; } var lowest = WoW.PartyLowestHealthPercent; int currentTargetId = WoW.PartyMemberIdWithLowestHealthPercent; if (WoW.PartyMemberIsNeedingADispel != 0) { currentTargetId = WoW.PartyMemberIsNeedingADispel; } if (currentTargetId == 0) { return; } if (lowest == 100) { return; } var averageHp = WoW.PartyAverageHealthPercent; if (WoW.PlayerHealthPercent < 10 && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.CanCast("Divine Shield") && !WoW.PlayerHasDebuff("Forbearance")) { WoW.CastSpell("Divine Shield"); } if (averageHp < 80 && WoW.CanCast("Aura Mastery")) { WoW.CastSpell("Aura Mastery"); } if (averageHp < 60 && WoW.CanCast("Avenging Wrath") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Aura Mastery")) { WoW.CastSpell("Avenging Wrath"); } WoW.TargetMember(currentTargetId); // Target the lowest health party member if (WoW.PartyMemberIsNeedingADispel != 0 && WoW.CanCast("Cleanse")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cleanse"); return; } // Beacon of Light or Beacon of Virtue(if selected) maintain on your primary target at all times. if (WoW.Talent(7) == 3) { if (WoW.TankHealth > 50 && averageHp > 90 && WoW.CanCast("Beacon of Virtue") && WoW.TankId == currentTargetId && !WoW.TargetHasBuff("Beacon of Virtue")) { WoW.CastSpell("Beacon of Virtue"); } } if (WoW.Talent(7) == 1) { if (WoW.CanCast("Beacon of Light") && WoW.TankId == currentTargetId && !WoW.TargetHasBuff("Beacon of Light")) { WoW.CastSpell("Beacon of Light"); } } if (WoW.CanCast("Lay On Hands") && lowest <= 20 && // Use LOH if tanks health < 20 % !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Forbearance") && // Make sure we dont LOH a tank with forbearance debuff WoW.TankId == currentTargetId) // Make sure we only use LOH on tank { WoW.CastSpell("Lay On Hands"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blessing of Sacrifice") && lowest <= 30 && WoW.TankId == currentTargetId && !WoW.TargetHasBuff("Shield Wall Oto")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blessing of Sacrifice"); return; } // Holy Shock use on cooldown to generate Infusion of Light procs. // Consume Infusion of Light procs using the appropriate heal before your next Holy Shock. if (WoW.CanCast("Holy Shock") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Infusion of Light")) { WoW.CastSpell("Holy Shock"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(5) == 3) { if (WoW.CanCast("Holy Prism") && WoW.TankId == currentTargetId && WoW.IsInCombat) { WoW.CastSpell("Holy Prism"); return; } } // Bestow Faith on cooldown (if selected). // Judgment to maintain the buff from Judgment of Light (if selected). // Light of the Martyr a potent emergency heal as long as you have health to spare. if (WoW.CanCast("Light of the Martyr") && lowest <= 40 && WoW.PlayerHealthPercent >= 70) { WoW.CastSpell("Light of the Martyr"); return; } // Flash of Light use as an emergency heal to save players facing death. if (WoW.CanCast("Flash of Light") && lowest <= 50 && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Flash of Light"); return; } // Holy Light use to heal moderate to high damage. if (WoW.CanCast("Holy Light") && lowest <= 90 && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Holy Light"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Tyr's Deliverance") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.TargetNearestEnemy(); if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { WoW.CastSpell("Tyr's Deliverance"); } } }
private void EnhancementBuffs() { //actions +=/ windstrike,if= (variable.heartEquipped | set_bonus.tier19_2pc) & (!talent.earthen_spike.enabled | (cooldown.earthen_spike.remains > 1 & cooldown.doom_winds.remains > 1) | debuff.earthen_spike.up) if (WoW.CanCast("Windstrike", true, true, true) && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 8 && (/*heart equip place holder*/ WoW.SetBonus(19) >= 2) && (WoW.Talent(7) != 3 || (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Earthen spike") > 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom winds") > 1 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Earthen spike")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Windstrike", "Top prioity spell"); return; } //actions.buffs = rockbiter,if= talent.landslide.enabled & !buff.landslide.up if (WoW.CanCast("Rockbiter", true, true, true) && WoW.Talent(1) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Landslide")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rockbiter", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ fury_of_air,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) | level < 100 if (WoW.CanCast("FoA") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 5 && WoW.Talent(6) == 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("FoA") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance") && Pets.IsRunning)) { WoW.CastSpell("FoA", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ crash_lightning,if= artifact.alpha_wolf.rank & prev_gcd.1.feral_spirit if (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && Pets.IsRunning && !Crash.IsRunning) { Crash.Restart(); WoW.CastSpell("Crash lightning", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ flametongue,if= !buff.flametongue.up if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Flametongue") && WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true)) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & !buff.frostbrand.up & variable.furyCheck45 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.Talent(4) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Frostbrand") && furyCheck45) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ flametongue,if= buff.flametongue.remains < 6 + gcd & cooldown.doom_winds.remains < gcd * 2 if (WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true) && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Flametongue") < 600 + GCD && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom Winds") < GCD * 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & buff.frostbrand.remains < 6 + gcd & cooldown.doom_winds.remains < gcd * 2 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Frostbrand") < 600 + GCD && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom Winds") < GCD * 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Buff spell"); return; } }
} //please Set between 1-99 NpC in range for ST if not desired set to 99 public override void Pulse() { if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(0x6A) < 0) { UseCooldowns = !UseCooldowns; Thread.Sleep(150); } /*if(WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.HasTarget) * { * WoW.KeyPressRelease(WoW.Keys.Tab); * return; * }*/ if (WoW.IsInCombat && !pullwatch.IsRunning) { pullwatch.Start(); Log.Write("Starting Combat, Starting Pullwatch.", Color.Red); } if (!WoW.IsInCombat && pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000) { pullwatch.Reset(); Log.Write("Leaving Combat, Resetting Stopwatches.", Color.Red); } //Log.Write("Direcount" + DireBeastCount , Color.Red); //Log.Write("focusregdire" + (FocusRegen+DireBeastCount*1.5) , Color.Red); //Log.Write("focusreg" + (FocusRegen+DireBeastCount*1.5) , Color.Red); //Log.Write("timetomax" + (((120f - WoW.Focus) /(FocusRegen+DireBeastCount*1.5)) *100) , Color.Red); //Log.Write("timetomax" + (((120f - WoW.Focus) /((10f* (1f + (WoW.HastePercent / 100f)))+WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Dire Beast")*1.5)) *100f) , Color.Red); if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.IsMounted) { //shadow_dance,if=talent.dark_shadow.enabled&!stealthed.all&buff.death_from_above.up&buff.death_from_above.remains<=0.15 if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowDance") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("DeathFromAbove") || WoW.LastSpell == "DeathFromAbove") && !stealth && WoW.Talent(6) == 1) { Thread.Sleep(1000); WoW.CastSpell("ShadowDance"); return; } //shadow_dance,if=charges_fractional>=variable.shd_fractional|target.time_to_die<cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowDance") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShadowDance") <= 2 && !stealth && WoW.LastSpell != "ShadowDance") { WoW.CastSpell("ShadowDance"); return; } // death_from_above,if=!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|spell_targets>=4&buff.shadow_dance.up|spell_targets<4&!buff.shadow_dance.up&(buff.symbols_of_death.up|cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains>=10+set_bonus.tier20_4pc*5) if (WoW.CanCast("DeathFromAbove") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Talent(6) != 1 && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath") || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("SymbolsOfDeath") >= 1000)) { WoW.CastSpell("DeathFromAbove"); return; } // call_action_list,name=cds if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns) { if (WoW.CanCast("Berserking") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserking") && WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll" && stealth) { WoW.CastSpell("Berserking"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Arcane Torrent") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Arcane Torrent") && WoW.PlayerRace == "BloodElf" && WoW.Energy <= 20) { WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Fury") && stealth && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Fury") && WoW.PlayerRace == "Orc") { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Fury"); return; } //symbols_of_death,if=(talent.death_from_above.enabled&cooldown.death_from_above.remains<=3&(dot.nightblade.remains>=cooldown.death_from_above.remains+3|target.time_to_die-dot.nightblade.remains<=6)&(time>=3|set_bonus.tier20_4pc)) if (WoW.CanCast("SymbolsOfDeath") && WoW.Talent(7) == 3 && stealth && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") <= 300 && (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") >= (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") + 300)) && ((pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3000) || T204pc) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 35) { WoW.CastSpell("SymbolsOfDeath"); return; } //shadow_blades,if=(time>10&combo_points.deficit>=2+stealthed.all-equipped.mantle_of_the_master_assassin)|(time<10&(!talent.marked_for_death.enabled|combo_points.deficit>=3|dot.nightblade.ticking)) if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowBlades") && ((pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && stealth) || (pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000 && (WoW.Talent(7) != 2 || WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade")))) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade")) { WoW.CastSpell("ShadowBlades"); return; } //goremaws_bite,if=!stealthed.all&cooldown.shadow_dance.charges_fractional<=variable.shd_fractional&((combo_points.deficit>=4-(time<10)*2&energy.deficit>50+talent.vigor.enabled*25-(time>=10)*15)|(combo_points.deficit>=1&target.time_to_die<8)) if (WoW.CanCast("GoremawsBite") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShadowDance") < 2 && !stealth && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 2 && WoW.Energy <= 50) { WoW.CastSpell("GoremawsBite"); return; } //vanish,if=energy>=55-talent.shadow_focus.enabled*10&variable.dsh_dfa&(!equipped.mantle_of_the_master_assassin|buff.symbols_of_death.up)&cooldown.shadow_dance.charges_fractional<=variable.shd_fractional &!buff.shadow_dance.up&!buff.stealth.up&mantle_duration=0&(dot.nightblade.remains>=cooldown.death_from_above.remains+6|target.time_to_die-dot.nightblade.remains<=6)&cooldown.death_from_above.remains<=1&(time<10|combo_points>=3)|target.time_to_die<=7 if (WoW.CanCast("Vanish") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && (WoW.Energy >= 50 || (WoW.Talent(2) == 3 && WoW.Energy >= 45)) && dshdfa && (!MantleoftheMaster || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath")) && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShadowDance") < 2 && !stealth && (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") >= (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") + 600)) && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") <= 100 && ((pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000) || WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 3)) { WoW.CastSpell("Vanish"); return; } } if (stealth) { //combo_points>=5&(spell_targets.shuriken_storm>=3+equipped.shadow_satyrs_walk|(mantle_duration<=1.3&mantle_duration-gcd.remains>=0.3)) /* if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints >=5 ) * { * //nightblade,if=(!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|!buff.shadow_dance.up)&target.time_to_die-remains>6&(mantle_duration=0|remains<=mantle_duration)&((refreshable&(!finality|buff.finality_nightblade.up))|remains<tick_time*2) * if (WoW.CanCast("NightBlade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade")&& WoW.Energy >= 25 && (WoW.Talent(6) !=1 || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShadowDance")) && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") <= 600) ) * { * WoW.CastSpell("NightBlade"); * return; * } * // death_from_above,if=!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|spell_targets>=4&buff.shadow_dance.up|spell_targets<4&!buff.shadow_dance.up&(buff.symbols_of_death.up|cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains>=10+set_bonus.tier20_4pc*5) * if (WoW.CanCast("DeathFromAbove")&& WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Talent(6) !=1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShadowDance") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath") || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("SymbolsOfDeath") >= 1000)) * { * WoW.CastSpell("DeathFromAbove"); * return; * } * //eviscerate * if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >=35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade")) * { * WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); * return; * } */ //shadowstrike if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowStrike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 40 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 5) { WoW.CastSpell("ShadowStrike"); return; } } // nightblade,if=target.time_to_die>6&remains<gcd.max&combo_points>=4-(time<10)*2 if (WoW.CanCast("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") < GCD && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 4 && pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000) { WoW.CastSpell("NightBlade"); return; } //finish,if=combo_points>=5+(talent.deeper_stratagem.enabled&!buff.shadow_blades.up&(mantle_duration=0|set_bonus.tier20_4pc))|(combo_points>=4&combo_points.deficit<=2&spell_targets.shuriken_storm>=3&spell_targets.shuriken_storm<=4)|(target.time_to_die<=1&combo_points>=3) if ((WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && (MantleDuration == 0 || T204pc))) { //nightblade,if=(!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|!buff.shadow_dance.up)&target.time_to_die-remains>6&(mantle_duration=0|remains<=mantle_duration)&((refreshable&(!finality|buff.finality_nightblade.up))|remains<tick_time*2) if (WoW.CanCast("NightBlade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 25 && (WoW.Talent(6) != 1 || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShadowDance")) && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") <= 600)) { WoW.CastSpell("NightBlade"); return; } // death_from_above,if=!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|spell_targets>=4&buff.shadow_dance.up|spell_targets<4&!buff.shadow_dance.up&(buff.symbols_of_death.up|cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains>=10+set_bonus.tier20_4pc*5) if (WoW.CanCast("DeathFromAbove") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath") || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("SymbolsOfDeath") >= 1000)) { WoW.CastSpell("DeathFromAbove"); Thread.Sleep(1000); WoW.CastSpell("ShadowDance"); return; } //eviscerate if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); return; } } //backstab if (WoW.CanCast("Backstab") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade")) { WoW.CastSpell("Backstab"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.IsMounted) { //shadow_dance,if=talent.dark_shadow.enabled&!stealthed.all&buff.death_from_above.up&buff.death_from_above.remains<=0.15 if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowDance") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("DeathFromAbove") || WoW.LastSpell == "DeathFromAbove") && !stealth && WoW.Talent(6) == 1) { Thread.Sleep(1000); WoW.CastSpell("ShadowDance"); return; } //shadow_dance,if=charges_fractional>=variable.shd_fractional|target.time_to_die<cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowDance") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShadowDance") <= 2 && !stealth && WoW.LastSpell != "ShadowDance") { WoW.CastSpell("ShadowDance"); return; } // death_from_above,if=!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|spell_targets>=4&buff.shadow_dance.up|spell_targets<4&!buff.shadow_dance.up&(buff.symbols_of_death.up|cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains>=10+set_bonus.tier20_4pc*5) if (WoW.CanCast("DeathFromAbove") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Talent(6) != 1 && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath") || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("SymbolsOfDeath") >= 1000)) { WoW.CastSpell("DeathFromAbove"); return; } // call_action_list,name=cds if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns) { if (WoW.CanCast("Berserking") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserking") && WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll" && stealth) { WoW.CastSpell("Berserking"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Arcane Torrent") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Arcane Torrent") && WoW.PlayerRace == "BloodElf" && WoW.Energy <= 20) { WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Fury") && stealth && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Fury") && WoW.PlayerRace == "Orc") { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Fury"); return; } //symbols_of_death,if=(talent.death_from_above.enabled&cooldown.death_from_above.remains<=3&(dot.nightblade.remains>=cooldown.death_from_above.remains+3|target.time_to_die-dot.nightblade.remains<=6)&(time>=3|set_bonus.tier20_4pc)) if (WoW.CanCast("SymbolsOfDeath") && WoW.Talent(7) == 3 && stealth && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") <= 300 && (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") >= (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") + 300)) && ((pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3000) || T204pc) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 35) { WoW.CastSpell("SymbolsOfDeath"); return; } //shadow_blades,if=(time>10&combo_points.deficit>=2+stealthed.all-equipped.mantle_of_the_master_assassin)|(time<10&(!talent.marked_for_death.enabled|combo_points.deficit>=3|dot.nightblade.ticking)) if (WoW.CanCast("ShadowBlades") && ((pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && stealth) || (pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000 && (WoW.Talent(7) != 2 || WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade")))) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade")) { WoW.CastSpell("ShadowBlades"); return; } //goremaws_bite,if=!stealthed.all&cooldown.shadow_dance.charges_fractional<=variable.shd_fractional&((combo_points.deficit>=4-(time<10)*2&energy.deficit>50+talent.vigor.enabled*25-(time>=10)*15)|(combo_points.deficit>=1&target.time_to_die<8)) if (WoW.CanCast("GoremawsBite") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShadowDance") < 2 && !stealth && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 2 && WoW.Energy <= 50) { WoW.CastSpell("GoremawsBite"); return; } //vanish,if=energy>=55-talent.shadow_focus.enabled*10&variable.dsh_dfa&(!equipped.mantle_of_the_master_assassin|buff.symbols_of_death.up)&cooldown.shadow_dance.charges_fractional<=variable.shd_fractional &!buff.shadow_dance.up&!buff.stealth.up&mantle_duration=0&(dot.nightblade.remains>=cooldown.death_from_above.remains+6|target.time_to_die-dot.nightblade.remains<=6)&cooldown.death_from_above.remains<=1&(time<10|combo_points>=3)|target.time_to_die<=7 if (WoW.CanCast("Vanish") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && (WoW.Energy >= 50 || (WoW.Talent(2) == 3 && WoW.Energy >= 45)) && dshdfa && (!MantleoftheMaster || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath")) && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShadowDance") < 2 && !stealth && (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") >= (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") + 600)) && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DeathFromAbove") <= 100 && ((pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000) || WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 3)) { WoW.CastSpell("Vanish"); return; } } if (stealth) { //combo_points>=5&(spell_targets.shuriken_storm>=3+equipped.shadow_satyrs_walk|(mantle_duration<=1.3&mantle_duration-gcd.remains>=0.3)) /* if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints >=5 ) * { * //nightblade,if=(!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|!buff.shadow_dance.up)&target.time_to_die-remains>6&(mantle_duration=0|remains<=mantle_duration)&((refreshable&(!finality|buff.finality_nightblade.up))|remains<tick_time*2) * if (WoW.CanCast("NightBlade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade")&& WoW.Energy >= 25 && (WoW.Talent(6) !=1 || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShadowDance")) && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") <= 600) ) * { * WoW.CastSpell("NightBlade"); * return; * } * // death_from_above,if=!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|spell_targets>=4&buff.shadow_dance.up|spell_targets<4&!buff.shadow_dance.up&(buff.symbols_of_death.up|cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains>=10+set_bonus.tier20_4pc*5) * if (WoW.CanCast("DeathFromAbove")&& WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Talent(6) !=1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShadowDance") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath") || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("SymbolsOfDeath") >= 1000)) * { * WoW.CastSpell("DeathFromAbove"); * return; * } * //eviscerate * if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >=35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade")) * { * WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); * return; * } */ //shadowstrike if (WoW.CanCast("ShurikenStorm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 40 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 5) { WoW.CastSpell("ShurikenStorm"); return; } } // nightblade,if=target.time_to_die>6&remains<gcd.max&combo_points>=4-(time<10)*2 if (WoW.CanCast("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") < GCD && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 4 && pullwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000) { WoW.CastSpell("NightBlade"); return; } //finish,if=combo_points>=5+(talent.deeper_stratagem.enabled&!buff.shadow_blades.up&(mantle_duration=0|set_bonus.tier20_4pc))|(combo_points>=4&combo_points.deficit<=2&spell_targets.shuriken_storm>=3&spell_targets.shuriken_storm<=4)|(target.time_to_die<=1&combo_points>=3) if ((WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && (MantleDuration == 0 || T204pc))) { //nightblade,if=(!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|!buff.shadow_dance.up)&target.time_to_die-remains>6&(mantle_duration=0|remains<=mantle_duration)&((refreshable&(!finality|buff.finality_nightblade.up))|remains<tick_time*2) if (WoW.CanCast("NightBlade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 25 && (WoW.Talent(6) != 1 || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShadowDance")) && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("NightBlade") <= 600)) { WoW.CastSpell("NightBlade"); return; } // death_from_above,if=!talent.dark_shadow.enabled|spell_targets>=4&buff.shadow_dance.up|spell_targets<4&!buff.shadow_dance.up&(buff.symbols_of_death.up|cooldown.symbols_of_death.remains>=10+set_bonus.tier20_4pc*5) if (WoW.CanCast("DeathFromAbove") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SymbolsOfDeath") || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("SymbolsOfDeath") >= 1000)) { WoW.CastSpell("DeathFromAbove"); Thread.Sleep(1000); WoW.CastSpell("ShadowDance"); return; } //eviscerate if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("NightBlade")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); return; } } //backstab if (WoW.CanCast("ShurikenStorm") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("NightBlade")) { WoW.CastSpell("ShurikenStorm"); return; } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) /* Singel Target Rotation*/ { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.HasTarget && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.HealthPercent <= 20) /* Defensive Cooldowns */ { if (WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("UnendingResolve")) { WoW.CastSpell("UnendingResolve"); return; } if (!WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("UnendingResolve")) { WoW.CastSpell("UnendingResolve"); return; } if (!WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("DrainLife")) { WoW.CastSpell("DrainLife"); return; } } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) /* Havoc on mouseover target, create macro to use: #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover,harm,exists,nodead] Havoc; Havoc */ { WoW.CastSpell("Havoc"); return; } if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsInCombat) /* What to do when we are NOT moving */ { if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("AuraImmolate")) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.CanCast("DimRift") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("DimRift") == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("DimRift"); return; } if (!WoW.WasLastCasted("Immolate") && WoW.CanCast("Immolate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Immolate"); return; } } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("AuraImmolate")) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.CanCast("DimRift") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("DimRift") == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("DimRift"); return; } if (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("AuraImmolate") >= 10 && WoW.CanCast("Conflagrate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Conflagrate"); return; } if (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("AuraImmolate") <= 4.2 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Immolate") && WoW.CanCast("Immolate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Immolate"); return; } if (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("AuraImmolate") >= 10 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Conflagrate") == 1 && WoW.WasLastCasted("Conflagrate") && WoW.CanCast("Conflagrate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Conflagrate"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("AuraConflagrateBuff") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("AuraChaosBolt") && WoW.CanCast("Conflagrate") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards <= 4 && WoW.CanCast("Conflagrate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Conflagrate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Conflagrate") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Conflagrate") == 2 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Immolate") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards <= 4) { WoW.CastSpell("Conflagrate"); return; } if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.CanCast("ServiceImp") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("ServiceImp"); return; } /* Summon Infernal on the target but its an AOE ground Spell. I'm not able to code that: */ /* Summon DoomGuard if LordOfFlames debuff is up*/ if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.CanCast("DoomGuard")) /*Since I can't do the Infernal check, I just summon DoomGuard*/ { WoW.CastSpell("DoomGuard"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("ChaosBolt") /* && !WoW.WasLastCasted("ChaosBolt") */ && WoW.CurrentSoulShards > 3) { WoW.CastSpell("ChaosBolt"); return; } if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.CanCast("DimRift") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("DimRift") <= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("DimRift"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("ChaosBolt") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("ChaosBolt"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Incinerate") && WoW.WasLastCasted("ChaosBolt") /*&& WoW.HasDebuff("AuraChaosBolt")*/) { WoW.CastSpell("Incinerate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Incinerate") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards <= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Incinerate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Incinerate") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("AuraChaosBolt") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("AuraChaosBolt") >= 2 && WoW.CurrentSoulShards <= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Incinerate"); return; } } } if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsInCombat) /* What to do when we are moving */ { if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.HasTarget && WoW.CanCast("DimRift")) { WoW.CastSpell("DimRift"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.CanCast("Conflagrate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Conflagrate"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target) { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (WoW.CanCast("Marrowrend") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Bone Shield") >= 3 && WoW.CurrentRunes >= 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Marrowrend")) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Blood Plague") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Boil")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Dancing Rune Weapon") && WoW.HealthPercent < 50) { WoW.CastSpell("Dancing Rune Weapon"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Death Strike") && WoW.RunicPower >= 45 && WoW.HealthPercent < 85 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Death Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Marrowrend") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Bone Shield") >= 6 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Marrowrend")) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Heart Strike") && WoW.CurrentRunes >= 3 || WoW.RunicPower <= 45 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Heart Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Heart Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Consumption") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Consumption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Consumption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Boil")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (WoW.CanCast("Anti-Magic Shell") && WoW.HealthPercent < 50 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Anti-Magic Shell")) { WoW.CastSpell("Anti-Magic Shell"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Icebound Fortitude") && WoW.HealthPercent < 40 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Icebound Fortitude")) { WoW.CastSpell("Icebound Fortitude"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Vampiric Blood") && WoW.HealthPercent < 30 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Vampiric Blood")) { WoW.CastSpell("Vampiric Blood"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Marrowrend") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Bone Shield") >= 3 && WoW.CurrentRunes >= 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Marrowrend")) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Blood Plague") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Boil")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Dancing Rune Weapon") && WoW.HealthPercent < 50) { WoW.CastSpell("Dancing Rune Weapon"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Death Strike") && WoW.RunicPower >= 45 && WoW.HealthPercent < 85 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Death Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Marrowrend") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Bone Shield") >= 6 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Marrowrend")) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Heart Strike") && WoW.CurrentRunes >= 3 || WoW.RunicPower <= 45 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Heart Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Heart Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Consumption") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Consumption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Consumption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Boil")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one } }
public override void Pulse() { if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Mount")) { return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.HealthPercent < 35 && WoW.CanCast("Last Stand") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Last Stand")) { WoW.CastSpell("Last Stand"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.HealthPercent < 20 && WoW.CanCast("Shield Wall") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Shield Wall")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shield Wall"); return; } if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(DetectKeyPress.VK_LCONTROL) < 0) { if (WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("HeroicLeap")) { WoW.CastSpell("HeroicLeap"); return; } return; } if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(DetectKeyPress.VK_KEY_1) < 0) { if (WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Thunder Clap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Thunder Clap"); return; } return; } if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(DetectKeyPress.VK_LMENU) < 0) { if (WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Shockwave")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shockwave"); return; } return; } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (CombatWatch.IsRunning && !WoW.IsInCombat) { CombatWatch.Reset(); } if (!CombatWatch.IsRunning && WoW.IsInCombat) { CombatWatch.Start(); } if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { if (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("ShockWavestun") && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (WoW.CanCast("Shield Block") && WoW.Rage >= 15 && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.HealthPercent < 100 && (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shield Block") == 2 || (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shield Block") >= 1 && WoW.HealthPercent <= 90 && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("ShieldBlockAura") <= 2))) { WoW.CastSpell("Shield Block"); return; } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.CanCast("Thunder Clap") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Thunder Clap") && CombatWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000 && CombatWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 5000) { WoW.CastSpell("Thunder Clap"); return; } /* ------------------ IGNORE PAIN MANAGEMENT----------------------*/ if (WoW.CanCast("Ignore Pain") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Ignore Pain") && WoW.Rage >= 39) { WoW.CastSpell("Ignore Pain"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ignore Pain") && WoW.Rage > 30 && WoW.HealthPercent < 100 && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ignore Pain") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Ignore Pain") <= 2) && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Ignore Pain") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Focused Rage")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ignore Pain"); return; } /* ------------------ END IGNORE PAIN MANAGEMENT-------------------*/ if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("SpellReflect") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("SpellReflect")) { WoW.CastSpell("SpellReflect"); } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.CanCast("Battle Cry") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Battle Cry")) { WoW.CastSpell("Battle Cry"); return; } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.CanCast("Shield Slam") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Shield Slam") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Legendary")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shield Slam"); return; } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.CanCast("Thunder Clap") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Thunder Clap") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Legendary")) { WoW.CastSpell("Thunder Clap"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Revenge") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Revenge") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.IsSpellOverlayed("Revenge") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Ignore Pain")) { WoW.CastSpell("Revenge"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Revenge") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Revenge") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Focused Rage") && WoW.Rage > 59) { WoW.CastSpell("Revenge"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Revenge") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Revenge") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ignore Pain") && WoW.Rage > 35 && WoW.HealthPercent < 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Revenge"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Revenge") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Revenge") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ignore Pain") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Ignore Pain") <= 3 && WoW.Rage > 40 && WoW.HealthPercent < 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Revenge"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Revenge") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Revenge") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Focused Rage") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vengeance: Ignore Pain") && WoW.Rage > 69) { WoW.CastSpell("Revenge"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Victory Rush") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Victory Rush") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shield Slam") && WoW.HealthPercent < 90 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("VictoryRush")) { WoW.CastSpell("Victory Rush"); return; } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Devastate") && WoW.CanCast("Devastate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Devastate"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Neltharion's Fury") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("ShockWavestun")) { WoW.CastSpell("Neltharion's Fury"); return; } /* actions.prot=spell_reflection,if=incoming_damage_2500ms>health.max*0.20 * actions.prot+=/demoralizing_shout,if=incoming_damage_2500ms>health.max*0.20&!talent.booming_voice.enabled * actions.prot+=/last_stand,if=incoming_damage_2500ms>health.max*0.40 * actions.prot+=/shield_wall,if=incoming_damage_2500ms>health.max*0.40&!cooldown.last_stand.remains=0 * actions.prot+=/potion,name=unbending_potion,if=(incoming_damage_2500ms>health.max*0.15&!buff.potion.up)|target.time_to_die<=25 * actions.prot+=/battle_cry,if=cooldown.shield_slam.remains=0 * actions.prot+=/demoralizing_shout,if=talent.booming_voice.enabled&buff.battle_cry.up * actions.prot+=/ravager,if=talent.ravager.enabled&buff.battle_cry.up * actions.prot+=/neltharions_fury,if=!buff.shield_block.up&cooldown.shield_block.remains>3&((cooldown.shield_slam.remains>3&talent.heavy_repercussions.enabled)|(!talent.heavy_repercussions.enabled)) * actions.prot+=/shield_block,if=!buff.neltharions_fury.up&((cooldown.shield_slam.remains=0&talent.heavy_repercussions.enabled)|action.shield_block.charges=2|!talent.heavy_repercussions.enabled) * actions.prot+=/ignore_pain,if=(rage>=60&!talent.vengeance.enabled)|(buff.vengeance_ignore_pain.up&rage>=39)|(talent.vengeance.enabled&!buff.vengeance_ignore_pain.up&!buff.vengeance_revenge.up&rage<30&!buff.revenge.react) * actions.prot+=/shield_slam,if=(!(cooldown.shield_block.remains<=gcd.max*2&!buff.shield_block.up)&talent.heavy_repercussions.enabled)|!talent.heavy_repercussions.enabled * actions.prot+=/thunder_clap * actions.prot+=/revenge,if=(talent.vengeance.enabled&buff.revenge.react&!buff.vengeance_ignore_pain.up)|(buff.vengeance_revenge.up&rage>=59)|(talent.vengeance.enabled&!buff.vengeance_ignore_pain.up&!buff.vengeance_revenge.up&rage>=69)|(!talent.vengeance.enabled&buff.revenge.react) * actions.prot+=/devastate */ } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { // Do AOE Stuff here } }
public override void Pulse() // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target) { if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Scroll) && !WoW.TargetIsPlayer && !WoW.IsMounted) { SelectRotation(4, 9999, 1); } //Dark Pact if (WoW.CanCast("Dark Pact") && WoW.Talent(5) == 3 && WoW.HealthPercent <= 30 && !WoW.IsMounted) { WoW.CastSpell("Dark Pact"); return; } //Shadowfury if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(DetectKeyPress.VK_LMENU) < 0 && WoW.Talent(3) == 3 && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Shadowfury")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadowfury"); return; } if (UseCooldowns) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) { //Doomguard if (WoW.CanCast("Doomguard") && (WoW.Talent(6) == 0 || WoW.Talent(6) == 2 || WoW.Talent(6) == 3) && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Doomguard"); return; } //Grimoire of Service if (WoW.CanCast("Grimoire: Felguard") && WoW.Talent(6) == 2 && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Grimoire: Felguard"); return; } //Soul Harvest if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Harvest") && WoW.Talent(4) == 3 && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Bloodlust") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Time Warp") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Netherwinds") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Drums of War") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heroism"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Harvest"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) { if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Doom") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Doom") <= 150) && WoW.CanCast("Doom") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Doom"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Darkglare") && WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Darkglare"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Call Dreadstalkers") && (WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 2 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Demonic Calling")) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Call Dreadstalkers"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Hand of Guldan") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Hand of Guldan"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Demonic Empowerment") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Demonic Empowerment") && (!WoW.PetHasBuff("Demonic Empowerment") || WoW.PetBuffTimeRemaining("Demonic Empowerment") <= 1.5 || WoW.WasLastCasted("Call Dreadstalkers") || WoW.WasLastCasted("Grimoire: Felguard") || WoW.WasLastCasted("Doomguard") || WoW.WasLastCasted("Hand of Guldan"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Demonic Empowerment"); Thread.Sleep(1000); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Talkiels Consumption") && WoW.PetHasBuff("Demonic Empowerment") && WoW.PetBuffTimeRemaining("Demonic Empowerment") >= 2 && WoW.DreadstalkersCount >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Talkiels Consumption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felstorm") && WoW.PetHasBuff("Demonic Empowerment") && WoW.PetBuffTimeRemaining("Demonic Empowerment") >= 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Felstorm"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadowflame") && WoW.Talent(1) == 2 && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Shadowflame") && WoW.CanCast("Shadowflame") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadowflame"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Life Tap") && WoW.Mana < 60 && WoW.HealthPercent > 50) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Demonwrath") && WoW.Mana > 60 && WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Demonwrath"); return; } if ((WoW.CanCast("Shadow Bolt") || WoW.CanCast("Demonbolt")) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadow Bolt"); WoW.CastSpell("Demonbolt"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (WoW.CanCast("Hand of Guldan") && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Hand of Guldan"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Implosion") && WoW.Talent(2) == 3 && WoW.WildImpsCount >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Implosion"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Darkglare") && WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Darkglare"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Demonic Empowerment") && WoW.CanCast("Felstorm") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Demonic Empowerment") && (!WoW.PetHasBuff("Demonic Empowerment") || WoW.PetBuffTimeRemaining("Demonic Empowerment") <= 6)) { WoW.CastSpell("Demonic Empowerment"); Thread.Sleep(2000); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felstorm") && WoW.PetHasBuff("Demonic Empowerment") && WoW.PetBuffTimeRemaining("Demonic Empowerment") >= 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Doom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Felstorm"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Life Tap") && WoW.Mana < 60 && WoW.HealthPercent > 50) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Demonwrath") && WoW.Mana > 60) { WoW.CastSpell("Demonwrath"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one } }
public void MGRotation() { if (isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensivePillarofFrost && isMelee && combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("PillarofFrost") && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("PillarofFrost"); } if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensiveErW && isMelee && currentRunes == 0 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("PillarofFrost") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Empower Rune") && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("Empower Rune"); } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Icy Talons") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Icy Talons") <= 200) && runicPower >= 25 && !(combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && CanCastNoRange("Obliteration") && WoW.Talent(7) == 1) && (WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration")))) { Log.Write("Hasbuff " + WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Icy Talons") + " Remaining " + WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Icy Talons")); WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (isMelee && WoW.HealthPercent <= 40 && WoW.Level >= 55 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Free DeathStrike") && (WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (CanCastInRange("Howling Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Howling Blast") && WoW.Level >= 55 && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Frost Fever") && currentRunes >= 1 && (WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Howling Blast"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && runicPower >= 80 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (CanCastInRange("Howling Blast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rime") && WoW.Level >= 55 && (WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Howling Blast"); return; } if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && runicPower >= 25 && WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && CanCastNoRange("Obliteration") && WoW.Level >= 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Obliteration"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && runicPower >= 25 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Killing Machine")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Killing Machine") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration") && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Obliterate"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Killing Machine") && WoW.Level >= 90) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostscythe"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Obliterate"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(7) == 3 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && CanCastNoRange("Glacial Advance") && WoW.Level >= 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Glacial Advance"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && runicPower >= 40 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && !(combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && CanCastNoRange("Obliteration")) && WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && CanCastNoRange("Remorseless Winter") && WoW.Level >= 57 && (WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || (WoW.Talent(7) == 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Obliteration")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Remorseless Winter"); return; } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Icy Talons") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Icy Talons") <= 200) && runicPower >= 25) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (isMelee && WoW.HealthPercent <= 40 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Free DeathStrike") && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (CanCastInRange("Howling Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Howling Blast") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Frost Fever") && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Howling Blast"); return; } if (CanCastInRange("Howling Blast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rime") && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Howling Blast"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) != 1 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && CanCastNoRange("Remorseless Winter") && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("Remorseless Winter"); return; } if (runicPower >= 80 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) != 1 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Obliterate"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && currentRunes >= 1 && isMelee && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Killing Machine") && WoW.Level >= 90) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostscythe"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(7) == 3 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && CanCastNoRange("Glacial Advance") && WoW.Level >= 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Glacial Advance"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && CanCastNoRange("Remorseless Winter") && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("Remorseless Winter"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.Level >= 90) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostscythe"); return; } if (runicPower >= 25 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Icy Talons") < 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sindragosa's Fury") && (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(0x5A) < 0) && WoW.Level >= 110) { WoW.CastSpell("Sindragosa's Fury"); return; } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (WoW.IsMounted) { return; } // if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && interruptwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1200) // { // if (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Sigil of Silence") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Arcane Torrent")) // { // WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Silence"); // interruptwatch.Reset(); // interruptwatch.Start(); // return; // } // if (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Arcane Torrent") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Sigil of Silence")) // { // WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); // interruptwatch.Reset(); // interruptwatch.Start(); // return; // } // } if (UseCooldowns) { } if (combatRoutine.Type != RotationType.SingleTarget && combatRoutine.Type != RotationType.AOE) { return; } if (!WoW.HasTarget || !WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { return; } if (WoW.HasBossTarget && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FOTI") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("FOTI"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("FOTI") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FOTI") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.CountEnemyNPCsInRange >= 2 && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("FOTI"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eye Beam") && WoW.Fury > 50 && WoW.CountEnemyNPCsInRange >= 2 && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Eye Beam"); return; } { if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Metamorphosis")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Nemesis") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Nemesis")) { WoW.CastSpell("Nemesis"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Chaos Blades") && (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Chaos Blades") && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Chaos Blades Buff")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Chaos Blades"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Death Sweep") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Death Sweep") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Annihilation") && WoW.Fury > 15) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Sweep"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Annihilation") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Annihilation") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Annihilation") && WoW.Fury > 40) { WoW.CastSpell("Annihilation"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Annihilation")) { WoW.CastSpell("Felblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Throw Glaive") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Bloodlet")) { WoW.CastSpell("Throw Glaive"); return; } } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Metamorphosis")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Eye Beam") && WoW.Fury >= 50 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eye Beam"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Throw Glaive") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Bloodlet")) { WoW.CastSpell("Throw Glaive"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felblade")) // Fury Generator { WoW.CastSpell("Felblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Chaos Blades") && (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Chaos Blades") && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Chaos Blades Buff")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Chaos Blades"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Nemesis") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Nemesis") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Nemesis"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("FOTI") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FOTI") && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("FOTI"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eye Beam") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.Fury >= 50) { WoW.CastSpell("Eye Beam"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blade Dance") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blade Dance"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Chaos Strike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Eye Beam") && (WoW.Fury >= 40 || WoW.Fury >= 70)) { WoW.CastSpell("Chaos Strike"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Blade Dance") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blade Dance") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.Fury > 15) { WoW.CastSpell("Blade Dance"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.Fury < 110) { WoW.CastSpell("Felblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Chaos Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Chaos Strike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.Fury > 40) { WoW.CastSpell("Chaos Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Felblade"); return; } } //if (WoW.CanCast("Demons Bite") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Chaos Strike") && WoW.Fury <= 70) // Fury Generator //{ // WoW.CastSpell("Demons Bite"); //} }
public override void Pulse() { //Combat Time if (CombatTime.IsRunning && !WoW.IsInCombat) { CombatTime.Reset(); } if (!CombatTime.IsRunning && WoW.IsInCombat) { CombatTime.Start(); } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("HitCombo")) { HitCombo = ""; } if (!WoW.IsInCombat || (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Serenity")) || (IsOpenerDone && !Serenity)) { OpenerOrder = 1; } var EnergyPct = WoW.Energy / EnergyMax * 100f; // Single Target Rotation if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { //Log.Write($"[HitCombo] '{HitCombo}'"); //Stop Casting CJL if (HitCombo == "CracklingJadeLightning" && WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { WoW.CastSpell("StopCasting"); return; } //Cooldowns if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { //Touch Of Death if (WoW.CanCast("TouchOfDeath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && !GaleBurst && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("TouchOfDeath"); HitCombo = "TouchOfDeath"; return; } //Touch Of Death (Serenity talent) [Gale] if (WoW.CanCast("TouchOfDeath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Serenity") < 2 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("RisingSunKick") < 2 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("FistsOfFury") < 8 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("StrikeOfTheWindlord") <= 4 && Serenity && GaleBurst && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2 && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("TouchOfDeath"); HitCombo = "TouchOfDeath"; return; } //Touch Of Death (WDP talent) [Gale] if (WoW.CanCast("TouchOfDeath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("RisingSunKick") < 7 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("FistsOfFury") <= 4 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("StrikeOfTheWindlord") < 8 && !Serenity && GaleBurst && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2 && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("TouchOfDeath"); HitCombo = "TouchOfDeath"; return; } //Serenity if (WoW.CanCast("Serenity") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && (WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("TouchOfDeath") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath")) && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("FistsOfFury") < 15 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("StrikeOfTheWindlord") < 13 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("RisingSunKick") && Serenity && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Serenity"); return; } //SEF (Opener not done) if (WoW.CanCast("SEF") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2 && !IsOpenerDone && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SEF") && !Serenity && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("SEF"); return; } //SEF if (WoW.CanCast("SEF") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && IsOpenerDone && (WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("TouchOfDeath") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath")) && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("FistsOfFury") <= 6 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("StrikeOfTheWindlord") <= 14 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("RisingSunKick") <= 6 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SEF") && !Serenity && (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("EnergizingElixir") || WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("SEF") == 2 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath")) && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("SEF"); return; } //Energizing Elixir if (WoW.CanCast("EnergizingElixir") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && IsOpenerDone && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SEF")) { WoW.CastSpell("EnergizingElixir"); return; } //Energizing Elixir if (WoW.CanCast("EnergizingElixir") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy < EnergyMax && (IsOpenerDone || !Serenity) && WoW.CurrentChi <= 1 && (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("StrikeOfTheWindlord") || !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("RisingSunKick"))) { WoW.CastSpell("EnergizingElixir"); return; } } //Serenity Opener (With Touch of Death) if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Serenity") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath")) { //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 1) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; OpenerOrder = 2; return; } //Strike Of The Windlord if (WoW.CanCast("StrikeOfTheWindlord") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 2) { WoW.CastSpell("StrikeOfTheWindlord"); HitCombo = "StrikeOfTheWindlord"; OpenerOrder = 3; return; } //Fists of Fury if (WoW.CanCast("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("FistsOfFury"); HitCombo = "FistsOfFury"; OpenerOrder = 4; return; } //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 4) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; OpenerOrder = 5; return; } //Spinning Crane Kick if (WoW.CanCast("SpinningCraneKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 5) { WoW.CastSpell("SpinningCraneKick"); HitCombo = "SpinningCraneKick"; OpenerOrder = 6; return; } //Blackout Kick if (WoW.CanCast("BlackoutKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "BlackoutKick" && OpenerOrder == 6) { WoW.CastSpell("BlackoutKick"); HitCombo = "BlackoutKick"; return; } } //WDP Opener if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SEF") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath") && !IsOpenerDone) { //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 1) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; OpenerOrder = 2; return; } //Energizing Elixir if (WoW.CanCast("EnergizingElixir") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 2) { WoW.CastSpell("EnergizingElixir"); OpenerOrder = 3; return; } //Fists of Fury if (WoW.CanCast("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("FistsOfFury"); HitCombo = "FistsOfFury"; OpenerOrder = 4; return; } //Strike Of The Windlord if (WoW.CanCast("StrikeOfTheWindlord") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && OpenerOrder == 4) { WoW.CastSpell("StrikeOfTheWindlord"); HitCombo = "StrikeOfTheWindlord"; OpenerOrder = 5; return; } //Tiger Palm if (WoW.CanCast("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "TigerPalm" && OpenerOrder == 5) { WoW.CastSpell("TigerPalm"); HitCombo = "TigerPalm"; OpenerOrder = 6; return; } //Whirling Dragon Punch if (WoW.CanCast("WhirlingDragonPunch") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("RisingSunKick") && OpenerOrder == 6) { WoW.CastSpell("WhirlingDragonPunch"); HitCombo = "WhirlingDragonPunch"; IsOpenerDone = true; return; } } //Serenity Rotation if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Serenity") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath")) { //Strike Of The Windlord if (WoW.CanCast("StrikeOfTheWindlord") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm")) { WoW.CastSpell("StrikeOfTheWindlord"); HitCombo = "StrikeOfTheWindlord"; WasStrikeOfTheWindlordCasted = true; return; } //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm")) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; return; } //Fists of Fury if (WoW.CanCast("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WasStrikeOfTheWindlordCasted && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Serenity") <= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("FistsOfFury"); HitCombo = "FistsOfFury"; WasStrikeOfTheWindlordCasted = false; return; } //Spinning Crane Kick if (WoW.CanCast("SpinningCraneKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "SpinningCraneKick" && (HitCombo == "BlackoutKick" || OpenerOrder == 5)) { WoW.CastSpell("SpinningCraneKick"); HitCombo = "SpinningCraneKick"; return; } //Blackout Kick if (WoW.CanCast("BlackoutKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "BlackoutKick") { WoW.CastSpell("BlackoutKick"); HitCombo = "BlackoutKick"; return; } } // Normal Rotation if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Serenity") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath") || !Serenity)) { //Fists of Fury if (WoW.CanCast("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && (WoW.CurrentChi >= 3 || (Katsuo && WoW.CurrentChi >= 1)) && !WoW.WasLastCasted("EnergizingElixir")) { WoW.CastSpell("FistsOfFury"); HitCombo = "FistsOfFury"; return; } //Strike Of The Windlord if (WoW.CanCast("StrikeOfTheWindlord") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("StrikeOfTheWindlord"); HitCombo = "StrikeOfTheWindlord"; return; } //Tiger Palm (if <4 Chi and about to cap energy) if (WoW.CanCast("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy >= 50 && EnergyPct > 90 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("EnergizingElixir") && WoW.CurrentChi < 4 && HitCombo != "TigerPalm") { WoW.CastSpell("TigerPalm"); HitCombo = "TigerPalm"; return; } //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; return; } //Whirling Dragon Punch if (WoW.CanCast("WhirlingDragonPunch") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("RisingSunKick") && !Serenity) { WoW.CastSpell("WhirlingDragonPunch"); HitCombo = "WhirlingDragonPunch"; return; } //Chi Wave if (WoW.CanCast("ChiWave") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy < 50 && WoW.CurrentChi < 5 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SEF")) { WoW.CastSpell("ChiWave"); HitCombo = "ChiWave"; return; } //Blackout Kick if (WoW.CanCast("BlackoutKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && (WoW.CurrentChi > 1 || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("BlackoutKick!")) && HitCombo != "BlackoutKick") { WoW.CastSpell("BlackoutKick"); HitCombo = "BlackoutKick"; return; } //Tiger Palm if (WoW.CanCast("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy >= 50 && HitCombo != "TigerPalm") { WoW.CastSpell("TigerPalm"); HitCombo = "TigerPalm"; return; } //CracklingJadeLightning (only to counter the Tiger Palm issue) if (WoW.CanCast("CracklingJadeLightning") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy >= 20 && HitCombo == "TigerPalm" && WoW.CurrentChi == 0) { WoW.CastSpell("CracklingJadeLightning"); HitCombo = "CracklingJadeLightning"; return; } } } // AoE Rotation if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (HitCombo == "CracklingJadeLightning" && WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { WoW.CastSpell("StopCasting"); return; } //Cooldowns if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { //Energizing Elixir if (WoW.CanCast("EnergizingElixir") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy < EnergyMax && WoW.CurrentChi <= 1 && (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("StrikeOfTheWindlord") || !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("RisingSunKick"))) { WoW.CastSpell("EnergizingElixir"); return; } } //Serenity Rotation if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Serenity")) { //Strike Of The Windlord if (WoW.CanCast("StrikeOfTheWindlord") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm")) { WoW.CastSpell("StrikeOfTheWindlord"); HitCombo = "StrikeOfTheWindlord"; WasStrikeOfTheWindlordCasted = true; return; } //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm")) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; return; } //Fists of Fury if (WoW.CanCast("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WasStrikeOfTheWindlordCasted && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Serenity") <= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("FistsOfFury"); HitCombo = "FistsOfFury"; WasStrikeOfTheWindlordCasted = false; return; } //Spinning Crane Kick if (WoW.CanCast("SpinningCraneKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "SpinningCraneKick" && (HitCombo == "BlackoutKick" || OpenerOrder == 5)) { WoW.CastSpell("SpinningCraneKick"); HitCombo = "SpinningCraneKick"; return; } //Blackout Kick if (WoW.CanCast("BlackoutKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "BlackoutKick") { WoW.CastSpell("BlackoutKick"); HitCombo = "BlackoutKick"; return; } } // Normal Rotation if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Serenity") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("TouchOfDeath") || !Serenity)) { //Fists of Fury if (WoW.CanCast("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && (WoW.CurrentChi >= 3 || (Katsuo && WoW.CurrentChi >= 1)) && !WoW.WasLastCasted("EnergizingElixir")) { WoW.CastSpell("FistsOfFury"); HitCombo = "FistsOfFury"; return; } //Whirling Dragon Punch if (WoW.CanCast("WhirlingDragonPunch") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FistsOfFury") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("RisingSunKick") && !Serenity) { WoW.CastSpell("WhirlingDragonPunch"); HitCombo = "WhirlingDragonPunch"; return; } //Strike Of The Windlord if (WoW.CanCast("StrikeOfTheWindlord") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("StrikeOfTheWindlord"); HitCombo = "StrikeOfTheWindlord"; return; } //Rising Sun Kick if (WoW.CanCast("RisingSunKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.CurrentChi >= 2 && !Serenity && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("WhirlingDragonPunch") < gcd * 2 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("FistsOfFury")) { WoW.CastSpell("RisingSunKick"); HitCombo = "RisingSunKick"; return; } //Spinning Crane Kick if (WoW.CanCast("SpinningCraneKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && HitCombo != "SpinningCraneKick" && WoW.CurrentChi >= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("SpinningCraneKick"); HitCombo = "SpinningCraneKick"; return; } //Chi Wave if (WoW.CanCast("ChiWave") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy < 50 && WoW.CurrentChi < 5 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("SEF") && HitCombo == "TigerPalm") { WoW.CastSpell("ChiWave"); HitCombo = "ChiWave"; return; } //Blackout Kick if (WoW.CanCast("BlackoutKick") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && (WoW.CurrentChi > 1 || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("BlackoutKick!")) && HitCombo != "BlackoutKick" && (HitCombo == "TigerPalm" || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("MotC"))) { WoW.CastSpell("BlackoutKick"); HitCombo = "BlackoutKick"; return; } //Tiger Palm if (WoW.CanCast("TigerPalm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy >= 50 && HitCombo != "TigerPalm") { WoW.CastSpell("TigerPalm"); HitCombo = "TigerPalm"; return; } //CracklingJadeLightning (only to counter the Tiger Palm issue) if (WoW.CanCast("CracklingJadeLightning") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("TigerPalm") && WoW.Energy >= 20 && HitCombo == "TigerPalm" && WoW.CurrentChi == 0) { WoW.CastSpell("CracklingJadeLightning"); HitCombo = "CracklingJadeLightning"; } } } }
public void BreathRotation() { hasBreath = WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Breath"); if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensivePillarofFrost && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("PillarofFrost") && hasBreath && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("PillarofFrost"); } if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensivePillarofFrost && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("PillarofFrost") && !hasBreath && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Breath") >= 5900 && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("PillarofFrost"); } if ((haveCoF || useNextHRWCharge) && isCheckHotkeyslegyring && haveHRW && runicPower <= 30 && isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensiveErW && combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("HEmpower Rune") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("HEmpower Rune") && hasBreath && legyringtest == true && WoW.Level >= 58) { useNextHRWCharge = false; WoW.CastSpell("HEmpower Rune"); legyringtest = false; } if ((haveCoF || useNextHRWCharge) && !isCheckHotkeyslegyring && haveHRW && runicPower <= 30 && isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensiveErW && combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("HEmpower Rune") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("HEmpower Rune") && hasBreath && WoW.Level >= 58) { useNextHRWCharge = false; WoW.CastSpell("HEmpower Rune"); } if (isCheckHotkeyslegyring && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Breath")) { legyringtest = true; } if ((haveCoF || useNextHRWCharge) && !haveHRW && runicPower <= 50 && currentRunes <= 1 && isCheckHotkeysFrostOffensiveErW && combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("HEmpower Rune") && hasBreath && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("Empower Rune"); } if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && runicPower >= 70 && CanCastNoRange("Breath") && WoW.Level >= 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Breath"); useNextHRWCharge = true; return; } if (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && isMelee && runicPower >= 70 && CanCastNoRange("Breath")) { return; } if (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Frost Fever") && currentRunes >= 1 && !hasBreath && CanCastInRange("Howling Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Howling Blast") && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Howling Blast"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.Level >= 57 && ((runicPower >= 48 && hasBreath) || !hasBreath) && (!combatRoutine.UseCooldowns || (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Breath") >= 1500)) && CanCastNoRange("Remorseless Winter")) { WoW.CastSpell("Remorseless Winter"); return; } if (((runicPower >= 46 && hasBreath) || !hasBreath) && CanCastInRange("Howling Blast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rime") && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Howling Blast"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) != 1 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && !hasBreath && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Gathering Storm") && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Obliterate"); return; } if (runicPower >= 70 && !hasBreath && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Killing Machine") && !hasBreath && WoW.Level >= 90) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostscythe"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && WoW.Level >= 55 && (!hasBreath || (hasBreath && (runicPower <= 70 || hasBreath && currentRunes > 3)))) { WoW.CastSpell("Obliterate"); return; } if (runicPower >= 25 && CanCastInRange("Frost Strike") && !hasBreath && (!combatRoutine.UseCooldowns || (combatRoutine.UseCooldowns && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Breath") >= 1500))) { WoW.CastSpell("Frost Strike"); return; } if (WoW.Talent(2) == 3 && currentRunes <= 4 && runicPower <= 70 && WoW.Level >= 57 && CanCastNoRange("Horn") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("HEmpower Rune") && (hasBreath || (!hasBreath && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Breath") >= 1500))) { WoW.CastSpell("Horn"); } if (isMelee && WoW.HealthPercent <= 40 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Free DeathStrike") && !hasBreath && WoW.Level >= 55) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } }
public override void Pulse() // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target) { if (WoW.CanCast("Healthstone") && WoW.ItemCount("Healthstone") >= 1 && !WoW.ItemOnCooldown("Healthstone") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60 && WoW.HealthPercent != 0 && WoW.IsInCombat) { WoW.CastSpell("Healthstone"); return; } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) { if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 540) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 150) && WoW.CanCast("Agony") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Agony"); return; } if ((WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 3 || (WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 2 && WoW.WasLastCasted("Unstable Affliction"))) && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Unstable Affliction") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Unstable Affliction"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if ((WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Reap Souls") >= 12) && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Reap Souls") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Deadwind Harvester") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Tormented Souls") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Reap Souls"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phantom") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phantom"); return; } /*if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.CanCast("Trinket") &&!WoW.ItemOnCooldown("Trinket") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) * { * WoW.CastSpell("Trinket"); * return; * }*/ if (WoW.CanCast("Berserk") && UseCooldowns && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserk") && WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll") { WoW.CastSpell("Berserk"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Life Tap") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.Talent(2) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Empowered Life Tap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 420) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 150) && WoW.CanCast("Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Corruption"); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Siphon Life") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Siphon Life") <= 420) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Siphon Life") <= 150) && WoW.Talent(4) == 1 && WoW.CanCast("Siphon Life") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Siphon Life"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Unstable Affliction") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.Talent(2) == 1 && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Unstable Affliction") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction1") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction2") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction3") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction4") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction5") <= 150))) { WoW.CastSpell("Unstable Affliction"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.Mana < 70 && WoW.HealthPercent > 70 && WoW.CanCast("Life Tap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Drain Soul") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Drain Soul"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) // Do AOE stuff here { if (WoW.CanCast("Agony") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 540))) { WoW.CastSpell("Agony"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 420))) { WoW.CastSpell("Corruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Seed of Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Seed of Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Seed of Corruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Drain Soul") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption")) { WoW.CastSpell("Drain Soul"); return; } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Battle Cry")) { if (WoW.TargetHealthPercent > 20 && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Charge")) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Colossus Smash")) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.Rage >= 105) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shattered Defenses")) { WoW.CastSpell("Colossus Smash"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Mortal Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mortal Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Mortal Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Slam") && WoW.Rage >= 32 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mortal Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Slam"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Warbreaker") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Battle Cry") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Colossus Smash")) { WoW.CastSpell("Warbreaker"); return; } } if (WoW.TargetHealthPercent < 20 && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Charge")) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.Rage > 105) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Mortal Strike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Focused Rage") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Focused Rage") == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Mortal Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shattered Defenses")) { WoW.CastSpell("Colossus Smash"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Execute") && WoW.Rage == 18 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Precise Strikes")) { WoW.CastSpell("Execute"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Execute") && WoW.Rage == 38 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Precise Strikes")) { WoW.CastSpell("Execute"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Slam") && WoW.Rage > 32 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mortal Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Slam"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Warbreaker") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Battle Cry") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Colossus Smash")) { WoW.CastSpell("Warbreaker"); return; } } } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Battle Cry")) { if (WoW.TargetHealthPercent > 20 && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Focused Rage") < 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shattered Defenses")) { WoW.CastSpell("Colossus Smash"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Mortal Strike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shattered Defenses") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mortal Strike") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Focused Rage") == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Mortal Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Slam") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mortal Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Slam"); return; } } if (WoW.TargetHealthPercent < 20 && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { if (WoW.CanCast("Focused Rage") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Focused Rage") < 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Focused Rage"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Colossus Smash") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Colossus Smash")) { WoW.CastSpell("Colossus Smash"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Mortal Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mortal Strike") && (WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Focused Rage") == 3)) { WoW.CastSpell("Mortal Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Execute")) { WoW.CastSpell("Execute"); return; } } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.CanCast("Summon Water Elemental") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.HasPet) { WoW.CastSpell("Summon Water Elemental"); return; } if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Invisibility")) { //Movement Control if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Floes") && WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Floes")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Floes"); } //Insta-Cast Flurry on Proc and ice lance for shatter. if (WoW.CanCast("Flurry") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Brain Freeze")) { WoW.CastSpell("Flurry"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Lance") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Flurry") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Icy Veins")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Lance"); } //RoP Control if (WoW.CanCast("Rune of Power") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Icy Veins") >= 120) { WoW.CastSpell("Rune of Power"); return; } //Ray of Frost control if (WoW.CanCast("Ray of Frost") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") == 0 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Icy Veins") >= 60) { WoW.CastSpell("Ray of Frost"); } // FoF Creation if (WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Chain Reaction") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Icy Veins") >= 30 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Flurry")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Frozen Orb") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Frozen Orb") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Icy Veins") >= 60) { WoW.CastSpell("Frozen Orb"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Frozen Touch") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") <= 1 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Frozen Orb") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Frozen Orb")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frozen Touch"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Ebonbolt") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Fingers of Frost") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Brain Freeze") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Icy Veins") >= 45) { WoW.CastSpell("Ebonbolt"); return; } //Waterjet on cooldown within parameters if (WoW.CanCast("Water Jet") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") <= 1 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Frozen Touch") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Frozen Orb") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Frozen Orb") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Frozen Touch")) { WoW.CastSpell("Water Jet"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbolt") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Water Jet")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbolt"); return; } } //Ice Lance Control if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Lance") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Frostbolt") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Chain Reaction") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Chain Reaction") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Fingers of Frost") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Lance"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Lance") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Lance"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Lance") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") >= 1 && WoW.WasLastCasted("Ice Lance")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Lance"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Lance") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Brain Freeze") && WoW.WasLastCasted("Flurry")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Lance"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Lance") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Chain Reaction") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Fingers of Frost") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Lance"); return; } //Frostbolt Control if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Brain Freeze") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Flurry")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbolt") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Fingers of Frost") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Frostbolt")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbolt"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbolt") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Chain Reaction") <= 2 && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Frostbolt")) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbolt"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbolt") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Chain Reaction") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Chain Reaction") == 3 && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Chain Reaction") <= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbolt"); return; } } //Frost Bomb - i dont use //if ((WoW.CanCast("Frost Bomb")&&WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Fingers of Frost")&&WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Fingers of Frost") == 2)&&!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Frost Bomb")&&!WoW.WasLastCasted("Ice Lance")&&!WoW.WasLastCasted("Rune of Power")) // { // WoW.CastSpell("Frost Bomb"); // return; // } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { //Heal if not in combat if (!WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.HealthPercent <= 95 & WoW.Energy >= 30 && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { //WoW.SendMacro("/cast [@player] Effuse"); return; } //Sanity Checks if (WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { return; } if (!WoW.HasTarget) { return; } if (!WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { return; } if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { return; } if (!WoW.IsInCombat) { return; } } //Cooldown saves if (WoW.HealthPercent <= 85 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Healing Elixir") > 0 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Healing Elixir")) { WoW.CastSpell("Healing Elixir"); return; } //Interrupts or Damage negation if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Spear Hand Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Spear Hand Strike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Spear Hand Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Spear Hand Strike"); return; } //Leg Sweep to open, or mitigate damage if (WoW.CanCast("Leg Sweep") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Leg Sweep") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Leg Sweep"); return; } //Look for Expel Harm Charges.. if 3 and health low then hit if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Expel Harm") >= 3 && WoW.HealthPercent <= 75 && WoW.Energy >= 15) { WoW.CastSpell("Expel Harm"); return; } //If Target is almost dead, and we have Expel Harm charges use up -- we don't want to leave it if (WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 10 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Expel Harm") != 100 && WoW.CanCast("Expel Harm") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Expel Harm") && WoW.Energy >= 15) { Log.Write(string.Format("Expel Harm Count {0}", WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Expel Harm"))); WoW.CastSpell("Expel Harm"); return; } //Maintain Eye of the Tiger if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Eye of the Tiger") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Tiger Palm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Tiger Palm"); return; } //Breath of fire if Vulnerable if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Keg Smash") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Breath of Fire") && WoW.CanCast("Breath of Fire") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Breath of Fire")) { WoW.CastSpell("Breath of Fire"); return; } if (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Keg Smash") && WoW.CanCast("Keg Smash") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Keg Smash") && WoW.Energy >= 40) { WoW.CastSpell("Keg Smash"); return; } //Energy dump if High if (WoW.Energy >= 65 && WoW.CanCast("Tiger Palm") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Tiger Palm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Tiger Palm"); return; } //if Ironskin count = 3 and in Melee range (or we cast too early as we approach) if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Ironskin Brew") >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ironskin Brew") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { _ironSkinFired = true; WoW.CastSpell("Ironskin Brew"); return; } if (_ironSkinFired && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ironskin Brew")) { _ironSkinFired = false; if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Purifying Brew") >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Purifying Brew"); return; } } //if We Can Cast Exploding Keg and in Melee range then do so if (WoW.CanCast("Exploding Keg") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Exploding Keg") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { //WoW.SendMacro("/cast [@player] Exploding Keg"); return; } //TODO NEED F*****g ability to detect staggers so we can use our spare Purifying Brew here.. We are not //Optimized until this behavior exists. We need to use it, then pop Fortifying Brew if (WoW.CanCast("Blackout Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blackout Strike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blackout Strike"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Tiger Palm") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Tiger Palm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Keg Smash")) { WoW.CastSpell("Tiger Palm"); } }
public override void Pulse() { { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rupture") && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Kingsbane") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Envenom") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Envenom") >= 150 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Kingsbane") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") >= 1400 && ( WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Vendetta") >= 1000 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") )) { WoW.CastSpell("Kingsbane"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Toxic Blade") && WoW.Energy >= 20 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Toxic Blade") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote") && WoW.Talent(6) == 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Toxic Blade"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Exsanguinate") && WoW.Energy >= 25 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Exsanguinate") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote") && WoW.Talent(6) == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Exsanguinate"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Garrote") && WoW.Energy >= 45 && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Garrote") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Garrote") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Garrote"); return; } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && WoW.CanCast("Fan Of Knives") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("FoK") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("FoK") == 30 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4) { WoW.CastSpell("Fan Of Knives"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Garrote") && WoW.Energy >= 45 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Garrote") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Garrote") <= 300 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Garrote"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") <= 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") <= 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Toxins") <= 150 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Toxins") <= 150 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Kingsbane") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") >= 400 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 2 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Envenom") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Envenom") <= 150) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); Log.Write("Extend Envenom remaining"); return; } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Kingsbane") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") >= 400 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); Log.Write("Getting Envenom up for kingsbane"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && WoW.Energy >= 140 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 4 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 600 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Mutilate") && WoW.Energy >= 55 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Mutilate"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Vendetta") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Vendetta") && WoW.Energy <= 50 ) { WoW.CastSpell("Vendetta"); return; } /*if (UseCooldowns && * WoW.CanCast("Vanish") && * WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && * WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && * ( * WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && * WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") < 10 * ) * ) { * WoW.CastSpell("Vanish"); * return; * }*/ if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Critbuff") && UseCooldowns && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Vanish") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta")) { WoW.CastSpell("Vanish"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Berserk") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserk") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll") { WoW.CastSpell("Berserk"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) // Do AoE Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rupture") && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.CanCast("Fan Of Knives")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fan Of Knives"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Toxic Blade") && WoW.Energy >= 20 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Toxic Blade") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote") && WoW.Talent(6) == 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Toxic Blade"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Exsanguinate") && WoW.Energy >= 25 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Exsanguinate") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote") && WoW.Talent(6) == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Exsanguinate"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 35 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 35 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 36 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 36 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 4 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 36 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.CanCast("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Garrote") && WoW.Energy >= 45 && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Garrote") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Garrote") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Garrote"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Berserk") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserk")) { WoW.CastSpell("Berserk"); return; } } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 4000 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power") || (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Rune of Power"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Mirrors && WoW.CanCast("Mirror Image") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Mirror Image"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Scorch") && WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Scorch"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Meteor && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Meteor"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting && UseCooldowns && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 6000 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && ROF && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Ring of Frost"); return; } if (Barrier && WoW.CanCast("Blazing Barrier") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 80 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blazing Barrier") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Blazing Barrier")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blazing Barrier"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 500 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Combustion && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || UseCooldowns && Combustion && Mirrors && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { WoW.CastSpell("Combustion"); return; } if (DragBr && WoW.CanCast("Dragon's Breath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Scorch") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Dragon's Breath"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") > 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 2000 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") < 2000 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 50 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Living Bomb") && LivingBomb && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Living Bomb") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Living Bomb"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Block") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Block") && IceBlock && WoW.HealthPercent < 20 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ice Block")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Block"); Log.Write("--------Activating Ice Block, you were below 20%HealthPoints.--------"); return; } // Legendary Bracers Support. if (Legendary && WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") > 400 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") || (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") < 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.LastSpell == "Combustion") { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") < 2000) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Phoenix's Flames") > 130 && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 2000) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 2000) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 2000 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 4000 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power") || (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Rune of Power"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Mirrors && WoW.CanCast("Mirror Image") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Mirror Image"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Scorch") && WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Scorch"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Meteor && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Meteor"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting && UseCooldowns && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 6000 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && ROF && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Ring of Frost"); return; } if (Barrier && WoW.CanCast("Blazing Barrier") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 80 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blazing Barrier") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Blazing Barrier")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blazing Barrier"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 500 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Combustion && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || UseCooldowns && Combustion && Mirrors && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { WoW.CastSpell("Combustion"); return; } if (DragBr && WoW.CanCast("Dragon's Breath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Scorch") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Dragon's Breath"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") > 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 2000 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 110 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") < 2000 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 5000 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Living Bomb") && LivingBomb && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Living Bomb") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Living Bomb"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Block") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Block") && IceBlock && WoW.HealthPercent < 20 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ice Block")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Block"); Log.Write("--------Activating Ice Block, you were below 20%HealthPoints.--------"); return; } // Legendary Bracers Support. if (Legendary && WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") > 400 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") || (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") < 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.LastSpell == "Combustion") { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 200 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Phoenix's Flames") > 130 && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 200 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 2000 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 2000) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (WoW.IsInCombat) { interruptwatch.Start(); } // if (WoW.HasBuff("Mount")) return; // COOLDOWNS if (WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rebuke")) { if (SeraphimBoss && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Seraphim") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shield of the Righteous") >= 2 && WoW.HealthPercent >= 80) { Log.Write("Seraphim", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Seraphim"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shield of the Righteous") == 3) { Log.Write("SoTR 3 Stacks, casting SoTR.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Shield of the Righteous"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shield of the Righteous") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Shield of the Righteous") <= 1.5) { Log.Write("SoTR remaining under 1.5seconds on target, cast SoTR.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Shield of the Righteous"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shield of the Righteous") >= 1 && WoW.HealthPercent <= 80 && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shield of the Righteous") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Shield of the Righteous") <= 1.5)) { Log.Write("SoTR 1+ Stack and Health under 80%.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Shield of the Righteous"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eye of Tyr") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Eye of Tyr") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60) { Log.Write("Health under 60%, casting Eye of Tyr.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Eye of Tyr"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ardent Defender") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ardent Defender") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 10) { Log.Write("Health Critical casting Ardent Defender.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Ardent Defender"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Guardian of the Ancient Kings") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Guardian of the Ancient Kings") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 30) { Log.Write("Health low casting GoAK.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Guardian of the Ancient Kings"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Lay on Hands") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Lay on Hands") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 20) { Log.Write("Health low casting LoH.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Lay on Hands"); return; } if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && interruptwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1500) { // if (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rebuke")) // { // WoW.CastSpellByName("Rebuke"); // interruptwatch.Reset(); // interruptwatch.Start(); // return; // } if (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Avenger's Shield") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Avenger's Shield")) { WoW.CastSpell("Avenger's Shield"); interruptwatch.Reset(); interruptwatch.Start(); return; } } } // SINGLE if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rebuke")) //GCD and Melee range Check { // Hand of the Protector under 60% health if (HotPBoss && WoW.CanCast("Hand of the Protector") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Hand of the Protector") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60) { Log.Write("Health under 60%, Hand of Protector.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Hand of the Protector"); return; } // Light of the Protector under 60% health if (!HotPBoss && WoW.CanCast("Light of the Protector") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Light of the Protector") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60) { Log.Write("Health under 60%, Light of Protector.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Light of the Protector"); return; } // Cast Hammer if max stacks if (BlessedHammerBoss && WoW.CanCast("Blessed Hammer") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Blessed Hammer") >= 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Blessed Hammer")) { Log.Write("Blessed Hammer max stacks, casting Blessed Hammer.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Blessed Hammer"); return; } // Cast Hammer if (!BlessedHammerBoss && WoW.CanCast("Hammer of the Righteous") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Hammer of the Righteous") >= 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Hammer of the Righteous")) { Log.Write("Hammer of the Righteous.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Hammer of the Righteous"); return; } // Judgement on Cooldown if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Judgement")) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); return; } // Consecration on cooldown if (WoW.CanCast("Consecration") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Consecration") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Consecration")) { Log.Write("Consecration debuff not active, casting Consecration.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Consecration"); return; } // Avenger's Shield on cooldown if (WoW.CanCast("Avenger's Shield") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Avenger's Shield")) { WoW.CastSpell("Avenger's Shield"); return; } // Cast Blessed Hammer at 1 + stacks if (BlessedHammerBoss && WoW.CanCast("Blessed Hammer") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Blessed Hammer") >= 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Blessed Hammer") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Blessed Hammer")) { Log.Write("Nothing to do, casting Blessed Hammer.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Blessed Hammer"); return; } } } // AOE/CLEAVE if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) // AoE/Cleave { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy) // { // Hand of the Protector under 60% health if (HotPBoss && WoW.CanCast("Hand of the Protector") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Hand of the Protector") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60) { Log.Write("Health under 60%, Hand of Protector.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Hand of the Protector"); return; } // Light of the Protector under 60% health if (!HotPBoss && WoW.CanCast("Light of the Protector") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Light of the Protector") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60) { Log.Write("Health under 60%, Light of Protector.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Light of the Protector"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Blessed Hammer") >= 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Blessed Hammer")) // Cast Hammer if max stacks { WoW.CastSpell("Blessed Hammer"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Avenger's Shield") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Avenger's Shield")) // Avenger's Shield on cooldown { WoW.CastSpell("Avenger's Shield"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Consecration") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Consecration") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Consecration")) // Consecration on cooldown { Log.Write("Consecration debuff not active, casting Consecration.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Consecration"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blessed Hammer") && // Cast Hammer at 1 + stacks WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Blessed Hammer") >= 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Blessed Hammer")) { Log.Write("AoE, casting Blessed Hammer.", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Blessed Hammer"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && !WoW.IsSpellOnGCD("Judgement")) // Judgement on Cooldown { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() { /*if (!WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.HealthPercent <= 75 & WoW.Energy >= 30 && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.IsMounted) * { * WoW.CastSpell("Effuse"); * return; * }*/ if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsVisible && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { //Heal if not in combat /*if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm") && WoW.CanCast("Trinket") &&!WoW.ItemOnCooldown("Trinket")) * { * WoW.CastSpell("Trinket"); * return; * }*/ //Cooldown saves if (WoW.HealthPercent <= 85 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Healing Elixir") > 0 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Healing Elixir")) { WoW.CastSpell("Healing Elixir"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Rushing Jadewind") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rushing Jadewind")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rushing Jadewind"); return; } //Interrupts or Damage negation if (WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible && WoW.TargetPercentCast >= 60 && WoW.CanCast("Spear Hand Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Spear Hand Strike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Spear Hand Strike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Spear Hand Strike"); return; } //Leg Sweep to open, or mitigate damage if (WoW.CanCast("Leg Sweep") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Leg Sweep") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Leg Sweep"); return; } /*//Look for Expel Harm Charges.. if 3 and health low then hit * if (WoW.CanCast("Expel Harm") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Expel Harm") >= 3 && WoW.HealthPercent <= 75 && WoW.Energy >= 15) * { * WoW.CastSpell("Expel Harm"); * return; * } * //If Target is almost dead, and we have Expel Harm charges use up -- we don't want to leave it * if (WoW.CanCast("Expel Harm") && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 10 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Expel Harm") != 100 && WoW.CanCast("Expel Harm") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Expel Harm") && WoW.Energy >= 15) * { * Log.Write(string.Format("Expel Harm Count {0}", WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Expel Harm"))); * WoW.CastSpell("Expel Harm"); * return; * }*/ //Maintain Eye of the Tiger if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Eye of the Tiger") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Tiger Palm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Tiger Palm"); return; } //Breath of fire if Vulnerable if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Keg Smash") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Breath of Fire") && WoW.CanCast("Breath of Fire") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Breath of Fire")) { WoW.CastSpell("Breath of Fire"); return; } if (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Keg Smash") && WoW.CanCast("Keg Smash") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Keg Smash") && WoW.Energy >= 40) { WoW.CastSpell("Keg Smash"); return; } //Energy dump if High if (WoW.Energy >= 65 && WoW.CanCast("Tiger Palm") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Tiger Palm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Tiger Palm"); return; } //if Ironskin count = 3 and in Melee range (or we cast too early as we approach) if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Ironskin Brew") >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ironskin Brew") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { _ironSkinFired = true; WoW.CastSpell("Ironskin Brew"); return; } if (_ironSkinFired && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ironskin Brew")) { _ironSkinFired = false; if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Purifying Brew") >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Purifying Brew"); return; } } //if We Can Cast Exploding Keg and in Melee range then do so if (WoW.CanCast("Exploding Keg") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Exploding Keg") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Exploding Keg"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blackout Strike") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blackout Strike") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blackout Strike"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Tiger Palm") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Tiger Palm") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Tiger Palm") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Keg Smash")) { WoW.CastSpell("Tiger Palm"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.IsInCombat) //Pull need to do by yourself - to prevent a mess { if (WoW.CanCast("Metamorphosis") && WoW.HealthPercent <= ConfigFile.ReadValue<int>("Demonhunter", "Metamorphosis Usage Percent")) { //Log.Write("Metamorphosis"); Log.Write("Health low < set % using CDs...", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Metamorphosis"); // Off the GCD no return needed } if (WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible) //interupt every spell with all we got { if (WoW.CanCast("Consume Magic") && WoW.TargetPercentCast >= 60 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Consume Magic")) { WoW.CastSpell("Consume Magic"); return; } if (Bloodelf && WoW.CanCast("Arcane Torrent") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Consume Magic") && WoW.TargetPercentCast >= 60 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver")) { WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sigil of Silence") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Consume Magic") && (WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Arcane Torrent") || !Bloodelf) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver")) { WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Silence"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Fiery Brand") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fiery Brand") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Fiery Demise")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fiery Brand"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Carver") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fiery Brand") >= 10) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Carver"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Spirit Bomb") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Spirit Bomb") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Soul Fragments") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Frailty")) { WoW.CastSpell("Spirit Bomb"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sigil of Flame") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Fiery Demise") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Fiery Demise") >= 7) { WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Flame"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fel Eruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fel Eruption") && WoW.Pain >= 10 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Fiery Demise")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fel Eruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Barrier") && WoW.Pain >= 10 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Soul Fragments") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Soul Fragments") >= 4) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Barrier"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Demon Spikes") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Demon Spikes") && (WoW.Pain >= 92 || WoW.HealthPercent < 90 && WoW.Pain >= 20)) // to not waste cd and pain { WoW.CastSpell("Demon Spikes"); } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Cleave") && ((WoW.Pain >= 30 && WoW.HealthPercent < 25) || (WoW.Pain >= 80 && WoW.HealthPercent < 50 && !WoW.CanCast("Demon Spikes")) || (WoW.Pain >= 60 && WoW.HealthPercent < 50 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Demon Spikes")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Cleave"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fracture") && ((WoW.Pain >= 20 && WoW.HealthPercent >= 50 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Demon Spikes")) || (WoW.Pain >= 80 && WoW.HealthPercent >= 50 && !WoW.CanCast("Demon Spikes")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Fracture"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Immolation Aura")) { WoW.CastSpell("Immolation Aura"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sigil of Flame")) { WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Flame"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Fel Eruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fel Eruption") && WoW.Pain >= 10) { WoW.CastSpell("Fel Eruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sever") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Metamorphosis")) // Pain Generator { WoW.CastSpell("Sever"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shear") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Metamorphosis")) // Pain Generator { WoW.CastSpell("Shear"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Throw Glaive") && !WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Throw Glaive")) //Need to implement range 30y for Throw Glaive spell 204157 { WoW.CastSpell("Throw Glaive"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.IsInCombat) //Pull need to do by yourself - to prevent a mess { if (WoW.CanCast("Metamorphosis") && WoW.HealthPercent <= ConfigFile.ReadValue<int>("Demonhunter", "Metamorphosis Usage Percent")) { //Log.Write("Metamorphosis"); Log.Write("Health low < set % using CDs...", Color.Red); WoW.CastSpell("Metamorphosis"); // Off the GCD no return needed } if (WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible) //interupt every spell with all we got { if (WoW.CanCast("Consume Magic") && WoW.TargetPercentCast >= 60 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Consume Magic")) { WoW.CastSpell("Consume Magic"); return; } if (Bloodelf && WoW.CanCast("Arcane Torrent") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Consume Magic") && WoW.TargetPercentCast >= 60 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver")) { WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sigil of Silence") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Consume Magic") && (WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Arcane Torrent") || !Bloodelf) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver")) { WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Silence"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Fiery Brand") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fiery Brand") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Fiery Demise")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fiery Brand"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Carver") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fiery Brand") >= 10) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Carver"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Spirit Bomb") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Spirit Bomb") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Soul Fragments") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Frailty")) { WoW.CastSpell("Spirit Bomb"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sigil of Flame") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Fiery Demise") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Fiery Demise") >= 7) { WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Flame"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fel Eruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fel Eruption") && WoW.Pain >= 10 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Fiery Demise")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fel Eruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Barrier") && WoW.Pain >= 10 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Soul Fragments") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Soul Fragments") >= 4) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Barrier"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Demon Spikes") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Demon Spikes") && (WoW.Pain >= 92 || WoW.HealthPercent < 90 && WoW.Pain >= 20)) // to not waste cd and pain { WoW.CastSpell("Demon Spikes"); } if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Soul Cleave") && ((WoW.Pain >= 30 && WoW.HealthPercent < 25) || (WoW.Pain >= 80 && !WoW.CanCast("Demon Spikes")) || (WoW.Pain >= 60 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Demon Spikes")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Soul Cleave"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Immolation Aura")) { WoW.CastSpell("Immolation Aura"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sigil of Flame")) { WoW.CastSpell("Sigil of Flame"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Fel Eruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fel Eruption") && WoW.Pain >= 10) { WoW.CastSpell("Fel Eruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Sever") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Metamorphosis")) // Pain Generator { WoW.CastSpell("Sever"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shear") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Metamorphosis")) // Pain Generator { WoW.CastSpell("Shear"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Throw Glaive") && !WoW.IsSpellInRange("Soul Carver") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Throw Glaive")) //Need to implement range 30y for Throw Glaive spell 204157 { WoW.CastSpell("Throw Glaive"); return; } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy) //First things go first { if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Wind Shear")) //interupt every spell - need to add kickable spells { WoW.CastSpell("Wind Shear"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Totem Mastery") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Totem Mastery")) //Totem mastery at beggining { WoW.CastSpell("Totem Mastery"); return; } if (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Elemental")) // && WoW.IsBoss) // use Fire Elemental { Log.Write("Boss detected, using Fire Elemental", Color.Purple); WoW.CastSpell("Fire Elemental"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ascendance") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ascendance")) // && WoW.IsBoss) //use Ascendance { WoW.CastSpell("Ascendance"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Stormkeeper") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Stormkeeper") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance")) //use stormkeeper after ascendance { WoW.CastSpell("Stormkeeper"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Lightning Bolt") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Stormkeeper") && !WoW.IsMoving) //Filler with stormkeeper { WoW.CastSpell("Lightning Bolt"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Elemental Mastery") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Elemental Mastery")) //use Elemental Mastery on CD { WoW.CastSpell("Elemental Mastery"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Flame Shock") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Flame Shock")) //Refresh Flame shock { WoW.CastSpell("Flame Shock"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Earth Shock") && WoW.Maelstrom > 99) //Earth shock on 100 maelstrom { WoW.CastSpell("Earth Shock"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Lava Burst") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Flame Shock") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Lava Surge")) //lava burst when we have lava surge { WoW.CastSpell("Lava Burst"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Lava Burst") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Flame Shock") && !WoW.IsMoving) //lava burst when not moving { WoW.CastSpell("Lava Burst"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Lightning Bolt") && !WoW.IsMoving) //Filler { WoW.CastSpell("Lightning Bolt"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Astral Shift") && WoW.HealthPercent < 40 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Astral Shift")) //ASTRAL SHIFT - DMG REDUCTION if we are below 40% of HP { WoW.CastSpell("Astral Shift"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) //cast chain light and earthguake, using CDs without fire elemental { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy) //First things go first { if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Wind Shear")) //interupt every spell - need to add kickable spells { WoW.CastSpell("Wind Shear"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Totem Mastery") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Totem Mastery")) //Totem mastery at beggining { WoW.CastSpell("Totem Mastery"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ascendance") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ascendance")) // && WoW.IsBoss) //use Ascendance on boss { WoW.CastSpell("Ascendance"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Stormkeeper") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Stormkeeper") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance")) //Stormkeeper after ascendance { WoW.CastSpell("Stormkeeper"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Lava Beam") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance") && !WoW.IsMoving) //Filler { WoW.CastSpell("Lava Beam"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Lava Burst") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Flame Shock") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Lava Surge")) //lava burst when we have lava surge { WoW.CastSpell("Lava Burst"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Earthquake") && WoW.Maelstrom > 50) //Earthquake using this macro #showtooltip Earthquake /cast [@cursor] Earthquake Need to point at location where EQ is cast { WoW.CastSpell("Earthquake"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Chain Lightning") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Stormkeeper") && !WoW.IsMoving) //Chain with stormkeeper { WoW.CastSpell("Chain Lightning"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Elemental Mastery") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Elemental Mastery")) //use Elemental Mastery on CD { WoW.CastSpell("Elemental Mastery"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Chain Lightning") && !WoW.IsMoving) //Filler { WoW.CastSpell("Chain Lightning"); } if (WoW.CanCast("Astral Shift") && WoW.HealthPercent < 40 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Astral Shift")) //ASTRAL SHIFT - DMG REDUCTION if we are below 40% of HP { WoW.CastSpell("Astral Shift"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target) { AddonCreationPulse(); PlayerStats(); AoEStuff(); if (WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Mount")) { SelectRotation(); } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Mount")) { if (WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && WoW.WasLastCasted("Unstable Affliction") && WoW.CanCast("Reap Souls") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Deadwind Harvester") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Tormented Souls")) { WoW.CastSpell("Reap Souls"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 5.4) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 1.5) && WoW.CanCast("Agony") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Agony"); return; } if ((WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 3 || WoW.WasLastCasted("Unstable Affliction") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Unstable Affliction") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Unstable Affliction"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Life Tap") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && CharInfo.T2 == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Empowered Life Tap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 4.2) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 1) && WoW.CanCast("Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Corruption"); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Siphon Life") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Siphon Life") <= 4.2) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Siphon Life") <= 1) && CharInfo.T4 == 1 && WoW.CanCast("Siphon Life") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Siphon Life"); return; } /*if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5")) || (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5")) || && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting || && WoW.CanCast("Reap Souls") || && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Deadwind Harvester") || && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Tormented Souls")) || { || WoW.CastSpell("Reap Souls"); || return; || }*/ if (WoW.CanCast("Reap Souls") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Deadwind Harvester") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Tormented Souls")) { WoW.CastSpell("Reap Souls"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felhunter") && CharInfo.T6 == 2 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Felhunter") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Felhunter"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Unstable Affliction") && !WoW.IsMoving && CharInfo.T2 == 1 && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Unstable Affliction") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction1") <= 1.5) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction2") <= 1.5) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction3") <= 1.5) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction4") <= 1.5) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction5") <= 1.5))) { WoW.CastSpell("Unstable Affliction"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.Mana < 70 && WoW.HealthPercent > 70 && WoW.CanCast("Life Tap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Haunt") && CharInfo.T1 == 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Haunt") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Haunt"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Drain Soul") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Drain Soul"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Mount")) // Do AOE stuff here { if (WoW.CanCast("Agony") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 5.4))) { WoW.CastSpell("Agony"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 4.2))) { WoW.CastSpell("Corruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Seed of Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Seed of Corruption"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one } }
public override void Pulse() // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target) { renewBones = !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Bone Shield") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Bone Shield") <= 5; isMelee = WoW.CanCast("Marrowrend", false, false, true, false, false); bonesStack = WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Bone Shield"); currentRunes = WoW.CurrentRunes; runicPower = WoW.RunicPower; if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.TargetIsVisible) { if (isCDDefEnable) { useCDDef(); } if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && CanCastInRange("Mind Freeze") && isCastingListedSpell()) { WoW.CastSpell("Mind Freeze"); return; } if ((renewBones || bonesStack < 3) && isMelee) { if (currentRunes >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil", false, true, false, true, false) && isMelee && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Blood Plague")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } if (CanCastNoRange("Consumption") && isMelee) { WoW.CastSpell("Consumption"); return; } if (isTalentBloodDrinker && CanCastInRange("BD") && !renewBones && currentRunes >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("BD"); return; } if (isMelee && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Crimson Scourge") && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 10) { WoW.CastSpell("DnD"); return; } if (isMelee && runicPower >= 45 && ((WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ossuary") && (runicPower >= 85 || WoW.HealthPercent < 80)) || WoW.HealthPercent < 50)) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && bonesStack <= 6) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DnD") == 0 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 10 && !renewBones && bonesStack > 6) { WoW.CastSpell("DnD"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 2 && !renewBones && bonesStack > 6) { WoW.CastSpell("Heart Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil", false, true, false, true, false) && isMelee) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.TargetIsVisible) { if (isCDDefEnable) { useCDDef(); } if (WoW.TargetIsCasting && CanCastInRange("Mind Freeze") && isCastingListedSpell()) { WoW.CastSpell("Mind Freeze"); return; } if ((renewBones || bonesStack < 3) && isMelee) { if (currentRunes >= 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Marrowrend"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil", true, true, false, true, true) && isMelee && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Blood Plague")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } if (isTalentBloodDrinker && CanCastInRange("BD") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 60 && !renewBones && currentRunes >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("BD"); return; } if (CanCastNoRange("Consumption") && isMelee) { WoW.CastSpell("Consumption"); return; } if (isMelee && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Crimson Scourge") && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 10) { WoW.CastSpell("DnD"); return; } if (isTalentBoneStorm && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Bonestorm") == 0 && isMelee && runicPower >= 100) { WoW.CastSpell("Bonestorm"); return; } if (isTalentBoneStorm && isMelee && runicPower >= 45 && ((runicPower >= 85 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Bonestorm") >= 3) || WoW.HealthPercent < 70 || WoW.HealthPercent < 50)) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (!isTalentBoneStorm && isMelee && runicPower >= 45 && (runicPower >= 85 || WoW.HealthPercent < 70)) { WoW.CastSpell("Death Strike"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("DnD") == 0 && isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 10 && !renewBones && bonesStack > 2) { WoW.CastSpell("DnD"); return; } if (isMelee && currentRunes >= 1 && !renewBones && bonesStack > 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Heart Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blood Boil", false, true, false, true, false) && isMelee) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Boil"); return; } if (isTalentBloodDrinker && CanCastInRange("BD") && !renewBones && currentRunes >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("BD"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds == 0) { stopwatch.Start(); Log.WritePixelMagic("The Cooldown toggle button is now Active (Numpad0). The delay is set to 500ms ( 0.5 second )", Color.Black); return; } { if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(DetectKeyPress.VK_NUMPAD0) < 0) { if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 500) { combatRoutine.UseCooldowns = !combatRoutine.UseCooldowns; stopwatch.Restart(); } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { if (WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rupture") && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Kingsbane") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Envenom") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Envenom") >= 1.5 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Kingsbane") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") >= 14 && ( WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Vendetta") >= 10 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") )) { WoW.CastSpell("Kingsbane"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Garrote") && WoW.Energy >= 45 && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Garrote") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Garrote") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Garrote"); return; } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && WoW.CanCast("Fan Of Knives") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("FoK") && WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("FoK") == 30 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4) { WoW.CastSpell("Fan Of Knives"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.CanCast("Garrote") && WoW.Energy >= 45 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Garrote") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Garrote") <= 3 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Garrote"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") <= 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") <= 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Toxins") <= 1.5 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Toxins") <= 1.5 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Kingsbane") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") >= 4 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 2 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Envenom") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Envenom") <= 1.5) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); Log.Write("Extend Envenom remaining"); return; } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Kingsbane") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") >= 4 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); Log.Write("Getting Envenom up for kingsbane"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Toxins") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && WoW.Energy >= 140 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 4 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") > 6 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Mutilate") && WoW.Energy >= 55 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Mutilate"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Vendetta") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Vendetta") && WoW.Energy <= 50 ) { WoW.CastSpell("Vendetta"); return; } /*if (UseCooldowns && * WoW.CanCast("Vanish") && * WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && * WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta") && * ( * WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && * WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Rupture") < 10 * ) * ) { * WoW.CastSpell("Vanish"); * return; * }*/ if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Critbuff") && UseCooldowns && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Vanish") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta")) { WoW.CastSpell("Vanish"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Vanish") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Vendetta")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) // Do AoE Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rupture") && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.CanCast("Fan Of Knives")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fan Of Knives"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 35 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 35 && WoW.CanCast("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 4 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 36 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 25 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints == 5 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 36 && WoW.CanCast("Rupture") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rupture"); return; } if (WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 4 && WoW.TargetHealthPercent >= 36 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Rupture") && WoW.CanCast("Envenom")) { WoW.CastSpell("Envenom"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Garrote") && WoW.Energy >= 45 && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Garrote") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Garrote") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 4 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Garrote")) { WoW.CastSpell("Garrote"); return; } } } } }
public void EnhancementCD() { if (UseCooldowns) { //actions.CDs = bloodlust,if= < 25 | time > 0.500 //actions.CDs +=/ berserking,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll" && WoW.CanCast("Berserking") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserking") && ((WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance")) || Pets.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)) { WoW.CastSpell("Berserking"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ blood_fury,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) | level < 100 if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Orc" && WoW.CanCast("Blood Fury") && ((WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance")) || Pets.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Fury"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ feral_spirit if (WoW.CanCast("Feral Spirit", true, true, false, false, true) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning", true, true, false, false, true) || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Crash lightning") < GCD)) //feral spirit on boss - normally cast manually { Pets.Start(); WoW.CastSpell("Feral Spirit"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ potion,if= buff.ascendance.up | !talent.ascendance.enabled & feral_spirit.remains > 5 | target.time_to_die <= 60 //actions.CDs +=/ doom_winds,if= debuff.earthen_spike.up & talent.earthen_spike.enabled | !talent.earthen_spike.enabled if (WoW.CanCast("Doom Winds") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && (WoW.Talent(7) == 3 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Earthen spike") || WoW.Talent(7) != 3)) { WoW.CastSpell("Doom Winds"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ ascendance,if= buff.doom_winds.up if (WoW.CanCast("Ascendance") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Doom Winds")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ascendance"); return; } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { if (!doneOpener) { if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && WoW.Level >= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); doneOpener = true; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && WoW.Level >= 3 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Judgement")) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Rebuke") && WoW.Level >= 35 && WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rebuke") && WoW.TargetPercentCast > Random.Next(30, 85)) { WoW.CastSpell("Rebuke"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && WoW.Level >= 3 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Judgement")) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Wake of Ashes")) { WoW.CastSpell("Wake of Ashes"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Templar's Verdict") && WoW.Level >= 10 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Judgement") && WoW.UnitPower >= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Templar's Verdict"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blade of Justice") && WoW.Level >= 20) { WoW.CastSpell("Blade of Justice"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Crusader Strike") && WoW.Level <= 30) { WoW.CastSpell("Crusader Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Zeal") && WoW.Level >= 30) { WoW.CastSpell("Zeal"); return; } if (WoW.Level >= 100 && WoW.Talent(7) == 2 && WoW.CanCast("Crusade") && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Crusade"); } if (WoW.Level >= 80 && WoW.Level < 100 && WoW.CanCast("Avenging Wrath") && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Avenging Wrath"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Crusade") && WoW.Level >= 100 && WoW.Talent(7) == 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Crusade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Justicar's Vengeance") && WoW.Level >= 100 && WoW.CurrentHolyPower >= 5 && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Justicar's Vengeance"); return; } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.Cleave) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { if (!doneOpener) { if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && WoW.Level >= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); doneOpener = true; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && WoW.Level >= 3 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Judgement")) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Rebuke") && WoW.Level >= 35 && WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rebuke") && WoW.TargetPercentCast > Random.Next(30, 85)) { WoW.CastSpell("Rebuke"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Judgement") && WoW.Level >= 3 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Judgement")) { WoW.CastSpell("Judgement"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Divine Storm") && WoW.Level >= 10 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Judgement") && WoW.UnitPower >= 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Divine Storm"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Blade of Justice") && WoW.Level >= 20) { WoW.CastSpell("Blade of Justice"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Crusader Strike") && WoW.Level <= 30) { WoW.CastSpell("Crusader Strike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Zeal") && WoW.Level >= 30) { WoW.CastSpell("Zeal"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Wake of Ashes")) { WoW.CastSpell("Wake of Ashes"); return; } if (WoW.Level >= 100 && WoW.Talent(7) == 2 && WoW.CanCast("Crusade") && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Crusade"); } if (WoW.Level >= 80 && WoW.Level < 100 && WoW.CanCast("Avenging Wrath") && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Avenging Wrath"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Justicar's Vengeance") && WoW.Level >= 100 && WoW.CurrentHolyPower >= 5 && UseCooldowns) { WoW.CastSpell("Justicar's Vengeance"); return; } } }
private void EnhancementFiller() { //actions.filler = rockbiter,if= maelstrom < 120 if (WoW.CanCast("Rockbiter", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom < 120) { WoW.CastSpell("Rockbiter", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ flametongue,if= buff.flametongue.remains < 4.8 if (WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true) && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Flametongue") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Flametongue") < 480)) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Filler: Refresh buff spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ rockbiter,if= maelstrom <= 40 if (WoW.CanCast("Rockbiter", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom < 40) { WoW.CastSpell("Rockbiter", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ crash_lightning,if= (talent.crashing_storm.enabled | active_enemies >= 2) & debuff.earthen_spike.up & maelstrom >= 40 & variable.OCPool60 if (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && (WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && combatRoutine.Type != RotationType.SingleTarget) && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Earthen spike") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 40 && OCPool60) { Crash.Restart(); WoW.CastSpell("Crash lightning", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & buff.frostbrand.remains < 4.8 & maelstrom > 40 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && hailstormCheck && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Frostbrand") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Frostbrand") < 480 && WoW.Maelstrom >= 40)) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Hailstorm check"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ frostbrand,if= variable.akainuEquipped & !buff.frostbrand.up & maelstrom >= 75 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && akainuEquip && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Frostbrand") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 75)) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ sundering if (WoW.CanCast("Sundering") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.Talent(6) == 3) { WoW.CastSpell("Sundering", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ lava_lash,if= maelstrom >= 50 & variable.OCPool70 & variable.furyCheck80 if (WoW.CanCast("lava lash", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom > 50 && OCPool70 && furyCheck80) { WoW.CastSpell("lava lash", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ rockbiter if (WoW.CanCast("Rockbiter", true, true, true)) { WoW.CastSpell("Rockbiter", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ crash_lightning,if= (maelstrom >= 65 | talent.crashing_storm.enabled | active_enemies >= 2) & variable.OCPool60 & variable.furyCheck45 if (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && (WoW.Maelstrom > 65 | WoW.Talent(6) == 1 && combatRoutine.Type != RotationType.SingleTarget) && OCPool60 && furyCheck45) { Crash.Restart(); WoW.CastSpell("Crash lightning", "Filler spell"); return; } //actions.filler +=/ flametongue if (WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true)) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Filler spell"); return; } }
public override void Pulse() { if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds == 0) { stopwatch.Start(); Log.WritePixelMagic("The Cooldown toggle button is now Active (Numpad0). The delay is set to 1000ms ( 1 second )", Color.Black); return; } { if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(DetectKeyPress.VK_NUMPAD0) < 0) { if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000) { combatRoutine.UseCooldowns = !combatRoutine.UseCooldowns; stopwatch.Restart(); } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 40 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power") || (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Rune of Power"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Mirrors && WoW.CanCast("Mirror Image") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Mirror Image"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Scorch") && WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Scorch"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Meteor && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Meteor"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting && UseCooldowns && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 60 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && ROF && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Ring of Frost"); return; } if (Barrier && WoW.CanCast("Blazing Barrier") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 80 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blazing Barrier") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Blazing Barrier")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blazing Barrier"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 5 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Combustion && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || UseCooldowns && Combustion && Mirrors && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { WoW.CastSpell("Combustion"); return; } if (DragBr && WoW.CanCast("Dragon's Breath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Scorch") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Dragon's Breath"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") > 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 20 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") < 20 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 0.5 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Living Bomb") && LivingBomb && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Living Bomb") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Living Bomb"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Block") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Block") && IceBlock && WoW.HealthPercent < 20 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ice Block")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Block"); Log.Write("--------Activating Ice Block, you were below 20%HealthPoints.--------"); return; } // Legendary Bracers Support. if (Legendary && WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") > 4 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") || (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Floes") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") < 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.LastSpell == "Combustion") { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 20 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Phoenix's Flames") > 1.3 && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 20 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.IsMoving && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Floes") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 20 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 40 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power") || (UseCooldowns && RuneOfPower && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Rune of Power") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Rune of Power"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Rune of Power"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Mirrors && WoW.CanCast("Mirror Image") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Mirror Image"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Scorch") && WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Scorch"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Meteor && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Meteor"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting && UseCooldowns && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && Combustion && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 60 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && ROF && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Ring of Frost"); return; } if (Barrier && WoW.CanCast("Blazing Barrier") && WoW.HealthPercent <= 80 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blazing Barrier") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Blazing Barrier")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blazing Barrier"); return; } if (!UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && WoW.CanCast("Cinderstorm") && Cinderstorm && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Ignite") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 5 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Cinderstorm"); return; } if (UseCooldowns && Combustion && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Rune of Power") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || UseCooldowns && Combustion && Mirrors && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") == 3 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 2 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Mirror Image") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { WoW.CastSpell("Combustion"); return; } if (DragBr && WoW.CanCast("Dragon's Breath") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Scorch") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Dragon's Breath"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") > 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 20 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 1.1 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") < 20 && WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") == 3 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Fire Blast") > 0.5 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flames" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast") { WoW.CastSpell("Phoenix's Flames"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Living Bomb") && LivingBomb && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Living Bomb") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Living Bomb"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Ice Block") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Block") && IceBlock && WoW.HealthPercent < 20 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Ice Block")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ice Block"); Log.Write("--------Activating Ice Block, you were below 20%HealthPoints.--------"); return; } // Legendary Bracers Support. if (Legendary && WoW.CanCast("Pyroblast") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") > 4 && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") || (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.WasLastCasted("Pyroblast") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Floes") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Marquee Bindings of the Sun King") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!"))) { WoW.CastSpell("Pyroblast"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion")) { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") < 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && WoW.LastSpell == "Combustion") { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Flamestrike") && !UseCooldowns && Combustion && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Flamestrike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 20 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Phoenix's Flames") > 1.3 && WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") > 20 && WoW.LastSpell != "Phoenix's Flame" && WoW.LastSpell != "Fire Blast" && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fire Blast"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (WoW.IsMoving && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ice Floes") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Hot Streak!") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up")) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); return; } if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Fire Blast") >= 1 && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Phoenix's Flames") >= 1 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") >= 20 || WoW.CanCast("Fireball") && !WoW.IsMoving && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Combustion") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heating Up") && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Fire Blast") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Phoenix's Flames") && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Combustion") <= 20) { WoW.CastSpell("Fireball"); } } }
public override void Pulse() { if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Stealth") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Subterfuge") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shadow Dance")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Symbols of Death") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Symbols of Death") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Symbols of Death") <= 10)) { WoW.CastSpell("Symbols of Death"); return; } /* if (WoW.CanCast("Shadow Blades") && WoW.Cooldown && WoW.HasBuff("Symbols of Death")) * { * * WoW.CastSpellByName("Shadow Blades"); * return; * } */ /* if(WoW.CanCast("Goremaw's Bite") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Goremaw's Bite")) * { * * WoW.CastSpellByName("Goremaw's Bite"); * return; * } */ if (WoW.CanCast("Nightblade") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Nightblade") <= 4) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Nightblade")) { WoW.CastSpell("Nightblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadowstrike") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 40 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shadowstrike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadowstrike"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadow Blades") && WoW.HasTarget && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Symbols of Death") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadow Blades"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadow Dance") && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Stealth") || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shadow Dance") || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Subterfuge")) && WoW.Energy >= 55 && (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shadow Dance") == 3 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3 || WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shadow Dance") == 2 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 1) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadow Dance"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Goremaw's Bite") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 2 && WoW.Energy <= 50 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Goremaw's Bite") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Goremaw's Bite"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Nightblade") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Nightblade") <= 4) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Nightblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Backstab") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 55 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Backstab"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE || combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) // Do AoE Target Stuff here { if ((WoW.HasTarget || UseCooldowns) && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat) { if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Stealth") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Subterfuge") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shadow Dance")) { if (WoW.CanCast("Symbols of Death") && WoW.Energy >= 35 && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Symbols of Death") || WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Symbols of Death") <= 10)) { WoW.CastSpell("Symbols of Death"); return; } /* if (WoW.CanCast("Shadow Blades") && WoW.Cooldown && WoW.HasBuff("Symbols of Death")) * { * * WoW.CastSpellByName("Shadow Blades"); * return; * } */ /* if(WoW.CanCast("Goremaw's Bite") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Goremaw's Bite")) * { * * WoW.CastSpellByName("Goremaw's Bite"); * return; * } */ if (WoW.CanCast("Nightblade") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Nightblade") <= 4) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Nightblade")) { WoW.CastSpell("Nightblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadowstrike") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 40 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Shadowstrike")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadowstrike"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shuriken Storm") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shuriken Storm"); return; } } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadow Blades") && WoW.HasTarget && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Symbols of Death") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadow Blades"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shadow Dance") && (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Stealth") || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Shadow Dance") || !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Subterfuge")) && (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shadow Dance") == 3 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 3 || WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("Shadow Dance") == 2 && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 1) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shadow Dance"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Goremaw's Bite") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints <= 2 && WoW.Energy <= 50 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Goremaw's Bite") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Goremaw's Bite"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Nightblade") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 25 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Nightblade") <= 4) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Nightblade"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Eviscerate") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints >= 5 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Nightblade") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Eviscerate"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Shuriken Storm") && WoW.CurrentComboPoints < 6 && WoW.Energy >= 35 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Eviscerate")) { WoW.CastSpell("Shuriken Storm"); } } } }
public override void Pulse() // Updated for Legion (tested and working for single target) { if (WoW.IsInCombat && Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Scroll) && !WoW.TargetIsPlayer && !WoW.IsMounted) { SelectRotation(4, 9999, 1); } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTarget) // Do Single Target Stuff here { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) { if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 540) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 150) && WoW.CanCast("Agony") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Agony"); return; } if ((WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 3 || (WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 2 && WoW.WasLastCasted("Unstable Affliction"))) && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("Unstable Affliction") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Unstable Affliction"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if ((WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || WoW.PlayerBuffStacks("Reap Souls") >= 12) && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && WoW.CanCast("Reap Souls") && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Deadwind Harvester") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Tormented Souls")) { WoW.CastSpell("Reap Souls"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Life Tap") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.Talent(2) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Empowered Life Tap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 420) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 150) && WoW.CanCast("Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Corruption"); return; } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Siphon Life") || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Siphon Life") <= 420) && (!WoW.PlayerIsChanneling || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Siphon Life") <= 150) && WoW.Talent(4) == 1 && WoW.CanCast("Siphon Life") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony")) { WoW.CastSpell("Siphon Life"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Felhunter") && WoW.Talent(6) == 2 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Felhunter") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { WoW.CastSpell("Felhunter"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Unstable Affliction") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.Talent(2) == 1 && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Unstable Affliction") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1 && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction1") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction2") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction3") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction4") || !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Unstable Affliction5") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction1") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction2") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction3") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction4") <= 150) || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Unstable Affliction5") <= 150))) { WoW.CastSpell("Unstable Affliction"); Thread.Sleep(200); return; } if (WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.Mana < 70 && WoW.HealthPercent > 70 && WoW.CanCast("Life Tap")) { WoW.CastSpell("Life Tap"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Haunt") && WoW.Talent(1) == 1 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Haunt") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Haunt"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Drain Soul") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMoving) { WoW.CastSpell("Drain Soul"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.AOE) { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.IsMounted) // Do AOE stuff here { if (WoW.CanCast("Agony") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Agony") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Agony") <= 540))) { WoW.CastSpell("Agony"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Corruption") || (WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining("Corruption") <= 420))) { WoW.CastSpell("Corruption"); return; } if (WoW.CanCast("Seed of Corruption") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Agony") && !WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Seed of Corruption") && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CurrentSoulShards >= 1) { WoW.CastSpell("Seed of Corruption"); return; } } } if (combatRoutine.Type == RotationType.SingleTargetCleave) { // Do Single Target Cleave stuff here if applicable else ignore this one } }